Functions, jumpers and displays
35 | EN
Flashing or non-flashing of the comfort LEDs during normal operation.
Connect the batteries with the cover open.
The software version will be displayed, as described above.
The sounder switches to the silent start-up phase. Both comfort LEDs light up red.
Flip the tampering switch five times, which will turn the flashing on or off.
Their current status is displayed as shown here:
BOTH LEDs on: Comfort LEDs flash during normal operation
ONE LED (right LED) on: Comfort LEDs do not flash during normal
The installer mode display and the software display will not be affected by this.
A read-in signal is sent after the version number is displayed. The tampering switch triggers no fur-
ther transmissions. Only after the silent start-up phase has been brought to an end after the cover
has been closed for at least ten seconds will neither red LED be lit anymore.
Operation of the flashing light
The flashing light is activated if the sounder activates itself or the alarm panel sends a command to
activate the flashing light.
Fifteen minutes after the sounder is activated, the flashing light flashes more slowly, until the alarm
is reset.
With Secvest systems, the options “Strobe on Set” and “Strobe on Unset” can be set in the alarm
panel configuration (see Set Conf description).
Error and tamper monitoring
The sounder continually monitors error and tamper states and reports all events to the alarm
panel. The following is monitored:
Tamper contact:
The sounder’s tamper contact is continually monitored. The sounder activates itself in the
event of tampering.
Battery voltage:
The sounder monitors the battery voltage under load conditions and reports a fault if the re-
maining battery life is still about one month.
Signal jamming:
If a jumper is set to “Jam Det” (jamming detection), jamming monitoring is activated and the
sounder monitors attempts to jam the wireless signal. (See Jam Det description.) If jamming
is detected, the message “Signal jamming” is sent to the alarm panel.