CCaalllliinngg -- uussiinngg aa pprrooggrraammmmeedd kkeeyy
Pre-programmed keys on your terminal may be re-assigned to dial internal or
external parties or to features.
To call - using a programmed key:
Lift the handset and/or press the programmed key of your choice. The call will be
made automatically and the display screen will show the number being called.
Note: Programming of keys for speed dialing depends upon your system configuration.
TTaallkkiinngg wwiitthh ttwwoo ootthheerr ppeeooppllee,, iinntteerrnnaall aanndd//oorr eexxtteerrnnaall,, aatt tthhee ssaammee ttiimmee
((ccoonnffeerreennccee ccaallll))
When you begin a call to a second person, the first call is placed on hold.
If you want to talk to them both at the same time:
To cancel the conference and recover the first call, once more.
The second call will be terminated.
Note: In a typical terminal configuration, if you hang up during a conference, the other two
parties will remain connected (this may occur even if both are on outside calls).
PPaarrkkiinngg aa ccaallll
You can park an external call in order to retrieve the call at a different terminal.