. W arning
T o avoid fire or electrica l sho ck, do not expo se this produ ct to rain or m oisture.
T o avo id short circuit , be sure the batt er ies con tacts are secur ely pac ked and in acc ordance wit h l ocal provis ion
when hand ling th e batt eri es.
Plea se place the batteri es and the parts which ca n be swall owe d mist akenly aw ay fr om chil dren.
Con tac t a do ctor imme diately when it occ urs .
T o avo id possible injury to eye s, do no t use the fl ash light in a short dist ance fr om the eye
T o avoid possibl e safety acc ident, do not us e th e fl ash light on th e people who nee d a high degree of att enti on.
Please take out the ba tte ries a nd st op us ing im medi ately in ca se of belo w:
This pr odu ct is dr opp ed or shocked se rio usly a nd the in ner part of the product is bared.
If th e batt ery leaks corrosiv e li quids , plea se take out th e battery with gl oves.
The pr odu ct give s off strang e smell, smok e s or hea ts.
Do not disa ssemble or mainta in this p roduc t. Touc hing the inte rnal high voltage ci
rcuit will ca use electri c
Remov e batt eri es dur ing long periods of non-us e.
. Features
Large LC D panel, you ca n lo ok into and set th e fun ctions on th e LCD panel clearl y and direc tl y .
By pu shi ng th e zoom butt on on the spee dlit e, it can make th e fl ash cov ered foca l l ength ran ge fro m 24 to
GN58 @ IS O100 , 105mm
YONGNUO new large guide number manual speedlite, supporting M/Mu lti modes
The high sen sitiv ity wireless tri ggering s ens or inheri ts from YN560 , which makes th e S1 an d S2 mod e can be
used in outdo or env ironment a nd the wirele ss tri gge ring dis tan
ce is as long as 15 m, as well as 25 m in doors .
T urn on the so und pro mpt functi o n, different so unds indica te w orki ng si tuati ons help you focu s on shooting
(Note: the sound ca n be closed).
YN560-Ⅱ provides charging socket for external power pack, to mee t y our hi gher dema nd for char ging recyc le.
YN560-Ⅱ provides PC po rt, y ou ca n m ake the flash sync hronously by c onnec ting to th e PC port .
It only takes 3 sec onds in charging a fter full power out put. Ev en w ithout new ba tte ries, y ou ca n get the super
chargi ng spee d th at it onl y needs 4~5 seconds; In add ition , you can us e the ex tern al po wer pac k to acce lerate
the charging spee d once more.
Und er th e output level of 1/8 or belo w , YN560-Ⅱ ca n sup port the 8F PS high-spee d c ontinuous sh ooting.
In the power sa ving m ode, the speed lite will get au toma tic shut down so one r; in the no n-saving mode, it will
take a long er ti me befor e auto mati c shu tdown.
YN560-Ⅱ ca n automatica ll y save your curr ent setting.
Ⅲ. Qui ck Start
If you don ’t hav e much time to read the whole us er manua l, we adv ise you to read this sec tion .
1. Please avoid the excessive use of the output with maximum pow er . It can effectively extend the
serv ice life of this pr oduct
2. You can understand the function of each button by press ing them and obser ving the disp layed
3. Press the [UP], [DOWN], [LEFT] and [RIGHT] button to adjust th e par ameters of speedlite
quickly at the current mode. For some para meters, the [OK] button in the ce nte r is nee de d to be
press ed s everal times for s etting.
4. Long press on [S ound prompt] butt on to turn on or tu rn off the powe r saving mode .
5. Thi s
product prov ide s M/Multi/ S1/ S2 mode. It can be switched through [MODE] button.
. Nomenclature
1. Reflection bo ard
2. W ide -angle di ffuse r
3. Flash light ’ s head
4. External power pack socket
(It ca n be connecte d to the SF -18C
or SF -17C exte rnal pow er pac k)
5. PC po rt (for input )
6. Contact cove r
7. Loc king ring
8. Hot shoe stan d
9. Battery chamber ’ s cov er
10. Optical cont rol senso r
1 1. Sound po rt
12. Hot shoe pi n
13. LCD panel: It will displa y the st atus of functi on set tings.
14. The sound switch/power saving sw itch button: A sho rt press will ena ble or disable the sou nd
prompt function; hold the button to turn on or tu rn off the powe r saving mode .
15. Mode switch button: Th e mode of the speedlite will be swi tched among the M/S1 /S2/Multi in
circle for each press.
16. Charging indicator / T est button(
: The li ghti ng of red li ght shows that cha rging process
is f inish ed and fla sh ca n be us ed; the ligh ting of gree n ligh t shows that it is in charging or a sho rta ge of
power; If you press this te st butt on (PILO T), the fla sh will give a te st fla sh.
Power save indicator: A long -ti me lighting indicates that the pow er savin g mode is di sabled; a
long- time non- lig hting ind icates that the power s aving m ode has b een en abled.
Flash head manual motor zoo m: Y ou can adjus t the zo om range by setting [+ ] and [- ] key (24 ,
28, 35, 50, 70, 80, 105mm ) .
Power sw itch: The power of the speedlite can be tu rned
on or turned off by holding this button fo r
2 seconds .
20. Select/set button group: Butt ons of multi functions include LEF T , RIG HT , UP , DO WN and OK
buttons; y ou can adjust output, Str obos copic flash count, S troboscopic fla sh frequenc y th rou gh the m.
21. MODE indicator 25. Stroboscopic flas h freque ncy indicator
22. Output level indi cator 26. S troboscopic flash count /Output level fine indicato r
23. Sound prompt 27. Flash hea d zooming indicat or
24. Sleeping indica tor 28. Powe r low indicato r
Ⅴ. Installation Instruction
1. Install Batteries
Sli de the batte rie s chamber ’ s cove r in the directi on of the arrow .
Insert the batteries according to the label inside battery chamber .
Make sure the direction of the batteries’ polarity is correct.
Close the battery cham ber cover in the dir ection of the arr ow .
2. Mount the spe edlite on your ca mera
Loosen the locking ring by turning it in the direction of the arrow.
Slip the speedlite hot shoe stand into the camera hot shoe stand until it stops.
Turn the locking ring in the direction of the arrow tighten.
To detach the speedlite, loosen the locking ring by turning it in the opposite direction.
. Basic Functions
1. Basic Operations
Operation of the buttons:
Compon ent Operation
[Po wer Switch]
The power of the spee dlite ca n be turned on or turned off by holdi ng t his bu tton
for 2 sec onds.
It is suggested that the ba tte ries sha ll be taken out a fter the powe r of th e
speedlit e is turned off through th is button.
[Mod e Swit ch] button
The mode of the sp eedlit e will be switche d amon g th e M/S1/S2/ Multi in cir cle
for eac h press .
[Sound Switch /Powe r
Savi ng Swit ch]
Every pr ess ca n enabl e or disabl e th e sound prompt fun ction. Hold t his button
for ab out 2 sec onds ca n enable or disable the power sa ving m ode .
[LE FT] [RIGHT] and
[OK ] butt on
The out put level, Stroboscopi c fl ash count , Strobosco pic flash fr equ ency of the
speedlit e ca n be adju sted through these bu ttons.
[UP] a nd [DOWN] button You ca n ma ke a fine tuni ng to the output power of the speed lite.
[- ] ZO OM [+ ] butt on
Please pre ss [- ] ZOOM [+ ] button, The hea d focus of the spee dlit e will be
swit ched among 24 / 28 / 35 / 50 / 70 / 80 / 105mm in c ircle .
[PILOT] button Pre ss th is button a nd the speedlite will te st flashi ng in cu rre nt outp ut leve l.
Meaning of [Charging indicat or]
Status of [Charging Indicator]
The red light is lit The speedlite is fully charged, and can be used. Normal
The green light is lit
The flash light has not been full y charged
If the green light is lit for a long time,
please replace the batteries.
The meaning of [So und Prompt ]
The sound form Meaning Operation
Tick twice
The speedlite is started / Sound pro mpt is
enabled/A standard f lash is obtained.
Tick three ti m es
The flash is in the charging state W aiting for the completion of charging
Continuous and quick ticks The power is not enough Please replace the batteries.
Tick—a long sound The speedlite is fully charged, and can be used. Normal
[Power savi ng indica tor] (M/Multi mode )
Display mode Meaning Operation
A long-ti me lighting of the
The power saving mode is closed Hold the [Sound Switch] for a long ti me to start
A long-ti me off of the indicator The power saving mode is started Hold the [Sound Switch] for a long ti me to close
2. Power -on and Power-off
The po wer of th e spee dlit e can be turn ed on or tu rned off by holdi ng th is but ton for 2 seconds . It is su ggested
that the ba ttery shall be taken out a fter the power of t he fl ash li ght is clos ed through th is butt on.
After turning on the power switch of the speed lite, the chargi ng in dica tor is re d, which in dicates the fla sh is
avail able.
If the ch argi ng is not completed w ithin a bout 25 sec onds, the flash w ill au toma tica lly s hutdown. Then y ou
nee d to replace wit h new batt eri es.
You may pre ss the
testing bu tton PIL OT to test wh eth er the spee dlit e works normall y .
Aft er us e, ho ld th e po wer swit ch for 2 seconds to po w er off.
3. M Mode
In M m ode, y ou can set the flash outp ut level as y ou like. By [LE FT] [ RIGHT], [U P] [DO WN] a nd [OK ] in
the mi ddle, y ou can ad just the flash out put level. The ad justme nt ra nge of the flash outp ut level is 1/1 28 ~ 1/1.
There are 8 levels of output an d eac h level has 4 fine tuning st alls. The [UP ] [DOWN] is used to fine tun e the
output power in 0.3e v a nd 0.2ev . For shoo ting, what you ne ed is to s et th e fl ash out put level, adjus t th e ca mera
and pr ess the shutt er . Th e speedlite will fl as h with the synchron ic sign al of th e camera.
4. S1/S2 Modes
By pr essing th e [Mod e Swit ch Butt on], th e flash will st ep into th e S1/S2 mod e. These two mod es are suit abl e to
be us ed as off- c amera auxili ary light, so as to crea te a vari ety of lighting effec ts. They are su itable for manu al
flash en vironment a nd TT L flas h e nvironment re spec tively . Und er th ese two mod es, th e way to
adjust th e ou tput
level is lik e th at in M mod e, whi ch is to press the [LEFT ] [RIGHT ], [UP] [DOWN ] but ton. Wh en using S1/S2
mode, you ca n r otate the f lash hea d to make t he wireless tri ggering sensor face wit h the master li ght.
When the fla sh is in S1 m ode, it wi ll wo rk with the fi rst work of the ma ster fla sh sync hronously , with th e result
con sistent with the use of rad io slave. T o use this mod e correctl y , th e ma ster flash should be set at manu al f lash
and th e TT L fl ash syste m with pr efl ight
functi on and the red-r edu ction function wi th multipl e flash es should
not be used.
S2 m ode: It is also ca lled “pre-fla sh ca nce l m ode ”. This mode is sim ilar with S1 m ode, but it can ne glect the
pre -flash given by TT L fl ash. Therefor e, it ca n supp ort th e main fl ash work ing in TT L mod e. In parti cul ar, if
S1 m ode ca nnot flash co rrec tly a nd sync hro nicall y with you r int ern al fl ash, you ca n tr y to use S2 m ode.
The fol lowing situ ation sh all be avo ided when th e S1 and S2 mod es are us ed: the red eye r edu ctio n fun ction of
the ma in
ligh t is used; th e ord er mod e ( Nik on) or wireless mod e ( Canon) of the mast er is used; the ST -E2 is
used as the flash co ntroll er .
5. Multi Mode
With MUL TI mod e, a rapid seri es of flash es is fired. It ca n be us ed to ca pture multipl e images of a moving
subjec t in single photograph.
The speedlite will flash according to the output power, flash times and frequency you set. Use
[OK ] butt ons to adjust output po wer, fl ash time s and fr equ ency . The adjus tment scop e of output l evel is
1/128 -1/64-1/3 2-1/16-1/8 -1/4, y ou ca n adjust the o utp ut l
evel b y [LE F T] [RIGHT ] dir ectly . The scop e of fl ash
tim es is from 1 to 100 (if the flash time is s et as --, it flas hes according to the default setting.) and the scope of
fla sh fre quency is f rom1 to 100. Adjustme nt me thod: plea se pre ss [OK ] button to selec t se tting items (flash)
and us e th e [LEFT ] [RIGHT] butto ns to adjust th e parameters. Aft er th e setting is completed, pr ess [OK]
button to con firm the se tting.
The char ging speed of spee d lite is sl ow under the situa tion that the elec tric ity qua ntity of the ba ttery is
insuf ficie nt, which may c a use the occ u rrence of the high-fr
equ ency fl ash. Pl ease reduce th e fl ash fr equ ency or
chang e new batt ery under th is si tuati on.
6. T est Flash
Whe ther in any m ode, y ou ca n press PILOT butt on to test if th e spee dlit e fl ashe s nor mall y .
When testing the speedlite, the speedlite will give flash at relevant output level in accordance with the chosen
output power se tting.
7. Power saving mode
YONGNUO designs the power saving mode for YN560 -Ⅱ . This mod e is enabled or disabl ed by a long pr ess
of [Sou nd Switch]. In M/Multi m ode, if the power sa ving m ode is enable d, the speed lite kee ps idle for 3
minu tes and t hen it will step in to the dormanc y s
tate in or der to save pow er . You ca n pre ss [PILOT] or [Power
Swit ch] to awake th e fl ash to cont inue op eration . It wil l auto matic all y shutdown aft er kee ping idl e for 15
minut es. If you dis abl ed th e po wer saving mod e, th e po wer saving indica tor will be on . The fl ash won ’t st ep
into the dormancy state after be ing stop ped. It w ill automatica lly s hut down after 30 minute s.
In S1/S2 m ode, if the power saving mode is enable d, the fla sh will au toma tic ally shut do wn a fter kee p ing idle
for 30 m inute s; if the power sa ving mode is disabled, the fla sh will au toma tica lly shut down a fter kee p ing idle
for 60 mi nutes.
Flash m ode Power savi ng m ode [ON ] Power savi ng m ode [O FF]
M/Multi m ode
Kee ping idl e for 3 minut es will enter th e
dormancy m ode a nd 15 m inut es will
automatica ll y shu t down the machine
No d ormancy, the mac h ine w ill be
auto matica lly shut down after kee ping idle
for 30 mi nutes
S1/S2 m ode
No dormancy , th e mac hin e will be
auto matica lly shut down after kee ping
idle for 30 mi nutes
No d ormancy, the mac h ine w ill be
auto matica lly shut down after kee ping idle
for 60 mi nutes
8. Overheating pr otection
If th e spee dlit e is used too frequently , it s ov erheating pr otection functi on wil l be trigg ered, I n such ca se,
plea se wait for abo ut few mi nutes to ca nce l the pro tecti on.
Plea se try to use the 1/4 outpu t or lower when rapid shooting is nee ded to prevent the effec t on the shooting .
9. Manually set the zooming position
By pr ess ing [- ] ZOOM [+ ], you ca n manu all y set th e zoo ming positi on. Pressi ng [+ ] and [- ], the cov ered
focal le ngth of the fla sh will switch in c ircle of (24 / 28 / 35
/ 50 / 70 / 80 / 105mm ).
10. Sound prom pt
Under the c ondit ion that the sound indica tor is enable d, the speedlite will g ive different soun ds to indica te it s
work ing situati ons . The meanings of the sou nds ca n be fo und in th e tabl e below:
The sound form Meaning Operation
Tick twice The speedlite is started / Sound pro mpt is
enabled/A standard f lash is obtained.
Tick three ti m es The flash is in the charging state W aiting for the completion of charging
Continuous and quick ticks The power is not enough Please replace the batteries.
Tick—a long sound The speedlite is fully charged, and can be used. Normal
1 1. PC synchronous port (for input)
By connec ti ng to the PC synchron ous port, you ca n make th e fl ash synchronousl y .
12. Automat ic sett ing sav ing
The speed lite will au toma tica lly save the cu rre nt settin gs in order to let y ou have a simpler use ne xt time a fter
boot .
Ⅶ. The Advanced Application
1. Multi-flash Light ing Applic ati on
Use inbu ilt fl ash or to p-mounted flash as ma ster flash.
Place the YN560-Ⅱ in differen t directi ons as slaves.
In intdoor applica tion , radio signals ca n be r eflec ted by walls; therefore,
the placeme nt of the YN560-Ⅱ sh ould have m ore space.
Before pl acing of the YN560 -Ⅱ , test whether S1/S2 can be synchr onous
normall y .
Do no t place any ob stac les between the mast e r flash and the sl ave flash, beca use the y ma y b lock the
transm issi on of radio signal s.
The lo ngest dis tance used i ndoor is 25 meters and th e longe st di stance used ou tdoors is 15 meters. Wh en it is
used ou tdoor, plea se ke ep in mind th e fol lowing ti ps: th e wireless tri ggeri ng window nee ds to fa ce th e master
flash an d the direct s u nli ght shall be a voided. If these dema nds con flict with your h oped direc tion of light
irra diati on, plea se try to rotate the flash hea d in eac h direc tion i n order to mee t the sh ooting demands .
2. Buttons are e ffective immediately
For this product, y ou can get the fa sted ope ra tion spee d. Just pre ss the c orr espond ent buttons an d th e
corr espondent fun ctio ns in the curr ent sta te will be effectiv e imm edi ately, inc luding the power switc h, the te st
of flash outp ut, m ode sw itch, ad justment of outp ut power, zoo ming , sound switch and etc.
3. The use of ex ternal charging box
You can buy YONGNUO exte rnal c hargi ng boxes li ke SF-18C or SF-17C a nd connect it t o t he c harging p ort
of the speedlite. After flas h, the char ging bo x will char ge th e spee dlit e.
4. High-speed continuous shooting
The flash ca n reali ze the high -spee d co ntinuou s shoo ting fun ction. Plea se set the came ra in the continuou s
shooti ng form a nd then sh oot.
Please note: The number of photos that ca n be c ontinuous s hot is related w ith the out put level. Please use the
fully charged ba ttery .
5. Rear-curtain Sy nc
You ca n use sl ow-spee d s hutter to prod uce tr aili ng smea r for the objec t a nd the flash li ght will flas h at the
moment wh en th e shu tter is going to be shut, whi c h mea ns th e rea r-curt ain sync fun cti on(Th e rea r-curt ain sync
tion nee ds th e camera’ s own sup port and you ca n refer to th e camera’ s us er manu al for its sett ing method) .
6. Reflection Flash
Bounce fl ash means to take ph otos by making fl ash light hea d aimed at wall
or ce iling an d usi ng the light r e flected bac k from the ce iling or wall to light
the desired ob jec t, so that the shade behind the ob jec t ca n be dec rea sed
to get more natural shooti ng effec t.
If the wa ll or ce iling is too far, the bounce fla sh may be too wea k to ge t eno ugh expos ure. Th e wall or ceiling
shou ld be even and whit e in order to get efficient reflecti on; if the reflection surface is no t white, color ca st
may appea r in ph oto.
7. Use Reflection Board to T ake Photos
With the re flec tion board flash, draw the re flec tion boa rd an d the
wide-angl e diffus ion bo ard out from th e light hea d at the sa me ti me and
then push th e wide -ang le diffusion board bac k. In such ca se, if this
pro duct is bei ng used to take photo s, it will produce a highl ighted point on
the eyes of the sub jec t and thu s make the eye s charming (catch ligh t) . This
fun ction ca n reac h opti mal effec t w hen the flasher hea d is up 90 °.
8. Use W ide-angle Diffuser
Pull out the w ide-angl e di ffusion board, push bac k the reflec tion
board and arr ang e the m as per th e fig ure; in such ca se, th e fl ash
scopes will extent to 18 m m and th e fl ash effec t will be soft er
and more natur al.
Ⅷ. Specifications
Cir cuit design Insulated Gate B ipo lar T ransi stor (IGBT )
Guide No. 58 (I SO 100, 105mm)
Flash m ode M, S1, S2, Mu lti
Zoo m rang e 24 , 28 , 35, 50, 70 , 80, 105mm
V ertica l rot ation ang le -7~ 90 degree s
Hori zontal rot ation angl e 0~2 70 degree s
Power supply 4×AAsi ze batt eries (Alkali ne or Ni-MH are usable)
Light ing times 100~1 500 times (AA alkalin e cell us ed)
Rec ycle ti me
app rox 3s (AA alkali ne cell used)
Color temperatur e 5600k
Flash time 1/200s~1/200 00s
Flash control 8 leve ls of output c ontrol (1/128 ~1/1), 29 leve ls of fi ne tu ning
External inter face ho t shoe, PC po rt and eternal charging port
W ireless tr igg ering dist ance 20 ~25 m ind oor, 10~15m outdo or
Addi tional fea tur es The elec troni c fl ash hea d zoo ming , sound indica tor , auto matica ll y saving
setti ng, PC po rt, power saving mod e and ov erheating pr otection
Dimensio ns 60×1 90×78 mm (Ext ended st ate)
Net weight 350g
Accessori es Fl ash li ght (1), protec ti ng bag (1), mini stan d (1) and manu al (1)
14 24 28 35 50 70 80 105
1/1 15/49.2 28/91.9 30/98.4 39/127.9 42/137. 8 50/164 53/173.9 58/190. 3
1/2 10.6/34.8 19.8/65 21.2/69.6 27.6/90 .7 29.7/97.4 35.4/1 16.1 37.5/123 41/134. 5
1/4 7.5/24.6 14/45.9 15/49.2 19.5/64 21/68.9 25/82 26.5/86.9 29/95.1
1/8 5.3/17.4 9.9/32.5 10.6/34.8 13.7/45.2 14.8/48.6 17.7/58.1 18.7/61.4 20.5/67 .3
1/16 3.8/12.5 7/23 7.5/24.6 9.7/32 10.5/34.4 12.5/41 13.3/43.6 14.5/47 .6
1/32 2.7/8.9 4.9/16.1 5.3/17.4 6.9/22.7 7.4/24.3 8.8/28.9 9.4/30.8 10.3/33.8
1/64 1.9/6.2 3.5/1 1.5 3.8/12.5 4.9/16 5.3/17.4 6.3/20.7 6.6/21.7 7.3/24
1/128 1.3/4.3 2.5/8.2 2.7/8.9 3.5/1 1.4 3.7/12.1 4.4/14.4 4.7/15.4 5.1/16.7
Guid e N umber of different foca l length rang e (at ISO 100, in m eters / fee t)
Flash Coverage (mm)
Outp ut
. Possible problems during use and solutions
1. Please note when use the fla sh outdo ors:
For ou tdoor applica ti on, plea se avoid direc t sunl ight to the
wireless tr igg ering sensor an d ensure normal us e of th e fl ash.
2.Precaution for outdoor use of lambency umbrella:
The la mbency umbr ell a mount ed o n the fl ash light
outdoors may be blown down ea s ily , and th e hot sho e of the fl ash li ght may be br oken. Plea se fix the mount ing
rac k or avo id outdoor us e.
3. Photos are under exposure or over exposure?
Check if t he set shutt er , apertur e and ISO are too nea r
the fla sh lim it or if som e settin gs in cl
uding exposure compens ati on in relation to fl ash are prop er .
4. V ignetting ap pears in photos or only part of the sub ject is illumi nate d?
Plea se chec k the curr ent
cov erage of foca l leng th and make sure if the lens foca l leng th excee ds t he cov erage rang e of the flash. The
pro duct’ s zoo ming rang e is 24~105 mm of th e mediu m fo rmat syste m. You can try to pu ll ou t the wide-a ngle
diffuser to e xpan d the fl ash rang e.
5. The flash light is abnormal?
Switch off th e po wer of speedlite an d camera, mount th e fl ash lig ht on the
hot shoe of
camera , and switch on the po wer of fl ash li ght an d ca mera again. If th e abnormit y cont inu es,
replace the batt eri es.
The functions of this manual are based on test condi tions of our company . Further notice will not be given if
the desi gn and spec ificati ons change.
The YO NGNU O logo in this manu al inclu des the registe red trademark o r trademark of SHEN ZHEN
YONGNUO PHOTOGRAPHY EQUIPMENT Co., Ltd in China or/and other countries (regions). All other
tradema rks are the proper ty of their respecti ve owners.