Heating off at 0...20 K via
Room target
Temperature raising at:
0...40 K
Temperature raising for:
0.5...12 h
Temperature dropping at:
0...40 K
Temperature dropping for:
0.5...12 h
Airing TR target:
0...30 °C
The menu points and functions are described in detail
in the TR-CONTROL Technical Documentation.
2.5.2 Heating Circuit
Main Menu 12:34
Heating Circuits Inputs 1..3
The inflow temperature for the heating circuit is regulated
in relation to the external temperature. The slope of the
heating graph can be set as appropriate for the building
and heating system type. The heating circuit mixer regu-
lates the inflow temperature to the inflow target tempera-
ture calculated by the CONTROL 601/701 in that the
heating circuit mixer is switched either on or off. The indi-
vidual heating circuit parameters can be entered in the
Heating Circuit menu points.
Required Room Temperature: 15...30 °C
Room temperature is pre-set at 20 °C. If a higher of lower
room temperature is required, it can be re-set here.
Heating curve slope : 0,3...4,4
Input the correct heating curve slope for the building and
heating system type; see diagram on page 14.
Heating curve curvature: 1,0...1,6
The curvature of the graph is dependent on the type of
heating system or radiators.
Maximum Inflow Temperature:
0...120 °C
The maximum inflow temperature (for example for under-
floor heating) is entered here for regulating the mixer