As you type, each letter appears above the keyboard.
• Change input mode: Tap the input method button to change the input mode
(input modes: eZi ABC, eZi abc, ABC, abc, eZi Es, eZi es, ES, es, eZi FR, eZi
fr, FR, fr, 123 and symbol).
• Input Letters: In ABC/abc/ES/es/FR/fr mode, tap the corresponding letter key
till the letter appears.
• Input Words: In eZi ABC/eZi abc/eZi ES/eZi es/eZi FR/eZi fr mode, input any
letter with a single button tap. Tap each button only once for every letter. The
word changes after each button stroke. Predictive text input is based on a
built-in dictionary. When you have finished writing the word and it is correct,
confirm it by tapping the character string.
• Input Digits: In 123 mode, tap the digit button once to input a digit. In eZi ABC/eZi
abc/eZi ES/eZi es/eZi FR/eZi fr mode, tap the digit button, and select the
• Input Symbol: In symbol mode select the required symbol by tapping once. In
eZi ABC/eZi abc/eZi ES/eZi es/eZi FR/eZi fr mode, tap the 1 button, and
select the required symbol (common symbols).
• Input Space: Tap the space button to input a space.
• Delete Character: Tap the back button to clear a character.
• Move Cursor to Left or Right: Among the text, tap in the position you want to