11 Specifications
Label information
Model plate: includes e.g., Vehicle Identi-
fication Number (VIN), codes for color and
upholstery, etc. The model plate is
located on the rear side of the B-pillar
(the pillar between the front and rear pas-
senger doors) and the rear passenger's
door must be open in order to see it.
Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Stand-
ards (FMVSS) specifications (USA) and
Ministry of Transport (CMVSS) stand-
ards (Canada): Your Volvo is designed to
meet all applicable safety standards, as
evidenced by the certification label on the
driver's side B-pillar (the structural mem-
ber at the side of the vehicle, at the rear
of the driver's door opening). For further
information regarding these regulations,
please consult your Volvo retailer.
Tire inflation pressures: This label indi-
cates the correct inflation pressures for
the tires that were on the vehicle when it
left the factory. Canadian models have
the upper decal; U.S. models have the
lower one.
Vehicle Identification Number (VIN):
The VIN plate is located on the top center
of the dashboard at the base of the wind-
shield. The VIN is also stamped on the
right hand door pillar.
Vehicle Emission Control Information:
Your Volvo is designed to meet all appli-
cable emission standards, as evidenced
by the certification label on the underside
of the hood. For further information regar-
ding these regulations, please consult
your Volvo retailer.