- viewing shared photos in Gallery app 80
Social networking
- syncing 67
Sound Recorder 132
Speed Dialing
- creating a speed dial entry 52
- deleting a speed dial entry 52
Splendid 135
- Reading Mode 136
- Vivid Mode 135
Storage 140
SuperNote 43
- creating a notebook 44
- icons 43
- sharing a notebook on the cloud 44
- sharing a note to the cloud 44
- updating 140
System notications 17
Tethering 112
- Bluetooth Tethering 113
- Wi-Fi Hotspot 112
Time lapse 102
- see also Advanced camera features 97
Time Rewind 97
- see also Advanced camera features 97
Touchscreen 11
- launching apps or selecting items 11
- moving or deleting items 11
- moving through pages or screens 12
- see also Glove mode 13
- zooming in 12
- zooming out 13
VIPs 63
- adding an event 64
- see also What’s Next 34
- setting up from the contact’s screen 63
- setting up from the VIP screen 64
Wallpapers 20
- animated wallpaper 21
- wallpaper and background tint 20
Weather 115
- launching 115
- see also What’s Next 34
- Weather home screen 116
WebStorage 45
What’s Next 34
- accepting or declining invites 35
- displaying the 7-day weather forecast 39
- getting event reminders 34
- getting the weather updates 38
- see also Weather 115
- see also Calendar 32
- see also Email 29
- see also Event-related alerts 36
Widgets 19
- adding 19
- removing 19
Wi-Fi 109
- connecting 110
- disabling 110
- enabling 109
- see also Wi-Fi Hotspot tethering 112
ZenLink 120
- see Party Link 120
- see PC Link 123
- see Remote Link 125
- see Share Link 122
Zen UI 8