Tuotteella on kahden (2) vuoden takuu.
Takuuehdot noudattavat alan yleisiä ehtoja ja niitä on
saatavissa myyjäliikkeestä tai maahantuojalta. Ostokuitti
säilytetään, koska takuun alkaminen määritetään ostopäivän
mukaan. Ruotsissa ovat voimassa Konsumentköp EHL ja
muut EHL määräykset.
Korvaus huollosta voidaan periä myös takuuaikana:
* aiheettomasta valituksesta
* ellei käyttöohjetta ole noudatettu.
Huollot ja mahdolliset korjaukset on annettava
valtuutetun huoltoliikkeen tehtäväksi.
Lähimmän valtuutetun huoltoliikkeen numeron löydät
soittamalla numeroon
0200-2662 (0,95 mk/min + pvm).*
Varmistaaksesi laitteesi moitteettoman toiminnan, vaadi aina
käytettäväksi sopivinta, siis alkuperäistä varaosaa. Huollosta
ja varaosien myynnistä vastaa Oy Electrolux
Kotitalouskoneet Ab - HUOLTOLUX, Porissa, puh. (02) 622
3300 (Ruotsissa AB Elektroservice).
* Mainitse soittaessasi tuotteen merkki. Kopioi arvokilvestä
tuotteen tiedot alla olevaan kohtaan, niin ne löytyvät helposti,
jos sinun pitää ottaa yhteys huoltoliikkeeseen.
Tuotettasi tai sen käyttöä koskeviin kysymyksiin saat
vastauksen kuluttajaneuvonnastamme soittamalla numeroon
0200-2662 (0,95 mk/min +pvm).
Oy Electrolux Kotitalouskoneet Ab
Elektro Helios
Teollisuuskatu 1aA
puh. (09) 39611
The chest freezer is intended solely for freenng fresh foods
and storing frozen foods.
See fig. A.
After unpacking your freezer, the interior and its accessories
should be washed as described under CLEANING.
The freezer should be located in a dry atmosphere, out of
direct sunlight, and away from extremes of temperature.
The room temperature must not exceed + 32°C, and n the
case of tropical models the room temperature must not
The freezer will be quite heavy when loaded, and must,
therefore, be stood on a firm, sound fioor. It must also be
level, resting evenly on all four feet.
For correct functioning of the cooling system, air must
circulate freely around the freezer. To ensure this, a
space of at least 20 mm should be left free to the left and
behind the cabinet. A space of 50 mm is needed on the
right to ensure air circulation from the compressor
compartment. Do not install the freezer in a small pantry or
in other place with restricted ventilation.
The freezer should be connected to a 220V to 240V Hz
a.c. electricity supply and should be fitted with a 13 amp.
Before connecting up, make sure that the voltage supply
of the mains socket corresponds to the specifications on
the data plate (fig. C).
To start the freezer, connect the plug to the socket outlet,
switch on, and turn the thermostat knob to a medium
setting, the super freeze switch G (where fitted) should be
set at NORMAL.
The freezer should be left to operate for a number of hours
before Ioading with food.
The thermostat will secure the desired temperature nside
the cabnet.
The thermostat can be adjusted by turning the dial with the
aid of a small con fitted into the groove (fig. B).
The cabinet temperature will depend upon,
The temperature of the room where the chest freezer is
The quantity of food placed inside the cabinet.
How often the lid is opened and the length of time it is
left open.
The correct thermostat setting can be found by measurng
the temperature of the food package located at the top and
in the centre of the cabinet.
As a rule, it should not be warmer than - 18°C.
Panel 1,2,3,4,5
On models supplied with one of the shown panels the pilot
light (E) will glow when the temperature inside the box is
equal to the thermostat setting.
If the temperature inside the box becomes warmer than
the thermostat setting, the light will switch off.
Panel 6, 7
0n models supplied with one of these panels, the pilot light
(F) will glow, when the temperature inside the cabinet
corresponds with the setting on the thermostat control. If
the temperature inside the cabinet becomes warmer than
the control setting, the light will flash.
Panel 7 and 8
These panels have an accoustic warning which will bleep
in time with the flashing pilot light.
The bleeping sound can be stopped by pressing the knob
(J). The light, however, will continue to flash until the
temperature corresponds with the thermostat setting.
Panel 8
On models supplied with this panel the LINE- light (E) will
glow when the freezer is switched on.
The warning light in knob (J) is switched off when the
cabinet temperature corresponds with the setting on the
thermostat control.
If the temperature inside the cabinet becomes warmer
than the thermostat control setting, then the light will flash.