- see also Social networking 67
- see also VIPs 63
- setting up your prole 61
Data Transfer 47
Date and time
- setting up 23
Do It Later 40
- adding to-do tasks 40
- calling back now 41
- see also Callbacks 54
- catching up on my online reading now 41
- see also Reading the pages later 27
- deleting to-do tasks 42
- emailing now 41
- prioritizing to-do tasks 40
- replying now 42
- see also Messaging later 71
Dual SIM feature
- see Micro SIM cards 48
Easy Mode 21
- adding shortcuts 22
- enabling 21
- removing shortcuts 22
Email 29
- adding 30
- emailing later 31
- see also Emailing now 41
- event invites 31
- see also Gmail 30
- setting up 29
Event-related alerts 36
- cancelled event alert 37
- rescheduled event alert 37
- start event alert 36
Extension number 50
- auto dialing 51
- conrmation prompt 50
- dialing 50
- calling 53
- marking up 65
- see also Contacts 61
File Manager 45
- accessing the cloud storage 45
- accessing the external storage 45
- accessing the internal storage 45
First-time startup 9
Flashlight 128
FM Radio 90
- scanning for local stations 91
- tuning to another frequency 91
Gallery 103
-deleting les 105
- editing images 105
- MicroFilm 107
- posting photos to Calendar event wall 106
- sharing les 105
- Using PlayTo 108
- viewing les from social network or cloud
storage 103
- viewing the photo location 104
- zooming in/out 105
GIF animation 101
- see also Advanced camera features 97
Glove mode
- using 13
- setting up 30
HDR 98
- see also Advanced camera features 97
- connecting 85
Home Dialing 53
Home screen 14
- extended 21
- notication icons 15
- personalizing 18
- see also App shortcuts 18
- see also Easy Mode 21
- see also Wallpapers 20
- see also Widgets 19
Lock screen 24
- customizing 24
- customizing the quick access buttons 25
- see also Securing your Zen device 141
Low light 97
- see also Advanced camera features 97