J (JLOG) (Remote only command)
The "J" command sent by the distant station will cause the MailDrop to
send the list of stations who have logged in to your AMTOR MailDrop. K n (KILL n [Mine])
The "K n" command deletes message number "n" from the MailDrop as
described in Chapter 5. L (LIST [Mine])
The "L" command shows the remote user only a list of the messages he
or she may read as described in Chapter 5. R n (READ n [Mine])
The "R n" command lets the remote user read any of the message numbers
displayed in the LIST command. The command operates as described in
Chapter 5 except that the column headers are not displayed. S callsign (SEND callsign)
Due to the nature of AMTOR, character errors may occur at any time, so
extra safeguards are built into the system. In AMTOR, the MailDrop
echoes the actual SEND command, then asks for confirmation by sending
"CFM YES/NO+?". If the remote user's reply is "N", the MailDrop
cancels the SEND command and gives the "GA" command prompt instead.
If the reply is "Y", the message can then be sent as shown below.
In the SEND command, the words "AT," "FROM" and "BID" must be used in
place of the "@," "<" and "$" signs used in packet. Hierarchical
addresses are also supported in AMTOR mode, but not forwarding. You
the SYSOP may edit any message so it can be forwarded in Packet mode.
Since <CTRL-Z> is not available in the AMTOR character set, the "/EX"
command must be used to end all AMTOR MailDrop messages. After the
"/EX" has been detected, the MailDrop will confirm that the message
has been sent by returning the message "FILED MSG n" to the remote
user. An example of sending a message is shown below:
WX7BBB DE WX7AAA GA+? {MailDrop prompt}
s wx2zzz at wx2yyy {User's SEND command}
S WX2ZZZ AT WX2YYY {MailDrop echoes SEND command
18340 FREE. CFM YES/NO +? and awaits confirmation}
y {User confirms}
GA SUBJ+? {MailDrop Subject prompt}
Going to the Hamfest? {User enters Subject}
GA MSG, '/EX' TO END.+? {MailDrop Send prompt}
I haven't heard from you and wondered if {Message text}
you are going to the Hamfest next month? {Message text}
Hope to see you there. 73 {Message text}
/ex {User ends message}
WX7BBB DE WX7AAA FILED MSG 1 GA+? {MailDrop prompt}
8/91 7-12