o bankLocationId
The location ID (Bankleitzahl) of the bank.
o accountHolderName
The name of the account holder.
o bankAccountNumber
The account number (Kontonummer).
• bank
A container for bankAccount data with the following fields:
o bankAccountNumber
The account number.
o bankLocationId
The location id of the bank. The field will be nil in most cases.
o bankName
The name of the bank.
o bic
The unique identification code for both financial and non-financial institutions. The field will be nil in most cases.
o countryCode
The country of the bank details.
o iban
The IBAN. The field will be nil in most cases.
o ownerName
The account holder name.
Caching of the recurring details for a shopper is encouraged, however, please keep in mind that if the stored details are updated, the
recurringDetailReference for that detail will change and the cached entry should be invalidated.
Please refer to Step 2 of Appendix B for a SOAP example of a listRecurringDetails request and response.
Please refer to Appendix C for a REST example of a listRecurringDetails request and response.
4.3. tokenLookup service
In addition to the listRecurringDetails action, Adyen also offers the tokenLookup action which provides the ability to check the entered
card details to see if there is another stored token that has the same card details on file. This is currently only available via a SOAP
Please refer to Appendix L for a SOAP tokenLookup API request and response.