1. Introduction
The purpose of this manual is to enable you to create and submit recurring payments to the Adyen Payment System. Recurring
payments re-use payment details, previously stored by the shopper, to complete the payment.
In the following chapters we cover how you can:
• Create a recurring contract using an initial payment
• Retrieve the recurring contracts for a shopper
• Submit a recurring transaction
• Update stored details
• Deactivate a recurring contract or detail
• Submit Account Updater requests
Recurring payments are not enabled by default. Please contact the Adyen Support Team (support@adyen.com) if you would like to
start processing recurring payments.
This document is an addendum to the Adyen Merchant Integration Manual and will reference, without citation, concepts explained
there. The latest version of the Integration manual can be found here
Please note that API calls to Adyen may change, and are based on our WSDLs, listed in Appendix A.
To submit Recurring Payment requests you must supply authentication credentials. The username is
ws@Company.[YourCompanyAccount] and you set the password for this user in the Adyen Customer Area (CA) under “Settings” →