DocuMate 3640
User’s Guide
Actual size, 37
Add Application, 48, 49
ADF pad
replace, 88
Adobe® Reader®, 14
Advanced device settings, 37
Advanced Interface
adjust settings, 70
new profile, 76
profile, 76
Advanced Settings tab, 36
America Online® (AOL), 51
Apply button, 32
Aspect ratio, 37
Assemble the scanner, 2
AutoCrop to Original, 34
AutoRotate image, 37
bit depth, 98
Black&White mode, 33, 35, 69
blurred image, 71
BMP file format, 42, 43
Brightness, 33, 72, 79
Burn to CD, 50, 53
Destination application, 53
CD burner, 50, 53
Center image, 37
Collate copies, 37
Color Filter, 35
Color hue, 73
Color mode, 33, 40, 69, 78
Color space, 8
Comma Delimited, 45
Computer specifications, viii
Configure Before Scan, 31, 40, 63
cancel, 41
Contrast, 33, 72, 79
Copy button, 31
Create copies of scanned documents, 46
Create single image files, 42
CSV file format, 45
Delete button, 31
Destination application, 29, 37, 38, 42, 45, 56
Burn to CD, 53
Email application properties, 51
Event Forward (STI), 54
Image application properties, 49
Microsoft Explorer (HTML), 55
OCR, 30, 52
Text application properties, 47
Text file format, 44
Transfer to Storage properties, 50, 53, 57
Destination Selector, 21
Device settings, 62
Device Settings tab, 37
DOC file format, 45, 52
Document Management, 46
Documentation, vii
Dots per inch (dpi), 33, 40, 71, 79
Double-Feed Detection, 35, 74
Duplex, 35, 60
Duplex button, 21
Edit button, 31
eMail, 46
EMC QuickScan™, 15
error codes, 95
Event Forward (STI), 46, 54
Excel Spreadsheet, 45
Fax and Print, 46
File format, 29, 31, 40, 42, 44
file storage location, 57
Fit to page, 37
Folder Copy Options, 46
Full install, 7
Gamma, 36, 73
Grayscale mode, 33, 35, 69