• Donotattachanystickersoradhesivetapetothe
• DonotexposetheCDtodirectsunlightorsourcesof
heat such as heating pipes. Do not leave CDs in the
car if it is parked in direct sunlight as this will lead to
a considerable rise in the temperature inside the car.
• CheckallCDsforcracks,scratchesandwarping
before you play them. It is possible that CDs that
are damaged in this way cannot be played back cor-
rectly. Such CDs should not be used.
• Useonlystandardcommerciallyavailablecircular
CDs with a 12 cm diameter! CDs with an 8 cm diam-
eter or CDs with contours, e.g. of a buttery or heart,
are not suitable. It is possible that such CDs may not
only be destroyed themselves, but may also destroy
the drive of the CD player. We cannot accept liability
for damage caused by the use of unsuitable CDs.