7.6.5 Caller Prompts
The command prompt that the MailDrop sends the remote user in AMTOR is
shortened from that used in the Packet mode and is shown below:
TMPROMPT is the AMTOR MailDrop message prompt sent to a remote station
by your MailDrop. The default prompt is:
GA subj/GA msg, '/EX' to end.
Text before the first slash is sent to the user as the subject prompt;
text after the slash is sent as the message text prompt.
7.6.6 Monitor MailDrop Operation
The local user (SYSOP) can monitor the dialog by setting MDMON ON.
The PK-232 stays in command mode during remote access of the maildrop.
7.6.7 SYSOP MailDrop Commands
The MailDrop commands that you the SYSOP have access to are the same
as those described in Chapter 5 of the manual on MailDrop Operation.
7.6.8 Remote User MailDrop Commands
When a remote user has logged onto your MailDrop the following
commands are available to the distant station:
A, B, H, J, K, L, R, S, V, ?.
The remote user may end a command with either +? or a carriage return.
A brief description of each command follows in the next sections. The
description is expanded where the command operation differs from the
Packet Maildrop section found in Chapter 5. A (ABORT) (Remote only)
The "A" command aborts the listing or reading of messages by the
remote calling station as described in chapter 5. The difference in
AMTOR is that the remote user must send the ACHG command first to
reverse the direction of the link before he can issue the Abort
command. The remote user also has the ability to abort a command that
may have been mis-typed by typing "///" on the same line as the bad
command. B (BYE)
The "B" command logs the remote station off the MailDrop. In AMTOR
the remote station may simply gracefully shut down the link with the
RECEIVE character (<CTRL-D>) or the CWID character (<CTRL-F>). H (HELP)
The "H" command sends the remote station a help list of the available
commands shown in Chapter 5.
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