To park a call:
(1) During the call, to start a 2nd call, then
enter the code for the
""PPaarrkk CCaallll//rreettrriieevvee""
(2) Per the voice guide, dial the station number of the terminal on which you want
to take the call - the call is automatically parked, and your caller hears a hold
Note: If you hang up without specifying a destination, the parked call remains at the original
station, and can be recovered using the Park Call/Retrieve feature in the normal fashion at
the original station (or at any other station within the system).
To recover your parked call at the destination station:
Enter the code for the
""PPaarrkk CCaallll//rreettrriieevvee""
To recover your parked call at any other station in the system:
(1) Enter the code for the
""PPaarrkk CCaallll//rreettrriieevvee""
(2) Dial the extension number where the call was parked.
Note: If a call is parked for more than the predefined period of time, it is automatically sent
to the attendant or other designated number within the system.
RReeqquueessttiinngg aa ccaallllbbaacckk ((ffrroomm iiddllee oorr bbuussyy ssttaattiioonnss))
When you call an internal terminal and your party does not answer (line rings) or
is busy (indicated by the voice guide or busy tone and display), you can leave a
callback request.