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Installation & O
eration Manual
Vector G2 & G2B
GPS Compasses
PN 29010078 V2.0 Draft #
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ComNav Vector G2 & G2B Installation & Operation
Document PN 29010078 V2.0 - 1 -
DRAFT #3 – 29 May 2009
Congratulations on your purchase of a ComNav Marine Vector G2 or Vector G2B GPS
Compass! At ComNav, we are dedicated to reliability & quality in all our products, and the
Vectors are a good example of that. We promise to do our best to ensure your satisfaction
with your new Vector GPS Compass.
ComNav Marine Ltd.
Warranty Notice
Prior to the installation and/or operation of the equipment, ensure that you read, understand,
and accept the conditions of the warranties as detailed in the
Warranty Information section of
this manual.
General Notice
This document, ComNav part number 29010078 Version 2 Revision 0, is the approved
Installation and Operation Manual for use with Vector G2 & G2B GPS Compasses. Where
versions of this manual exist in other languages, the English version shall be considered
Special Note
This manual applies primarily to the third generation of the Vector G2 & G2Bs.
A Vector’s generation can be determined by the initial 4 digits of its serial number, which are
a “date code” identifying the year and week it was manufactured. The serial number is on the
label on the underside of the enclosure.
This third generation’s date codes are 0902, or later.
The second generation began at date code 0722 and finished at 0850. For that generation,
please refer to any of revisions 1.4 through 1.6 of this manual, and Addendum #1.
It should be noted that much of the information in this manual can
be used with the later half
of the second generation (date codes 0802 through 0850) – as long as some care is used,
since a few features of the second generation differ from the third generation’s. For details,
see page 89.
The first ge
ration had date codes of 0721 or earlier. For that generation, please refer to
revision 1.2 of this manual.
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ComNav Vector G2 & G2B Installation & Operation
Document PN 29010078 V2.0 - 2 -
DRAFT #3 – 29 May 2009
Document History
Revision Date By Description
1R0 -1R2 01 March 2006
07 July 2006
DC, et al
first release
1R1 & 1R2: minor edits based on user feedback
1R3 31 May 2007 DTO
added G2B & second-generation information
reformatted to new template
1R4 13 June 2007 DTO
added instructions on Baud rate settings for use with
ComNav autopilots
added some more information on configuration options
moved the DGPS configuration description into the main
1R5 14 December 2007 DTO
corrected information in Wiring Diagram and associated
1R6 04 December 2008 DTO
updated Wiring Diagram & Table to correct for error in
OEM cable colour documentation, and to use the correct
signal names (`A’ & `B’) from the NMEA 0183 standard
updated the NMEA Output & Configuration tables with the
second-generation Vector commands, & moved them into
the main body of the manual, for easier reference
updated specifications for the second generation
added Warranty Statement
updated QMI logo
Addendum #1
31 March 2009 DTO
contains information on new “ComNav factory standard”
configuration & related new wiring
new information on commands & parameters & usage
both taken from draft of v2R0 of manual, and valid for
date codes 0902, 0907, up to ~0918
2R0 28 May 2009
valid for date codes 0902 and later (& 08xx, with some
updated numerous sections in order to comply with
international approval (pending) requirements
added diagrams & configuration details for Pitch & Roll
expanded Alignment instructions
revised Wiring Diagram, added supplementary diagrams
for other wiring & usage alternatives
added PC serial port & HyperTerminal usage information
added examples of command input & typical output data
added descriptions of prior generations & cables
added CE Declaration of Conformity
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ComNav Vector G2 & G2B Installation & Operation
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DRAFT #3 – 29 May 2009
About this Manual
This manual provides essential information for the safe and reliable operation of the ComNav
Vector G2 GPS Compass. You are urged to read this manual in its entirety before you use
your GPS Compass for the first time, and to keep it handy until you become thoroughly
familiar with the operation of the compass.
Note: most of the information in this manual applies to both models of
the Vector G2 GPS Compasses: the Vector G2 and the Vector G2B.
For easier reading, most references in the text use “G2” – but that
should always be understood as referring to both models. Whenever
a particular item applies only to the G2 or the G2B, it will be so stated
in the text of that item.
When using this manual with the Vector G2, please ignore the
sections which discuss Radiobeacon signals, Beacon receiver
operation and related installation details. Those sections apply only
to the G2B.
Manual Format
This manual has been formatted to be printed on both sides of the pages of the manual, and
on standard Letter-sized paper (8.5” x 11”).
If you have obtained this manual as a soft-copy, please note that it is in Adobe® Portable
Document Format (“pdf”), and so may be viewed & printed with Adobe Reader®, or
compatible pdf-format viewers.
When printing this manual with Reader, you should select “duplex printing” (or the equivalent
term used by your printer’s software driver), in order to print it double-sided on the paper. If
your printer does not have built-in duplexing capability, you can still print this manual
double-sided by following the instructions that came with your printer for doing “hand
You should also select the Auto-Rotate and Centre
option in the Print Dialog box, de-select
the Choose Paper Source by PDF page size
option; as well, you should set Page Scaling to
None – Reader’s default setting is Shrink to Printable Area, and is printer-dependant (usually
set at ~97%), but that is not needed here.
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ComNav Vector G2 & G2B Installation & Operation
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ComNav Vector G2 & G2B Installation & Operation Table of Contents
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DRAFT #3 – 29 May 2009
Table of Contents
Warranty Notice .........................................................................................................................................................1
General Notice ...........................................................................................................................................................1
Special Note...............................................................................................................................................................1
Document History ......................................................................................................................................................2
About this Manual ......................................................................................................................................................3
Manual Format.......................................................................................................................................................3
Table of Contents ___________________________________________________________________5
List of Figures ............................................................................................................................................................8
List of Tables..............................................................................................................................................................9
Overview _________________________________________________________________________13
Installation ________________________________________________________________________17
Tools Required.........................................................................................................................................................17
Power Supply...........................................................................................................................................................17
Environmental Considerations .................................................................................................................................17
GPS Reception Considerations ...............................................................................................................................18
Radiobeacon Reception Considerations.................................................................................................................. 18
Location & Orientation ............................................................................................................................................. 19
Mounting ..................................................................................................................................................................21
Fixed Base...........................................................................................................................................................21
Pole Base.............................................................................................................................................................23
Alignment................................................................................................................................................................. 25
Wiring....................................................................................................................................................................... 26
Cables & Extensions............................................................................................................................................26
Cable Colour Codes.........................................................................................................................................27
Power Input..........................................................................................................................................................27
Data Connections (Autopilot, GPS Display, Chartplotter, PC, etc.)......................................................................28
Serial Ports ......................................................................................................................................................28
Outputs ........................................................................................................................................................28
Inputs ...........................................................................................................................................................29
Signal Grounds ................................................................................................................................................ 29
Serial Port Settings ..........................................................................................................................................29
Interfacing to a ComNav Autopilot....................................................................................................................30
Commander P2 or Admiral P3 .....................................................................................................................30
5001 System................................................................................................................................................30
Other ComNav Autopilot Systems................................................................................................................30
Interfacing to a ComNav Navigator G2 Display System...................................................................................30
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ComNav Vector G2 & G2B Installation & Operation Table of Contents
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DRAFT #3 – 29 May 2009
Interfacing to a PC............................................................................................................................................32
PC COM Ports..............................................................................................................................................32
D Connector Pinouts ................................................................................................................................32
DE9 Connectors .......................................................................................................................................33
DB25 Connectors .....................................................................................................................................33
Using a PC for Vector G2 Control & Display ................................................................................................34
Using a Vector G2 with a PC Navigation Program .......................................................................................34
Using a PC for both Vector G2 Control/Display & a Navigation Program.....................................................36
Operation ________________________________________________________________________ 39
Understanding How the G2 Works...........................................................................................................................39
Automatic & Continuous Operation......................................................................................................................39
Acquisition Time ...............................................................................................................................................39
GPS Signal Reception & Processing....................................................................................................................40
Determining Position ........................................................................................................................................40
Differential Corrections.................................................................................................................................40
Determining Heading........................................................................................................................................41
Moving Base Station RTK ............................................................................................................................42
Determining Speed and Other Navigation Information .....................................................................................42
Supplemental Sensors .........................................................................................................................................43
Tilt-aided RTK ..................................................................................................................................................43
Gyro-aided RTK ...............................................................................................................................................44
Normal Operation.....................................................................................................................................................45
Output Ports.........................................................................................................................................................45
Output Data Formats........................................................................................................................................46
NMEA 0183 Output ......................................................................................................................................46
Proprietary Output........................................................................................................................................47
Binary Output Sentences .............................................................................................................................47
Baud Rate ............................................................................................................................................................48
Electrical Interface................................................................................................................................................48
Alarm Output........................................................................................................................................................48
Watchdog .........................................................................................................................................................48
Changing the Configuration......................................................................................................................................49
Making Changes ..................................................................................................................................................49
Using HyperTerminal........................................................................................................................................49
Using PocketMAX PC ......................................................................................................................................50
Using a Navigator G2 .......................................................................................................................................50
Configuration Commands.....................................................................................................................................51
Other Commands.................................................................................................................................................57
Customising & Fine-tuning the Configuration.......................................................................................................58
Roll Alignment ..................................................................................................................................................58
Biased Alignment(s) .........................................................................................................................................58
Disabling the Tilt Sensor ..................................................................................................................................59
Re-calibrating the Tilt Sensor ...........................................................................................................................59
Disabling the Gyro Sensor ...............................................................................................................................59
Smoothing Output Data with Time Constants ..................................................................................................59
Changing the Time Constants......................................................................................................................59
DGPS Source...................................................................................................................................................61
Baud Rates & Data Bandwidth.........................................................................................................................61
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ComNav Vector G2 & G2B Installation & Operation Table of Contents
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DRAFT #3 – 29 May 2009
Care & Maintenance ________________________________________________________________65
Protection of Wires and Cabling............................................................................................................................... 65
Periodic Checks .......................................................................................................................................................65
General Precautions ................................................................................................................................................65
Repair ...................................................................................................................................................................... 65
Fuse Replacement................................................................................................................................................... 65
Appendices _______________________________________________________________________69
Appendix 1...............................................................................................................................................................69
GPS Receiver .................................................................................................................................................. 69
DGPS Beacon Receiver (G2B only)................................................................................................................. 69
System Interface ..............................................................................................................................................70
Appendix 2...............................................................................................................................................................71
Setting Up & Using HyperTerminal ......................................................................................................................71
Set Up a New Connection................................................................................................................................ 71
Save and Re-use the Connection ....................................................................................................................74
Use the New Connection to the G2..................................................................................................................75
Example Data Displays.................................................................................................................................... 75
Monitoring the G2.............................................................................................................................................77
Capturing Data Output from the G2 ................................................................................................................. 78
Sending Commands to the G2.........................................................................................................................80
Example Responses............................................................................................................................................84
Appendix 3...............................................................................................................................................................89
Vector Model Generations ...................................................................................................................................89
Identifying Generations ....................................................................................................................................89
Differences between Generations....................................................................................................................89
Differences between Cables ............................................................................................................................91
Cable Usage ................................................................................................................................................92
CE COMPLIANCE ...................................................................................................................................................93
Compass Safe Distance Certificate .........................................................................................................................95
Warranty Information _______________________________________________________________97
User Notes & Settings______________________________________________________________107
User Settings .........................................................................................................................................................107
Notes ..................................................................................................................................................................... 108
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ComNav Vector G2 & G2B Installation & Operation Figures & Tables
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DRAFT #3 – 29 May 2009
List of Figures
Figure 1 – Typical G2 System ....................................................................................................................................13
Figure 2 – Heading & Pitch Installation (viewed from above) .....................................................................................19
Figure 3 – Heading & Roll Installation (viewed from above).......................................................................................20
Figure 4 – Mounting using the Fixed Base .................................................................................................................21
Figure 5 – Connecting the Power/Data Cable ............................................................................................................21
Figure 6 – Alignment Pegs .........................................................................................................................................22
Figure 7 – Fastening the Fixed Base..........................................................................................................................22
Figure 8 – Mounting using the Pole Base...................................................................................................................23
Figure 9 – Jam Nut and Washer ................................................................................................................................23
Figure 10 – Pole Base with Cable ..............................................................................................................................24
Figure 11 – Long-sight Alignment...............................................................................................................................25
Figure 12 – Typical Wiring Diagram of a Vector G2 System (with Autopilot & Compass Display) .............................31
Figure 13 – DE9 & DB25 Pin Numbering ...................................................................................................................32
Figure 14 – Typical Wiring with a PC for Vector G2 Control & Display.......................................................................34
Figure 15 – Typical Wiring with a PC-based Navigation Program..............................................................................35
Figure 16 – Secondary Antenna Search Volume .......................................................................................................42
Figure 17 – Tilt-aided Search .....................................................................................................................................43
Figure 18 – Tilt & Gyro-aided Search.........................................................................................................................44
Figure 19 – PocketMAX PC GPS Receiver Type Selection .......................................................................................50
Figure 20 – Data Bandwidth Estimation .....................................................................................................................62
Figure 21 – New Connection Dialog Box....................................................................................................................71
Figure 22 – COM Port Selection Dialog Box ..............................................................................................................72
Figure 23 – COM Port Settings ..................................................................................................................................72
Figure 24 – Disconnect Button ...................................................................................................................................73
Figure 25 – Call Button...............................................................................................................................................73
Figure 26 – COM Port Properties Dialog Box, Settings Tab.......................................................................................73
Figure 27 – COM Port ASCII Setup Dialog Box .........................................................................................................74
Figure 28 – A Typical Two-session Screen ................................................................................................................76
Figure 29 – Typical Port A Session ............................................................................................................................77
Figure 30 – Typical Port B Session ............................................................................................................................77
Figure 31 – Capturing the G2’s Output.......................................................................................................................78
Figure 32 – Choosing a Filename & Location for Captured Output............................................................................78
Figure 33 – Sending a Command File........................................................................................................................80
Figure 34 – Choosing the Command File to Send .....................................................................................................80
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ComNav Vector G2 & G2B Installation & Operation Figures & Tables
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DRAFT #3 – 29 May 2009
List of Tables
Table 1 – Standard Cable Lengths ............................................................................................................................26
Table 2 – Cable Colour Codes...................................................................................................................................27
Table 3 – Commander P2 Connection Details...........................................................................................................30
Table 4 – PC COM Port (DE9) to G2’s RS-232 Port A or B.......................................................................................33
Table 5 – PC COM Port (DB25) to G2’s RS-232 Port A or B.....................................................................................33
Table 6 – Default NMEA Output Sentence Configuration ..........................................................................................46
Table 7 – Default Proprietary Output Sentence Configuration ...................................................................................47
Table 8 – Commands for the NMEA Output Sentences.............................................................................................52
Table 9 – Commands for the Proprietary Output Sentences......................................................................................52
Table 10 – Commands for the Binary Output Sentences...........................................................................................53
Table 11 – Commands for the Beacon Output Sentences (G2B only).......................................................................53
Table 12 – Commands for the Beacon Receiver (G2B only) .....................................................................................53
Table 13 – Commands for the Smoothing Time Constants........................................................................................54
Table 14 – Commands for Baud Rates, Installation Options & Internal Sensors .......................................................54
Table 15 – Commands for Miscellaneous Features & Functions ...............................................................................55
Table 16 – Commands for Status & Configuration.....................................................................................................56
Table 17 – Smoothing Time Constants ......................................................................................................................60
Table 18 – Time Constant Formulae..........................................................................................................................60
Table 19 – GPS Receiver Specifications ...................................................................................................................69
Table 20 – DGPS Beacon Receiver Specifications....................................................................................................69
Table 21 – System Interface Specifications ...............................................................................................................70
Table 22 – Power Specifications................................................................................................................................70
Table 23 – Mechanical Specifications........................................................................................................................70
Table 24 – Differences between Vector G2 Generations...........................................................................................90
Table 25 – Cable Types.............................................................................................................................................91
Table 26 – Colour Coding of All Standard Cables......................................................................................................91
Table 27 – User Settings (Ports)..............................................................................................................................107
Table 28 – User Settings (Alignment & Operational) ...............................................................................................107
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ComNav Vector G2 & G2B Installation & Operation
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ComNav Vector G2 & G2B Installation & Operation Introduction
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DRAFT #3 – 29 May 2009
The Vector G2 GPS Compass is a state-of-the-art electronic navigation data device. It is
capable of providing highly accurate, high-precision position and heading data to a wide
variety of marine Navigation equipment, such as autopilots, sonar, radar, chartplotters,
AIS receivers & transponders, and many other types of marine devices & systems.
The Vector G2 features fast start-up and signal re-acquisition times, heading & position
updates at up to 20 times per second, and can operate at sustained turn rates up to
90° per second.
The Vector G2 is a complete GPS Compass in a single rugged, marine-grade enclosure.
It needs only one single power/data cable, which greatly simplifies installation.
A typical installation of the G2 looks like this:
Figure 1 – Typical G2 System
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ComNav Vector G2 & G2B Installation & Operation Introduction
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DRAFT #3 – 29 May 2009
There are two models available – the Vector G2 and the Vector G2B; they are identical,
except in their Differential GPS (DGPS) correction features:
The Vector G2 can obtain DGPS information from many Space-Based
Augmentation System (SBAS) sources (in areas where compatible ones are
available & operational), including WAAS, EGNOS, MSAS, SNAS, GAGAN and
others. The Vector G2 can also accept DGPS information from an external data
The Vector G2B has an additional integrated beacon receiver module, which
allows it to use conventional terrestrial DGPS Radiobeacon signals to obtain
DGPS information, in addition to SBAS sources & external DGPS data sources.
The Vector G2’s enclosure contains a Hemisphere GPS® Crescent® GPS/SBAS
receiver module
(containing twin GPS receivers, a single-axis gyro & a tilt sensor), dual
GPS antennas and a power supply. The Vector G2B also contains a DGPS
Radiobeacon receiver module, and an H-field beacon signals antenna.
When using DGPS corrections (SBAS, external, or Radiobeacon), the Vector G2 is
capable of one metre precision for position sensing. The GPS antennas inside the G2’s
enclosure are separated by 0.5 metres, which provides 0.5 degree precision for heading
The gyro and tilt sensor improve system performance, and can provide heading
information for up to three minutes whenever the G2’s normal GPS-based heading is not
available due to signal blockage, or other temporary factors.
The Vector G2 also features Hemisphere’s exclusive COAST™ software, which enables
the GPS receiver to utilize old DGPS correction data for 40 minutes or more without
significantly affecting the quality of position reports. The COAST feature means that the
G2 is less likely to be affected by DGPS signal outages due to signal blockages, weak
signals or interference.
If you are new to GPS technology, we recommend that you consult Hemisphere’s
GPS Technical Reference manual
for further information on the capabilities & general
features of their Crescent-based GPS products, before proceeding.
Note: while the Vector G2 & G2B are designed to provide highly
accurate GPS position & heading data, even when subject to the
pitching, rolling and wide speed range of marine vessels, the use of
the G2s is not limited to the marine market.
Other excellent applications include machine control, machinery
guidance, container tracking, or indeed any application that
requires high-precision position and/or heading information in an
all-weather outdoor environment.
The Vector G2 is factory-configured for easy use in typical marine situations, such as
illustrated in Figure
1. The goal when the factory-default settings were being selected
was that the G2 could be used “right out of the box” in most marine applications, with no
changes required in configuration settings.
We hope that you will be able to do exactly that … use your new Vector G2 right out of
the box! But if not, then the information in this manual will show you how to adjust your
G2 to operate exactly how you want it to.
See Appendix 3 on page 89 for more details.
This manual can be found on the CD that is supplied with the unit, or on Hemisphere’s web site. ComNav’s Service
Department will also send it to you at no charge.
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ComNav Vector G2 & G2B Installation & Operation Installation
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DRAFT #3 – 29 May 2009
Please refer to the Warranty Information section of this manual before proceeding with
installation of the Vector G2.
Tools Required
General-purpose tools such as a portable drill, pliers, wire cutters, screwdrivers, wire,
mounting bolts and wrenches will be required. An accurate voltmeter or multi-meter would
also be useful.
Hazard warning!
Extreme caution is advised when using tools powered by alternating
current (AC) from main supply circuits, regardless of whether those
circuits are rated for “indoor”, “outdoor”, “marine” or “industrial” use.
Water, especially sea water, is an excellent conductor of electricity,
and can complete a path to AC Ground through your body, causing
injury or death, if a tool malfunctions or short-circuits.
L Battery powered tools are STRONGLY recommended L
If AC tools are used, they must be plugged into a circuit that is
adequately protected against Ground Faults and other safety
hazards, in accordance with local electrical codes.
Power Supply
For reliable operation of your Vector G2 GPS Compass, your vessel’s power supply system
must have an adequately-breakered, or fused, DC (direct current) power supply at a nominal
voltage of 12 or 24 volts. A power on/off switch should also be provided.
Ensure that adequate wire sizes are used to handle the expected maximum currents (see
Table 22).
L It is strongly recommended that the G2’s power wiring be run directly
from the power supply – especially for 12 Volt systems. The minimum
supply voltage is specified as 11 Volts, at the loose-wire end of the
G2’s cable. On a “12 Volt” battery system, it is possible (if the battery
is weak or partially discharged, and if there are other loads along the
wiring from the battery to the end of the G2’s cable) that the cable-end
voltage will drop below 11 Volts. In such circumstances, the G2 may
exhibit erratic behaviour, such as periodic resetting.
Environmental Considerations
Ensure that the G2’s Operating & Storage Temperature Ranges are not exceeded
(see Specifications, Mechanical, on page 70).
The G2
will operate up to 100% relative humidity. The G2’s case, cable & mount are
waterproof – but they are not submersible.
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ComNav Vector G2 & G2B Installation & Operation Installation
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GPS Reception Considerations
The following points relating to GPS reception must be considered:
Mount the G2’s enclosure as high as possible, considering maintenance and
accessibility. Ensure that there is an unobstructed as possible “view” of the sky
available to the unit, to avoid blocking the RF signals from the GPS satellites.
It is important to locate the G2 as far away as possible from any metallic surfaces
that could reflect the RF signals from the GPS satellites.
Such surfaces, if they reflect the RF signals at “just the right” angle(s), can cause
a condition known as multi-pathing on the signals – which in turn will randomly
degrade the G2’s heading performance and accuracy.
In particular, there must not be, within a distance of 2 metres of the G2, any
metallic surfaces which are located above the horizontal plane of the enclosure.
It is also important to locate the G2 away from any transmitting antennas for any RF
signals (e.g., VHF, SSB, Radar, etc.), by at least a few metres. This is to ensure that
the Vector’s internal electronic circuits do not experience induced RF noise, so that
its performance is not compromised.
If the case of a Radar system, you must also be sure to mount the G2 outside the
direct path of the radar beam – typically, that is a conical shape which extends
outwards from the Radar emitter, and sweeps over a full 360° horizontal circle.
The G2’s enclosure should be mounted as close as possible to horizontal (when the
boat is at rest in calm water – e.g., at dockside). This is to ensure that the G2’s
internal Tilt sensor can determine the attitude of the enclosure (& thus the vertical
relationship of the two internal antennae).
A configuration parameter can be used to compensate for any offset from
horizontal, if necessary (see PBIAS on page 55).
The Vecto
r G2 computes its position as the geographic location of its internal Primary
GPS antenna; that antenna is in the end of the enclosure opposite the end which has
a recessed arrow on the underside & the long-sight alignment post on the top-side
(see Figure 2 & Figure 11). Thus, you should mount the G2 so that the Primary
a’s e
nd is at the location on the vessel where you desire the vessel’s “reported
GPS position” to be.
Radiobeacon Reception Considerations
For the Vector G2B, it is also important to choose a mounting location with a total view, all
around & right down to the horizon, which is as unobstructed as possible, to avoid blocking
DGPS Radiobeacon signals from any transmitters within range.
You also will need to consider mounting locations from the perspective of minimizing
Electromagnetic Interference (ambient electrical and radio-frequency noise) in the Terrestrial
DGPS Radiobeacon band, in order to maximize the Beacon receiver’s performance.
The optimum location for the G2B will be a position where it receives the strongest
average Radiobeacon signal, with the lowest average EMI.
Ensure that the G2B is located as far as possible from all other equipment that can
emit EMI – in particular: DC motors, alternators, solenoids, radios, power cables,
display units and other electronic devices.
The G2B calculates the Signal to Noise Ratio (which can be thought of as the
“height” of the signal above the noise floor) of the Beacon signals; the higher the
SNR, the better. If your installation includes a way to control & monitor the G2B, you
can observe the SNR values – see the $GPCRQ & $CRMSS sentences in the
Beacon Receiver Commands section in the GPS Technical Reference. You should
have all equipment & accessories that you intend to use during normal operation
turned on, while doing this.
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ComNav Vector G2 & G2B Installation & Operation Installation
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Location & Orientation
There are two primary mounting orientations for the Vector G2:
Normally, the G2 will be mounted so that the longitudinal axis is aligned with the
vessel’s fore-aft centreline, or is parallel to that centreline. In this orientation, the G2
can output both the Heading and the Pitch of the vessel.
(side) Post
(front) Post
Arrow on
case bottom
Figure 2 – Heading & Pitch Installation (viewed from above)
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If you wish, you can instead install the G2 perpendicular to the vessel’s fore-aft
centreline, i.e., on (or parallel to) the athwartships centreline. In this orientation, the
G2 can output both the Heading and the Roll of the vessel.
Arrow on
case bottom
(side) Post
(front) Post
Figure 3 – Heading & Roll Installation (viewed from above)
Note: you must also reconfigure some of the G2’s configuration
parameters in this orientation (see Roll Alignment on page 58, and
the GPS Technical Refere
The figure shows the G2 pointing to the vessel’s Port; you could also
mount it pointing to Starboard.
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The Vector G2 can be mounted on a fixed base, or on a pole; parts for both options are
provided with system kits:
The fixed base option is for mounting the G2 on a flat surface – a cabin roof, a
mounting plate on the mast, and so on.
The pole option is easier to use when there is no location with enough un-obstructed
flat space to accommodate the fixed base (and/or the G2 itself), or when it is desired
to mount the G2 high up above all surfaces.
In either case, make sure that you have enough cable length to route the G2’s interface cable
as far as required into the vessel (see Cables & Extensions on page 26 for more details).
Fixed Base
Figure 4 – Mounting using the Fixed Base
1) Use the fixed base’s four slotted edge-mounting holes (at the four corners of the
base) as a template; position the base so that it is aligned as closely as possible to
the orientation you want. Then mark and drill holes in the flat surface, for the
fasteners (not supplied) which you will be using to fasten the base to that surface.
2) The fixed base has a choice of four tunnels for routing the G2’s power/data along the
mounting surface. Or, you may want to route the cable directly through the surface; if
so, drill a fifth hole – de-burred, & with diameter at least slightly larger than the G2’s
cable – in the surface, approximately where the centre of the fixed base will be.
3) Run the connector end of the G2’s power/data cable through the centre opening in
the fixed base, from the bottom side.
4) Align the keyway in the cable’s plug connector to the key in the G2’s data/power
connector, and then press them together, fully seating the plug. Align, then engage
& rotate the cable connector’s locking ring (clockwise rotation to lock, and
counter-clockwise to un-lock), until you feel a definite “click”.
Figure 5 – Connecting the Power/Data Cable
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5) There are two pegs on the top of the base that mate with holes on the bottom of the
G2’s enclosure. Match the pegs to the holes, then press the base onto the
Figure 6 – Alignment Pegs
6) Use the supplied TORX bit to fasten the base to the enclosure, using the screws
supplied. These screws self-tap a thread in the matching blind screw holes (6 holes)
of the enclosure. Fasten the screws firmly, but be careful not to over-tighten, or you
may strip the self-tapped threads.
Figure 7 – Fastening the Fixed Base
Caution! The base is not intended to be removed & re-fastened
frequently. If you remove & re-fasten the base from/to the
enclosure too often, you may strip the self-tapped hole threads.
Stripped threads are not covered under the Warranty!
7) Route the free end of the G2’s cable, from the location where you are mounting the
G2, along (or through) the mounting surface &/or any bulkheads (as necessary), as
far as required into the vessel. Leave enough slack to allow removal of the G2 from
the fixed base from the mounting surface, should that ever be necessary.
8) Install the fixed base on the flat surface, using four suitable screws or fasteners of
your choice (ComNav recommends that they be corrosion-resistant). Do not tighten
down the base-to-surface screws all the way just yet; leave them just loose enough
so that you can swivel the base, within the slotted holes, when you are doing final
alignment (see page 25).
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Pole Base
Figure 8 – Mounting using the Pole Base
1) Install a threaded mounting pole at the location you have chosen. The pole must be
supplied by you; it must have an appropriate height for the location, and must have
1-14-UNS threads on one or both ends. If you are mounting the pole on a surface,
drill & de-burr a hole in the surface, centered in the pole, with a diameter at least
slightly larger than the G2’s cable.
2) Fasten the pole securely to the vessel, using appropriate fasteners, clamps, etc. of
your choice; ComNav recommends that all hardware be corrosion-resistant.
3) Thread the supplied 1-14-UNS threaded hex jam nut, and then a suitable flat washer,
onto a 1-14-UNS threaded end of the mounting pole – the end which will be the top
end of the pole.
Figure 9 – Jam Nut and Washer
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4) Route the free end of the G2’s power/data cable through the centre hole in the pole
base, from the top side of the base. Then route it down through the pole, and on
through any surfaces &/or bulkheads (as necessary) – as far as required into the
vessel. Leave some slack in the cable, below the bottom of the pole – enough to
allow you to move the connected cable a short ways out of the pole, for easier
removal of the G2 from the pole &/or pole base, should that ever be necessary.
Figure 10 – Pole Base with Cable
5) Thread the pole base onto the threaded pole, four to five full turns. Do not tighten up
the jam nut just yet.
Caution! Do not bottom out the pole base on the threaded mount. This
can damage the base.
6) Align the keyway in the cable’s plug connector to the key in the G2’s data/power
connector, and then press them together, fully-seating the plug. Align, then engage
& rotate the cable connector’s locking ring (clockwise rotation to lock, and
counter-clockwise to un-lock), until you feel a definite “click”.
7) There are two pegs on the top of the base that mate with holes on the bottom of the
G2’s enclosure. Holding the enclosure in approximately the final orientation desired,
rotate the pole base & nut/washer combination so that the base is in the same
orientation (i.e., so that the base’s pegs can mate with the enclosure’s holes), then
press the enclosure down onto the base.
8) Use the supplied TORX bit to fasten the base to the enclosure, using the screws
supplied. These screws self-tap a thread in the matching blind screw holes (6 holes)
of the enclosure. Fasten the screws firmly, but be careful not to over-tighten, or you
may strip the self-tapped threads.
Caution! The base is not intended to be removed & re-fastened
frequently. If you remove & re-fasten the base from/to the enclosure
too often, you may strip the self-tapped hole threads. Stripped
threads are not covered under the Warranty!
L The pole mounting option does not meet IEC 60945, section 8.7
(“ability to withstand vibration”).
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Adjust the orientation of the Vector G2 as necessary, and then secure it when complete:
The four slots in the fixed base allow for several degrees of adjustment of the
orientation of the enclosure. When you have obtained the desired orientation, tighten
down the fasteners that you used in the slots securely.
The pole base can be rotated freely on the pole, as long as the jam nut is loose.
When you have obtained the desired orientation, tighten the jam nut securely (use a
Caution! Use of the jam nut and a suitable flat washer are mandatory
for pole mounting. Any damage resulting from not using these to
mount the G2 will not be covered under the Warranty.
The top of the G2’s enclosure incorporates two small pointed posts and an alignment sight, to
assist you in aligning the enclosure’s orientation. To use the sight:
look along the top of the enclosure & across the sight:
either from the end without a post (i.e., the primary antenna end):
then centre the other end’s post (the Long-sight shown in Figure 2, Figure 3
and Figure 11) in the length-wise groove in the Alignment sight
or from the m
iddle of the long side without a post:
then centre the other edge’s post (the Short-sight, shown in the same
figures) in the width-wise groove in the Alignment sight
the sight-line you see is the centreline of the enclosure … either length-wise when
using the Long-sight, or width-wise with the Short-sight
adjust the direction of the enclosure’s sight-line to be parallel to the vessel’s
either the fore-aft or athwartships line, whichever you have chosen to use
or perpendicular to one of those centrelines
alignment accuracy when using the Long-sight method is approximately ± 1°
using the Short-sight method, alignment is accurate to approximately ± 2.5°
Figure 11 – Long-sight Alignment
If you have another accurate source of heading data on your vessel, you may use the
difference between the G2’s initially-reported heading value and that of the other compass, to
correct for any bias in the G2’s alignment, by entering the difference value in the G2’s
heading bias parameter (see HBIAS on page 55 and page 58). You could also obtain a bias
value by doin
a traditional “box the compass” run.
Alternatively, you may wish to physically adjust the direction of the G2’s enclosure, by that
“other accurate compass” bias value, so that the G2 does not have any bias in its “parallel to
(or perpendicular to)” alignment.
L Using the G2’s heading bias parameter is usually the easier way!
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A single cable, included with the Vector G2, supplies power to it, and also carries
NMEA 0183 data & control signals from & to it. The G2 end of the cable is an
environmentally sealed, mechanically-keyed/locking connector; the other end is
un-terminated, and requires field stripping and tinning.
The cable should be wired to your vessel’s autopilot, and/or other equipment of your choice
that can use NMEA 0183 data. Some typical examples are shown in Figure
12, Figure 14
and Figure
When choosing a route for the cable:
Keep the cable well away from rotating machinery
Avoid running the cable in areas of excessive heat
Keep the cable away from corrosive chemicals
Do not run the cable through door or window jams
Do not excessively bend, or crimp, the cable
Secure the cable along the route using plastic tie wraps as necessary
Cables & Extensions
There are two standard cable lengths supplied with the Vector G2:
Part Number
31110039 31110040
15 metres 30 metres
Marking 1
051-0157-002 051-0158-001
Table 1 – Standard Cable Lengths
1 The Marking is on a plastic sleeve located near the connector. It is the only
way to indentify the cable, since the Part Number does not appear on it.
If the standard-length cable supplied with your kit is too long, you may shorten it as required.
If the standard-length cable is too short for your installation, longer cables are available on
special order (contact your ComNav dealer for details).
Alternatively, you can route the cable into a customized break-out box with internal terminal
strips, to a simple set of strips mounted on a bulkhead or other surface, or use good-quality
soldered or crimped, marine-grade, wire-to-wire connection techniques.
Or, if you are using the G2 with a Navigator G2 GPS Compass Display, the latter’s
Distribution Unit has a terminal strip for connecting an extension cable.
But, no matter which extension cable connection method you use:
The cable should be similar to the standard cable (shielded, marine grade).
The extension’s serial data (both RS-232 & RS-422) & alarm wires should be at least
20 AWG, and the respective pairs of signals (see Table 2) should be twisted in pairs.
The total length of RS-232 signal wires (cable plus extension) should be no
longer than industry standards for such cables, although the specific maximum
length may depend on what equipment you are wiring them to; for example, PCs
(especially laptops) often can not handle more than about 25 metres of RS-232
The RS-422 signal wires can support much longer cable runs than the RS-232
wires, since that standard provides for more immunity to noise and attenuation.
The extension’s power input wires should be at least 18 AWG, to ensure that there is
minimal additional voltage drop in the extension (see Table 22).
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Cable Colour Codes
Cable Marking: 051-0157-002 (15 metres), 051-0158-001 (30 metres)
Wire Colour Signal Description
Red 1 n/a Power Input
Black 1 n/a Power Ground
Blue RS-232, Tx Port A Transmit
Black, Blue stripe RS-232, Rx Port A Receive
Black, Green stripe RS-422, ‘A’
Green RS-422, ‘B’
Port A Transmit
Brown RS-232, Tx Port B Transmit
Black, Brown stripe RS-232, Rx Port B Receive
Yellow, Black stripe RS-422, ‘A’
Yellow RS-422, ‘B’
Port B Transmit
Grey RS-232, Gnd Signal Ground
White n/a Alarm Output Pin 1
White, Red stripe n/a Alarm Output Pin 2
Bare Wire 2 n/a
Drain for RF Shielding
Table 2 – Cable Colour Codes
1 The Power Input & Ground (Red, Black) wires are 18 AWG; all the other
insulated wires are 24 AWG.
2 The Drain wire on the 30m cable is insulated with black heat-shrink.
e The Drain wire should never be connected – see page 29.
Caution! The coloured “stripe” shown above is either repeated bands of
the colour, or a thin spiralling stripe. The stripe can be very hard to
see (especially the Blue, Green & Brown stripes, all on Black
backgrounds); please inspect the wires carefully, under a good light,
to be sure you are using the right wires!
Note: there were two earlier generations of the Vector G2 & G2B. The
earlier generations used slightly different colour-coding in their
standard cables, & had different cable markings, than shown above.
The older cables can be used with the current generation, with some
cautions; see Differences between Cables in Appendix 3 on page 91
for details.
Power Input
A 3 Amp fast-blow fuse or circuit breaker (not supplied) should be installed in series with the
Power Input wire. An in-line On/Off switch (not supplied) capable of handling 3 Amps should
also be installed (if a breaker is installed, it may be permissible at your locale to use it as the
On/Off switch).
The breaker/fuse/switch and all the power wiring must be done in accordance with the
applicable electrical safety standards for “low-voltage DC” wiring at your locale.
Caution! The Vector G2’s power supply is protected against reverse
polarity power input – but the G2 will not operate with reverse polarity.
Note: the G2’s power supply is isolated from all the data communication
lines. As well, the plastic enclosure isolates the G2’s circuitry
galvanically from the vessel – which helps reduce hull electrolysis
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Data Connections (Autopilot, GPS Display, Chartplotter, PC, etc.)
There are a number of ways to make the data connections required between the Vector G2
and other equipment on the vessel. See Figure
12, Figure 14 and Figure 15 for examples:
The G2 is typically used with a ComNav Autopilot System (e.g., Commander P2,
Admiral P3, 2001, 5001, etc.), an optional ComNav Navigator G2 GPS Compass
Display System, and a generic Chartplotter or other type of Navigation System.
A PC can be used, instead of the Navigator G2 Display, to configure the Vector
and/or monitor its status.
A PC can be used, instead of a Chartplotter or other type of NMEA Navigation
equipment, to perform the “Navigation display & control” functions – setting
waypoints, etc.
Each of those connection schemes is described in more detail below. Other schemes may
also be possible on your vessel, or in your application of the G2.
All data communications from/to the G2 is done with serial data signals; there is also a
separate Alarm signal from the G2, using the contacts of a relay.
Serial Ports
The G2 has two serial ports, denoted as “Port A” & “Port B”.
The serial ports are full-duplex – they can transmit & receive simultaneously.
The G2
can o
utput an extensive set of standard and proprietary NMEA 0183 sentences on
the serial ports – geographic position & vessel heading data, status of the visible GPS
satellites, internal sensor data, Beacon data & status, and so on.
The G2 is factory-configured to output “general Navigation data” on Port A, and “Autopilot
data” on Port B. You may change the configuration, if you wish (see page 49 for full details).
Each po
rt’s o
utput (Transmit) is duplicated, with one connection at the RS-422 electrical
levels specified in the NMEA 0183 Standard, and the other at the RS-232 levels typically
used for computers. Both of the outputs from a Port always have the same data signals &
timing, irrespective of electrical level.
The choice of which electrical level(s) to use depends on the serial port type(s) supported by
the other equipment you wish to connect to. You may find that the other equipment needs
one or the other type, or a mixture of both.
Most ma
equipment will require using the G2’s RS-422 output(s) – for example, ComNav
Commander P2, Admiral P3 and 5001 Autopilots all require RS-422 levels on their Heading,
Speed & NAV input ports.
The G2’s RS-422 ports are Talkers (i.e., transmit only), in accordance with the NMEA 0183
Standard (version 3.01), and the matching international Standard IEC 61162-1.
RS-422 uses a pair of balanced signals
, in paired wires, with the ‘A’ signal on one wire & the
complementary ‘B’ signal on the other.
It is necessary to maintain the correct signal polarity, when connecting one of the
G2’s RS-422 output wire pairs to an NMEA 0183 Listener:
The G2 output port’s transmit data ‘A’ signal wire must be connected to the
receive data ‘A’ input terminal of the other device; similarly, the G2’s ‘B’ output
wire must be connected to the ‘B’ input terminal of the other device
All the G2’s RS-422 output signals are referenced to the G2’s RS-232 Signal Ground, although it is usually not
necessary to connect that Ground to the other device, if using only the RS-422 outputs (see page 29).
… the ‘A’ connection is often labelled “Positive” (or “+ve”, or just “+”), and the ‘B’ as “Negative” or “-ve” or “-“.
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The only electrical standard specified in NMEA 0183 is RS-422. However, it is common for
non-marine equipment to be able to accept NMEA-formatted data – not at RS-422 levels, but
only at RS-232 levels; for example, the “COM port” on a PC is always at RS-232 levels.
Such equipment (often described as being “NMEA compatible”) will require using one or both
of the G2’s RS-232 outputs.
The G2’s Transmit (Tx) signal wire(s) must be connected to the Receive (Rx) pin(s) of the
other device.
Both ports’
Receive in
puts (Rx wires) are at RS-232 levels only.
The Receive inputs are used for controlling the G2 (with commands sent to it on Port A – to
enable sentences, set update rates, set Baud rates, etc.), and for firmware upgrades (via the
input of Port B).
Either port may also be used for receiving DGPS correction data (RTCM SC-104) from an
external-source – see page 40.
If you are going to use the
RS-232 input connections, the
Tx signal wire(s) from the
other device must be connected to the
Rx wire(s) of the G2.
Signal Grounds
Whether or not to connect the G2’s Signal Ground to the Signal Ground (or the Main or
Power Ground, if there is no Signal Ground) of the other device or devices on your vessel
depends on how your vessel, and any other equipment, is wired.
RS-422: per the NMEA 0183 Standard, the Listener will have optically (or
galvanically) isolated RS-422 inputs; thus, it is usually not strictly necessary – and
sometimes it is not even possible – to connect the Grounds.
For example, the Commander P2’s NAV1/2 inputs (NMEA 0183 Listeners) are
optically isolated – no Signal Ground pin for those inputs is provided.
In contrast, for the P2’s NAV output (which is an NMEA Talker), there is a
Ground pin – but that is a “current-controlled, AC-coupled” ground, not the P2’s
main Signal Ground.
RS-232: the G2’s RS-232 Signal Ground
MUST be connected to the other device’s
Signal Ground, when using the RS-232 ports.
Caution! The G2’s RF Shield wire (the bare wire in the cable) must not be
connected at the other device, no matter whether RS-422 or RS-232
signal wires – or both – are being used. Cut it back near the end of the
cable’s outer jacket, and insulate the stub with electrical tape.
On the other hand, it is sometimes better – from the perspective of signal integrity
and/or electrical noise-reduction – to connect some or all of the Grounds in a system.
Consult your ComNav Dealer for help, if you are unsure what will work best on your vessel.
Serial Port Settings
Both ports use ordinary asynchronous serial data formatting, as specified in the NMEA 0183
Standard; the formatting is fixed, and can not be changed:
1 Start Bit, 8 Data bits, No Parity Bit & 1 Stop Bit (commonly described as “8-N-1”).
The baud rates of the G2’s serial ports must be the same as the device(s) to which they are
connected. The factory-default configuration is 4800 Baud on both ports – per the
NMEA 0183 Standard.
The baud rates can be changed, if you need to; also, Port A and Port B may have different
Baud rates. See pages 48 & 61 for more details.
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Interfacing to a ComNav Autopilot
Commander P2 or Admiral P3
12 shows the typical connections used with a ComNav Commander P2 Autopilot
System (an Admiral P3 would be wired identically), a ComNav Navigator G2 GPS Compass
Display System, and a generic Chartplotter or other type of Navigation System.
Note: this wiring information assumes that the G2 is in its factory-default
configuration: Autopilot data on Port B, and General Navigation data
on Port A (see pages 45 & 46).
The wi
ring fro
m the G2 is to the P2’s J9
NAV I/O connector, as follows (a small image of
the connector’s label is shown to the left of the table):
Note: all current-build P2/P3 SPUs have an error on this label – but the image below is correct.
J9 Pin Wire Color Signal Signal Data Carried
IN-2B user-supplied 1 RS-422, ’B’
IN-2A user-supplied 1 RS-422, ‘A’
from Chartplotter,
Waypoints, Position, etc.
IN-1B Yellow RS-422, ‘B’
IN-1A Yellow w/Black stripe RS-422, ‘A’
from G2,
Port B Transmit
Heading, Speed
OUT-1A user-supplied 1 RS-422, ‘A’
OUT-1B user-supplied 1 RS-422, ’B’
to Chartplotter,
Autopilot status
Table 3 – Commander P2 Connection Details
1 These wires are supplied by the user, thus colours are not specified here.
In addition to the above wiring, the Commander P2 must be configured to look for both
heading and speed data from its NAV1 input port, and for Navigation data from NAV2; for
details, see the respective Source selection descriptions for the Standby, Auto & Nav menus,
in the P2 Installation & Operation manual.
5001 System
The wiring for a 5001 is
similar to that of a Commander P2: two RS-422 NAV input ports, and
one RS-422 output port (the 5001 also has an RS-232 I/O port, but that should not be used
with a Vector G2).
All G2 wiring connections to a 5001 must be made at the 5001’s Processor Card – see page
4-24 in the 5001’s Installation & Operation manual. You must then select the Compass,
Speed, and NAV sources (from NAV1, NAV2, according to how you have done the wiring
from the G2, a Chartplotter, etc.) – see page 5-15 in the 5001 manual.
It may also be necessary to configure the 5001’s COMM port to transmit NMEA output
signals, if you need those – see page 5-6 in the 5001 manual.
Other ComNav Autopilot Systems
All other Com
av autopilots require the use of an optional ComNav Sine-Cosine Interface
Box (PN 21010004), with matching interface cable (PN 31110023 or 31110051), to use them
with a Vector G2.
See the instructions included with the Sine-Cosine Box for wiring and setup information.
Note that the G2’s Port B RS-422 wires are the ones to be connected to the Convertor.
Interfacing to a ComNav Navigator G2 Display System
See Figure 12. Wiring of the Navigator G2 is fully described in the Navigator G2’s Installation
& Operation manual. Note that there is some flexibility in how the wiring between the Vector
& the Navigator can be arranged, since part of the function of the Navigator’s Distribution Unit
is to be a simple, convenient “terminal strip” for the G2.
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Alarm Contacts
Port A (RS-422)
Navigation System Controller or Display
(Chartplotter, Radar, etc.)
NMEA 0183
In Out
To other
NMEA equipment
Autopilot System
(Commander P2 shown)
NMEA 0183
In-2 OutIn-1
Port B (RS-422)
To Navigation System Controller
&/or other NMEA equipment
Heading Source : NAV IN1
Speed Source : NAV IN1
Navigation Source : NAV IN2
RS-232 Signal Ground
Port B (RS-232)
Port A (RS-232)
Tx GndRx
GPS Compass Display System
(Navigator G2 shown)
Other Equipment
using RS-232
RED (18 AWG)
or Breaker
11 – 36 VDC
Cut off & tape back
Shield Drain wire
cable or wires
Vector G2 or G2B
Figure 12 – Typical Wiring Diagram of a Vector G2 System (with Autopilot & Compass Display)
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Interfacing to a PC
PC COM Ports
PC serial ports – commonly referred to as “COM ports” – always use RS-232 signal levels,
and so the only possible direct connection to the Vector G2 is via the G2’s RS-232 signals.
L If it is necessary to connect a PC to any RS-422 signals (for example,
when the PC is being used to run a Navigation program, which sends
steering commands to an NMEA 0183 autopilot – i.e., at RS-422
levels), a signal level convertor will be required (see page 36).
rts typically use a DE9
male (a “pin type”, aka DE9-P) connector; older PCs may
use a DB25 (aka DB25-P) connector instead.
Desktop PCs sometimes have 2 (or more) COM ports, although newer models
usually only have one COM port. It is possible to add COM ports to most desktop
PCs, by adding a suitable “COM Port Expander” card.
Laptop PCs usually have only one COM port.
Many newer PCs – desktops & especially laptops – do not have a real “COM port”.
Instead, they only have one or more USB ports, and use driver software to allow
application programs to access the USB ports as “virtual COM ports”.
If the PC only has USB ports, an external USB-to-Serial adapter will be required,
since the G2 does not have a USB interface. These adapters typically have a
USB ‘A’ size plug at one end, and a DE9 male connector at the other end.
Most brands of adapters should work fine. A number of different ones have been
tried at ComNav, all with success (in fact, a “USB to 4 Serial Ports” adapter is
used by our Production & Testing staff when working on G2s).
D Connector Pinouts
The figure bel
ow sho
ws the pin-numbering scheme for a PC COM port’s DE9 & DB25
connectors. This figure can be looked at in two ways:
It is the view from the outside of the PC, looking at the pins of the male connector in
the PC, typically located somewhere on the back panel of the PC.
It is also the view of matching female connector (aka a “socket type” – a DE9-S or a
DB25-S) when looking at the back – i.e., wire side – of that connector, on the cable
that plugs into the PC’s male connector (DE9-P or DB25-P).
Figure 13 – DE9 & DB25 Pin Numbering
These connectors are often referred to as “DB9”, but that is technically incorrect. The letters “B” & “E” designate the
shell sizes; a B shell is much bigger than an E shell – it can hold up to 25 pins, compared to 9 or 15 pins in an E shell.
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DE9 Connectors
To connect either of the G2’s RS-232 ports to a PC serial port (or to the DE9-P end of a
USB-to-Serial adapter), connect the wires to a DE9 female connector (a “socket type”, aka
DB9-S) as follows:
DE9 Pin Wire Color G2 Signal COM Port Signal
2 Blue Port A Transmit data Receive Data
3 Black w/ Blue Stripe Port A Receive data Transmit Data
2 L Brown Port B Transmit data Receive Data
3 L Black w/ Brown Stripe Port B Receive data Transmit Data
5 Grey Signal Ground Signal Ground
Table 4 – PC COM Port (DE9) to G2’s RS-232 Port A or B
DB25 Connectors
If the PC has a DB25 COM port connector, connect the wires from the G2 to a DB25 female
connector (aka DB25-S) as follows:
DB25 Pin Wire Color Signal COM Port Signal
3 Blue Port A Transmit data Receive Data
2 Black w/ Blue Stripe Port A Receive data Transmit Data
3 L Brown Port B Transmit data Receive Data
2 L Black w/ Brown Stripe Port B Receive data Transmit Data
7 Grey Signal Ground Signal Ground
Table 5 – PC COM Port (DB25) to G2’s RS-232 Port A or B
L Caution! You can NOT wire both of the G2’s RS-232 ports to one PC COM
port simultaneously!
You will probably only be using the G2’s RS-232 Port A, when
connecting to a PC.
However, if you do wish to connect to both of the G2’s RS-232 ports
simultaneously, you will need to have two COM ports on the PC, with
each wired as listed above
Be sure to wire the Signal Ground to
BOTH COM ports!
Note: none of the other RS-232 signals that are normally available on
PC COM ports (& sometimes used by the ports &/or equipment
connected to them), such as the “status” & “flow control” signals
(RTS, CTS, DSR, DCD, etc.), are available on, nor used by, the G2’s
serial ports.
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Using a PC for Vector G2 Control & Display
14 shows the typical connections when using a PC, instead of a Navigator G2 Display,
to configure the G2, and/or monitor its status.
Note: the PC is not necessary
, if the G2’s factory-default configuration
(see page 46) meets your needs, and if you do not wish to monitor
any of the G2’
s various status values.
This wiring scheme uses only the G2’s Port A RS-232 output and input.
RS-232 Signal Ground
Port A (RS-232)
PC for Vector G2 Control & Display
(using PocketMAX PC or HyperTerminal)
D-Type 9 pin
Female Connector
Rx 2
Signal & Pin #
Vector G2 or G2B
Figure 14 – Typical Wiring with a PC for Vector G2 Control & Display
The PC would typically be running a “dumb terminal” program (e.g., the Hyperterminal®
program that comes with Windows® on PCs), or Hemisphere’s own GPS Control & Display
program, PocketMAX PC
. More details on using Hyperterminal can be found in Appendix 2;
see the PocketMAX User Manual for usage instructions on it.
Using a Vector G2 with a PC Navigation Program
15 shows the typical connections when using a PC, instead of a Chartplotter or some
other type of NMEA Navigation equipment, to perform “Navigation display &/or control”
functions – viewing the vessel’s position on a chart, setting waypoints and so on.
This wiring scheme uses the G2’s Port A RS-232 output (and input, if the PC is also going to
be used to control the G2), and the Port B RS-422 output.
… neither is a Navigator G2 Display System, see page 30.
This program can be found on the CD that is supplied with the G2, and on Hemisphere’s web site. Note that there is
also a PDA version of PocketMAX, which can be run on a PocketPC. Use of that version, and wiring a PDA to the G2,
are not described in this manual.
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To other
NMEA equipment
Autopilot System
(Commander P2 shown)
NMEA 0183
In-2 OutIn-1
Port B (RS-422)
Heading Source : NAV IN1
Speed Source : NAV IN1
Navigation Source : NAV IN2
RS-232 Signal Ground
Port A (RS-232)
cables or wires
Rx 2
PC COM Port n*
Signal & Pin #
PC for Navigation Control & Display
(using suitable software)
D-Type 9 pin
Female Connector
Rx 2
D-Type 9 pin
Female Connector
PC COM Port n*
Signal & Pin #
* COM Ports used for
G2 & NMEA connections
are user-selected,
but MUST be different
In A
Out B
In B
Out A
RS-422 RS-232
Sig Gnd
Pwr Gnd
NMEA 0183 RS-232
Ship’s Battery **
** may not be needed – depends on convertor
Vector G2 or G2B
From other
NMEA equipment
This connection is needed only if
the Navigation program requires
“autopilot status” information
Use one or the other wire pair
into the Convertor inputs
Figure 15 – Typical Wiring with a PC-based Navigation Program
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The PC would typically be running a Navigation program (e.g., programs from Fugawi™,
Jeppesen®/Nobeltec®, Rose Point Navigation, or similar), replacing the Navigation control
functions of (or as a backup to) the Chartplotter.
In this connection scheme, the PC will need to be hooked to the G2 via the latter’s RS-232
connections – but it will also usually be necessary to connect the PC to the autopilot and/or
other NMEA 0183 equipment, at the NMEA Standard’s RS-422 signal levels.
Since very few PCs have built-in RS-422 ports, an RS-232 RS-422 Convertor
will usually also be needed (as shown in Figure
Alternatively, if your PC has USB ports, a USB-to-422 adapter could be used for
the PC-to-autopilot/etc. connection.
Contact your ComNav Dealer for ordering information.
Note: it is sometimes possible to mix the RS-232 electrical levels of a PC’s COM port with
the NMEA 0183 Standard’s RS-422 levels – driving into an RS-422 input from the PC’s
RS-232 output, and/or vice-versa.
For an example, see the section describing NMEA connections to the Commander P2
SPU’s NAV ports, in the P2’s Installation & Operation Manual. This method usually
works fine … on the P2 (& also on the Admiral P3), at any rate.
But it depends largely on the electrical drive capabilities of the PC’s COM port circuits.
As well, in a technical sense, it violates the rules of the NMEA 0183 Standard, since
the voltage levels, signal rise/fall times and circuit impedances of RS-232 and RS-422
are different. It may also cause electrical noise problems – RS-232 is “single-ended”
wiring, whereas RS-422 is “differential” (i.e., twisted-pair wires) and thus withstands
RFI & EMI electrical noise better.
For those reasons, ComNav strongly recommends against mixing RS-232 & RS-422!.
However, if you wish to try it with a P2 or P3 SPU:
Wire the G2’s Port A RS-232 Tx signal to the PC COM port’s Rx signal, and wire
the RS-232 Signal Ground, both as shown in Figure 15.
Wire the PC COM p
ort’s RS-232 Tx signal to the IN-2A pin of the P2/P3 SPU’s
J9, and the PC’s RS-232 Signal Ground to the SPU’s IN-2B pin.
If the PC has only one COM port, but you need to run both “Navigation” & “G2
Control” programs on the PC (see below), you can also connect the PC’s Tx
signal & Ground to the G2’s Port A RS-232 Rx & Signal Ground wires, in parallel
to connecting them to a P2/P3.
L Caution! You can NOT do the same for the Rx signal – i.e.,
connect both the G2’s Tx signal and the P2/P3’s NAV OUT
signal to the PC’s Rx pin. Doing so will damage either the G2 or
the P2/P3 … or both.
L If you encounter any problems with this wiring scheme, use of an
RS-422 Convertor will then be required.
Using a PC for both Vector G2 Control/Display & a Navigation Program
The PC can b
used simultaneously for both display & control of the G2, and for Navigation
display & control. In this scheme, two COM ports on the PC will be required (or multiple
USB-to-Serial adapters, or a multi-port USB adapter).
The wiring for this scheme typically will be the same as Figure
Two programs will need to be running on the PC:
One program for Navigation display & control
One program for controlling the G2 and displaying its output
Selection of which COM port on the PC to assign for “Navigation” use, and which port for
“Vector G2” use, as well as Baud rates, will depend on the programs used.
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The Vector G2 GPS Compass provides accurate, reliable, high-precision position and
heading data. It is intended to be used with a wide variety of marine Navigation
The G2 is a very good example of a classic “Black Box”:
There are no switches or indicators on the case … not even a power light …
It begins to operate as soon as it is powered on …
But … there is NO way to tell if it is working!!
As mentioned in the Overview chapter, the factory-default configuration settings are
meant to allo
w most u
sers, in typical marine applications, to install and use the G2, with
no changes needed … Plug and Play, in other words!
So, in that sense, there’s really no need for an “Operating the Vector G2” chapter in this
On the other hand, since the G2 really is a “Black Box” (despite the case being white …),
there is no way to tell if it is working properly, or to control it, if it is not connected to at
least one suitable external device … such as a GPS Compass Display, or a PC running a
suitable program.
And so, the information in this chapter is meant to show how to monitor the operation &
status of the G2, and to control it and/or re-configure it, when necessary.
The first part of this chapter will help you gain some understanding of how the G2 works.
The second part describes monitoring & controlling & configuring the G2, and other
performance & setup information.
Understanding How the G2 Works
The first thing to do, in order to “operate” a Vector G2, is to turn it on …
Power should always be applied to the G2 by means of a power switch (in series with a
suitable fuse or circuit breaker, see page 27).
Automatic & Continuous Operation
When first powered up, the G2 performs a “cold start” – which involves determining which
GPS & SBAS satellites are in view, and then acquiring signals from all that are in view.
The DGPS data source is also automatically acquired, if the G2 has been set to use
DGPS data.
Once sufficient GPS signals are acquired, the G2 begins to generate navigational data,
which is then sent out on the G2’s two serial ports, according to what it has been
configured to output.
While the G2 remains powered, its GPS receivers & processors are always operating.
Acquisition Time
Although initial GPS signal lock may be reached in as little as 30 seconds, it may also
take as several minutes, depending on the current positions of the visible GPS satellites
and their relative signal strength. During this acquisition time, the position, heading, and
other data output may be transmitted on an intermittent basis, causing an “Invalid
heading” or similar alarms on navigation devices (such as autopilots and radar displays).
Thus, it is best to turn on the Vector G2 and run it for a few minutes, before turning on
your other equipment.
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GPS Signal Reception & Processing
The G2 contains a high performance GPS “engine”, containing twin GPS receivers and
two multipath-resistant antennas. One antenna is designated as the Primary GPS
antenna, while the other is designated as the Secondary. In the G2B, there is also a
Radiobeacon antenna (located with the Primary GPS antenna).
The G2 tries to find four or more GPS satellites in the visible sky, and then uses the
Radio Frequency signals it receives from those satellites, and the GPS timing & ranging
information carried on the signals, to compute its current position, heading, speed, and
other Navigation information.
There are two main factors that affect how well the G2 operates:
Satellite visibility … “a good view of the sky”
Satellite signal quality
Determining Position
The Global Positioning System is essentially a timing-based position triangulation
The G2’s GPS receivers automatically and continuously try to receive RF signals from all
GPS satellites that are visible in the sky. To determine its own geographic position, the
G2’s GPS receivers use a complex algorithm incorporating satellite locations and ranges
to each satellite. The ranges are calculated by determining how long it takes for the RF
signals transmitted from each visible GPS satellite to reach the G2’s two antennae, using
information carried on those RF signals.
If the signal from a visible satellite is of sufficient quality (i.e., strong enough, and with low
noise & errors), the G2’s receivers are able to decode the information on the RF signals,
and thus to calculate the range to that satellite.
Reception of good-quality signals from at least four GPS satellites allows the G2’s GPS
receivers to compute accurate, high-precision 3-dimensional position coordinates.
Positions computed by the G2 are based on the RF phase centre of the Primary antenna
(see page 41).
Differential Corrections
There is al
ys some error in GPS positions, from any brand of GPS receiver. Errors
can be caused by many things: Selective Availability, atmospheric effects, timing errors
and satellite orbit perturbations are some examples.
An ordinary GPS receiver is often specified to be accurate only to about 10 metres for
position, because of such errors. But the Vector G2 is more sophisticated than ordinary
GPS receivers, and so is inherently much better than that – 2.5 metres or less, when
operating in what is referred to as Autonomous mode.
But, to improve the accuracy of position computations even more, the G2 can also
acquire and use Differential GPS (DGPS) correction data, from one of several possible
Space-Based Augmentation System (SBAS) satellites, if the G2 is located where
one (or more) operational SBAS satellites are visible to it, and if the SBAS data
being transmitted by those satellite(s) is valid for the G2’s location.
The G2 automatically scans for and tracks SBAS satellites. It has two-channel
tracking capability, which enhances its ability to maintain a lock on a specific
SBAS satellite when more than one satellite is in view, and thus provides more
consistent tracking.
Current SBAS systems that the G2 can use include WAAS, EGNOS and MSAS;
other compatible systems may be operational in future – SNAS, GAGAN, etc.
An external data source sending RTCM SC-104 DGPS data to the G2 (via its
RS-232 Port B or Port A).
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The Vector G2B can also use:
Conventional terrestrial DGPS Radiobeacon signals.
Marine authorities in many countries around the world have installed networks of
Radiobeacon transmitters, which broadcast DGPS corrections valid in the vicinity
of each such transmitter.
As well, there is an increasing number of DGPS Radiobeacon transmitters
located well inland, which are usable for non-marine applications.
The G2B has a dual-channel Beacon receiver, able to operate in manual or
automatic tuning mode, or a database mode; the Radiobeacon receiver is always
operating, regardless of the DGPS mode of operation.
When using valid differential corrections, from any of the possible sources, the G2 can
improve its position computation to 1 metre or better accuracy.
Determining Heading
Satellite visibility & signal quality are again important to how well the G2 operates, in
computing heading. Signals from all visible satellites are used – even any not being used
in the position computations described above.
In other words … the more satellites which are visible, the better!
The Vector G2’s GPS engine uses both the data carried on the RF signal from GPS
satellites, and measurements of the RF carrier wave’s phase, to compute the location of
the Secondary GPS antenna in relation to the Primary GPS antenna, with a very high
(sub-centimetre) level of precision.
Each of the GPS receivers measures the phase of the RF signal carrier wave, at its own
antenna, from each of the GPS satellites it can see in the sky. The phase of the RF
waves at each receiver’s antenna depends on the distance, and the horizontal & vertical
angles, between the satellite and that individual antenna (this can be demonstrated easily
with a simple sketch of the physical geometry relationships).
The G2’s computed heading is the direction from the phase centre of the Primary
antenna to the Secondary antenna’s phase centre.
A “heading arrow” is embossed on the bottom of the G2’s enclosure. The Secondary
antenna is located directly above the arrowhead; the Primary antenna is at the other end.
That means that the arrow points in the direction of the computed heading. This will in
turn correspond to actual heading of the vessel, when the G2 is installed on (or is parallel
to) the vessel’s fore-aft centreline.
When the G2 is installed athwartships, the heading computation is still from the Primary
to the Secondary antenna, but then user-set configuration parameters (see Roll
Alignment, pa
ge 58) a
re applied, to adjust for the ±90° corre
ction required, so that the
heading data output correctly corresponds to the vessel’s actual heading.
Similarly, if the G2 is not installed exactly parallel to the vessel’s centreline – or not quite
athwartships – a user-set heading offset parameter is applied.
Note: because the actual phase of the RF waves from the satellites is
used, reflections of those waves from nearby surfaces can have a
significant adverse effect on the heading performance of the G2
The effect can be thought of as being similar to the “ghost” effect (a
faint copy of the image, shifted slightly on the screen) that can
sometimes be seen on over-the-air TV signals from distant stations.
On the G2, such “ghosting” – from reflections – can cause the
heading computation to become inaccurate, or to fail completely.
L That is why it is so important to mount the G2 as far away as
possible from “reflecting surfaces” (see page 18).
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Moving Base Station RTK
The technique of computing the location of the Secondary GPS antenna with respect to
the Primary antenna, when the Primary antenna is moving, is often referred to as Moving
Base Station Real-Time Kinematic (or as Moving-base-station RTK, or just RTK).
RTK technology is very sophisticated and requires a significant amount of real-time
computation – in essence “searching” for the correct solution, within a large number of
possible solutions, to the mathematical equations which represent the physical
relationships of the G2’s two antennae and each visible satellite.
The Vector G2’s GPS engine’s software is able to place a constraint on the RTK solution,
because the Secondary GPS antenna has a fixed separation of 0.50 metre, inside the
G2’s enclosure, from the Primary antenna.
This separation allows the RTK search (i.e., for the location of the Secondary antenna) to
be constrained to the surface of a sphere with a radius 0.50 metre, centered on the
location of the Primary antenna.
Figure 16 – Secondary Antenna Search Volume
Note: The G2’s Moving-base-station RTK algorithm uses only GPS
signals to calculate heading. No Differential corrections are used in
this calculation, and thus the current DGPS source & signal
conditions never affect heading accuracy.
Determining Speed and Other Navigation Information
The balance of the information that the G2 can output is in general computed from the
position and heading data, or obtained directly from data or other information provided by
the GPS satellites.
For example, speed
is determined from the moment-to-moment changes in the
computed position of the Primary antenna’s phase centre
In contrast, time & date are obtained from data carried on the RF signals from the
As well, the G2 can output a wide variety of information on the status of the GPS
satellites – e.g., how many are currently in view – and on its own status.
… more correctly referred to as Speed Over Ground, since it is based on changes in position.
… and thus is less accurate at very slow speeds, and is invalid when the vessel is stationary (see page 60).
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Supplemental Sensors
Integrated inside the Vector G2’s enclosure, on the main printed circuit board, are two
sensors. One sensor is an accelerometer, which measures the tilt of the G2’s enclosure;
the other sensor is a solid-state gyro, which measures the rate of turn.
Both sensors are enabled by default. Each sensor may be turned on or off individually;
however, the full functionality of the G2 is realized only when both are used.
Both sensors act to reduce the RTK search even further, which improves heading
start-up and reacquisition times, and also improve the reliability & accuracy of selecting
the correct heading solution, by eliminating other possible but erroneous solutions.
Tilt-aided RTK
The Vector G2’s internal tilt sensor constrains the RTK heading solution to less than the
full area of the surface of the search sphere associated with just a fixed antenna
separation, since the G2 knows – by reading the tilt sensor – the approximate inclination
of the Secondary GPS antenna with respect to the Primary.
The search volume defined by the tilt sensor only (i.e., not factoring in the gyro) will be
reduced to a horizontal ring on the surface of the sphere – a considerably smaller area
than the full surface of the sphere, as can be seen in the figure below.
Figure 17 – Tilt-aided Search
The tilt sensor is factory calibrated.
After installation, or after a long period of time that the G2 is in use, or in circumstances
where the G2 encounters repeated wide variations in operating &/or storage temperature,
it may be necessary to re-calibrate the tilt sensor.
The tilt measurements from the sensor may also be useful directly, in some applications
of the G2, in addition to or instead of the Pitch/Roll data that the G2 computes while
doing the RTK.
The GPS Technical Reference manual describes the commands and methodology
required to query the tilt sensor, to recalibrate it, and to enable or disable it.
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Gyro-aided RTK
The Vector G2’s internal gyro offers several benefits. It will shorten reacquisition times
when the G2’s heading computation is stopped due to momentary obstruction of GPS
satellite signals, by reducing the search volume required for solution of the RTK, after
obstruction of the signals ends.
The gyro measures the relative angular change in the heading since the last valid RTK
heading was computed; in conjunction with the tilt sensor, it reduces the search volume
to a wedge-shaped location within the “tilt sensor ring” on the surface of the search
Figure 18 – Tilt & Gyro-aided Search
An additional feature of the gyro is that it can provide an accurate substitute heading for a
short period (depending on the Roll and Pitch motions of the vessel), during instances of
momentary obstruction of GPS satellite signals at either antenna; this may occur, for
example, when passing close to high vertical walls, or underneath bridges.
When such obstructions occur, the gyro is automatically used to provide an alternate
source of heading, accurate to within 1°, for up to 3 minutes
. Ideally, the gyro-based
heading will see the system through to reacquisition.
If the outage lasts longer than 3 minutes, the gyro is deemed to have drifted too far and
the G2 will begin outputting NULL fields in the heading output sentences, which in turn
will typically cause a “lost heading” alarm on navigation devices.
Normal heading output will return automatically once satellite signals are re-acquired.
As well, the gyro helps improve and smooth (filter) the heading and rate of turn data
output by the G2; it is used to update the HTAU-smoothed (see page 59) heading output
from the RTK
n. This means that if the value of HTAU is increased while the
gyro is enabled, there will be little to no lag in heading output due to vessel manoeuvres.
The gyro will initialize itself at power-up and during initialization, or can be calibrated by
the user, as outlined the GPS Technical Reference manual.
L Caution! While the gyro is initializing, it is important that the
dynamics that the gyro experiences during its warm-up period are
similar to the vessel’s regular operating dynamics.
For example, if you will be using the G2 on a high speed,
manoeuvrable vessel, it is essential that the vessel is operating in
an environment of high dynamic movement – high speed, fast
turns, sudden jolts (e.g., over waves), vibration, etc. – for the first
5 to 10 minutes after the G2 is turned on, instead of sitting
There is no user control over the gyro time-out period.
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Normal Operation
Once the Vector G2 has successfully acquired a sufficient number of GPS signals, of
high enough quality, it begins to generate navigational data – position, heading, speed
and so on.
It’s up to you what you do with that data, of course!
The G2 is configured at the factory with a specific set of output data settings … enabled
output data “sentences”, update rates and Baud rates. All those are described in this
The suggested standard wiring diagrams (see Figure
12, Figure 14 and Figure 15) are
based on that factory-default output configuration. But you may change the G2’s
configuration as required, and even wire it differently than shown in the standard
Output Ports
Typically, the user of a G2 wants it to output certain navigational data, updated at rates
that are suitable for the other equipment connected to the G2, and for what the overall
“navigation” system is supposed to be doing.
As well, the “bit rate” (i.e., Baud rate) at which the G2’s two output ports are transmitting
data (& receiving data, if necessary) must match the device(s) to which each is
The G2’s two output ports – Port A and Port B – allow for two different sets of navigation
data to be output from the G2. Each port can be configured with its own combination of
enabled output data sentences, sentence update rates, and Baud rate.
For example: when a ComNav autopilot is being used with the G2, heading and
speed from the G2 are needed by the autopilot, in order for it to be able to steer
the vessel safely on the course that the user wants to follow.
All ComNav autopilots need heading to be updated at a rate of about 10 Hz
or more; any slower causes the autopilot’s steering control algorithm to
respond too slowly to changes in the vessel’s actual heading (from wind,
waves, current, etc.).
Speed is only needed at 1 Hz (or less), since it is not used in the steering
algorithm, but only to select which set of steering parameters is being used
by the autopilot.
Baud rate is always 4800.
When used with other types of equipment – e.g., a Chartplotter, a Navigation
program on a PC, a Radar set – typically there is other information needed:
position, course over ground, time & date, the GPS satellites’ status and so on.
Update rates required are usually slow – 1 Hz or less.
As mentioned previously, the G2 is configured at the factory for easy use in typical
marine situations, such as illustrated in Figure
On Port A is a set of sentences for “general-purpose marine Navigation use”,
which collectively provides the following information:
Position, course & speed over ground, time & date, True & Magnetic
heading, rate of turn, and GPS satellite status (all at 1 Hz or less).
On Port B are sentences for “autopilot use”:
True & Magnetic heading (at 10 Hz), and speed (at 1 Hz).
Both ports are at 4800 Baud.
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Output Data Formats
There are three formats that the Vector G2 can output data in: the NMEA 0183
Standard’s format, a proprietary format, and a binary format.
For full details on the NMEA sentences, please refer to the NMEA 0183 Standard. For
details on the G2’s specific capabilities (fields, format, etc.) in the NMEA 0183 sentences,
please refer to the GPS Technical Reference.
NMEA 0183 Output
Many of the NMEA 0183
Standard’s “n
avigation & GPS data” sentences are available on
the G2.
Of those, the sentences enabled in ComNav’s factory-default configuration are denoted
like this, with the update rate shown in the corresponding column. Sentences not
enabled in the factory-default configuration are indicated with an
X. Maximum output
rates are shown in the far right column, for convenience.
To make changes, see pages 51 and 52.
Sentence Description
Port A Port B
GPDTM Datum Reference X X 10
GPGGA Global Positioning System Fix Data 1 X 10
GPGLL Geographic Position (Latitude & Longitude) 1 X 20
GPGNS GNSS Fix Data X X 10
GPGRS GNSS Range Residuals X X 10
GPGSA GNSS DOP & Active Satellites 0.2 X 1
GPGST GNSS Pseudorange Error Statistics 0.2 X 1
GPGSV GNSS Satellites in View 0.2 X 1
GPHDG True Heading, Variation & Deviation 1 X 20
GPHDM Magnetic Heading 1 1 10 20
GPHDT True Heading 1 10 20
GPRMC Recommended Minimum Specific GNSS Data 0.2 X 10
GPROT Rate of Turn 1 X 10
GPRRE Range Residual 1 X X 10
GPVTG Course and Speed Over Ground 1 1 10
GPZDA Time and Date 1 X 10
Table 6 – Default NMEA Output Sentences Configuration
1 Not approved by the IEC for Marine use
Note: the NMEA Talker ID for the three heading sentences above may
be changed from “GP” to “HE” for HDG, HDT & ROT, and “HC’ for
HDM. Doing so indicates (per NMEA 0183’s syntax rules) that they
come from a North-seeking gyro heading sensor. The change can be
made with the $JATT,NMEAHE command (see Table 15 on page 55).
L However, configuring the G2 to use the “HE” & “HC” Talker IDs may
not be approved by some Standards organizations!
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Proprietary Output
A number of NMEA-like
proprietary output sentences are available on the Vector G2.
Only the HPR sentence is enabled when the G2 is shipped from the factory; it is set to a
1 Hz update rate, on Port A. All the others are disabled, and so are indicated below with
Maximum output rates are shown in the far right column, for convenience.
To make changes, see pages 51 and 52 (and 53, for a G2B).
Sentence Description
Port A Port B
PCSI,CS0 Beacon Status Information (G2B only) X X 1
PCSI,CS1 Beacon Status Information (G2B only) X X 1
PSAT,GBS GNSS Satellite Fault Detection X X 10
PSAT,HPR Time, True Heading, and RTK-based Pitch (or Roll) 1 X 10
PSAT,INTLT Tilt (Pitch and Roll) Sensor’s Measurement X X 1
RD1 SBAS Diagnostic Information X X 1
Table 7 – Default Proprietary Output Sentences Configuration
Note: none of the proprietary sentences are approved by the IEC for
marine use.
For full details on the G2’s proprietary sentences, please refer to the GPS Technical
Binary Output Sentences
The G2 can b
e configured to output certain data in sentences that are in a binary format
(in contrast to the human-readable ASCII format of the G2’s NMEA & Proprietary output
None of the binary sentences are enabled in the G2’s factory-default configuration
To make changes, see pages 51 and 53.
: none of the binary sentences are approved by the IEC for marine
Caution! Binary sentences may be incompatible with some NMEA
equipment, and/or with PCs and other non-NMEA equipment. The
incompatibility may be such as to cause a PC &/or other equipment to
lock up. Use them with care!
For full details on the G2’s binary sentences, please refer to the GPS Technical
… “NMEA-like” because these sentences follow the general syntax rules of NMEA 0183, although they are not part
of that standard, but rather have been defined by Hemisphere GPS. These sentences are available only on their own
GPS products, and equipment based on those – such as the Vector G2.
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Baud Rate
All ComNav autopilots (and all marine equipment which is compliant to the NMEA 0183
Standard) communicate at 4800 Baud, for both input & output
But, although the NMEA Standard specifies 4800 Baud
, it is common for “NMEA
compatible” equipment to be able to work at higher speeds (especially at RS-232 levels).
Each of the Vector G2’s two output ports can be configured, independent of each other,
to communicate at all conventional Baud rates from 4800 up to 38400 Baud.
The factory-default configuration of both Ports A & B is 4800 Baud.
Note: for operation with all ComNav autopilots, the G2’s factory-default
Baud rate of 4800 must be used. For operation with other equipment,
other Baud rates may be allowable, depending on the equipment.
Electrical Interface
Another factor in using the G2 is what type of the electrical interface (i.e., signal levels,
rise/fall times, circuit impedances) the other equipment uses for its Input/Output
“navigation data” connections.
All marine equipment which is fully compliant with the NMEA 0183 Standard (e.g.,
ComNav autopilots) uses RS-422 levels only.
Other on-board “NMEA compatible” equipment – e.g., PCs – often uses RS-232 levels.
Each of the G2’s two output ports is available at both RS-232 & RS-422 electrical levels;
the RS-232 and RS-422 output signals may be used simultaneously (see Serial Ports on
page 28 for more details).
: on each port, the sentences that the port is configured to output,
their update rates, and the port’s Baud rate, will be the same, for
both the RS-232 and RS-422 signals from that port.
Alarm Output
In addition to the data output on the G2’s two serial ports, there is a separate Alarm
output, which indicates whether or not the G2 is providing valid heading output data.
An Alarm relay is located on the G2’s circuit board. The relay’s contacts are isolated
from all circuitry in the G2 – the G2’s internal processor controls the coil side of the relay,
but the contacts of the relay are connected only to the two Alarm pins on the G2’s I/O
If the G2 is unpowered, or if it is powered but is not able to compute valid heading data
(for example, when it does not have good GPS signals at one of the two antennae), the
relay coil is de-powered. This causes the relay contacts to open – which can then
activate whatever system you wish to use to indicate a Loss-of-Heading condition.
When the G2 is powered, and when its heading output data is valid, the relay coil is
powered by the G2’s processor, which closes the relay contacts; this indicates that the
G2 is operating correctly.
A watchdog timer is controlled by software in the G2, and is triggered when heading
becomes invalid for any reason. If the heading remains invalid for a long enough time,
the watchdog timer causes the Alarm relay’s contacts to open.
The watchdog software is in compliance with IEC 60495.
The Commander P2 and the Admiral P3 can optionally work at Baud rates up to 9600 Baud on their NAV2 Inputs,
but only with certain equipment (in particular, only with the first generation of the G2, see page 89).
A supplemental standard, NMEA 0183-HS specifies operation at 38,400 Baud.
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Changing the Configuration
You may change the factory-default configuration of the Vector G2, if you wish!
Many other output sentences can be enabled, and/or the factory-default ones
disabled, to suit the requirements of any specific installation.
The output update rate of each enabled sentence may be changed as required.
If a given sentence is enabled on both ports, the output rate on each port
may the same, or different, if desired.
The port Baud rates can be changed, as required.
There may be different Baud rates on each port, if desired.
These changes, as well as numerous other characteristics of the G2’s operation, are
done by means of a set of input commands, in “sentences” that are similar to NMEA
sentences. These “command sentences” must be sent to the G2 from a suitable “control”
device, such as the Navigator G2 GPS Compass Display System, or a PC, via the
Receive wire on the RS-232 side of the Primary Port A.
For an overview of how to configure the G2’s output sentences, and tables of the G2’s
available command sentences, see pages 51 through 56.
For a full de
n and explanation of all the G2’s command sentences, please refer to
the GPS Technical Reference manual.
Making Changes
To make changes, a suitable control device must be connected to the G2:
a PC running suitable software – i.e., HyperTerminal or some other “dumb
terminal” program, or Hemisphere GPS’ PocketMAX PC program.
a ComNav Navigator G2 GPS Compass Display
Using HyperTerminal
HyperTerminal is available for free on all Windows PCs
. It is an easy means to monitor
the Vector G2’s operation and status.
But it is quite a bit harder to use it to control & configure the G2 …
The main problem is that the G2 is constantly sending Navigation data (as it’s supposed
to do!), which is displayed on HyperTerminal’s active display “screen” – as it arrives,
character by character and line by line, scrolling up in (& eventually off) the display.
The result that it’s hard to “look” at any one item, or to see or edit – while you type them
in – the commands you’re trying to send to the G2, or to see the G2’s responses to those
commands. Everything gets lost in the “clutter” of the continuously-arriving data.
But, despite these problems, HyperTerminal is still useful – and sometimes it’s the only
readily available means available to monitor & control the G2.
If your PC has two COM ports, you can even run two instances of HyperTerminal
simultaneously, and thus monitor all output from the G2’s two serial ports.
Instructions on setting up HyperTerminal for use with a G2, and some examples of typical
use, are given in Appendix 2.
The sy
stem must be
wired as shown in Figure
14 or Figure 15. The G2’s Port A should
be connected to the PC’s first COM port; if you want to monitor both of the G2’s ports,
Port B should be connected to the PC’s second COM port.
There are many similar freeware, shareware & commercial programs available for Windows PCs, and for Apple®
Macs®. None are discussed here, but all will have similar characteristics (and things to watch out for!) to
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Using PocketMAX PC
Full instructions are in the PocketMAX User Manual.
The system must be wired as shown in Figure
14 or Figure 15.
Note: PocketMAX PC may not always run properly on some PCs. It has
been known to hang up, and/or crash the PC (especially on an older,
slower PC), and/or leave the G2 in an invalid state.
ComNav recommends that you use PocketMAX only on a fairly
new PC, with a fast CPU, lots of RAM, and “standard” COM ports.
L Caution! Please pay attention to the “… doing many things …”
warning in the first section of the PocketMAX manual!
Also, please note that PocketMAX was designed to support all of
Hemisphere GPS’ products – and so some of its features do not
apply to the G2
Some points to be aware of, if you wish to use PocketMAX:
It does not “know” about a few sentences that the G2 supports (e.g., the
$GPHDM sentence
); thus, it is not possible to control those sentences with
It does not know the full range of Update rates that a few sentences can be set to
(e.g., $GPGSA & $GPGSV can be set to 0.2 Hz).
Each time you start it, you must select “Hemisphere Vector” as the type of
Receiver in use, in the drop-down selector box on the program’s start-up screen;
that is the closest type of Receiver to a G2 that PocketMAX can be set for:
Figure 19 – PocketMAX PC GPS Receiver Type Selection
Using a Navigator G2
The Navigator G2 GPS Compass Display System is the easiest & best way to monitor
and control a G2.
Full instructions are in the Navigator G2 Installation & Operation Manual.
The system must be wired as shown in Figure
12, and in the Navigator manual.
Updated versions of PocketMAX may be released in future; please check on Hemisphere GPS’s web site. The
current version when this manual was being written was 2.2.0.
HDM & the other “unknown” sentences/parameters were part of the customizations added in ComNav’s variant of
the Hemisphere Crescent product, but they were added after PocketMAX was designed.
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Configuration Commands
The NMEA-like input sentences in the following tables are commands that can be used to
configure the Vector G2.
These commands must be sent to the G2 on the RS-232 Receive signal wire of Port A.
All commands must end with an END OF LINE sequence (i.e., ASCII <CR><LF> codes).
Most commands may be entered in upper, lower or mixed case.
Some of the commands have optional parameters (shown in square brackets in the
tables). The optional parameters, if used, should be entered with the comma shown
below, but without the square brackets.
In many cases, it is possible to query the current value, or status, of one of the G2’s
operating parameters or sensors, by sending the associated command without a value
for the parameter (e.g., send $JATT,HBIAS to query the Heading Bias value).
Some of these commands enable or disable the G2’s NMEA, Proprietary and
Binary output sentences. The G2 responds by beginning to output the specified
sentence at the specified update rate on the specified port (or by ceasing to
output the sentence, if you specify that).
When an output sentence can be set to different update rates, the range of
valid update rates is shown in parentheses in the Description column. A rate
of “0” disables output of a sentence. All rates are in Hz.
For output sentences which can only be enabled or disabled, the control
parameter is either “0/1” (where 0 disables output of the sentence, and 1
enables it), or the specific words (e.g., “NO/YES”) to be used.
For commands that control sentences that can be output on either of the
G2’s ports, the command affects the output of Port A
, unless the optional
final parameter OTHER is added, which causes the command to be applied
to Port B.
The units of the various “value” parameters depend on the affected function
or setting in the G2 (e.g., rates in Hz, time in seconds, angles in degrees,
and so on). All the units are implicit, and are not required in the command.
Other commands control some aspect of the G2’s operation – for example, the
Baud rate that the specified port will run at. The G2 responds by making the
specified change, and (in most cases) outputs a reply (e.g., “$>Jaaa,OK”).
Other commands request some specific information from the G2. The G2
responds with that information – but it only does so one time … i.e., the reply
does not “update” on a repeated basis, unlike the NMEA & other outputs.
To help you understand these commands, a number of examples of their usage can be
found on pages 81 to 84.
L All changes that you make are “temporary”, unless you send a $JSAVE
command to the G2. If you power-cycle the G2 before doing that, all your
changes will be lost, and the G2 will power-up with the configuration that
was last Saved.
On the other hand, if you do send a $JSAVE while the G2 has some
changes in settings that you meant to be “temporary” (for example,
shutting off all normal data output, so you can query & inspect status more
easily), then those changed settings will be the “permanent” power-up
settings (until you change things again, and do another $JSAVE).
L Caution! You MUST wait until the G2 responds with a “SAVE OK” reply,
after sending a $JSAVE, before you power-down the G2.
… unless you are sending the command on Port B’s Rx wire, in which case the “OTHER” parameter means
“Port A”. To avoid confusion, ComNav recommends that all command input to the G2 be done on Port A.
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L Caution L
Many of the commands in the tables below will affect the performance of the
Vector G2. Improper settings may result in degradation of system output,
which can affect the overall safety of the vessel and personnel.
Command Sentence Rate (Hz)
$JASC,GPDTM,rate[,OTHER] GPDTM 0, 0.2, 1, 5 or 10
$JASC,GPGGA,rate[,OTHER] GPGGA 0, 0.2, 1, 5 or 10
$JASC,GPGLL,rate[,OTHER] GPGLL 0, 0.2, 1, 5, 10 or 20
$JASC,GPGNS,rate[,OTHER] GPGNS 0, 0.2, 1, 5 or 10
$JASC,GPGRS,rate[,OTHER] GPGRS 0, 0.2, 1, 5 or 10
$JASC,GPGSA,rate[,OTHER] GPGSA 0, 0.2, 1, 5 or 10
$JASC,GPGST,rate[,OTHER] GPGST 0, 0.2, 1, 5 or 10
$JASC,GPGSV,rate[,OTHER] GPGSV 0, 0.2, 1, 5 or 10
$JASC,GPHDG,rate[,OTHER] GPHDG 0, 0.2, 1, 5, 10 or 20
$JASC,GPHDM,rate[,OTHER] GPHDM 1 0, 0.2, 1, 5, 10 or 20
$JASC,GPHDT,rate[,OTHER] GPHDT 0, 0.2, 1, 5, 10 or 20
$JASC,GPRMC,rate[,OTHER] GPRMC 0, 0.2, 1, 5 or 10
$JASC,GPROT,rate[,OTHER] GPROT 0, 0.2, 1, 5 or 10
$JASC,GPRRE,rate[,OTHER] GPRRE 1 0, 0.2, 1, 5 or 10
$JASC,GPVTG,rate[,OTHER] GPVTG 0, 0.2, 1, 5 or 10
$JASC,GPZDA,rate[,OTHER] GPZDA 0, 0.2, 1, 5 or 10
Table 8 – Commands for the NMEA Output Sentences
1 Not approved by the IEC for Marine use
Command Sentence Rate (Hz)
$JASC,D1,rate[,OTHER] RD1 0 or 1
$JASC,GPGBS,rate[,OTHER] PSAT,GBS 0, 0.2, 1, 5 or 10
$JASC,HPR,rate[,OTHER] PSAT,HPR 0, 0.2, 1, 5 or 10
0 or 1
Table 9 – Commands for the Proprietary Output Sentences
1 The RTCM output “sentence” is all binary data, and so should be used
with care! RTCM data is only available when the G2 is configured to use
SBAS correction data (see the $JDIFF command in Table 15).
L The RTCM output sentence can only be turned off with a
$JASC,RTCM,0[,OTHER] command.
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Command Data in Sentence Rate (Hz)
$JBIN,1,rate GPS Position 0, 0.2, 1 or 5
$JBIN,2,rate GPS & SBAS Satellites used, Time, DOPs 0 or 1
$JBIN,80,rate GPS SBAS information 0 or 1
$JBIN,94,rate Ionosphere & UTC conversion parameters 0 or 1
$JBIN,95,rate GPS Ephemeris information 0 or 1
$JBIN,96,rate Code & carrier phase information 0 or 1
$JBIN,97,rate Processing statistics 0 or 1
$JBIN,98,rate GPS Satellite & Almanac information 0 or 1
$JBIN,99,rate GPS diagnostic information 0 or 1
Table 10 – Commands for the Binary Output Sentences
L The Binary output sentences should only be enabled by a program or control
device which properly understands them (such as the Navigator G2). They should
not be enabled when using HyperTerminal, since they are not human-readable –
and worse, they can sometimes cause HT to crash.
Note: See the GPS Technical Reference for full details on the
Binary sentences.
Command Sentence Rate (Hz)
$PCSI,1,rate PCSI,CS0 0 or 1
$PCSI,2,rate PCSI,CS1 0 or 1
Table 11 – Commands for the Beacon Output Sentences (G2B only)
L The PCSI Beacon sentences can only be turned off with a
$PCSI,1,0 and/or $PCSI,2,0 command.
L The PCSI commands must be entered in UPPER case.
Command Description
$GPCRQ,MSK Query the Beacon receiver’s operational status
$GPCRQ,MSS Query the Beacon receiver’s performance status
$GPMSK,parameters Tune the Beacon receiver
Table 12 – Commands for the Beacon Receiver (G2B only)
Note: See the GPS Technical Reference for full details on all the
Beacon commands.
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Command Action & Time Constant Affected Range (seconds)
Query or Set the Course-Over-Ground
cogtau = 0.0 to 200.0
$JATT,HTAU.htau Query or Set the Heading Constant htau = 0.0 to 3600.0
$JATT,HRTAU,hrtau Query or Set the Rate of Turn Constant hrtau = 0.0 to 3600.0
$JATT,PTAU,ptau Query or Set the Pitch (or Roll) Constant ptau = 0.0 to 3600.0
Query or Set the Speed Constant spdtau = 0.0 to 200.0
$JSMOOTH,time Query or Set the Carrier Smoothing Time
time = SHORT 300
time = LONG 900
time = 15 to 6000
Table 13 – Commands for the Smoothing Time Constants
Note: see Smoothing Output Data with Time Constants on page 59
for full details of the TAU time constants.
Command Description
$JATT,GYROAID[,NO/YES] Query or Enable/Disable the Gyro-aiding feature
Query or Set Heading Output Offset
hbias range is –180° to +180°
Query or Set Level Mode Operation
YES Tilt less than 10°
Query or Set the Pitch/Roll sign convention
NO normal
YES reverse sign
Query or Set the Pitch/Roll Output Offset
pbias range is –15° to +15°
Query or Set the Pitch/Roll Orientation
NO Pitch
YES Roll
$JATT,T25CAL[,NO/YES] Query or Enable/Disable the xxxxx
$JATT,TILTAID[,NO/YES] Query or Enable/Disable the Tilt Sensor
Calibrate the Tilt Sensor
(the G2 must be level when this command is issued)
Query or Set the Baud rate
rate = 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400
(if you change the G2’s Baud rate, you must change the other
device(s) to match!)
Table 14 – Commands for Baud Rates, Installation Options & Internal Sensors
1 In most cases where the command option is NO or YES, 0 or 1 can be used instead:
OFF, 1
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Command Description
Set both ports Baud rate to BAUD (4800, 9600, 19200,
Do a $JSAVE (see Table 16) L
Set the Differential Age Timeout
age = 6 to 8100 seconds
$JATT,COAST[,NO/YES] 1 Query or Enable/Disable the xxxxx
$JATT,COGAID[,NO/YES] Query or Enable/Disable the xxxxx
$JATT,EXACT[,NO/YES] Query or Enable/Disable the xxxxx
Query or Set whether the Heading value in GPHDM is in
degrees True or degrees Magnetic
NO Magnetic, YES True
$JATT,HIGHMP[,NO/YES] Query or Enable/Disable the xxxxx
Query or Set the Talker ID for heading sentences:
NO all sentences use GP
$JATT,STOPPED[,NO/YES] Query or Enable/Disable the xxxxx
Query or Set the DGPS source:
NONE Operate in autonomous mode
WAAS SBAS corrections
OTHER RTCM SC-104 corrections input through Port B
BEACON Radiobeacon corrections (G2B only)
Set a cut-off elevation, below which satellites will be ignored
Angle range is 0° to 60°
Query or set the number digits after the decimal point in the
GPGGA & GPGLL output sentences
digits = 1 to 8
Turn off all NMEA & Proprietary data output
L The PCSI Beacon status sentences must be turned off with
a $PCSI,0,0 and/or $PCSI,1,0 command
L The RTCM output sentence must be turned off with a
$JASC,RTCM,0[,OTHER] command
Query or set an initial position, to speed up re-acquisition time
Latitude & Longitude must be in decimal degrees
example: $JPOS,49.2,123.1
Table 15 – Commands for Miscellaneous Features & Functions
1 In most cases where the command option is NO or YES, 0 or 1 can be used instead:
OFF, 1
L Caution! The automatic $JSAVE done by the $J4STRING command will any include
any other changes you may have made before sending the command.
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Command Description
Query the current computed antenna separation
(Should always return 0.500 ± 0.010 metres)
Query or Set the actual separation between the antennae
L In the Vector G2 & G2B, the physical antenna separation is
fixed at 0.5 metres – so this command should only be used to
check that the MSEP value is set correctly (to 0.5)!
$JATT,HELP Show a list of the various JATT commands which are available
$JATT,SEARCH Force a new RTK Search
$JATT,SUMMARY Query current settings of several parameters
$JGEO Query the frequencies and locations of SBAS satellites being used
$JI Query the G2’s serial number and firmware versions
$JT Query the receiver type
$JQUERY,GUIDE Query whether the G2 is providing suitable performance or not
$JRESET L Reset to default settings L DO NOT USE
$JSAVE Save current operating configuration
Show current operating configuration
empty show everything
BIN show Binary sentences
CONF show modes & limits
GP show NMEA & Proprietary sentences
$JWAASPRN Query the PRNs of the SBAS satellites currently being used
Table 16 – Commands for Status & Configuration
L The $JRESET command should NEVER be used!!
It does not reset the G2’s configuration to the ComNav factory defaults, as you might
expect, but instead to Hemisphere GPS’s own factory defaults, which are quite
different (including the Baud rates being 19200).
If you happen to send this command by accident, please call your ComNav Dealer for
assistance in restoring normal operation of your G2.
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Other Commands
The commands in Table 8 through Table 16 above are all the ones typically used in
marine applications of the G2.
There are several other commands which Hemisphere’s Crescent chipset supports.
Most of these other commands are documented in the GPS Technical Reference
However, it should be noted that the GPS Technical Reference is a general-purpose
reference for the Crescent chipset, & products based on that – but ComNav’s Vector G2
& G2B products do not implement all of the chipset’s features. So, the information in that
document must be used with some caution, when used with the G2.
Some of these other commands can be used for special applications,
diagnostics, or other purposes. Describing them and their use is beyond the
scope of this manual.
Some of the rest simply make no sense in the G2. The chipset provides them (&
reacts to them) for when it used in discrete-antennae GPS Compass products
(such as the Hemisphere Sensors, or ComNav’s Navigator G4), in custom circuit
designs, or in OEM products built around Hemisphere’s GPS Receiver “module”.
The remainder of the other commands are for features and functions not
supported in ComNav’s versions of the Hemisphere products.
Some specific items you should ignore are:
all “subscription”, e-Dif, L-Dif & OmniSTAR features, and related commands
anything related to Ports C & D
the $JALT, $JAPP, $JCONN, $JK, $JLIMIT and $JWCONF commands
the $JATT,FLIPBRD command
any commands relating to Binary outputs Bin 76 & 93
Some newer ones are not mentioned, and there are also some formatting errors in the document.
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Customising & Fine-tuning the Configuration
There are a number of situations where you might want to change the Vector G2’s
factory-default configuration settings in ways other than simply enabling or disabling the
specific sentences that your system requires, or changing the update rates of the enabled
Roll Alignment
One common situation is if you have mounted the G2 athwartships.
In this case, you must tell the G2 that it is mounted that way, by sending it the following
$JATT,HBIAS,90.0 (if you have mounted the G2 pointing to Port)
$JATT,HBIAS,-90.0 (if you have mounted the G2 pointing to Starboard)
The ROLL command tells the G2 that it is pointing athwartships, so that it will output its
RTK-based “pitch/roll” measurement in the “roll” field of the $PSAT,HPR output sentence.
The HBIAS command (you would send only one of the ones above) tells the G2 which
side of the vessel it is pointing to. When it is pointing to Port (see Figure 3), the G2 must
add 90° to its RTK hea
ding computations, in order to get the vessel’s correct heading;
alternatively, when pointing to Starboard 90° must be subtracted from the computed
Note: the HBIAS command does not affect the RTK-based “pitch/roll”
computation (for the HPR sentence), nor the actual tilt measurement
by the tilt sensor (in the INTLT sentence). These values are always
based on the tilt angle between the Primary & Secondary antennae.
In order to tell the G2 that you have mounted it pointing at the bow:
Note: this is the factory-default. You would only need to send these
commands to the G2 if you have been using an athwartships
mounting, and then have re-mounted the G2 in a “parallel to
centreline” orientation.
Biased Alignment(s)
If there is some bias in the alignment of the G2’s enclosure, you will need to tell the G2
what that is. Some examples:
If the enclosure is mounted pointed at the bow, but at a slight angle (say, 5.5° to
Port): $JATT,HBIAS,5.5.
For 5.5° to Starboard: $JATT,HBIAS,-5.5.
If the enclosure is mounted athwartships, but at an angle slightly less than
abeam (say, 81.0° to Port): $JATT,HBIAS,81.0.
If pointed 81.0° to Starboard: $JATT,HBIAS,-81.0.
If the enclosure is mounted with a slight tilt (say, 7.5°) from the Primary antenna
to the Secondary antenna: $JATT,PBIAS,-7.5.
If the tilt is from the Secondary to the Primary antenna: $JATT,PBIAS,7.5.
Note: the PBIAS command only affects the RTK-based “pitch/roll”
computation (for the HPR sentence), not the actual tilt measurement
by the tilt sensor (in the INTLT sentence).
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Disabling the Tilt Sensor
The Vector G2’s tilt sensor is enabled by default.
You can turn the tilt sensor off with a $JATT,TILTAID,0 command.
The only time you might need to do that is when troubleshooting, to ensure the GPS
receiver is working properly.
Re-calibrating the Tilt Sensor
The tilt sensor is pre-calibrated at the factory.
However, if you experience any large amount of tilt measurement error (more than about
6° from actual tilt angle), you can recalibrate the sensor, by using the $JATT,TILTCAL
command. To do this: power off the G2, shield it from all satellite signals, check that it is
as level as possible, power it back on, and then issue the recalibration command.
You can observe the actual tilt measurements from the sensor by sending the
$JASC,INTLT,rate[,OTHER] command to the G2.
Disabling the Gyro Sensor
The G2’s internal gyro sensor is enabled by default.
The only time you might need to disable the gyro is when troubleshooting, to ensure GPS
the receiver is working properly.
You can turn the gyro off by sending a $JATT,GYROAID,0 command.
Smoothing Output Data with Time Constants
The G2 incorporates user-configurable time constants which can provide a degree of
smoothing to the course over ground, heading, pitch, rate of turn, and speed outputs.
Each time constant – called “something” TAU – is a value that sets the length of a simple
averaging filter for that specific output. For example, the default value of HTAU tells the
G2 to smooth heading outputs with a filter that is 2.0 seconds in length.
Table 17 (on the next page) describes all the time constants.
Changing the Time Constants
The G2’s
default time constant settings are fine for most users.
But you can set the time constants to be a better match to the dynamics of your vessel, if
you like.
For instance, if the vessel is very large and is not able to turn quickly, increasing
the heading time constant (HTAU) might be useful. The resulting heading values
would have less apparent jitter
, and be more consistent – both from moment to
moment and over longer periods of time as the vessel moves – with the vessel’s
“real” heading.
On the other hand, increasing a time constant also increases the G2’s time lag in
responding to actual changes in the value being measured – i.e., it takes longer
for a “real change” in the value being measured to show up in the G2’s output
Worse, increasing a time constant too far could create an unacceptable lag in the
measurement – to the point where the navigation equipment that is receiving
data from the G2 would begin to be adversely affected.
For example, an autopilot will begin to appear sluggish in its steering
performance, if the heading time constant is increased too far. That’s
because the time lag on heading will become so large that the autopilot can
not “see” small changes in heading quickly (or perhaps even not at all).
There will always be some residual jitter in computed-heading data, even with the G2’s sophisticated RTK
algorithms. It’s an unavoidable effect of the physics & underlying mathematics of the overall GPS system.
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Sentences Affected Usage
Course Over
If the vessel is resistant to quick
changes in its motion, increase it.
If vessel does not turn quickly,
increase it.
If vessel does not turn quickly,
increase it.
Pitch (or Roll) PTAU $PSAT,HPR
If vessel does not pitch (roll)
quickly, increase it.
If the vessel does not change
speed quickly, increase it.
Table 17 – Smoothing Time Constants
If your vessel is small and highly manoeuvrable, or if you are unsure of how changing
these values will affect your vessel (and the other navigation equipment you have
on-board), it is probably best to be conservative and leave the time constants at the
default settings.
But, if you do wish to change any of the G2’s time constants, the next table provides
some formulae for figuring out an optimal value of each constant.
For further details, please consult the GPS Technical Reference manual.
Range (seconds) Formula 1
COGTAU 0.0 to 60
default: 0.0
sec)/ (in course of change of ratemax °
HTAU 0.0 to 60.0
default: 2.0
gyro ON:
sec)/ (in turn of ratemax
gyro OFF:
sec)/ (in turn of ratemax
HRTAU 0.0 to 60 sec
default: 2.0
)sec/ (in turn of rate of ratemax
PTAU 0.0 to 60 sec
default: 0.5
sec)/ (in pitch of ratemax
SPDTAU 0.0 to 60 sec
default: 0.0
)sec/metres (in onaccelerati of ratemax
Table 18 – Time Constant Formulae
1 Speed conversions: 1 Knot = 0.51444 metres/sec & 1 Km/H = 0.53996 Knots
Note: the default value of 2.0 seconds for HTAU & HRTAU is correct
when the gyro is enabled. If the gyro is disabled, the equivalent
default value of HTAU is 0.5 seconds. But the HTAU constant is not
automatically changed if the gyro is disabled, and therefore must be
changed manually.
L CAUTION! COG is computed using the Primary GPS receiver only,
and its accuracy is dependant upon the speed of the vessel (noise in
the COG measurement is inversely proportional to speed).
L When the vessel is stationary, the value of COG is invalid!!
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DGPS Source
The factory-default DGPS correction source in the Vector G2 is NONE; the default source
in the G2B is BEACON. This may be changed using the $JDIFF command (see Table 15
on page 55).
To select SBAS signals for the DGPS data, use a $JDIFF,WAAS comm
However, this should only be done in areas where the visible SBAS satellites are sending
data that is valid for the area where the G2 or G2B is currently located.
For example, the “WAAS” correction data is provided by the FAA in the U.S., so it
is thus only officially valid for the continental U.S., Alaska, Hawaii & Puerto Rico.
Unofficially, it is valid for much of southern Canada (in a strip along the 49
Parallel), and northern Mexico.
See the GPS Technical Reference manual for a more detailed description of the
capabilities and limitations of the SBAS technology.
Note: although the parameter in the $JDIFF command which enables
the G2 to use SBAS DGPS corrections is the word “WAAS”, that word
in fact tells the G2 to use whatever valid source of SBAS signals is
visible in the geographic location the G2 is currently at. Thus, in
Europe, “WAAS” means “use EGNOS” – and similarly in other regions
which may have SBAS service.
The Beacon receiver in the G2B is always running, no matter which DGPS mode is in
use. The receiver is by default running in full-automatic tuning mode; it may be changed
to manual tuning, using the GPMSK command (see the GPS Technical Reference).
If neither SBAS nor Beacon corrections are available, an external source of RTC SC-104
differential corrections may be selected ($JDIFF,OTHER).
Baud Rates & Data Bandwidth
If you are going to change the enabled sentences and/or update rates that the G2 is
outputting (on one or both ports), you may need to change the Baud rate, with the
JBAUD command
The factory-default Baud rate for both Ports A & B in the G2 is 4800 Baud; this complies
with the NMEA 0183 Standard. The G2’s serial data is always formatted 8-N-1, which
means that there are 10 bits sent per byte, and so the factory-default transmit/receive
data bandwidth is 480 bytes/second, on each port.
In any serial communications system, the total number of bytes sent per second must not
exceed the data bandwidth. A good rule of thumb when setting up serial communications
systems is that the total bytes/sec should be less than ~90% of the bandwidth:
The NMEA & proprietary sentences enabled in the factory defaults fit within the
data bandwidth of the factory-default 4800 Baud: 417.4 bytes/sec on Port A, and
445 bytes/sec on Port B.
If the Baud rate is too low – i.e., bandwidth less than the total bytes/sec that the G2 is
configured to transmit – the data will be corrupted, in random & unpredictable ways. The
result will typically be “Invalid Data” errors on the equipment that is connected to the G2.
On the next page is a screen shot of a “bandwidth estimation” calculation (a simple
MS Excel® worksheet) for the G2. In your own calculations, you should use the lengths
of the data in the example sentences of the screen shot, to check that any changes you
wish to make do not exceed the bandwidth at the Baud rate(s) the G2 is configured to. If
they do, you will have to change the G2’s Baud rate accordingly, or else set up a
different, lower-bandwidth, combination of enabled sentences & update rates.
If you change Port A’s rate using HyperTerminal or PocketMAX, you will have to change their Baud rates too, right
after the G2’s rate is changed. The Navigator G2 automatically detects the G2’s Baud rate, in contrast.
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Figure 20 – Data Bandwidth Estimation
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Care & Maintenance
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Care & Maintenance
The Vector G2 & G2B GPS Compasses haves been designed to provide many years of
reliable service. The following care and maintenance tips will help to ensure the longevity of
your Vector.
Protection of Wires and Cabling
After installation, ensure that the system components are securely mounted and will not
shake loose due to the vibrations that can be expected in a marine vessel.
Ensure that the cable to the G2 is well secured with clamps or alternative fasteners.
Many potential problems can be avoided by ensuring that cabling and wiring do not cause
any strain on the connectors.
Periodic Checks
After the first six months of operation, a thorough examination of the entire G2 system MUST
BE UNDERTAKEN. Verify that all electrical connections, cables, clamps, mounting brackets,
and mechanical connections are secure.
An ANNUAL inspection should be undertaken thereafter.
General Precautions
A few precautions will keep the unit in prime condition:
The G2’s enclosure does not require any special maintenance. An occasional
cleaning is suggested; use a damp cloth and mild soap.
L Do not use abrasive cleaners or chemicals.
Avoid exposing the enclosure to solvents, acids, and bases – some of these may
weaken the plastic.
The G2’s enclosure is designed to be weatherproof and splash resistant, but it should
not be immersed in water for a prolonged period of time.
Environments exceeding a maximum temperature of 85°C or below a minimum
temperature of -40°C MUST BE AVOIDED.
There are no user-serviceable parts or adjustments inside the G2’s enclosure. Should the
unit become damaged in any way, return it to an authorized ComNav Dealer.
Fuse Replacement
There are no fuses used inside the G2 itself. However, it is strongly recommended that a
fuse (or circuit breaker) be installed in the G2’s Power wiring (see page 17).
L If the fuse/breaker blows, determine the cause before
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Appendix 1
GPS Receiver
Parameter Specification
Receiver Type
Twin receivers, 0.5m antenna separation
L1, C/A code, with carrier phase smoothing
1.575 GHz carrier frequency
Channels Two x 12, parallel tracking
(Two x 10 channels when tracking SBAS)
Update Rate
position: adjustable, 20 Hz max
heading: adjustable, 20 Hz max
Horizontal Accuracy 1
< 1 m RMS when using DGPS corrections
< 2.5 m RMS when autonomous (no SA)
Datum: WGS 84
Heading Accuracy 2 < 0.5° RMS
(Magnetic Variation computations are based on
the World Magnetic Model 2005)
Rate of Turn 90° per second max.
Start Up time < 60 seconds typical
Heading Fix < 20 seconds typical
Satellite Reacquisition < 1 second
Compass Safe Distance 1.25 m (standard magnetic compass)
0.80 m (steering magnetic compass)
Compass Safe Distance
0.75 m (standard magnetic compass)
0.50 m (steering magnetic compass)
Table 19 – GPS Receiver Specifications
1 Accuracy depends on multipath environment, number of satellites in view and
satellite geometry
2 The quality of DGPS corrections has no impact on heading performance.
Note: the performance figures above are based on a minimum of four
visible satellites, HDOP less than 4, PDOP less than 6, high-quality
DGPS corrections and otherwise normal conditions.
L Excessive multipath, GPS signal obstructions and/or interference may
reduce the performance.
DGPS Beacon Receiver (G2B only)
Parameter Specification
Channels 2, parallel tracking
Frequency Range
283.5 to 325.0 KHz
84 channels, automatic or manual
Sensitivity 2.5 dBμV for 5 dB SNR @ 200 bps
Dynamic Range 100 dB
Adjacent Channel
61 dB @ ±400 Hz offset
Compliance IEC 61108-4 Beacon Standard
Table 20 – DGPS Beacon Receiver Specifications
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System Interface
Parameter Specification
RS-232 Serial:
o 2 full-duplex
RS-422 Serial:
o 2 half-duplex, output only
o same data as output on RS-232
all ports optically isolated
Baud Rate 4800 (default), 9600, 19200 and 38400
Data Output Protocol NMEA 0183, proprietary ASCII (Crescent)
& proprietary binary (see Table 6 & Table 7)
Data Input Protocol NMEA-like (see Table 8 - Table 10)
Timing Output 1 1 pps, 50 ns accuracy
(HCMOS level, active Hi, rising edge)
Heading warning I/O Open relay system indicates invalid heading
Table 21 – System Interface Specifications
1 The 1 PPS Timing output is available on the connector on the G2’s enclosure,
but is not wired in the third-generation’s cables (see Table 26).
Parameter Specification
Supply Voltage 11 to 36 VDC
Power Consumption < 4.5 W nominal,
360 mA (max) @ 12 VDC
Table 22 – Power Specifications
Table 23 – Mechanical Specifications
Parameter Specification
Dimensions 60 cm x 16 cm x 18 cm
(23.6 in. x 6.3 in. x 7.1 in.), not including mount
Weight 1.5 Kg
Enclosure Rating IP 67
Operating Temperature -32°C to +74°C
Storage Temperature -40°C to +85°C
Humidity 0 to 100% condensing
Data cable length
o 15 metres (50 feet),
or 30 metres (100 feet)
(custom lengths are available)
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Appendix 2
Setting Up & Using HyperTerminal
This section describes the basic procedures for using HyperTerminal with a Vector G2.
Most of the screen shots and examples of typical data & commands in this section
were taken while running the standard HyperTerminal
program on a newer PC
(running a Core2 Quad CPU, Windows XP Pro 32-bit SP3, and an LCD display at
1600 x 1200). The PC G2 connection (on the G2’s RS-232 ports) was via two
generic USB-to-Serial adapters set up for COM 5 & 6. The G2B’s Port A was
connected to COM 5, and Port B to COM 6.
The two detailed ports’ examples were taken on an older laptop (Celeron CPU,
Windows XP Pro SP3, LCD display 1024 x 768). The G2B’s RS-232 ports were
connected via a generic 4-serial-input to USB adapter; Port A was mapped to COM4,
Ports B to COM5.
Set Up a New Connection
Start Hyperterminal
, and give the new connection a name & Icon that makes sense
to you (for example, to help you remember what port it is used on, in later use):
Figure 21 – New Connection Dialog Box
There is a Private Edition (available for free for non-commercial use), which you may wish to obtain; it has more
features that the standard HyperTerminal – see the program’s Help info. Note that HyperTerminal Private Edition was
used for some of the examples on the following pages.
In Windows XP: Start All Programs Accessories Communications. In other versions of Windows, the menu
sequence is similar.
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Choose the COM Port which is connected to the G2’s Port A:
Figure 22 – COM Port Selection Dialog Box
Set up the COM port’s Baud rate, serial format (8-N-1), and flow control:
Figure 23 – COM Port Settings
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The new connection’s communication session will then start – but HyperTerminal is
not fully set up yet for use with the G2, so click on the Disconnect button, to stop the
Figure 24 – Disconnect Button Figure 25 – Call Button
Set up the remaining COM port parameters; select File Properties Settings:
Figure 26 – COM Port Properties Dialog Box, Settings Tab
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Click on the ASCII Setup button:
Figure 27 – COM Port ASCII Setup Dialog Box
Note: you may find that a Line Delay longer or shorter than 10 msec
will be needed on your PC; you may also need to set a non-zero
Character Delay.
The other buttons on the Settings Tab do not need to be clicked, since the
default parameter values on those dialogs are fine.
Exit the File Properties Settings dialog (click on the appropriate OK buttons).
Save and Re-use the Connection
One you have finished setting up the New Connection(s) satisfactorily, you should do a
manual Save, so that you have it (them) stored for subsequent use: File Save.
When you want to re-open a saved session: File Open, then select the session you want.
Alternatively, you can use File Save As to store the session(s) in some other folder on your
PC’s file system (HyperTerminal always stores New Connections in its own folder), and then
navigate back to that folder when you later do a File Open.
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Use the New Connection to the G2
Now that you have your connection set up, you can use it:
Re-start the HyperTerminal session: click on the Call button (see Figure 25).
If you want to monitor both
of the G2’s ports, start another HyperTerminal session,
setting it up the same as above, but on another COM port (COM 6, for the G2’s Port
B, in the screen shots here). Position it on your PC’s display so that you can see
both sessions simultaneously (see Figure 28, below for an example).
Power up the G2.
After a few seconds, you should begin to see data coming from the G2 in the
HyperTerminal session(s). Initially, all the data fields in the G2’s output sentences
will be empty; then, within a minute or so (depending on how many GPS satellites
with good signal strength can be seen by the G2), the Position & Date/Time fields will
start to have valid data, followed after another few minutes or so by heading data.
Note: if you are using a USB-to-Serial adapter (see page 32), you may
find – depe
ing on the brand of the adapter and/or the version of its
driver software – that you must “make the Call” with the G2
disconnected from the DE9 end of the adapter, or perhaps even with
the G2 turned off.
The symptom of this condition will be that HyperTerminal brings up a
message box that says “Can not open COM port x” when you click on
the Call button.
Using a different brand of adapter, and/or a different driver, may solve
the problem.
Example Data Displays
On the following pages, there are several examples of what a typical PC display looks like
while monitoring the G2’s data outputs with HyperTerminal (two sessions, with Port A’s on
the left of Port B’s, and after several minutes of operation):
The Vectors used for the following examples were both G2Bs, configured with the
ComNav factory defaults on both ports (see Table 6 & Table 7). They were located
ComNav’s office, on the usual test site – a low bush just outside the Service
Department door. Each was aligned to point approximately West, with a clear view of
the Southern sky (about 200° horizontally centered on ~180° True, and about 90°
vertically, from ~10° above the Southern horizon to ~100° overhead); there were
some cars parked nearby, but none within 3 metres, and no other metallic surfaces
As can be seen in the example data outputs, 7 (of the 11 or 12 visible) GPS satellites’
signals were used by the G2Bs in the GPS data processing & position/heading/etc.
The nearest Beacon transmitter is about 6 Km away (the Canadian Coast Guard’s
Richmond, B.C. site), and its signal was good during all the tests.
All the tests shown in the screen shots were run with the G2B’s Differential data
source (JDIFF) set to BEACON. Then, at a later point in the tests (shown only in
some of the “typical data listing” figures), JDIFF was set to WAAS; there were two
SBAS satellites visible – and PRN #135 was selected by the G2B, as is usually the
case here at ComNav.
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Figure 28 – A Typical Two-session Screen
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Monitoring the G2
This is a more detailed look at a typical HyperTerminal session on Port A, after about an hour
and a half of operation (on the laptop):
Figure 29 – Typical Port A Session
This is a more detailed look at the matching session on Port B:
Figure 30 – Typical Port B Session
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Capturing Data Output from the G2
One of the problems with using HyperTerminal is that it’s hard to watch individual sentences,
or inspect them carefully – because the data keeps coming out of the G2, so the text in the
HyperTerminal’s “screen” area is constantly changing, as new data comes in and the older
data scrolls up (& eventually off) the active display area.
Or, you might want to “capture” the output from the G2 over along period of time – for
example, to look how position &/or heading changed during a voyage, in order to check if
your autopilot is properly adjusted for your boat.
To look at data in these ways, it’s necessary to use HyperTerminal’s Capture Text function:
Figure 31 – Capturing the G2’s Output
Enter a file name, & Browse to a folder (in which to store the captured text) that will be easy
to find later
Figure 32 – Choosing a Filename & Location for Captured Output
On most modern PCs, with the typical hard disk of at least 80 GB, you could keep capturing
the G2’s output for a very long time, without running out of storage space. At 4800 Baud, the
G2 puts out about 25 KB per minute, or ~1.5 MB per hour, ~36 MB per day.
Note: it may be hard to look at files bigger than 10 MB or so, later on
(with ordinary text editors, at least).
You could also use HyperTerminal’s standard “storage” folder, although that can be hard to find, as it is usually located
somewhere in the “system” folders on the main hard drive, e.g., C:\Program Files\Windows NT\HyperTerminal\
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This is 5 seconds (i.e., one full sequence of all the factory-default enabled sentences) of
typical output from Port A, captured into a text file (see also the examples on page 85):
This is 1 second (i.e., one full sequence of all the factory-default enabled sentences) of
typical output from Port B, captured approximately simultaneously with Port A above:
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Sending Commands to the G2
Another problem when using HyperTerminal with a G2 is that it’s hard to simply “type”
commands to the G2.
That’s because HyperTerminal is a “dumb terminal” program – it depends on the device it is
“talking to” (the G2, in this case) for “editing user input” … hit a key on the keyboard, and that
character immediately gets sent out to the G2.
But the G2 is does not have an “input editor” function (i.e., the Backspace & Delete keys
mean nothing to it), so you can not correct any wrong characters which you happen to type.
Nor does the G2 echo any characters it receives back out to the PC … so you can’t even see
what you’re typing
! And it’s even worse, if you are trying to type commands while the G2 is
sending a continuous stream of data …
The solution to this is to use “script” files – simple text files, containing the command(s) that
you want to send to the G2, which you can create with any text editor (e.g., Notepad,
WordPad, Word
, etc. on a PC).
Figure 33 – Sending a Command File
Figure 34 – Choosing the Command File to Send
… unless you set HyperTerminal to echo the keys you type onto the PC display (which can cause other problems).
With MS Word®, be sure to save your script files as “simple text”; Word 2003 calls these “plain text (*.txt)” in the Save
As dialog, older versions of Word called them “MS-DOS text (*.txt)” or something similar. Word’s normal default file
format is “Word document (*.doc)”, which will not work properly in HyperTerminal with a G2.
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Some sample script files we use when working with the G2 at ComNav are shown below.
Please feel free to use them in your own work with the G2!
For a description of the individual commands here, see Table 8 thru Table 13, and the GPS
Technical Ref
Tip: when using the various “status” scripts below, it’s often easiest if you first temporarily
disable all the G2’s currently updating Navigation data sentences, using the All Off or
Port A Off scripts. That way, you can “see” the status responses, and inspect them
Note: if you do use either of the “Off” scripts, then none of the output
sentences enabled in the G2’s current power-on configuration
settings for Port A will show up, in the Query All response, since
those sentences are – at the time of the query – disabled. However,
unless you send a $JSAVE command to the G2 before you do a
power-off/on cycle, all those “current” sentences will re-start, after
power-on. Keep in mind that there is no way to determine the G2’s
saved configuration, except by observing what it does on power-up!
1) All Off.txt – shuts off all output sentences, on both ports:
2) Port A Off.txt – shuts off all output sentences, on Port A:
3) Query All.txt – lists the G2’s important configuration & status parameters:
Note: in this & some other example scripts, there are two versions given,
depending on which generation of the G2 is being used (see
Appendix 3).
& 3
Generation 1
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4) Query DGPS.txt – shows the current status of the SBAS functions
5) Query Beacon.txt – shows the current status of the Beacon receiver (in the G2B only):
6) Query Tilt.txt – shows the current readings from the tilt sensor:
7) Query Satelites.txt – shows the current “satellites” status:
8) Set ComNav Defaults (Port A).txt – configures the G2 with the factory defaults:
& 3
Generation 1
In this and some other scripts, it is necessary to insert some “empty lines” between the two commands shown, to allow
the G2 sufficient time to recognize the “enable” command, and start to respond to it, before it receives the subsequent
“disable” command. On the test PCs at ComNav, this requires ~20 empty lines between the two commands. On your
PC, it may be different, so you may have to experiment with it. The empty lines are indicated here with the
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9) Set ComNav Defaults (Port B).txt – configures the G2 with the factory defaults:
& 3
Generation 1
10) Set DGPS Beacon.txt – configures the G2B with the factory-default DGPS setting:
11) Set DGPS SBAS.txt – switches the DGPS setting to SBAS:
12) Set DGPS Autonomous.txt – switches the DGPS setting to Autonomous:
13) Set 4800 on Both.txt – sets both port’s Baud rates to the factory-default of 4800
14) Set 19200 on Both.txt – sets both port’s Baud rates to 19200:
15) Set All NMEA On.txt – enables all non-binary “navigation” (NMEA & proprietary) output
Remember that when changing Baud rates, you will have to change HyperTerminal’s Baud rate to match the G2, if the
G2’s new Baud rate is different than what it is when the command is sent. Disconnect the session, change the rate in
File Properties Configure, then re-start the session with the Call button. On some PCs, you may have to exit
HyperTerminal completely, & then re-start it.
You will have to be running the G2 & Hyperterminal at a Baud rate of at least 19200 when you use this script, since the
total bandwidth from the G2 with all these outputs enabled is ~1245 bytes/sec (see page 61 for more details on Baud
rates & data bandwidth).
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Example Responses
The following are examples of the G2’s typical responses to some of the scripts above, and
to single commands entered manually.
1) This is the output from a Query All script (all normal output had been disabled before this,
with an All Off script – see page 81):
2) This the G2’s reply when you ask it what is the current source of DGPS correction data,
with a $JDIFF command (the current source is SBAS):
3) This is the G2’s reply when you set it to use Roll->Port alignment (see page 58):
If you then query the current Roll & HBIAS status, by sending it $JATT,ROLL & then
$JATT,HBIAS commands, here’s the reply:
4) Here is the G2’s reply when you enter an invalid command
$> Unknown Command, Please Check and Re-Enter
5) Here is the G2’s reply when you enter an incomplete command:
$> Insufficient Arguments, Please Re-enter
… usually – but please be aware that, in some “bad command” situations, the G2 does not reply at all.
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6) Here is the G2’s reply when you enter a $JSAVE command:
(normal data output … whatever is currently configured)
$> Saving Configuration. Please Wait...
(normal data output continues for ~5 seconds)
$> Save Complete
(normal data output continues)
7) Here is a typical power-on sequence from Port A (configured with the ComNav factory
default settings):
Note: the time intervals shown here are more or less normal; in your
installation, they may be shorter or longer, depending on the G2’s
location, its sky view, current GPS signal reception conditions, and so on.
the first several seconds are mostly all Null data. Also, GSV does not appear below
(it often does not start immediately, even though there may be many visible
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after a few more seconds, the ZDA & HPR sentences begin to have valid time/date
data, and GSV appears:
output continues like that for another ~30 seconds, then position, speed
, COG &
more satellite data begins to appear, in the GGA, GLL, VTG, RMC, GSA & GST
and a few seconds later, the RTK-based heading & pitch data begins to appear, in
the HDT, ROT, HDM, HDG and HPR sentences:
… although the speed & COG data in this example is invalid, since the G2 was not moving during this output capture
sequence (see the footnote on page 42, and the note after Table 18 on page 60).
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8) Here is a typical power-on sequence from Port B (captured simultaneously with the
Port A sequence above):
the first second is all Null data:
after ~35 seconds more, the VTG sentence begins to have valid speed & COG data:
and after a few seconds more, the RTK-based heading data begins to appear, in the
HDM & HDT sentences:
Note: as you can see in the example outputs above, the ”position”,
“heading” & other output data is initially Null values – i.e., the
respective fields in the NMEA sentences are empty.
Yet the sentences still have proper structure and format, including
correct checksums.
Some NMEA equipment may accept these sentences as “valid”, and
not generate any ”invalid data”, “lost heading” or similar alarms or
Other equipment may react to them with such alarms &/or warnings!!
L CAUTION! Although the examples above were captured during a
power-on sequence, the same “Null heading” (empty fields) behaviour
occurs whenever the G2 encounters a GPS signal blockage; for
example, when passing under a bridge, or if the vessel is in a narrow
channel with high sides that block most of the sky view, or similar).
The Null heading condition can also occur, randomly, when there are
strong multi-path reflections (see page 41).
Note that if the Gyro sens
or is ena
bled in such circumstances, the
Null heading condition will not occur for 3 minutes after loss-of-signal
(see page 44).
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Appendix 3
Vector Model Generations
To date, there have been 3 generations of the Vector G2 & G2B GPS Compasses. All are
named “Vector G2” (or “Vector G2B”), and all use the same ComNav part numbers; for
example, PN 11210001 is a Vector G2 with 15m cable & mounting brackets, irrespective of
Identifying Generations
The model generations can only be distinguished by the serial number, which is located on
the label on the underside of the enclosure.
The serial number is in the format YYWW-nnnn-nnnn (the number of digits in the
“n” fields can vary). The first four digits of the serial number indicate the year and
week of manufacture: YYWW means week WW of year 20YY.
A first-generation model has a serial number with the first four digits being less than
0722. For Installation & Operation information on those first-generation models,
please refer to revision 1.2 of this manual.
The second-generation model has a serial number with the first four digits being
greater than 0722, but less than 0902. For information on those second-generation
models, please refer to revision 1.6 (with Addendum #1) of this manual.
The third-generation model has a serial number with the first four digits being 0902,
or some higher four-digit code. Revision 2.0 (or later) of this manual is applicable
primarily to the third generation (& possibly later) of the Vector G2 & G2B GPS
Differences between Generations
All Vector G2 & G2B GPS Compasses are customised OEM versions of certain GPS
Compasses made by Hemisphere GPS™ (formerly CSI Wireless), of Calgary,
Alberta, Canada and Scottsdale, Arizona, U.S.A.:
The first-generation ComNav Vector G2 is based on Hemisphere’s Vector GPS
Compass, while the ComNav Vector G2B is based on the Vector PRO. All these
models use Hemisphere’s SLX GPS receiver technology.
The second-generation Vector G2 is based on Hemisphere’s initial MV100 series
(using their Crescent™ GPS receiver technology) – the G2 on the MV100, the
G2B on the MV110.
The third-generation Vector G2 is based on Hemisphere’s subsequent minor
update of the MV100 series – the G2 on that MV100, the G2B on that MV110.
The third-generation G2/G2Bs also were shipped with an improved
factory-default configuration
All ComNav Vectors have differences from the corresponding Hemisphere
models, in their operational specifications & factory-default configuration settings;
for details, please refer to the respective ComNav & Hemisphere models’
ComNav Vectors do not support any of Hemisphere’s various optional
GPS/DGPS receiver features or subscription applications (e-Dif, OmniSTAR,
L-Dif™, etc.).
Some of the later 2
-generation Vectors were the updated MV100/110s, but were still shipped with the original (2006)
factory-default G2/G2B configuration settings. The rest were shipped with the improved configuration – in particular, any
08xx units still in stock at ComNav at the time the new configuration was implemented, April 2009.
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The significant differences in features & operating specifications between the three
generations of ComNav Vector G2 & G2B GPS Compasses are listed below.
Feature First Second Third
Operating Voltage 8 – 40 VDC 10 – 36 VDC 11 – 36 VDC
Power Consumption < 4.5 W < 5 W < 4.5 W
Operating Temperature -30° C to +70° C -32° C to +74° C -32° C to +74° C
Max Update Rate, Position 5 Hz 10 Hz 20 Hz
Max Update Rate, Heading 10 Hz 10 Hz 20 Hz
Max Rate of Turn 25 °/s 90 °/s 90 °/s
GPS Horizontal Accuracy
(autonomous, no SA)
5 m, 95% 2.5 m RMS 2.5 m RMS
GPS Horizontal Accuracy
(DGPS in use)
1 m, 95% 1 m RMS 1 m RMS
Compass Safe Distance not specified 125 cm
Standard: 1.25 m
Steering: 0.80 m
Compass Safe Distance
not specified not specified
Standard: 0.75 m
Steering: 0.50 m
Beacon Receiver (G2B) SBX-3 SBX-4 SBX-4
Beacon Receiver Standard IEC 61108-4 IEC 61108-4
RS-232C Serial Ports
2 full-duplex,
1 half-duplex
2 full-duplex 2 full-duplex
Baud Rates
(RS-232 & RS-422 Outputs)
4800, 9600, 19200
4800, 96001,
1, 384001
4800, 9600
1, 384001
Data I/O Protocol
NMEA 0183,
SLX Binary
NMEA 0183,
Crescent Binary
NMEA 0183,
Crescent Binary
Talker ID for NMEA 0183
Heading Sentences
(default: HE/HC)
(default: GP)
Invalid Heading Alarm Output 2 No Yes Yes
1 PPS Output 2 Yes No No
Magnetic Aiding
(Magnetometer Sensor)
Yes No No
Table 24 – Differences between Vector G2 Generations
1 On the second & third-generation G2/G2B, only 4800 Baud is guaranteed to
work with the ComNav Commander P2, Admiral P3 & 5001 autopilots, and on
other ComNav autopilots which use the Sine-Cosine Convertor. The other
Baud rates may or may not work on other NMEA 0183 compliant equipment.
2 Whether the heading/power Alarm output, or the 1 PPS output, are available
on a given model depends on the cable used (see the Notes below Table 26
on page
91, and the Note at the bottom of page 92).
The first & second generation G2 & G2B also had different factory-default output sentences
enabled than does the third generation (see pages 46 & 47):
Port A:
Port B: HCHDM, HEHDT & HEROT at 5 Hz
The first-generation G2 & G2B did not support HEHDG, and the update rates for GPGSV and
some other sentences could only be set to 0, or to 1 Hz.
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Differences between Cables
There have been five different standard cables supplied with ComNav Vector G2 & G2B GPS
Compasses, across the three generations – three 15 metre cables, and two 30 metre cables.
The main difference between the various cables is in the colour-coding of the wires. The wire
colour codes depend on the cable’s “marking” number (which is in fact the Hemisphere GPS
part number) on the cable’s label. However, all cables of a given length have the same
ComNav part number, regardless of colour coding or marking.
Part Number
31110039 31110040
15 metres 30 metres
Marking 1
051-0063-003 051-0063-004 051-0157-002 051-0098-001 051-0158-001
Table 25 – Cable Types
1 The Marking is on a plastic sleeve located near the connector.
Shipped On Vector Generation
, 3
, 3
15 m
051-0063-003 051-0063-004 051-0157-002
30 m
051-0098-001 051-0158-001
(alternate signal) 3
Red 1 Red 1 Red 1 n/a Power Input
Black 1 Black 1 Black 1 n/a Power Ground
Blue Blue Blue RS-232, Tx Port A Transmit
White stripe
Blue stripe
RS-232, Rx Port A Receive
Green Green Green RS-422, ‘B’
White stripe
Green stripe
RS-422, ‘A’
Port A Transmit
Brown Brown Brown RS-232, Tx
Port B Transmit
(Secondary Port A Tx)
White stripe
Brown stripe
RS-232, Rx
Port B Receive
(Secondary Port A Rx)
Black stripe
Grey RS-232, Gnd Signal Ground
Yellow Yellow Yellow RS-422, ‘B’
Black stripe
Black stripe
RS-422, ‘A’
Port B Transmit
(Secondary Port A Tx)
Orange Orange n/a HCMOS, ‘B’
White stripe
n/a HCMOS, ‘A’
1 pulse/second
timing output
White White n/a
(RS-232, Tx)
Not connected
(Port B Tx)
n/a n/a White n/a Alarm Output Pin 1
Wire Colour
n/a n/a
Red stripe
n/a Alarm Output Pin 2
Bare Wire Bare Wire Bare Wire 2 n/a
Drain for RF Shielding
Table 26 – Colour Coding of All Standard Cables
1 The Power Input & Ground (Red, Black) wires are 18 AWG; all the other insulated
wires are 24 AWG.
2 The Drain wire on the 2
generation’s 30m cable is insulated with black heat-shrink.
3 Some of the signal descriptions apply only to the 2
& 3
generations; the alternate
signal listed in parentheses in those cases is for the first-generation only. The RS-232
Port B on the 1
generation only had the Tx signal. The RS-232 Secondary Port A
was useable only for special purposes.
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Cable Usage
For the 15 metre cable supplied on the first-generation G2s (marking 051-0063-003),
there are several black coloured signal wires, each carrying a different signal – which
can be very confusing.
To help prevent wiring errors caused by “many black wires”, all the wires in this cable
are twisted in pairs, with each black wire paired with its respective non-black coloured
counterpart. Each pair is also held together by a short piece of tubing, just after they
exit from the cable’s overall jacket.
Caution! If you must cut type 051-0063-003, be sure to maintain the
signal wire pairings.
For all the other cable types, the second colour listed in the table below is either
repeated bands of the colour, or a thin spiralling stripe of that colour. The wires are
twisted in pairs (but without any pair-retaining tubing).
Caution! The coloured “stripe” is either repeated bands of the colour, or
a thin spiralling stripe. The stripe can be very hard to see (especially
the Blue, Green & Brown stripes, all on Black backgrounds); please
inspect the wires carefully, under a good light, to be sure you are
using the right wires!
Note: the Installation chapter’s Colour Code information (Table 2, and
12, Figure 14 & Figure 15) shows only the colour codes of the
cable types currently supplied with the Vector (cable type numbers
051-0157-002 & 051-0158-0001 – see the 3
column in Table 26
For the earlie
r cable types, listed in the 1
& 2
columns of Table 26,
please use the colours in either the 1
or 2
column (whichever
applies) that match the signals you are using, instead of the colours
shown in the Installation chapter.
All cables can potentially be used on all generations of the Vector G2.
Note: because there are differences – with respect to the output data
signals – between the first and subsequent generations of the Vector,
the signals available on the cable depend on both the cable type and
the Vector’s generation.
L If the older cable types are used with third-generation Vector G2 &
G2Bs, the Alarm output is not provided; because of this, such use
may not be approved by some Standards organizations!
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This product is in compliance with the Electro-Magnetic Compatibility (EMC) standards of the European
Community, and therefore bears the CE-marking, per EMC Directive 2004/108/EC
It has been tested according to the applicable sections outlined under:
Technical Standard IEC 60945 ed. 4, Marine Navigation and Radiocommunication Equipment and
Applicable sections for methods of testing and required test results are:
Test Type Specification
Basic Standard Result
§ 3.1
IEC 60945 ed.4
§ 9.2
§ 3.2 Radiated Emissions
IEC 60945 ed.4
§ 9.3
§ 3.3
Conducted RF
IEC 60945 ed.4
§ 10.3
A IEC 61000-4-6 PASS
§ 3.4
Radiated Radio
IEC 60945 ed.4
§ 10.4
A IEC 61000-4-3 PASS
§ 3.5 Fast Transients
IEC 60945 ed.4
§ 10.5
B IEC 61000-4-4 PASS
§ 3.6 Reverse Polarity
IEC 60945 ed.4
§ 5.2.3
§ 3.7
Excessive Power
Supply Conditions
IEC 60945 ed.4
§ 4.3.2 (7.2) per § 5.2.3
§ 3.8
Surges On AC
Power Lines
IEC 60945 ed.4
§ 10.6
B IEC 61000-4-5 N/A
§ 3.9
Power Supply
Short-Term Variation
IEC 60945 ed.4
§ 4.3.3 (7.3) per § 10.7
§ 3.10
Power Supply
IEC 60945 ed.4
§ 4.3.3 (7.4) per § 10.8
§ 3.11 ESD – Direct
IEC 60945 ed.4
§ 10.9
B IEC 61000-4-2 PASS
§ 3.12 ESD – Indirect
IEC 60945 ed.4
§ 10.9
B IEC 61000-4-2 PASS
Complete test results and a declaration of CE conformity are on file at:
Manufacturer Seller
Hemisphere GPS LLC (formerly CSI Wireless) ComNav Marine Ltd.
4110 – 9
Street S.E. #15 - 13511 Crestwood Place
Calgary, Alberta Richmond, BC
Canada T2G 3C4 Canada V6V 2G1
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Compass Safe Distance Certificate
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ComNav Vector G2/G2B Installation & Operation Warranty
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Warranty Information
Limited Warranty
This Limited Warranty (the “Warranty”) covers all Vector and Navigator GPS Compass
products & accessories (the “Equipment”) sold by ComNav Marine Ltd. (“ComNav”).
ComNav warrants to the Purchaser, provided that the recommended installation and
maintenance procedures set forth in the manual (the “Manual”) that has been provided with
the Equipment have been followed, and subject always to the other provisions of this
Warranty, that the Equipment is free from defects in workmanship and materials under
normal use and service for a period of one (1) year from the date of purchase of the
Equipment by the Purchaser.
This Limited Warranty is null and void if:
1. The serial number of the Equipment has been removed, altered or mutilated;
2. Any of the anti-tamper seals covering case-screw holes, or other mechanisms for
opening the Equipment’s case, have been removed, broken or otherwise tampered with;
3. There are any defects in it, or damages to it, caused by:
a. Faulty installation or hook-up of the Equipment;
b. Abuse, misuse, or any use of the Equipment in violation of the instructions set
forth in the Manual;
c. Shipping, alterations, or incorrect and/or unauthorized service;
d. Accident, exposure of the Equipment to excessive heat, fire, lightning or other
electrical discharge, or water immersion;
e. Water damage due to failure to fully fasten the plug connected into the
Equipment’s power/signal receptacle;
f. Improper or inadequate ancillary or connected equipment.
1. ComNav does not warrant or guarantee the precision or accuracy of positions, heading,
or other GPS-based navigation data obtained when using the Equipment. The potential
accuracy of the Equipment, as stated in the Manual, associated ComNav literature and/or
Product specifications, provides only an estimate of the highest achievable accuracy
based on:
a. Specifications provided by the US Department of Defence for GPS Positioning;
b. GPS Receiver specifications provided by the OEM manufacturer;
c. DGPS service provider performance specifications.
2. The Equipment is not intended for primary navigation or for use in safety of life
applications; ComNav does not warrant or guarantee that the Equipment will perform in
accordance with the requirements of such usage;
3. ComNav reserves the right to modify the Equipment without any obligation to notify,
supply or install any improvements or alterations to existing Equipment.
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The extent of ComNav’s liability for damages of any nature to the end purchaser or any other
person or entity whether in contract or tort, and whether to persons or property, shall in no
case exceed, in the aggregate, the cost of correcting the defect in the equipment or, at
ComNav’s option, the cost of replacing the defective item. In no event will ComNav be liable
for any loss of production, loss of profits, loss of use or for any special, indirect, incidental,
consequential or contingent damages, even if ComNav has been advised of the possibility of
such damages. Without limiting the foregoing, ComNav shall not be liable for any damages
of any kind resulting from installation, use, quality, performance or accuracy of the
The Limited Warranty will not apply with respect to any defective Equipment unless written
notice of such defect is given to ComNav, by mail to the address for ComNav set forth below,
or by facsimile to ComNav at 604-207-8008, and unless that written notice is received by
ComNav within ten (10) days of the date upon which the defect first became known to the
Notices sent by mail from within North America will be deemed to be received by ComNav on
the seventh (7th) day first following the date of posting. Notices sent by mail from anywhere
else in the world will be deemed to be received by ComNav on the tenth (10th) day next
following the date of posting. Notices sent by facsimile will be deemed to be received by
ComNav on the date of transmission with appropriate answerback confirmation.
The Purchaser’s remedies under this Warranty apply only to the original end-user of the
ComNav Equipment, being the Purchaser, and apply only to the original installation of the
Equipment. The Purchaser’s remedies under this Warranty are not transferable or
assignable by the Purchaser to others in whole or in part.
1. If the Equipment, or any part thereof, proves to be defective within the warranty period,
the Purchaser shall do the following:
a. contact ComNav, by phoning 604-207-1600, to discuss the nature of the problem
and to obtain return shipping instructions for the defective Equipment;
b. prepare a detailed written statement of the nature and circumstances of the
defect, to the best of the Purchaser’s knowledge, and including the date of
purchase of the Equipment, the place of purchase, the name and address of the
installer, and the Purchaser’s name, address and telephone number, all to be
sent, along with proof of purchase, to ComNav at the address set out below, and
within the time limits set out above for Notice of Defect.
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2. If, upon examination by ComNav, the defect is determined to result from defective
workmanship or material and if the defect has occurred within the warranty period set
forth above, the Equipment or the defective parts thereof shall be repaired or replaced, at
ComNav’s sole option, without charge, and shall be returned to the Purchaser at
ComNav’s expense. Return delivery will be by the most economical means. Should the
Purchaser require that the Equipment be returned by a faster method, the costs incurred
by the faster delivery will be pre-paid by the Purchaser.
3. No refund of the purchase price for the Equipment will be made to the Purchaser unless
ComNav is unable to remedy the defect after having a reasonable number of
opportunities to do so.
4. Warranty service shall be performed only by ComNav. Any attempts to remedy the
defect by anyone else shall render the warranties set forth in this Warranty null and void.
This Warranty is governed by the laws of the Province of British Columbia, Canada. If the
Purchaser acquired the Equipment outside of Canada, each of the parties hereto irrevocably
attorn to the jurisdiction of the courts of the Province of British Columbia, Canada, and further
agree to settle any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Limited
Warranty, or the breach, termination, or invalidity of it, by arbitration under the rules of the
British Columbia International Commercial Arbitration Centre (“BCICAC”). The appointing
authority shall be BCICAC [or, if the BCICAC shall cease to exist, the Chief Justice of the
Supreme Court of British Columbia]. BCICAC shall administer the case in accordance with
BCICAC Rules. There shall be one arbitrator and the place of arbitration shall be Vancouver,
British Columbia, Canada.
The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods Act, S.B.C
1990, c. 20, and any other statutory enactments of the United Nations Convention on
Contracts for the International Sale of Goods do not apply to this Warranty.
ComNav Maine Ltd.
#15 - 13511 Crestwood Place
Richmond, British Columbia
Canada, V6V 2G1
The Equipment is an aid to navigation only. It is not intended or designed to replace the
person on watch. A qualified person should always be in a position to monitor the vessel’s
heading, and to watch for navigational hazards, and should be prepared to revert to manual
steering immediately if an undesired change of heading occurs, if the heading is not
maintained within reasonable limits, or when navigating in a hazardous situation.
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ComNav Commander P2 Installation & Operation Index
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– A –
Acquisition Time.................................................. 39
Alignment ........................2, 20, 22, 25, 41, 58, 107
– B –
Baud rate..2, 29, 36, 45, 48, 49, 51, 54, 55, 56, 61,
72, 83, 90
Beacon .....3, 18, 28, 41, 47, 53, 55, 61, 69, 75, 82,
83, 90
Binary ..........................................47, 51, 53, 57, 90
– C –
Care & Maintenance .....................................63, 65
Checks ................................................................65
COM port.............29, 32, 33, 36, 49, 50, 72, 73, 75
Command........................52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 80, 84
ComNav autopilot..........................2, 30, 45, 48, 90
configuration...2, 14, 20, 28, 29, 30, 34, 39, 41, 45,
46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 56, 58, 81, 89
– D –
DGPS 2, 14, 18, 29, 39, 40, 41, 42, 55, 61, 69, 82,
83, 84, 89, 90, 97
– F –
Fuse Replacement ..............................................65
– G –
G2B . 1, 2, 3, 14, 18, 27, 40, 41, 47, 53, 55, 61, 65,
69, 75, 82, 83, 89, 90, 91, 107
GPS Reception ...................................................18
Ground ... 17, 27, 28, 29, 33, 36, 42, 46, 54, 60, 91
– H –
HyperTerminal2, 49, 61, 71, 73, 74, 75, 77, 78, 80,
– I –
Installation....... 1, 15, 17, 19, 20, 30, 36, 50, 89, 92
– N –
Navigator G2................... 26, 28, 30, 34, 49, 50, 61
NMEA .... 26, 28, 29, 30, 34, 36, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51,
52, 55, 61, 70, 83, 90
– P –
PC 2, 28, 29, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 39, 45, 47, 49, 50,
71, 74, 75, 80, 82
Pitch............................ 2, 19, 43, 44, 47, 54, 55, 60
PocketMAX....................................... 34, 49, 50, 61
Power Supply................................................ 17, 93
Proprietary .................................. 47, 51, 52, 53, 55
– R –
Roll.................. 2, 20, 41, 43, 44, 47, 54, 58, 60, 84
RS-232... 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 36, 40, 48,
49, 51, 70, 71, 90, 91
RS-422... 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 34, 36, 48, 70, 90,
RTK................................. 42, 43, 44, 47, 56, 58, 59
– S –
Specifications.................................... 17, 69, 70, 97
– U –
USB ............................................ 32, 33, 36, 71, 75
– W –
Warranty ..................... 1, 17, 22, 24, 25, 97, 98, 99
Wiring...................................... 2, 26, 30, 31, 34, 35
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User Notes
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ComNav Vector G2 & G2B Installation & Operation User Notes
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User Notes & Settings
User Settings
Once your Vector G2 has been installed and configured correctly, you can make a record of
all the settings you have chosen, in the tables below.
Port A Port B
Sentences Range Default Yours Default Yours
GPDTM 0, 0.2, 1, 5 or 10 0 0
GPGGA 0, 0.2, 1, 5 or 10 1 0
GPGLL 0, 0.2, 1, 5, 10 or 20 1 0
GPGNS 0, 0.2, 1, 5 or 10 0 0
GPGRS 0, 0.2, 1, 5 or 10 0 0
GPGSA 0 or 1 0.2 0
GPGST 0 or 1 0.2 0
GPGSV 0 or 1 0.2 0
GPHDG 0, 0.2, 1, 5, 10 or 20 1 0
GPHDM 0, 0.2, 1, 5, 10 or 20 1 10
GPHDT 0, 0.2, 1, 5, 10 or 20 1 10
GPRMC 0, 0.2, 1, 5 or 10 0.2 0
GPROT 0, 0.2, 1, 5 or 10 1 0
GPRRE 0 or 1 0 0
GPVTG 0, 0.2, 1, 5 or 10 1 1
GPZDA 0, 0.2, 1, 5 or 10 1 0
PCSI,CS0 0 or 1 0 0
PCSI,CS1 0, 0.2, 1, 5 or 10 0 0
PSAT,GBS 0, 0.2, 1, 5 or 10 0 0
PSAT,HPR 0 or 1 1 0
PSAT,INTLT 0 or 1 0 0
RD1 0 or 1 0 0
BAUD rate 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400 4800 4800
Table 27 – User Settings (Ports)
Parameter Range Default Yours
Alignment Fore-Aft or Athwartships Fore-Aft
HBIAS -180.0° to 180.0° 0.0
PBIAS -15.0° to 15.0° 0.0
(G2B: also BEACON)
NMEAHE 0, 1 0
COGTAU 0.0 to 200.0 0.0
HTAU 0.0 to 3600.0 2.0
HRTAU 0.0 to 3600.0 2.0
PTAU 0.0 to 3600.0 0.5
SPDTAU 0.0 to 200.0 0.0
SMOOTH SHORT, LONG, 15 to 6000 900
Table 28 – User Settings (Alignment & Operational)
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