9. Account Updater
Visa and Mastercard offer merchants the ability to register for their Account Updater services; Adyen has developed additional
functionality to support this. The service allows you to receive updates on:
• cards that have expired and a new expiry date is available.
• cards that have been replaced by a new card.
• cards that have been reported stolen or where the customer has informed their issuer that they no longer authorise a
merchant to automatically charge their card.
You will need to build the mechanism to request the updates that will be processed by Adyen.
9.1. Requesting updates on stored cards
There are two methods that you can use to submit a request to Adyen to initiate updates for specific card details:
1. Single update via API request
The API update requests are submitted using the ScheduleAccountUpdater action.
Here is the process:
o You will submit a SOAP call that includes either the recurringDetailReference for the stored card or the card object
with the card details populated.
o Adyen will respond and confirm receipt of the request or a failure, the reason field will provide you with the
details of the failure. Such as, the card has already been submitted for an update during the past 7 days.
o Adyen processes update requests once per day.
Please refer to Appendix I for a SOAP Account Updater API request and response using card data.
Please refer to Appendix J for a SOAP Account Updater API request and response using token data.
2. Periodical update via a Batch file
Here is the process:
o You will generate a CSV file that includes the recurringDetailReference for every stored card that needs to be
o File is submitted via SFTP to Adyen.
o Adyen will run validation checks on the file and will respond to confirm receipt and inform you if there were any
problems with the structure of the file.
o Adyen processes update requests once per day.
Please refer to Appendix K for a sample Account Updater batch file.
On a daily basis Adyen submits the cards, for which an update has been requested, to the card schemes and typically receives
feedback, with the updated information, from the card schemes after two days.
For updates requested via the batch files, the result of the update is provided in a CSV response file. For API requests, the result of
the update is communicated via a notification with the eventCode “ACCOUNT_UPDATER_RESULT” and contains the relevant updated
details, the fields are as follows:
• success
Whether or not the event succeeded (boolean true/false).
• reason
For ACCOUNT_UPDATER_RESULT events with the success field set to true values include:
o NoChange
o CloseAccount
o CloseAccountThisAccountOnly
o CardChanged
o CardExpiryChanged
When the success field is set to false it gives a reason as to why it failed.