Before a long distance trip....................................................................164
Blind Spot Information System*............................................................165
06 Starting and driving
General information
Engine oil
Although some oil consumption occurs during
normal engine operation, more oil is consumed
when the engine is new as the internal parts
generate higher friction while wearing-in to
each other. From the time the engine is new
until the first maintenance is performed, the oil
consumption could be higher than normal. For
this reason, it is especially important to check
the oil regularly during this period, see
page 215.
Fuel requirements
Deposit control gasoline (detergent
Volvo recommends the use of detergent gas-
oline to control engine deposits. Detergent
gasoline is effective in keeping injectors and
intake valves clean. Consistent use of deposit
control gasolines will help ensure good driva-
bility and fuel economy. If you are not sure
whether the gasoline contains deposit control
additives, check with the service station oper-
Volvo does not recommend the use of exter-
nal fuel injector cleaning systems.
Unleaded fuel
Each Volvo has a three-way catalytic converter
and must use only unleaded gasoline. U.S. and
Canadian regulations require that pumps deliv-
ering unleaded gasoline be labelled "UNLEA-
DED". Only these pumps have nozzles which
fit your vehicle's filler inlet. It is unlawful to dis-
pense leaded fuel into a vehicle labelled
"unleaded gasoline only". Leaded gasoline
damages the three-way catalytic converter and
the heated oxygen sensor system. Repeated
use of leaded gasoline will lessen the effective-
ness of the emission control system and could
result in loss of emission warranty coverage.
State and local vehicle inspection programs
will make detection of misfueling easier, pos-
sibly resulting in emission test failure for mis-
fueled vehicles.
Some U.S. and Canadian gasolines contain
an octane enhancing additive called methyl-
cyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl
(MMT). If such fuels are used, your Emission
Control System performance may be affec-
ted, and the Check Engine Light (malfunc-
tion indicator lamp) located on your instru-
ment panel may light. If this occurs, please
return your vehicle to a trained and qualified
Volvo service technician for maintenance.
Gasoline containing alcohol and ethers
"Oxygenated fuels"
Some fuel suppliers sell gasoline containing
"oxygenates" which are usually alcohols or
ethers. In some areas, state or local laws
require that the service pump be marked indi-
cating use of alcohols or ethers. However,
there are areas in which the pumps are
unmarked. If you are not sure whether there is
alcohol or ethers in the gasoline you buy, check
with the service station operator. To meet sea-
sonal air quality standards, some areas require
the use of "oxygenated" fuel.
Volvo allows the use of the following "oxygen-
ated" fuels; however, the octane ratings listed
on page 135 must still be met.
Alcohol – Ethanol: Fuels containing up to 10%
ethanol by volume may be used. Ethanol may
also be referred to as Ethyl alcohol, or "Gaso-
Ethers – MTBE: Fuels containing up to 15%
MTBE may be used.
06 Starting and driving
Fuel requirements
Octane rating
Minimum octane
Typical pump octane label
Volvo recommends premium for best perform-
ance, but using 87 octane
or above will not
affect engine reliability.
Volvo engines are designed to achieve rated
horsepower, torque, and fuel economy per-
formance using premium 91 octane fuel.
Demanding driving
In demanding driving conditions, such as oper-
ating the vehicle in hot weather, towing a trailer,
or driving for extended periods at higher alti-
tudes than normal, it may be advisable to
switch to higher octane fuel (91 or higher) or to
change gasoline brands to fully utilize your
engine's capacity, and for the smoothest pos-
sible operation.
When switching to higher octane fuel or
changing gasoline brands, it may be neces-
sary to fill the tank more than once before a
difference in engine operation is noticeable.
Fuel Formulations
Do not use gasoline that contains lead as a
knock inhibitor, and do not use lead additives.
Besides damaging the exhaust emission con-
trol systems on your vehicle, lead has been
strongly linked to certain forms of cancer.
Many fuels contain benzene as a solvent.
Unburned benzene has been strongly linked to
certain forms of cancer. If you live in an area
where you must fill your own gas tank, take
precautions. These may include:
standing upwind away from the filler nozzle
while refueling
refueling only at gas stations with vapor
recovery systems that fully seal the mouth
of the filler neck during refueling
wearing neoprene gloves while handling a
fuel filler nozzle.
Use of Additives
With the exception of gas line antifreeze during
winter months, do not add solvents, thicken-
ers, or other store-bought additives to your
vehicle's fuel, cooling, or lubricating systems.
Overuse may damage your engine, and some
of these additives contain organically volatile
chemicals. Do not needlessly expose yourself
to these chemicals.
Carbon monoxide is a poisonous, colorless,
and odorless gas. It is present in all exhaust
gases. If you ever smell exhaust fumes
inside the vehicle, make sure the passenger
compartment is ventilated, and immediately
return the vehicle to a trained and qualified
Volvo service technician for correction.
AKI (ANTI KNOCK INDEX) is an average of the Research Octane Number (RON) and the Motor Octane Number (MON), MON+RON/2.
06 Starting and driving
Fuel requirements
Driving with the tailgate open: Driving with
the tailgate open could lead to poisonous
exhaust gases entering the passenger com-
If the tailgate must be kept open for any
reason, proceed as follows:
Close the windows
Set the ventilation system control to air
flow to floor, windshield and side win-
dows and blower control to its highest
Weight distribution affects handling
At the specified curb weight your vehicle has a
tendency to understeer, which means that the
steering wheel has to be turned more than
might seem appropriate for the curvature of a
This ensures good stability and reduces the
risk of rear wheel skid. Remember that these
properties can alter with the vehicle load.
The heavier the load in the cargo area, the less
the tendency to understeer.
Handling, roadholding
Vehicle load, tire design and inflation pressure
all affect vehicle handling. Therefore, check
that the tires are inflated to the recommended
pressure according to the vehicle load. See
"Tire pressure" section.
Loads should be distributed so that capacity
weight or maximum permissible axle loads are
not exceeded.
Conserving electrical current
Keep the following in mind to help minimize
battery drain:
When the engine is not running, avoid turn-
ing the ignition key to position II (see
page 141). Many electrical systems (the
audio system, the optional infotainment/
navigation systems, power windows, etc)
will function with the ignition key in position
I. This position reduces drain on the bat-
Please keep in mind that using systems,
accessories, etc that consume a great deal
of current when the engine is not running
could result in the battery being completely
drained. Driving or having the engine run-
ning for approximately 15 minutes will help
keep the battery charged.
A warning message will be displayed in the
text window in the instrument panel when
the battery charge is low.
06 Starting and driving
Fuel filler door
The fuel filler cap can be placed on the hook on
the fuel filler door while refueling
Press the button on the light switch panel (see
the illustration on page 67) when the vehicle is
at a standstill to unlock the fuel filler door.
Please note that the fuel filler door will remain
unlocked until the vehicle begins to move for-
ward. An audible click will be heard when the
fuel filler door relocks.
If you intend to leave your vehicle while it is
being refueled, this feature enables you to lock
the doors/tailgate while leaving the fuel filler
door unlocked.
You can also keep the vehicle locked if you
remain inside it during refueling. The central
locking button does not lock the fuel filler door.
Be sure the fuel filler door is not obstructed and
is completely closed after refueling.
Open the fuel filler cap slowly during hot
During a transitional period, a small number
of service stations may still have fuel noz-
zles that are not compatible with the fuel
filler neck on vehicles equipped with the
evaporative control system.
The fuel tank is designed to accommodate
possible expansion of the fuel in hot weather.
See page 282 for fuel tank volume. Be aware
that the "usable" tank capacity will be some-
what less than the specified maximum. When
the fuel level is low, such factors as ambient
temperature, the fuel's "Reid vapor pressure"
characteristics, and terrain can affect the fuel
pump's ability to supply the engine with an
adequate supply of fuel. Therefore, it is advis-
able to refuel as soon as possible when the
needle nears the red zone, or when the fuel
warning light comes on.
Never carry a cell phone that is switched on
while refueling your vehicle. If the phone
rings, this may cause a spark that could
ignite gasoline fumes, resulting in fire and
06 Starting and driving
Do not refuel with the engine running
Turn the ignition off or to position I. If the
ignition is on, an incorrect reading could
occur in the fuel gauge.
After refueling, close the fuel filler cap
by turning it clockwise until it clicks into
Avoid overfilling the fuel tank. Do not
press the handle on the filler nozzle
more than one extra time. Too much fuel
in the tank in hot weather conditions can
cause the fuel to overflow. Overfilling
could also cause damage to the emis-
sion control systems.
Avoid spilling gasoline during refueling.
In addition to causing damage to the
environment, gasolines containing
alcohol can cause damage to painted
surfaces, which may not be covered
under the New Vehicle Limited War-
Do not use gasolines containing meth-
anol (methyl alcohol, wood alcohol).
This practice can result in vehicle per-
formance deterioration and can dam-
age critical parts in the fuel system.
Such damage may not be covered
under the New Vehicle Limited War-
If the fuel filler cap is not closed tightly or if the engine is running when the vehicle is refueled, the Check Engine Light (malfunction indicator lamp) may indicate a fault. However, your vehicle's
performance will not be affected. Use only Volvo original or approved fuel filler caps.
06 Starting and driving
Starting the vehicle
Starting the engine
Before starting, check that the seat, steering
wheel and mirrors are adjusted properly.
Make sure the brake pedal can be
depressed completely. Adjust the seat if
necessary, see page 104.
1.Fasten the seat belt.
2.Apply the parking brake (hand brake) if not
already set. The gear selector is locked in
the P position (SHIFTLOCK).
3.Without touching the accelerator pedal,
turn the ignition key
to the starting posi-
tion. Allow the starter to operate for up to
10 seconds. Release the key as soon as
the engine starts
. If the engine fails to
start, repeat this step.
If the key blade section of the remote is
not fully folded out when starting the
vehicle, the immobilizer function may
make it impossible to start the engine.
After a cold start, idle speed may be
noticeably higher than normal for a
short period. This is done to help bring
components in the emission control
system to their normal operating tem-
perature as quickly as possible, which
enables them to control emissions and
help reduce the vehicle's impact on the
To release the gear selector from the P
(Park) position, the engine must be run-
ning (or the ignition key must be in posi-
tion II) and the brake pedal must be
Select the desired gear. The gear
engages after a very slight delay which
is especially noticeable when selecting
Your vehicle is equipped with a KEYLOCK
system. When the engine is switched off,
the gear selector must be in the P position
before the key can be removed from the
ignition switch.
When starting in cold weather, the trans-
mission may shift up at slightly higher
engine speeds than normal until the auto-
matic transmission fluid reaches normal
operating temperature.
Do not race a cold engine immediately after
starting. Oil flow may not reach some lubri-
cation points fast enough to prevent engine
An extra mat on the driver's floor can cause
the accelerator pedal to catch. Check that
the movement of the accelerator pedal is
not impeded. No more than one protective
floor covering may be used at one time.
If two of the keys to your vehicle are close together, e.g. on the same key ring when you try to start the vehicle, this could cause interference in the immobilizer system and result in the vehicle not
starting. If this should occur, remove one of the keys from the key ring before trying to start the vehicle again.
On vehicles equipped with the autostart feature, release the key immediately. See also page 141.
06 Starting and driving
Starting the vehicle
Always place the gear selector in Park and
apply the parking brake before leaving the
vehicle. Never leave the vehicle unattended
with the engine running.
Always open garage doors fully before
starting the engine inside a garage to
ensure adequate ventilation. The
exhaust gases contain carbon monox-
ide, which is invisible and odorless but
very poisonous.
Automatic transmission
The engine should be idling when you
move the gear selector. Never acceler-
ate until after you feel the transmission
engage! Accelerating immediately after
selecting a gear will cause harsh
engagement and premature transmis-
sion wear.
Selecting P or N when idling at a stand-
still for prolonged periods of time will
help prevent overheating of the auto-
matic transmission fluid.
06 Starting and driving
Ignition switch and steering wheel lock
Ignition switch and steering wheel lock
0 – Locked position:
Remove the key to lock
the steering wheel
I – Intermediate posi-
– "radio position":
Certain accessories,
radio, etc. on, daytime
running lights off.
II – Drive position: The
key position when driv-
ing. The vehicle's entire
electrical system is con-
III – Start position:
Release the key when the
engine starts. The key
returns automatically to
the Drive position.
A chime will sound if the key is left in the
ignition and the driver's door is opened.
The gear selector must be in the P (Park) position (automatic
Please be aware that leaving the key in this position will
increase battery drain.
This function makes it possible to start the
vehicle without holding the key in the start
position (position III) until the engine starts.
Turn the key to position III and release it. The
starter motor will then operate automatically
(for up to ten seconds) until the engine starts.
Steering wheel lock
The steering wheel lock might be under tension
when the vehicle is parked.
Turn the steering wheel slightly to free the igni-
tion key.
In order to help reduce vehicle theft, make sure
the steering wheel lock is engaged before leav-
ing the vehicle.
Never switch off the ignition (turn the ignition
key to position 0) or remove the key from the
ignition switch while the vehicle is in motion.
This could cause the steering wheel to lock,
which would make the vehicle impossible to
06 Starting and driving
Economical driving
Economical driving conserves natural
Better driving economy may be obtained by
thinking ahead, avoiding rapid starts and stops
and adjusting the speed of your vehicle to
immediate traffic conditions. Observe the fol-
lowing rules:
Bring the engine to normal operating tem-
perature as soon as possible by driving
with a light foot on the accelerator pedal for
the first few minutes of operation. A cold
engine uses more fuel and is subject to
increased wear.
Whenever possible, avoid using the vehicle
for driving short distances. This does not
allow the engine to reach normal operating
Drive carefully and avoid rapid acceleration
and hard braking.
Use the transmission's D (Drive) position
as often as possible and avoid using "kick-
down" to help improve fuel economy.
Do not exceed posted speed limits.
Avoid carrying unnecessary items (extra
load) in the vehicle.
Maintain correct tire pressure. Check tire
pressure regularly (when tires are cold).
Remove snow tires when threat of snow or
ice has ended.
Note that roof racks, ski racks, etc,
increase air resistance and also fuel con-
At highway driving speeds, fuel consump-
tion will be lower with the air conditioning
on and the windows closed than with the
air conditioning off and the windows open.
Using the onboard trip computer's fuel
consumption modes can help you learn
how to drive more economically.
Other factors that decrease gas mileage
Dirty air cleaner
Dirty engine oil and clogged oil filter
Dragging brakes
Incorrect front end alignment.
Some of the above mentioned items and others
are checked at the standard Maintenance
Service intervals.
Drive slowly and carefully if going through
standing water (i.e. flooded roadways, etc.).
Damage to the engine could result if excess
water is drawn in through the air intake sys-
tem. Never drive the vehicle in water deeper
than 18 inches (48 cm).
06 Starting and driving
Difficult driving conditions
Driving on rough/unpaved surfaces
The Volvo XC90 is designed primarily for on-
road driving, and it has excellent handling cha-
racteristics on very rough or unpaved roads.
When driving on poorly maintained or unpaved
roads, please keep the following in mind:
Reduce speed on rough surfaces to mini-
mize possible damage to the vehicle's
When driving on soft surfaces such as dry
sand or snow, try to avoid stopping if at all
Avoid driving diagonally across steep
inclines as this could increase the risk of a
roll-over. Try to drive straight up or down the
If the road is very steep, avoid turning
the vehicle around to help avoid the risk
of rolling over. Back the vehicle up or
down the incline instead.
Avoid driving on steep inclines if the fuel
tank is nearly empty. If the flow of fuel to the
engine is interrupted due to the vehicle's
angle of inclination, this could result in dam-
age to the three-way catalytic converter. We
recommend keeping the fuel tank at least
half full when driving on steep inclines.
Driving through water
The vehicle can be driven through water up to
a depth of approximately 16 inches (40 cm), at
a maximum speed of 6 mph (10 km/h).
Take particular care when driving through flow-
ing water.
Clean the electrical connections for trailer wir-
ing after driving in mud or water.
When driving through water, maintain low
speed and do not stop in the water.
After driving through water, press lightly on
the brake pedal to ensure that the brakes
are functioning normally. Water or mud can
make the brake linings slippery, resulting in
delayed braking effect.
Engine damage will occur if water is
drawn into the air cleaner.
If the vehicle is driven through water
deeper than 18 in (48 cm), water may
enter the differential and the transmis-
sion. This reduces the oil's lubricating
capacity and may shorten the service
life of these components.
Do not allow the vehicle to stand in
water up to the door sills longer than
absolutely necessary. This could result
in electrical malfunctions.
If the engine has been stopped while the
car is in water, do not attempt to restart
the engine. Have the car towed out of
the water.
06 Starting and driving
Automatic transmission
P (Park)
Use this position when starting the engine or
parking the vehicle.
Never use P while the vehicle is in motion.
The parking brake should also be set whenever
the vehicle is parked.
The gear selector is mechanically locked in
the P position (SHIFTLOCK). To release the
gear selector from this position, the engine
must be running (or the ignition key must be in
position II) and the brake pedal must be
N (Neutral)
Neutral – no gear engaged. Use the parking
Never leave the vehicle unattended when
the engine is running. If, by mistake, the gear
selector is moved from P, the vehicle may
start moving.
R (Reverse)
Never engage R while the vehicle is moving.
D (Drive)
D is the normal driving position and should be
used as often as possible to help improve fuel
economy. The vehicle should not be moving
when shifting from R to the D position.
The transmission has 6 forward speeds.
Automatic transmission – shift gate
Shift gate positions
Depress the button on the front of the gear
selector knob to move between the R, N, D,
and P positions.
Automatic shift to a lower gear (kickdown) is
achieved by depressing the accelerator pedal
fully and briskly. An upshift will occur when
approaching the top speed for a particular gear
or by releasing the accelerator pedal slightly.
Kickdown can be used for maximum acceler-
ation or when passing at highway speeds.
06 Starting and driving
Automatic transmission
The gear selector must be in the D (Drive)
position for kickdown to function.
Manual shifting – Geartronic
You can move the gear selector freely between
the MAN (Manual) and D (Drive) positions to
select forward gears while driving. Gears 3, 4,
5, and 6 have a "lock-up" function which
reduces engine speed and helps save fuel.
Reverse, Neutral, and Park cannot be
selected in Geartronic mode.
A "lock-up" feature
reduces engine speed
and help saves fuel.
The currently selected gear will be displayed in
the instrument panel (see page 58).
To access the MAN shifting position from
D, move the gear selector to the left to
To return to the D positions from MAN,
move the gear selector to the right.
While driving
If you select the MAN position while driving, the
gear that was being used in the D position will
also initially be selected in MAN position.
Move the gear selector forward
(toward "+") to shift to a higher gear or
rearward (toward "– ") to shift to a lower
If you hold the gear selector toward "–", the
transmission will downshift one gear and
will utilize the braking power of the engine.
If the current speed is too high for using a
lower gear, the downshift will not occur
until the speed has decreased enough to
allow the lower gear to be used.
If you slow down to a very low speed, the
transmission will automatically shift down.
When starting in the MAN position, 3rd
gear is the highest gear that may be
W – Winter/Wet driving mode –
enhanced vehicle traction
Press the W button at the base of the gear
selector to engage/disengage this driving
mode (see illustration). The
W symbol will
appear in the display (see page 58) when the
function is activated.
This mode may be selected for starting/moving
off on slippery roads. The vehicle starts off in
3rd gear to help maintain traction. First and
second gears will only be used during kick-
Six-speed transmission: gears 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.
06 Starting and driving
Automatic transmission
Mode W can be chosen regardless of the
postion of the gear selector but will only
function when the gear selector is in the D
(drive) position.
06 Starting and driving
Jump starting
Follow these instructions to jump start your
vehicle's dead battery or to jump start another
vehicle's dead battery using your vehicle.
Although your vehicle's battery is located
under the floor of the cargo area, jumper cables
should be connected in the engine compart-
ment, to the points shown in the illustrations.
If the 12-volt auxiliary battery to be used is in
another vehicle, check that the vehicles are not
touching to prevent premature completion of a
circuit. Be sure to follow jump starting instruc-
tions provided for the other vehicle.
To jump start your vehicle:
1.Switch off the ignition.
2.First connect the auxiliary battery positive
(+) terminal (1) to the positive (+) terminal in
your vehicle's engine compartment (2),
located under a small black plastic cover
attached to the fuse box cover, marked
with a "+" sign. Remove the cover on the
main fuse box if necessary to access this
terminal. Then connect the auxiliary bat-
tery's negative (–) terminal (3) to the ground
point in your vehicle's engine compartment
3.Start the engine in the assisting vehicle,
then start the engine in the vehicle with
dead battery.
4.After the engine has started, first remove
the negative (–) terminal jumper cable.
Then remove the positive (+) terminal
jumper cable.
Battery posts, terminals, and related acces-
sories contain lead and lead compounds,
chemicals known to the state of California
to cause cancer and reproductive harm.
Wash hands after handling.
Do not connect the jumper cable to any
part of the fuel system or to any moving
parts. Avoid touching hot manifolds.
Never expose the battery to open flame
or electric spark.
Do not smoke near the battery.
Batteries generate hydrogen gas, which
is flammable and explosive.
Battery fluid contains sulfuric acid. Do
not allow battery fluid to contact eyes,
skin, fabrics or painted surfaces. If con-
tact occurs, flush the affected area
immediately with water. Obtain medical
help immediately if eyes are affected.
Failure to follow the instructions for
jump starting can lead to personal
06 Starting and driving
All Wheel Drive*
*Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.
one of these circuits, it is still possible to stop
the vehicle with the other brake circuit.
If the brake pedal must be depressed farther
than normal and requires greater foot pressure,
the stopping distance will be longer.
A warning light in the instrument panel will light
up to warn the driver that a fault has occurred.
If this light comes on while driving or braking,
stop immediately and check the brake fluid
level in the reservoir.
Press the brake pedal hard and maintain
pressure on the pedal – do not pump the
If the fluid level is below the MIN mark in the
reservoir or if a
Brake failure – Service
message is displayed in the text
DO NOT DRIVE. Have the vehicle
towed to a trained and qualified Volvo serv-
ice technician and have the brake system
When the vehicle is at a standstill and the
engine is idling, e.g. at a traffic light and the
brake pedal is depressed, the pedal may go
down slightly. This is a normal function of
the power-assisted brake system.
Power brakes function only when the
engine is running
The power brakes utilize vacuum pressure
which is only created when the engine is run-
ning. Never let the vehicle roll to a stop with the
engine switched off.
If the power brakes are not working, consider-
ably higher pressure will be required on the
brake pedal to compensate for the lack of
power assistance. This can happen for exam-
ple when towing your vehicle or if the engine is
switched off when the vehicle is rolling. The
brake pedal feels harder than usual.
Water on brake discs and brake pads
affects braking
Driving in rain and slush or passing through an
automatic car wash can cause water to collect
on the brake discs and pads. This will cause a
delay in braking effect when the pedal is
depressed. To avoid such a delay when the
brakes are needed, depress the pedal occa-
sionally when driving through rain, slush etc.
This will remove the water from the brakes.
Check that brake application feels normal. This
should also be done after washing or starting
in very damp or cold weather.
Severe strain on the brake system
The brakes will be subject to severe strain
when driving in mountains or hilly areas, or
when towing a trailer. Vehicle speed is usually
slower, which means that the cooling of the
brakes is less efficient than when driving on
level roads. To reduce the strain on the brakes,
shift into a lower gear and let the engine help
with the braking. Do not forget that, if you are
towing a trailer, the brakes will be subjected to
a greater than normal load.
Anti-lock brakes (ABS)
If the ABS warning lamp lights up there is a
malfunction in the ABS system (the standard
braking system will however function) and the
vehicle should be driven cautiously to a trained
and qualified Volvo service technician for
inspection. The Anti-lock Braking System
(ABS) helps to improve vehicle control (stop-
ping and steering) during severe braking con-
ditions by limiting brake lockup. When the sys-
tem "senses" impending lockup, braking pres-
sure is automatically modulated in order to help
prevent lockup, which could lead to a skid.
The system performs a self-diagnostic test
when the engine is started and when the
vehicle first reaches a speed of approxi-
06 Starting and driving
Brake system
mately 12 mph (20 km/h). The brake pedal will
pulsate several times and a sound may be
audible from the ABS control module. This is
To obtain optimal effect from the ABS system,
constant pressure should be kept on the brake
pedal. Do not pump the brake pedal.
The switching of the ABS modulator will be
audible and the brake pedal will pulsate during
braking. Please be aware that ABS does not
increase the absolute braking potential of the
vehicle. While control will be enhanced, ABS
will not shorten stopping distances on slippery
ABS with EBD (Electronic Brake Force
EBD is an integrated part of the ABS system.
EBD regulates the hydraulic pressure to the
rear brakes to help provide optimal braking
capacity. The brake pedal will pulsate during
braking, which is normal.
If the BRAKE and ABS warning lights come on
at the same time, this could indicate a fault in
the brake system.
1.Stop the vehicle in a suitable place and
switch off the engine.
2.Restart the engine.
If both warning lights go off, no further
action is required.
If both lights are still on after the engine has
been restarted, switch off the engine again
and check the brake fluid level (see
page 218 for the location of the brake fluid
If the fluid level is below the MIN mark in the
reservoir or if a
Brake failure – Service
message is displayed in the text
window: DO NOT DRIVE. Have the vehicle
towed to a trained and qualified Volvo serv-
ice technician and have the brake system
If the brake fluid level is above the MIN
mark, drive carefully to a trained and quali-
fied Volvo service technician and have the
brake system inspected.
Emergency Brake Assistance (EBA)
The EBA function is designed to provide full
brake effect immediately in the event of sud-
den, hard braking. The system is activated by
the speed with which you depress the brake
When the EBA system is activated, the
brake pedal will go down and pressure
in the brake system immediately increa-
ses to the maximum level. You must
maintain full pressure on the brake
pedal in order to utilize the system com-
pletely. There will be no braking effect if
the pedal is released. EBA is automati-
cally deactivated when the brake pedal
is released.
When the vehicle has been parked for
some time, the brake pedal may sink
more than usual when the engine is
started. This is normal and the pedal will
return to its usual position when it is
06 Starting and driving
Parking brake
Parking brake pedal
Handle for releasing the parking brake
The parking brake pedal is located under the
dashboard, to the left of the brake pedal.
The indicator light will light up even if the
parking brake has only been partiallyap-
When applying the parking brake
1.Press firmly on the brake pedal.
2.Press down pedal (1) firmly to its full extent.
3.Release the brake pedal and ensure that
the vehicle is at a standstill.
4.If the vehicle rolls, the parking brake pedal
must be pushed down more firmly.
5.When parking a vehicle always put the gear
selector in P.
Parking on a hill
If the vehicle is pointing uphill, turn the front
wheels so that they point away from the
If the vehicle is pointing downhill, turn the
front wheels so that they point toward the
Releasing the parking brake
1.Press firmly on the brake pedal.
2.Pull handle (2).
If you inadvertently pull the plastic cover, it
can be pressed back into place.
Press down the parking brake pedal firmly
to its full extent.
06 Starting and driving
Stability system
Dynamic Stability Traction Control
The stability system consists of a number of
functions designed help reduce wheel spin,
counteract skidding, and to generally help
improve directional stability.
A pulsating sound will be audible when the
system is actively operating and is normal.
Traction control (TC)
This function is designed to help reduce wheel
spin by transferring power from a drive wheel
that begins to lose traction to the wheel on the
opposite side of the vehicle (on the same axle).
TC is most active at low speeds.
This is one of DSTC's permanent functions and
cannot be switched off.
Spin control (SC)
The spin control function is designed to help
prevent the drive wheels from spinning while
the vehicle is accelerating.
Under certain circumstances, such as when
driving with snow chains, or driving in deep
snow or loose sand, it may be advisable to
temporarily switch off this function for maxi-
mum tractive force.
Temporarily switching off Spin control
1.Turn the thumbwheel (1) on the left-side
steering wheel lever until the
is displayed.
Hold down the RESET button (2) to toggle
indicates that the stability sys-
tem's spin control function has tempo-
rarily been switched off.
The stability control indicator light will
illuminate and remain on until spin con-
trol has been reactivated.
The spin control function is automati-
cally enabled each time the engine is
DSTC ON indicates that all system
functions are active.
Active Yaw Control (AYC)
This function helps maintain directional stabil-
ity, for example when cornering, by braking
one or more of the wheels if the vehicle shows
a tendency to skid or slide laterally.
This is one of DSTC's permanent functions and
cannot be switched off.
The car's handling and stability characteris-
tics will be altered if the DSTC system func-
tions have been disabled.
06 Starting and driving
Stability system
DSTC-related messages in the text
– The system has been temporarily
switched off due to high brake temperature
and will automatically switch on again
when the brakes have cooled.
system has been automatically disen-
gaged due to a fault. A trained and qualified
Volvo service technician should check the
Symbols in the instrument panel
The Stability Control indicator light
This light indicates different condi-
tions, depending on how it illumi-
The Stability Control indicator light
illuminates for approximately 2 seconds
This indicates that the system is performing a
self-diagnostic test when the ignition is
switched on.
The Stability Control indicator light
This indicates that the stability system is
actively functioning to help counteract wheel
spin and/or a skid.
The Stability Control indicator light
glows steadily
played in the text window at the same time.
A fault is indicated in the stability system.
Stop the vehicle in a safe place and switch
off the engine.
Restart the engine.
If the indicator light goes out, the fault was
temporary and no further action is
If the indicator light remains on, drive to an
authorized Volvo workshop as soon as
possible to have the system checked.
The Stability Control indicator light
glows steadily
If DSTC SPIN CONTROL OFF is displayed in
the text window at the same time, this is a
reminder that spin control has been disabled
by the driver.
The warning symbol
The warning symbol glows
steadily yellow
The system has been temporarily switched off
due to high brake temperature. "
" will be dis-
played. The system will automatically switch
on again when the brakes have cooled.
The stability system is intended to help
improve driving safety. It supplements, but
can never replace, the driver's judgement
and responsibility when operating the vehi-
cle. Speed and driving style should always
be adapted to traffic and road conditions.
06 Starting and driving
Front/rear park assist*
*Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.
Front/rear park assist
The park assist system is designed to assist
you when driving into parking spaces, garages,
etc. It utilizes four ultrasound sensors located
in one or both bumpers to measure the dis-
tance to a vehicle, object, or a person who may
be close to the front or rear of your vehicle.
Park assist is available in two versions:
Rear bumper only
Front and rear bumpers
Park Assist is an information system, NOT a
safety system. This system is designed to
be a supplementary aid when parking the
vehicle. It is not, however, intended to
replace the driver's attention and judge-
The system is activated automatically when the
vehicle is started. The indicator light in the but-
ton in the center console illuminates.
The front park assist system is active from
the time the engine is started until the vehi-
cle exceeds a speed of approximately
10 mph (15 km/h). It is also active when the
vehicle is backing up.
Rear park assist is active when the engine
is running and reverse gear has been
Rear park assist
The distance monitored behind the vehicle is
approximately 5 ft (1.5 m). The signal comes
from the rear speakers.
The system must be deactivated when towing
a trailer, carrying bicycles in a rear-mounted
carrier, etc, which could trigger the rear park
assist system's sensors.
Rear park assist is deactivated automati-
cally when towing a trailer if Volvo genuine
trailer wiring is used.
Front park assist
The distance monitored in front of the vehicle
is approximately 2.5 ft (0.8 m). The audible sig-
nal comes from the audio system's front
It may not be possible to combine auxiliary
headlights and front park assist since
these lights could trigger the system's sen-
Activating/deactivating park assist
The system is activated automatically when the
vehicle is started.
Press the Park assist button on the center
console (see page 64) to temporarily deac-
tivate the system(s). The indicator light in
the button will go out when the system has
been deactivated.
Park assist will be automatically reactiva-
ted the next time the engine is started, or if
the button is pressed (the indicator light in
the button will illuminate).
06 Starting and driving
Front/rear park assist*
*Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.
Front park assist is disengaged auto-
matically when the parking brake is
If the vehicle is equipped with front and
rear park assist, both systems will be
deactivated by pressing the button.
Audible signals from the park assist
The Park Assist system uses an intermittent
tone that pulses faster as you come close to an
object, and becomes constant when you are
within approximately 1 ft (30 cm) of an object
in front of or behind the vehicle. If the volume
of another source from the audio system is
high, this will be automatically lowered.
If there are objects within this distance both
behind and in front of the vehicle, the signal
alternates between front and rear speakers.
Faults in the system
If the yellow warning symbol illu-
minates and
is shown
on the information display, this
indicates that the system is not
functioning properly and has been disengaged.
Consult a trained and qualified Volvo service
In certain circumstances, the park assist
system may give unexpected warning sig-
nals that can be caused by external sound
sources that use the same ultrasound fre-
quencies as the system. This may include
such things as the horns of other vehicles,
wet tires on asphalt, pneumatic brakes,
motorcycle exhaust pipes, etc. This does
not indicate a fault in the system.
Cleaning the sensors
Park assist sensors
The sensors must be cleaned regularly to
ensure that they work properly. Clean them
with water and a suitable car washing deter-
Ice and snow covering the sensors may cause
incorrect warning signals.
If the sensors are obstructed by e.g., dirt,
snow, or ice, this could result in false warn-
ing signals from the park assist system.
06 Starting and driving
Positions for attaching towing eyelets
Emergency towing
The towing eyelet is located in the tool bag,
under the floor of the cargo area. This eyelet
must be screwed into the positions provided
on the right sides of either the front or rear
bumper (see illustrations).
To attach the towing eyelet:
1.Use a coin to pry open the lower edge of
the cover (A)
2.Screw the towing eyelet (C) in place (B),
first by hand and then using the tire iron
until it is securely in place.
After the vehicle has been towed, the eyelet
should be removed and returned to the tool
bag. Press the cover back into position.
Do not use the towing eyelets to pull the
vehicle up onto a flat bed tow truck.
Precautions when the vehicle is in tow
The steering wheel must be unlocked. Turn
the ignition key to position I or II.
The gear selector must be in position N.
Maximum speed: 50 mph (80 km/h). Do not
exceed the maximum allowable towing
Maximum distance with front wheels on
ground: 50 miles (80 km).
While the vehicle is being towed, try to
keep the tow rope taut at all times.
The vehicle should only be towed in the
forward direction.
06 Starting and driving
Vehicles with AWD (All Wheel Drive) with the
front wheels off the ground should not be
towed at speeds above 50 mph (70 km/h) or
for distances longer than 30 miles (50 km).
Please check with state and local
authorities before attempting this type
of towing, as vehicles being towed are
subject to regulations regarding maxi-
mum towing speed, length and type of
towing device, lighting, etc.
If the vehicle's battery is dead, do not
attempt to start the vehicle by pushing
or pulling it as this will damage the
three-way catalytic converter(s). The
engine must be jump started using an
auxiliary battery (see page 147).
If the vehicle is being towed on a flat bed
truck, the towing eyelets must not be
used to pull the vehicle up onto the flat
bed or to secure the vehicle on the flat
bed. Consult the tow truck operator.
Remember that the power brakes and
power steering will not function when
engine is not running. The braking and
steering systems will function but con-
siderably higher pressure will be
required on the brake pedal and greater
steering effort must be exerted.
The towing eyelets must not be used for
pulling the vehicle out of a ditch or for
any similar purpose involving severe
strain. Do not use the towing eyelets to
pull the vehicle up onto a flat bed tow
Towing vehicles with front wheel drive/
All Wheel Drive
Volvo recommends the use of flat bed equip-
If wheel lift equipment must be used, please
use extreme caution to help avoid damage to
the vehicle. In this case, the vehicle should
be towed with the rear wheels on the ground
if at all possible.
If it is absolutely necessary to tow the vehicle
with the front wheels on the ground, please
refer to the towing information on the previous
Sling-type equipment applied at the
front will damage radiator and air con-
ditioning lines.
It is equally important not to use sling-
type equipment at the rear or apply lift-
ing equipment inside the rear wheels;
serious damage to the rear axle may
If the vehicle is being towed on a flat bed
truck, the towing eyelets must not be
used to secure the vehicle on the flat
bed. Consult the tow truck operator.
06 Starting and driving
Towing a trailer
*Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.
The maximum weights recommended by Volvo
for trailers with brakes are shown in the table
Recommended hitch tongue load: not more
than 10% of the trailer's weight. The trailer
load should be positioned so that it does not
shift and the tongue load should be 10% of the
trailer's weight. However, the tongue load
should not exceed the maximum permissible
weights indicated in the table below.
No. of occu-
Seating posi-
Front seatFront seat2nd row of
2nd row of
2nd row of
3rd row of
3rd row of
All Wheel Drive5,000 lbs
(2250 kg)
5,000 lbs
(2250 kg)
4,500 lbs
(2050 kg)
3,700 lbs
(1700 kg)
2,900 lbs
(1350 kg)
1,800 lbs
(800 kg)
Trailer towing
not recom-
Max. trailer
hitch tongue
500 lbs
(225 kg)
500 lbs
(225 kg)
450 lbs
(205 kg)
370 lbs
(170 kg)
290 lbs
(135 kg)
180 lbs
(80 kg)
Front Wheel
4,000 lbs
(1800 kg)
4,000 lbs
(1800 kg)
4,000 lbs
(1800 kg)
4,000 lbs
(1800 kg)
3,700 lbs
(1650 kg)
2,500 lbs
(1150 kg)
1,400 lbs
(650 kg)
Max. trailer
hitch tongue
400 lbs
(180 kg)
400 lbs
(180 kg)
400 lbs
(180 kg)
400 lbs
(180 kg)
370 lbs
(165 kg)
250 lbs
(115 kg)
140 lba
(65 kg)
06 Starting and driving
Towing a trailer
Points to keep in mind when towing a
When towing trailers without brakes, the
maximum permissible trailer weight is
1,700 lbs (750 kg).
If necessary, redistribute the weight of any
cargo in the trailer to avoid excessive
weight on the trailer hitch.
The maximum trailer weight listed in the
table for All Wheel Drive models, 5,000 lbs
(2250 kg) is only applicable when there are
not more than two occupants in the vehi-
cle, in the front seats, with a combined
weight of 300 lbs (135 kg), with no other
cargo in the vehicle.
The maximum weight listed for Front
Wheel Drive models, 4,000 lbs (1800 kg) is
only applicable when there are not more
than four occupants in the vehicle, in the
front seats and second row of seats, with
a combined weight of 600 lbs (270 kg), with
no other cargo in the vehicle.
Vehicles used for towing a trailer on a reg-
ular basis, or for long-distance highway
towing should be equipped with an auto-
matic transmission oil cooler and Volvo's
automatic self-leveling system for the rear
suspension. Consult your Volvo retailer.
Volvo recommends the use of Volvo trailer
hitches that are specially designed for the
All Volvo models are equipped with
energy-absorbing shock-mounted bump-
ers. Trailer hitch installation should not
interfere with the proper operation of this
bumper system.
Increase tire pressure to recommended full
inflation pressure. See chapter "Wheels
and tires."
When your vehicle is new, avoid towing
heavy trailers during the first 620 miles
(1,000 km).
Engine and transmission are subject to
increased loads. Therefore, engine coolant
temperature should be closely watched
when driving in hot climates or hilly terrain.
Use a lower gear and turn off the air con-
ditioner if the temperature gauge needle
enters the red range.
If the automatic transmission begins to
overheat, a message will be displayed in
the text window.
Hauling a trailer affects handling, durabil-
ity, and economy.
It is necessary to balance trailer brakes
with the towing vehicle brakes to provide a
safe stop (check and observe state/local
Do not connect the trailer's brake system
directly to the vehicle's brake system.
Remove the ball and drawbar assembly
when the hitch is not being used.
Volvo recommends the use of synthetic
engine oil when towing a trailer over long
distances or in mountainous areas.
When parking the vehicle with a trailer
on a hill, apply the parking brake before
putting the gear selector in P. When
starting on a hill, put the gear selector in
D before releasing the parking brake.
Always follow the trailer manufacturer's
recommendations for wheel chocking.
If you use the manual (Geartronic) shift
positions while towing a trailer, make
sure the gear you select does not put
too much strain on the engine (using too
high a gear).
06 Starting and driving
Towing a trailer
Bumper-attached trailer hitches must
not be used on Volvos, nor should
safety chains be attached to the
Trailer hitches attaching to the vehicle
rear axle must not be used.
Never connect a trailer's hydraulic
brake system directly to the vehicle
brake system, nor a trailer's lighting
system directly to the vehicle lighting
system. Consult a trained and qualified
Volvo service technician for correct
When towing a trailer, the trailer's safety
wire must be correctly fastened to the
hole or hook provided in the trailer hitch
on the vehicle. The safety wire should
never be fastened to or wound around
the drawbar ball.
Smoother starts with a trailer
Models equipped with the V8-engine and the
6-speed automatic transmission have a built-
in function that reduces acceleration slightly in
first gear when the vehicle is towing a trailer.
This is done to help avoid wheel spin and to
make starting off smoother.
This function is activated when the trailer's
electrical connector is plugged into the
electrical socket mounted near the trailer
The function is automatically deactivated
when the trailer's wiring is disconnected
from the socket. The vehicle will then
accelerate normally.
Since this function is activated when a con-
nector is plugged into the electrical socket
near the trailer hitch, it will be activated by
any electrical equipment (e.g. bicycle racks
with lighting, etc) that is plugged in, and will
remain active until the equipment is unplug-
ged from the socket.
If your vehicle is equipped with automatic lev-
eling, the rear suspension always retains the
correct ride height regardless of the load.
The system adjusts the rear suspension to
the correct level after the vehicle has been
driven a short distance.
When the vehicle is stationary, the rear
suspension lowers, which is normal.
06 Starting and driving
Detachable trailer hitch
Ball holder
Locking bolt
Cotter pin
Hitch assembly
Safety wire attachment
Installing the ball holder
1.If necessary, remove the cotter pin from
the locking bolt and slide the locking bolt
out of the hitch assembly.
2.Slide the ball holder into the hitch assem-
3.Align the hole in the ball holder with the one
in the hitch assembly.
4.Slide the locking bolt through the hitch
assembly/ball holder.
5.Insert the cotter pin in the hole at the end
of the locking bolt.
Removing the ball holder
1.Remove the cotter pin from the locking bolt
and slide the locking bolt out of the ball
holder/hitch assembly.
2.Pull the ball holder out of the hitch assem-
A cover for the hitch assembly can be pur-
chased from your Volvo retailer.
06 Starting and driving
Load carriers (accessory)
Positioning load carriers
If wing-shaped load carriers are used, make
sure that they are installed on the roof rails with
the rounded edge forward. Load carriers of this
type are identical and can be placed anywhere
along the roof rails.
When not in use, we recommend that the front
load carrier be placed approximately 2 inches
(5 cm) in front of the center roof rail anchorage
point and the rear load carrier approximately
1.5 inches (3.5 cm) in front of the rear rail
anchorage. This will help to reduce wind noise.
Installing load carriers
Make sure that the load carriers are pressed
firmly out against the roof rail and securely
tightened place. Check regularly that any load
carriers are securely in place.
Loads carried on the vehicle's roof should
not exceed 220 lbs (100 kg), including the
weight of the load carriers and any other
load carrying equipment (ski boxes, bicycle
racks, etc.). Excessive loads on the roof can
adversely affect the handling and roadhold-
ing characteristics of the vehicle.
06 Starting and driving
Cold weather precautions
If you wish to check your vehicle before the
approach of cold weather, the following advice
is worth noting:
Make sure that the engine coolant contains
50 percent antifreeze. Any other mixture
will reduce freeze protection. This gives
protection against freezing down to –31 °F
(–35 °C). See section "Coolant".
The use of "recycled" antifreeze is not
approved by Volvo. Different types of
antifreeze must not be mixed.
Volvo recommends using only genuine
Volvo antifreeze in your vehicle's radiator.
Your Volvo retailer stocks plenty of Volvo
engine coolant to protect your vehicle dur-
ing cold weather.
Try to keep the fuel tank well filled – this
prevents the formation of condensation in
the tank. In addition, in extremely cold
weather conditions it is worthwhile to add
fuel line de-icer before refueling.
The viscosity of the engine oil is important.
Oil with low viscosity (thinner oil) improves
cold-weather starting as well as decreas-
ing fuel consumption while the engine is
warming up. For winter use, 5W-30 oil, par-
ticularly the synthetic type
, is recom-
mended. Be sure to use good quality oil but
do not use cold-weather oil for hard driving
or in warm weather. See section "Engine
oil" for more information.
The load placed on the battery is greater
during the winter since the windshield wip-
ers, lighting, etc. are used more often.
Moreover, the capacity of the battery
decreases as the temperature drops. In
very cold weather, a poorly charged bat-
tery can freeze and be damaged. It is there-
fore advisable to check the state of charge
more frequently and spray an antirust oil on
the battery posts.
Volvo recommends the use of snow tires
on all four wheels for winter driving – see
section "Wheels and tires."
To prevent the washer fluid reservoir
from freezing, add washer solvents con-
taining antifreeze (see page 217 for the
location of the washer fluid reservoir). This
is important since dirt is often splashed on
the windshield during winter driving,
requiring the frequent use of the washers
and wipers. Volvo Washer Solvent should
be diluted as follows:
Down to 14 ° F (–10 ° C): 1 part washer
solvent and 4 parts water
Down to 5 ° F (–15 ° C): 1 part washer sol-
vent and 3 parts water
Down to 0 ° F (–18 ° C):1 part washer sol-
vent and 2 parts water
Down to –18 ° F (–28 ° C): 1 part washer
solvent and 1 part water
Use Volvo Teflon Lock Spray in the locks.
Avoid the use of de-icing sprays as they can
cause damage to the locks.
W – Winter/Wet driving mode – enhanced
vehicle traction
Mode W will only function if the gear selec-
tor is in the (D)rive position.
Press the button at the base of the gear
selector to engage/disengage this driving
An LED in the button will light up to indicate
that W is engaged and this will also be dis-
played in the instrument panel (see
page 58).
This mode may be selected for starting/
moving off on slippery roads.
Synthetic oil is not used when the oil is changed at the normal maintenance service intervals except at owner request and at additional charge. Please consult your Volvo retailer.
06 Starting and driving
Before a long distance trip
It is always worthwhile to have your vehicle
checked by a trained and qualified Volvo serv-
ice technician before driving long distances.
Your retailer or service technician will also be
able to supply you with bulbs, fuses, spark
plugs and wiper blades for your use in the event
that problems occur.
As a minimum, the following items should be
checked before any long trip:
Check that engine runs smoothly and that
fuel consumption is normal.
Check for fuel, oil, and fluid leakage.
Check transmission oil level
Check condition of drive belts.
Check state of the battery's charge.
Examine tires carefully (the spare tire as
well), and replace those that are worn.
Check tire pressures.
The brakes, front wheel alignment, and
steering gear should be checked by a
trained and qualified Volvo service techni-
cian only.
Check all lights, including high beams.
Reflective warning triangles are legally
required in some states/provinces.
Have a word with your Volvo retailer if you
intend to drive in countries where it may be
difficult to obtain the correct fuel.
Consider your destination. If you will be
driving through an area where snow or ice
are likely to occur, consider snow tires.
To prevent injury from contact with hot surfaces, do not inspect your vehicle’s transmission fluid yourself. Have your vehicle’s transmission fluid level inspected by a qualified Volvo service technician.
06 Starting and driving
Blind Spot Information System*
*Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.
BLIS camera
Indicator light
BLIS symbol
The Blind Spot Information System (BLIS) is an
information system that indicates the presence
of another vehicle moving in the same direction
as your vehicle in the side-view mirror's "blind
The system is based on digital camera tech-
nology. The cameras (1) are located beneath
the side-view mirrors.
When one (or both) of the cameras have
detected a vehicle in the blind area (up to
approximately 10 ft. (3 meters) from the side of
your vehicle, and up to approximately 31 ft.
(9.5 meters) behind the side-view mirror), see
the illustration, the indicator light in the door
panel (2) illuminates. The light will glow contin-
uously to alert the driver of the vehicle in the
blind area.
BLIS is an information system, NOT a
warning or safety system.
BLIS does not eliminate the need for
you to visually confirm the conditions
around you, and the need for you to turn
your head and shoulders to make sure
that you can safely change lanes.
As the driver, you have full responsibility
for changing lanes in a safe manner.
The door panel indicator light illuminates on
the side of the vehicle where the system has
detected another vehicle. If your vehicle is
passed on both sides at the same time, both
lights will illuminate.
Areas monitored by BLIS
Distance A = approx. 10 ft. (3 meters)
Distance B = approx. 31 ft. (9.5 meters)
BLIS has an integrated function that alerts the
driver if a fault should occur with the system.
For example, if one or both of the system's
cameras are obscured, a message ( see the
table on page 167) will appear in the informa-
tion display in the instrument panel. If this
occurs, clean the camera lenses. If necessary,
the system can be temporarily switched off (for
instructions, see page 167).
When does BLIS function
The system functions when your vehicle is
moving at speeds above 6 mph (10 km/h).
06 Starting and driving
Blind Spot Information System*
*Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.
When you pass another vehicle:
The system reacts when you pass another
vehicle at a speed of up to 6 mph (10 km/h)
faster than that vehicle.
When you are passed by another vehicle:
The system reacts if your vehicle is passed by
another vehicle at a speed of up to 43 mph
(70 km/h) faster than your vehicle.
BLIS does not function in sharp curves.
BLIS does not function when your vehi-
cle is backing up.
If you are towing a wide trailer, this may
prevent the BLIS cameras from detect-
ing other vehicles in adjacent lanes.
How BLIS functions in daylight and
BLIS reacts to the shape of surrounding vehi-
cles. The system is designed to help detect
motor vehicles such as cars, trucks, buses,
motorcycles, etc.
BLIS reacts to the headlights of surrounding
vehicles. In order to be detected by BLIS, a
vehicle in the blind area must have its head-
lights on. This means, for example, that the
system will not detect a trailer without head-
lights that is being towed behind a car or truck.
BLIS does not react to cyclists or
BLIS does not react to vehicles that are
standing still.
The BLIS cameras have the same limi-
tation as the human eye. In other words,
their "vision is impaired" by adverse
weather conditions such as heavy
snowfall, intense light directly into the
camera, dense fog, etc.
Cleaning the BLIS camera lenses
In order to function optimally, the BLIS camera
lenses must be kept clean. They can be wiped
clean with a soft cloth or wet sponge.
Clean the lenses carefully to avoid
The lenses are electrically heated to
help melt ice or snow. If necessary, gen-
tly brush away snow from the lenses.
In certain situations, the BLIS indicator light(s)
may illuminate even when there are no other
vehicles in the area monitored by the system.
If the BLIS indicator lights illuminate occa-
sionally even when there are no other vehi-
cles in the blind area, this does not indicate
a fault in the system.
In the event of a fault,
Blind spot syst.
service required
will be displayed.
The following are several examples of situa-
tions in which the BLIS indicator light(s) may
illuminate even when there are no other vehi-
cles in the area monitored by the system.
Light reflected from a wet road surface
06 Starting and driving
Blind Spot Information System*
*Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.
The vehicle's own shadow against a large, light,
smooth surface such as barriers between lanes on
a highway
Sunlight directly in the camera when the sun is low
on the horizon
Switching BLIS on and off
BLIS is automatically activated when the igni-
tion is switched on. The indicator lights will
provide confirmation by flashing 3 times.
The system can be switched off by press-
ing the BLIS button in the center console
(see the illustration). The indicator light in
the button goes out when the system is
switched off, and a text message is dis-
BLIS can be switched on again by pressing
the button. The indicator light in the button
will illuminate and a new text message will
be displayed. Press the READ button (see
page 62) to erase the message.
System statusText in the dis-
BLIS not functioning
properly. Contact an
authorized Volvo
service technician.
The right side BLIS
camera is obscured.
Clean the lenses.
The left side BLIS
camera is obscured.
Clean the lenses.
BLIS camera
obscured. Clean the
BLIS system off
06 Starting and driving
Blind Spot Information System*
*Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.
System statusText in the dis-
BLIS system on
The BLIS cameras'
function has been
reduced due to
weak or impaired
data transfer
between the BLIS
system's cameras
and the vehicle's
electrical system.
The cameras will
reset themselves
when this data
transfer has
returned to normal.
The messages listed above can only be dis-
played if the ignition key is in position II (or if
the engine is running) and if BLIS is active (i.e.
if the system has not been turned off by press-
ing the BLIS button).
06 Starting and driving
General information...............................................................................172
Rear Seat Entertainment – Dual Screen (RSE)*....................................270
10 Audio
Audio system overview
*Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.
CD player
VOLUME – turn to adjust
POWER – On/Off
AM/FM – for switching between FM1,
FM2 and AM
ENTER – select in the menu or activate a
Not in use
MY KEY – programmable key for your
favorite function from the menu
SELECTOR – select sound source
SOUND – make sound settings
EXIT/CLEAR – step back in the menu or
cancel a selection
Not in use
MENU – menu selections/navigation
CD eject
CD slot, CD changer*
search for and store the strongest radio
stations in the area in which you are driving
Station preset buttons/selecct a disc in the
CD changer* (1-6)
IR* Infrared port – for the optional naviga-
tion system remote control
10 Audio
Audio system controls
Steering wheel keypad
The four buttons on the steering wheel keypad
can be used to control the audio system. The
steering wheel keypad can be used to adjust
volume, shift between preset stations and
change CD tracks.
Press the or buttons briefly to
search for a radio station, or to go to the
next/previous track on a CD.
Press and hold down these buttons to
search within a track.
Accessing and using menus
In menu mode, you can change settings and
program new functions in the audio system.
The various menu alternatives are shown in the
display, and the current level in the menu struc-
ture is shown at the upper right corner of the
Press the MENU button to enter menu mode.
Use the menus as follows:
Use the menu arrow keys (1) to navigate up
or down in the menus. Dots in the display
indicate that there are more menu selec-
tions from which to choose.
Press ENTER to confirm or cancel a menu
One long press on EXIT/CLEAR exits
menu mode.
A short press on the EXIT/CLEAR enables
you to cancel, undo, or answer no to a
menu selection, or to go back in the menu
The menu alternatives are numbered and can
be accessed directly by pressing the respec-
tive keys on the numbered keypad on the left
side of the audio panel.
MY KEY – programming a shortcut
Use the MY KEY button to program a favorite
function from the menu, such as RANDOM,
Use the MENU buttons to scroll among the
2.Select the desired function from the menu
by pressing the MY KEY button for more
than two seconds.
MY KEY STORED is shown in the
display, the function has been stored.
4.Activate the function by briefly pressing the
MY KEY button.
Repeat steps 1 – 4 to store new functions on
the MY KEY buttons.
10 Audio
Audio system controls
*Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.
The MY KEY buttons can only be pro-
grammed for one shortcut function at a
Rear headphone connectors and
controls *
The door panels behind the second row of
seats can be equipped with headphone con-
nectors for passengers in the second and third
row of seats. Several people can listen to dif-
ferent sound sources, such as CDs or the radio
at the same time without disturbing each other.
Two sets of headphones can be plugged into
each connector.
1.With the audio system switched on, use
the SEL button to select a sound source.
2.Press the arrow keys briefly to change CD
tracks or switch between preset stations.
3.Hold down the arrow keys to fast forward/
reverse, or search for the previous/next
strong radio station.
Hold down the SEL button to turn off the
For the best sound reproduction, we rec-
ommend headphones with impedance
between 16 – 32 ohm. The sensitivity of
these should be equal to or greater than
102 dB. The headphone connections are
intended for 3.5 mm contacts and are
located under the lower edge of the socket.
All headphones are automatically turned off
when the ignition is switched off. They must be
manually restarted when the ignition is
switched on again.
Headphones – limitations
The headphones will only work when the
ignition key is in position I or higher.
If a set of headphones is connected to the
same source that is being sent through the
speakers, the headphone controls cannot
be used to change track or station. This is
to prevent the driver from being distracted
by an unexpected change in music.
If the driver selects the same sound source
as someone listening to this source
through headphones, the driver takes con-
trol of the sound source.
Only one disc in the optional CD changer,
and one track on the CD can be played at
a time.
Headphone users can choose from among
the preset radio stations (AM, FM1, FM2)
previously set by the driver.
If FM is played in the speakers, AM is not
available and vice versa.
On/Off button
10 Audio
Audio system controls
*Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.
To activate the system:
Turn the ignition key to position I.
If you switch off the ignition while the audio
system is on, the system will be on when the
ignition is switched on again.
Press the POWER button (3) to switch the
audio system on or off.
Volume control
Turn the knob (2) clockwise or counterclock-
wise to raise or lower the volume. The volume
control is electronic and has no end position.
Volume can also be raised (+) or lowered (–)
using the steering wheel keypad.
Pause mode
If the volume is turned off, the CD player will go
into pause mode. Re-activate the player by
turning up the volume.
Selecting a sound source
Press AM/FM (4) repeatedly to toggle
between FM1, FM2, and AM
Press the CD button (1) to change to the
CD player or optional CD changer
Turn the SELECTOR control (5) to choose
FM1, FM2, AM, CD, CD changer*, AUX*, or
Sirius satellite radio*.
The selected sound source will be shown in the
Sound settings
Press the SOUND button (2) repeatedly
until you come to the setting that you wish
to change. Choose
Use the SELECTOR control (1) to adjust
the level of the setting you have selected.
The display shows a scale from min. to
max. position. The center indicates the
normal position.
Sound level for the center speaker can only
be set if Dolby Pro Logic II (
DPL II) or three-
channel stereo (
3-CH) is selected in the
Sound level for the subwoofer can only be set
SUBWOOFER is selected in the menu (acti-
SettingShown in the dis-
Balance between
the right and left
10 Audio
Audio system controls
*Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.
SettingShown in the dis-
Balance between
the front and rear
Bass speaker level
Center speaker level
CENTER (Premium
Sound system only)
Surround sound
mium Sound system
Surround sound settings are used to balance
sound levels throughout the vehicle. Surround
settings for the various sound sources are
made separately.
There are three settings for surround sound.
OFF (2-channel stereo)
symbol in the display indicates that
Dolby Surround Pro Logic II is activated.
Dolby Surround Pro Logic II functions in
CD mode only.
2-channel stereo is recommended for AM/
FM radio broadcasts.
Dolby Surround Pro Logic II is only availa-
ble on the highest level audio system –
Premium Sound.
Use the following instructions to select PRO
LOGIC II, 3-CHANNEL, or to turn these func-
tions off. See also the menu structure on page
AUDIO SETTINGS in the menu and
press ENTER.
CD SURROUND and press
OFF and press ENTER.
The symbol
PL II is displayed when
Pro Logic II is selected.
3-CH is displayed when 3-channel stereo
is selected.
OFF indicates normal stereo mode.
Dolby noise reduction is manufactured under
license from Dolby Laboratories Licensing Cor-
"Dolby Surround Pro Logic II", and the double-
D symbol are trademarks of Dolby Laborato-
ries Licensing Corporation. Dolby Surround
Pro Logic II is manufactured under licence from
Dolby Laboratories Licensing Corporation.
Bass speaker – SUBWOOFER*
The subwoofer helps the system provide fuller
sound and deeper bass.
AUDIO SETTINGS in the menu and
press ENTER.
See page 247 for information on setting the
subwoofer level.
Equalizer FR
EQ – FRONT (certain audio systems)
This function is used to fine-tune the sound
from the front speakers.
AUDIO SETTINGS in the menu and
Equalizer FR and press ENTER.
3.Use the menu selection buttons to set the
level or use the SELECTOR control.
Press ENTER to select the next frequency.
You can select five frequencies.
Press ENTER until you come to the menu
mode to save the changes you have made.
10 Audio
Audio system controls
Equalizer RR
EQ – REAR (certain audio systems)
This function is used to fine-tune the sound
from the rear speakers.
AUDIO SETTINGS in the menu and
press ENTER.
EQ- REAR and press ENTER.
3.Use the menu selection buttons to set the
level or use the SELECTOR control.
Press ENTER to select the next frequency.
You can select five frequencies
Press ENTER until you come to the menu
mode to save the changes you have made.
Optimal sound reproduction
The audio system is calibrated for optimal
sound reproduction through the use of digital
signal processing. This calibration takes into
account the speakers, amplifier, cabin acous-
tics, the seating position of the listener, etc., for
each combination of vehicle and audio system.
There is also dynamic calibration that takes
into account the setting of the volume control,
radio reception, and the vehicle's speed. The
sound settings described in this manual, such
intended to enable the user to adapt sound
reproduction to his/her personal preferences.
10 Audio
Radio functions
Station search
1.Choose radio mode AM/FM1/FM2 using
the SELECTOR control (3) or the AM/FM
button (1).
Press briefly on
or to search
for the next strong station. The radio will
search for the next audible station and then
3.Press one of the buttons again to start a
new search.
Manually search for a known frequency
Press and hold the
or button
(or the corresponding buttons on the steer-
ing wheel keypad).
MAN will be shown in
the display. The radio will slowly scroll in
the desired direction and then increase
speed after a few seconds.
2.Release the button when the desired fre-
quency is displayed.
3.If you need to adjust the frequency, press
briefly on
or .
The manual search function is available for five
seconds after you last pressed the button.
Storing stations
To store a selected station under one of the
station setting buttons 0 – 9 (2):
1.Set the desired station.
2.Press the button under which the station is
to be stored and keep it depressed. The
sound will be interrupted for several sec-
onds and
STATION STORED is shown in
the display. The station is now stored.
You can store up to 10 stations each for AM,
FM1 and FM2, i.e. a total of 30 stations.
Frequency ranges
RadioFrequency band
FM87.7 – 107.9 MHz
AM530 – 1710 kHz
Automatically storing stations –
This function automatically searches for, and
stores up to 10 strong AM or FM stations in a
separate memory. If more than 10 stations are
found, the 10 strongest ones will be stored. The
function is especially useful in areas in which
you are not acquainted with radio stations or
their frequencies.
Starting autostore
Choose a frequency band with the AM/
FM button.
Press and hold down the AUTO button (1)
AUTOSTORING is shown in the dis-
10 Audio
Radio functions
When AUTOSTORING is no longer displayed,
the autostore process is complete. The auto-
matically stored stations can be selected withe
the preset (number) keys If there are no stations
with sufficient signal strength,
is displayed.
Stopping autostore
Press EXIT.
Selecting an autostored station
Press AUTO (1) briefly. AUTO will be dis-
2.Press one of the preset buttons (0 – 9).
The radio will remain in Autostore mode until
AUTO, EXIT, or AM/FM is pressed.
This function automatically searches the cur-
rently selected waveband (AM, FM1, or FM2)
for strong stations. When the radio finds a sta-
tion, it will pause for approximately 8 seconds,
after which it will continue scanning.
Activating/deactivating Scan
Choose a waveband by pressing the AM/
FM button.
Press SCAN (2). SCAN will be shown in the
Press EXIT to stop scanning.
Storing a station found by SCAN
Stations can be stored on the preset buttons
while the SCAN function is activated.
Press a preset button and hold it down until
Station stored is displayed.
This deactivates SCAN and the stored station
can be selected by pressing the preset button.
Radio text
Certain stations broadcast program informa-
tion, which can be shown in the display.
Press the MENU button.
RADIOTEXT in the menu and press
RADIOTEXT again to deactivate.
HD Radio
reception (U.S.
models only)
Display when the radio is receiving an HD Radio
HD radio is a brand name registered by the
Ibiquity digital corporation
. They are the
developer of a broadcasting technology called
IBOC or In Band On Channel, which refers to
the method of transmitting a digital radio
broadcast signal centered on the same fre-
HD Radio(TM) technology is manufactured under license from iBiquity Digital Corp. U.S. and Foreign Patents. HD Radio(TM) and the HD and HD Radio logos are proprietary trademarks of iBiquity
Digital Corp. HD Radio(TM) is only available in vehicles not equipped with the optional integrated CD changer.
HD Radio (TM) technology is manufactured under license from iBiquity Digital Corp. U.S. and Foreign Patents. HD Radio(TM) and the HD and HD Radio logos are proprietary trademarks of iBiquity
Digital Corp.
10 Audio
Radio functions
quency as the AM or FM station's present fre-
The IBOC system is referred to as a "hybrid"
since it is both analogue and digital. During
hybrid operation, receivers still continue to
receive the analogue (non-digital) signal. HD
radio receivers incorporate both modes of
reception, where the receiver will automatically
switch to the analogue signal if the digital signal
cannot be decoded or is lost by the receiver.
When you have tuned to an HD Radio station,
symbol will appear in the audio sys-
tem display.
More information about HD radio and IBOC
can be found on Ibiquity's website, and
Benefits of digital broadcasting
Better sound (FM sounds near CD quality
and AM as analogue FM).
Some FM frequencies offer a greater num-
ber of listening choices through “multicast-
ing” (consisting of a frequency's main
channel and any sub-channels that may
also be available on that particular fre-
quency. See also the section "Sub-chan-
nels" below).
When receiving a digital signal there is no
multipath disturbance or hisses/pops/
crackling due to outside influences.
How HD broadcasting works
HD Radio works similarly to conventional radio
and broadcasts of this type are available in
many areas of the United States. However,
there are a few key differences:
Instead of transmitting one analogue sig-
nal, stations send out a bundled signal –
both analogue and digital.
An HD radio receiver can receive both dig-
ital and analogue broadcasts. Depending
on the terrain and location of the vehicle
(which will influence the signal strength),
the receiver will determine which signal to
Main channel vs. sub-channels (FM
only): The main channel is the only channel
that can receive in hybrid mode (both dig-
ital and analogue). If a frequency has sub-
channels, they are broadcast in digital
mode only. The main FM channel will be
displayed as, for example, 93.9 WNYC
(Volvo uses the symbol > to indicate there
are sub-channels available) The sub-FM
channels will be displayed as 93.9 – 2
WNYC, 93.9 - 3 WNYC, etc.
Reception coverage area: Due to current
IBOC transmitter power limitations, the
reception coverage area in digital mode is
somewhat more limited than the station's
analogue coverage area. Please be aware
that as with any radio broadcast technol-
ogy, terrain, time of day, foliage level and
building location can have positive or neg-
ative effects on radio reception.
Analogue to digital/digital to analogue
blending: Analogue to digital blending will
occur as the signal strength reaches a pre-
set threshold in the receiver. This will be
noticeable in fringe areas (areas with weak
reception) and is normal.
There may be a noticeable difference in
sound quality when a change from analogue
to digital or digital to analogue occurs, such
Volume increase or decrease
Equalizer settings, i.e., Bass/ Midrange/
Treble cut or boost
Time alignment (Digital program mate-
rial in extreme cases can be as much as
8 seconds behind the analogue). This
will noticeable as a "stuttering" effect.
The above items are dependant on the
broadcaster's equipment settings and do
not indicate a fault in the vehicle's radio
receiver or antenna systems.
10 Audio
Radio functions
Switching HD on or off
The factory setting for HD radio is on. However,
when driving through areas with weak HD sig-
nals (fringe areas), you may experience that the
radio repeatedly switches between analogue/
digital and digital/analogue reception. If this
happens, it may be desirable to switch HD off.
To do so:
1.Be sure the audio system is switched on
and in AM or FM mode.
Press MENU in the center console control
Press ENTER to turn HD off (the X will dis-
appear from the box on the display screen).
This will disable the radio's capability to receive
digital broadcasts but it will continue to func-
tion as a conventional (analogue) AM/FM
receiver. Please note that when HD is switched
off, it will not be possible to tune to sub-chan-
nels (see the following section for a more
detailed explanation of sub-channels).
Repeat steps 2 and 3 above to reactivate HD
(an X will appear in the box on the display
Example of an HD Radio station with sub-channels
In many cases, a main HD Radio station (FM
wavebands only) will also have sub-channels
offering additional types of programming or
In such cases, a number will be displayed to
the right of the frequency number indicating
that the currently tuned frequency has at least
one sub-channel. The "2" in the illustration indi-
cates that you are currently listening to the first
sub-channel on frequency 93.9.
Selecting sub-channels
To listen to a station's sub-channel(s), press
the right arrow key on the center console or on
the steering wheel keypad. To go back to the
main channel, press the left arrow key. To go
to subchannel 2 (if available), press the right
arrow key.
If you are currently tuned to a frequency's main
channel, pressing the left arrow key will tune to
the next lower radio frequency.
When the radio has gone into HD mode,
it may take several seconds before the
">" symbol (if the current frequency has
any sub-channels) is displayed to the
right of the frequency. Pressing the
arrow keys before the number is dis-
played will cause the radio to tune to the
next available radio station, not to the
current station's sub-channels.
When you are no longer in broadcasting
range of the currently tuned sub-chan-
No HD reception will be dis-
played. The radio will then be muted
and it will be necessary to tune to or
search for a new radio station.
Sub-channels can also be stored as presets,
see page 250 for information on storing sta-
If you press a sub-channel's preset button, it
may take up to 6 seconds before the channel
becomes audible. If you press this button while
10 Audio
Radio functions
you are out of digital range of the transmitter,
No HD reception will be displayed.
10 Audio
Sirius satellite radio
Listening to satellite radio
The Sirius satellite system consists of a number
of high elevation satellites in geosynchronous
The digital signals from the Sirius satel-
lites are line-of-sight, which means that
physical obstructions such as bridges,
tunnels, etc, may temporarily interfere
with signal reception.
Avoid any obstructions, such as metal-
lic objects transported on roof racks or
in a ski box, or other antennas that may
impede signals from the SIRIUS satel-
Selecting Sirius radio mode
Press Power to switch on the audio sys-
tem (see page 244 for information on the
standard radio functions).
Turn the SELECTOR dial until Sirius 1 or 2
is displayed.
Activating Sirius radio
1.Tune to a satellite channel that has no
audio, which means that the channel is
unsubscribed and the text "
Call 888-539-
" is displayed
(see also "Selecting a channel" in the right
2.Call Sirius at 1-888-539-SIRIUS (7474).
3.When asked for the Sirius ID number press
AUTO to display this number. It is also
possible to retrieve the Sirius ID from the
displayed while the subscription is being
updated, after which the display will return
to the normal view.
The SIRIUS ID is required when contacting the
Sirius Call Center. It is used to activate your
account and when making any account trans-
actions. The SIRIUS ID is sometimes referred
to as the Electronic Serial Number (ESN).
This function displays the 12-digit SIRIUS ID.
Selecting a channel category
1.Select Sirius radio mode as described
Press ENTER.
3.Use the up/down arrow keys to scroll
through the list of categories.
Press ENTER to select a category.
Use the
and buttons to select
a channel in the currently chosen category.
The category "All" is default, which enables
you to scroll through the entire list of avail-
able satellite channels.
The channel categories are automatically
updated several times a year. This takes
approximately two minutes and will inter-
rupt normal broadcasting. A message will
be displayed while updating is in progress.
Information on channel or feature updates is
available at
Selecting a channel
There are two ways of tuning in a channel:
By pressing and holding the and
buttons to start the scroll function.
The scrolling function begins slowly and
increases speed after approximately
5 seconds. Release the button to listen to
the currently displayed channel.
Through direct channel entry
Direct channel entry
The Sirius satellite channels are numbered
consecutively throughout all of the categories.
To access a channel directly:
10 Audio
Sirius satellite radio
Press MENU and scroll to
Direct channel
2.Use the numerical keypad to enter the
channel's number. Press EXIT if necessary
to erase a digit.
Press ENTER. The radio will tune to this
channel, even if it belongs to a category
other than the currently selected one.
The numbers of skipped or locked channels
will not be displayed.
If a channel is locked, the access code
must be entered before the channel can
be selected. See "Unlocking a channel"
on page 257.
SCAN automatically searches through the list
of satellite channels. see page 250 for more
detailed information.
Storing a channel
A total of 20 satellite channels can be stored;
10 channels each for Sirius 1 and 2. See page
250 for detailed information on storing chan-
A long press on one of the number keys
stores the currently tuned channel on that
A short press on a number key while the
radio is in Sirius 1 or 2 mode will tune to the
preset satellite channel stored on that but-
ton, regardless of the currently selected
channel category.
Song Seek and Song Memory
The Song Seek and Song Memory functions
provide both audio and visual notification when
Sirius is broadcasting your favorite songs.
Song Seek enables you to store the name of
the song for future advance notification when
that song is being played. The
Song Memory
feature makes it possible to view all of the cur-
rent songs that are stored in memory.
Song memory
Up to ten songs can be saved in the system's
Press MENU.
Scroll to "
Add song to song mem." and
follow the instructions shown in the dis-
If a new song is selected when the memory is
full, you will be prompted to press ENTER to
delete the last song on the list.
The remaining songs in the list will move down
one position, and the newly added song will be
placed at the top of the list.
Song seek
When a satellite radio channel plays one of the
songs stored in the song memory, the listener
will be alerted by a text message and an audi-
ble signal.
Press ENTER to listen to the song or EXIT to
To activate/deactivate the song seek function:
Press MENU
Scroll to "
Song seek"
Press ENTER to activate or deactivate the
When the song has ended, the radio will
remain tuned to the channel on which the
song was played.
10 Audio
Sirius satellite radio
Radio text
The text that is displayed about the song cur-
rently playing can be changed. Use the AUTO
button to switch between Artist, Title, Com-
poser, or to switch radio text off, or use the
menu to display and select among these cate-
Advanced settings
This menu function enables you to make set-
tings on certain Sirius satellite radio functions.
To access this menu:
Press MENU.
Adv. settings.
Settings should be made when the vehicle
is at a standstill.
The following settings can be made in the Sir-
ius menu.
Songs can be added to the song list
Channel skip settings can be made
Channel lock settings can be made
The channel access code can be displayed
or changed
Your Sirius ID can be displayed
Skip options
This function is used to remove a channel from
the list of available channels.
Skip current channel
Select a category in the list and press
3.Skip channels in the list presented by
pressing ENTER.
Unskip all channels
This permanently removes all channels from
the skip list and makes them available for
Temp. unskip all ch.
This function will temporarily unskip all chan-
nels and make them available for selection. The
channels remain on the skip list and will again
be skipped the next time the ignition is
switched on.
Channel lock
Access to specific channels can be restricted
(locked). A locked channel will not provide
audio, song titles, or artist information.
All channels are initially unlocked at deliv-
Locking a channel:
Select "
Adv. settings" in the menu and
LOCK OPTIONS and press
Enter the channel access code
and press
Select a category in the list and press
5.Lock channels in the list presented by
pressing ENTER.
The channel is now locked and a checked box
will be displayed to indicate this. It will be nec-
essary to enter the channel access code. See
the section "Unlocking a channel" in order to
listen to a locked channel.
Unlocking a channel
A channel's access code
is required to unlock
a channel.
The default code is 0000. If you have changed the code and forgotten it, see the section "If you have forgotten the access code."
10 Audio
Sirius satellite radio
Unlock all channels
This permanently removes all channels from
the locked list and makes them available for
Temp. unlock all ch.
This function will temporarily unlock all chan-
nels and make them available for selection. The
channels remain on the locked list and will
again be locked the next time the ignition is
switched on.
This function makes it possible to change the
channel access code. The default code is
To change the code:
CHANGE CODE and press
Enter the current code and press ENTER.
Enter the new code and press ENTER.
Confirm the new code and press ENTER.
If an incorrect code is entered, the
text "
Incorrect code!" is displayed.
If you have forgotten the access code
Select "
SIRIUS ID" in the Sirius settings
menu and press ENTER.
Press and hold the ENTER button for
2 seconds.
The current code will be displayed.
Your Volvo retailer can also provide you with
10 Audio
Auxiliary equipment
*Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.
Auxiliary connector
The AUX (auxiliary) port can be used to con-
nect a device such as an MP3 player.
Turn the SELECTOR control (see the illustra-
tion on page 244) to choose
If the player is being charged through a 12-volt
socket while it is connect to the AUX port,
sound quality may be impaired.
The volume of the external sound source AUX
may be different from the volume of the internal
sound sources such as the CD player or the
USB connector in glove compartment
If you connect an iPod, MP3 player or a USB
flash drive to the optional USB connector, this
device can be controlled using the vehicle's
audio controls.
Be sure that the device and/or cable are in
the glove compartment before closing the
glove compartment door.
Select USB with the SELECTOR button.
Connect device will be displayed.
Connect the iPod, MP3 player or USB
flash drive to the USB connector (see the
The text
Loading will be displayed while
the system loads the files (folder struc-
ture) on the device. This may take a
short time.
When the information has been loaded, infor-
mation about the tracks on the device will be
/ buttons can be used to fast
forward/reverse or change tracks:
Press briefly to change tracks.
Press slightly longer to fast forward/
The arrow keys on the steering wheel keypad
can also be used in the same way.
The system supports playback of files in the
most common versions of formats such as
mp3, wma, and wav. However, there may be
versions of these formats that the system
does not support.
The system also supports a number of
models produced in 2005 or later.
10 Audio
Auxiliary equipment
USB flash drive
To simplify the use of a USB flash drive, it is
advisable to only store music files on the drive.
It will take considerably longer for the system
to index the files on the drive if it contains any-
thing other than compatible music files.
The system supports removable media
that uses the USB 2.0 standard and the
FAT32 file system and can index up to
500 folders and a maximum of 64,000
files. The device must have at least 256
Mb of memory.
When using a longer type of USB flash
drive, connecting it with a USB adapter
cable will help reduce mechanical wear
on the USB socket and the USB flash
Auxiliary sound level
If the external sound source's volume is too
high, the quality of the sound may be impaired.
This can be prevented by adjusting the external
sound source's input volume.
1.While playing the radio or a CD, lower the
audio volume to about one-quarter.
Switch to AUX mode on the audio system.
3.Connect the headphone output from your
music player to the AUX input using a cable
with a stereo 3.5 mm miniplug at both
4.Set your music player's headphone vol-
ume to three-quarters using the player's
volume controls.
AUX VOLUME in the menu and
press ENTER.
Adjust the volume with SELECTOR (1) or
with the up/down arrows (2) and press
7.If there is distortion, lower your music play-
er's headphone volume until the distortion
goes away.
Finally, exit the menu and adjust the audio vol-
ume to a comfortable level.
This cannot be done with the steering wheel
The cover over the cup holders should be
open when an auxiliary device is connected.
10 Audio
CD player/changer
*Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.
Playing a CD
CD player
If a CD is in the slot and the audio system is in
CD mode when it is switched on, the CD will be
played automatically. Otherwise, to play a CD:
1.Insert a CD into the slot (2).
2.Select the CD mode using the
SELECTOR control (4) or the CD button
CD changer*
The CD changer can hold up to six discs.
If a CD position in the changer containing a disc
is selected, and the audio system is in CD
mode when it is switched on, the CD will play
automatically. Otherwise, to play a CD:
1.Select an empty position using the station
setting buttons 1 – 6.
displayed. Be sure this text is displayed
before inserting a disc. The numbers of
positions already containing discs are
shown in the display.
2.Insert a CD into the slot (2).
3.Select the CD mode using the
SELECTOR control (4) or the CD button
Ejecting CDs
CD player
Press the EJECT button (3) to eject the CD.
CD changer
Ejecting one disc
A short press on the EJECT button (3) will
eject the CD that is currently playing.
For reasons of traffic safety, the ejected CD
must be removed within 12 seconds or it will
be automatically drawn back into the slot
and the CD player will enter pause mode.
Press the CD button to restart the disc.
Ejecting all discs
A long press on the EJECT button (3) starts
the EJECT ALL function.
The text
EJECTING ALL will be displayed and
the entire magazine will be emptied disc by
To pause CD playback, turn the volume all the
way down. "
CD paused" will be displayed.
This will not occur if someone in the rear seat
is listening to the CD through the optional
Play will resume when the volume is turned up
Audio files
In addition to playing normal music CDs, the
CD player/changer can also play discs con-
taining files in mp3 or wma format.
Certain discs that are copy protected can-
not be read by the player.
When a disc with audio files is inserted in the
player, the player scans the disc's folders
before it begins playing the files. The length of
time that this takes depends on the quality of
the disc.
10 Audio
CD player/changer
Navigating the disc and playing tracks
If a disc with audio files is in the CD player,
press ENTER to display a list of folders on the
Use the up and down arrows to move among
the folders on the disc. Audio files have the
symbol and folders containing these
files have the
Press ENTER to play a selected folder or a file.
When the music file has been played, the
player will continue to play the rest of the files
in the current folder. When all of the files in the
folder have been played, the player will auto-
matically go to the next folder and play the files
in it.
Press or if the entire name of
the current track does not fit in the display.
Changing tracks
CD player/CD changer
Briefly press
or to go to the
next/previous track or file. The steering
wheel keypad can be used in the same
Press and hold down
or to
search within a track/file. The search con-
tinues as long as the buttons are
depressed. The steering wheel keypad can
be used in the same way.
This function plays the first ten seconds of
each track or file
Press SCAN to begin scanning the tracks
or files on the currently selected CD.
Press EXIT/CLEAR or SCAN to interrupt
the scan function and listen to an entire
track or file.
Random play
CD player
This function plays the tracks or files on a CD
in random order (shuffle).
If a normal music CD is being played
Select RANDOM in the menu and press
If a CD with mp3 or wma files is being
Select DISC or FOLDER in the menu and
press ENTER.
CD changer
This function offers two alternatives for playing
the tracks on the disc(s) in the CD changer in
random order (shuffle).
SINGLE DISC (random order on the cur-
rently selected disc)
ALL DISCS (random order on all of the
CDs in the changer)
If a normal music CD is being played
Select RANDOM in the menu and press
press ENTER.
Press to play the next randomly selected
track. This can only be done on the currently
selected disc.
If a CD with mp3 or wma files is being
Select SINGLE DISC or FOLDER In the menu
and press ENTER.
This function is deactivated when a new disc is
CD changer: SCAN only functions on the currently selected disc.
10 Audio
CD player/changer
Certain CDs contain information about the
disc, such as the titles of the tracks, etc. This
information can be shown in the display by
activating the
DISCTEXT function.
Press the MENU button.
DISCTEXT in the menu and press
3.Any information that may be stored on the
disc will be displayed.
To deactivate this function, select
and press ENTER.
Compact disc care
Do not put tape or labels on the disc itself.
They could become stuck in the player.
Use CD standard EN 60908 discs only.
Discs not meeting this standard may cause
problems with system (poor sound). CDR
discs can cause listening problems due to
the quality of the disc or recording equip-
ment used.
DualDisc: The audio side of a DualDisc
(combined CD/DVD) does not meet CD
specifications and may not play in your
audio system.
Keep the discs clean. Wipe them with a
soft, clean, lint-free cloth, working from the
center outwards. If necessary, dampen the
cloth with a neutral soap solution. Dry thor-
oughly before using.
Never use cleaning spray or antistatic liq-
uid. Use only cleaners specifically made for
Use discs of the correct size only (3.5"
discs should never be used).
Volvo does not recommend the use of
plastic outer rings on the disc.
Condensation may occur on discs/optical
components of the changer in cold winter
weather. The disc can be dried with a
clean, lint-free cloth. Optical components
in the CD changer may, however, take up
to one hour to dry off.
Never attempt to play a disc which is dam-
aged in any way.
When not in use, the discs should be
stored in their covers. Avoid storing discs
in excessive heat, direct sunlight or dusty
10 Audio
Menu structure
FM Menu
1. Radio Text
2. Audio Settings
1. Surround
2. Subwoofer (option)
3. Equalizer Fr
4. Equalizer Rr
5. Reset All
AM Menu
See Audio Settings i the FM Menu.
CD Menu
1. Random
2. Disc Text
3. Audio Settings
See Audio Settings in the FM Menu.
AUX Menu (option)
1. AUX input vol
2. Audio Settings
See Audio Settings in the FM Menu
Certain audio systems
10 Audio
hands-free connection
System overview
Cell phone
Location of the microphone
Center console control panel and display
This feature makes it possible to set up a wire-
less connection between a Bluetooth-ena-
bled cell phone and the vehicle’s audio system.
This enables the audio system to function as a
hands-free connection and allows you to
remote-control a number of the phone’s func-
tions. The microphone used by this system is
located in the roof lining near the sun visor (2).
The buttons and other controls on the cell
phone can always be used regardless of
whether or not the phone is connected to the
hands-free system.
Not all cell phones are fully compatible with
the hands-free system. A list of compatible
phones is available at your Volvo retailer or
Never use the hands-free feature or any
other device in your vehicle in a way that
distracts you from the task of driving safely.
Distraction can lead to a serious accident.
Overview of Bluetooth
Center console control panel
VOLUME: the buttons on the steering
wheel keypad can be also be used.
ENTER: press to answer an incoming call,
make menu selections or activate the
phone from standby mode.
PHONE: press to turn standby on/off.
EXIT: press to end a call, reject an incom-
ing call, go back in the menu system, can-
cel a selection or to erase numbers/letters
that have been entered.
10 Audio
hands-free connection
MENU: press to access the menu system.
Press the arrow keys to go up or down
among menu alternatives.
Search: go forward or back when entering
Alphanumeric keys and menu shortcuts.
Getting started
Use the controls in the center console (3) or the
buttons in the steering wheel keypad to
access, navigate and make selections in the
hands-free system’s menus (see page 269).
A short press on the PHONE button in the cen-
ter console activates the hands-free system.
The text
PHONE will appear at the top of the
display to indicate that the audio system is in
telephone mode.
symbol indicates that the hands-free
system is active.
A long press on the PHONE button deactivates
the hands-free system and disconnects the
cell phone.
Connecting cell phones
The procedure for connecting a cell phone var-
ies, depending on the phone itself, and on
whether or not the phone has been previously
If this is the first time the phone is to be con-
nected to the hands-free system, proceed as
Alternative 1–using the vehicle's menus
Activate the cell phone’s Bluetooth
tion (refer to the phone’s owner’s manual if
necessary) or go to
Activate the vehicle’s Bluetooth
free system by briefly pressing the
PHONE button.
Add phone will be displayed. If one or
more cell phones are already registered
in the system, they will also be dis-
Add phone.
>The audio system will search for cell
phones that are in range. This search
takes approximately 30 seconds. Any
phones detected will be displayed with
their Bluetooth
names. The hands-free
system’s Bluetooth
name will appear
in the cell phone’s display as
My Car.
4.Select one of the cell phones shown in the
audio system’s (center console) display.
5.Using the cell phone’s keypad, enter the
digits shown in the audio system’s display.
Alternative 2–using the cell phone’s menus
1.Activate the hands-free system by briefly
pressing the PHONE button in the center
console. If there is a cell phone connected,
disconnect it from the hands-free system.
2.Perform a search using the cell phone’s
function (consult the cell
phone’s owner’s manual if necessary).
My Car in the list of devices shown
in the cell phone’s display.
4.When prompted, enter the PIN code 1234
in the cell phone.
Connect to
My Car from the cell phone.
The cell phone will be registered and will be
connected automatically to the audio system
while the text
Synchronizing is displayed. For
more information on synchronizing a cell
phone, see page 268.
When a connection has been established, the
symbol and the cell phone’s Bluetooth
name will be displayed. The cell phone can
now be controlled from the audio system.
Making a call
Ensure that
PHONE is shown at the top of
the center console display and that the
symbol is visible (by pressing briefly on
PHONE on the center console).
10 Audio
hands-free connection
2.Dial the desired phone number or use the
phone book (see page 268).
Press ENTER.
End the call by pressing EXIT.
Disconnecting the cell phone
The cell phone is automatically disconnected
from the audio system if it is moved out of
range. For more information about connec-
tions, see page 266.
The cell phone can be manually disconnected
from the hands-free system by pressing
PHONE. The hands-free system is also deac-
tivated when the ignition is switched off (or if
the driver’s door is opened on vehicles equip-
ped with the optional keyless drive).
When the cell phone is disconnected from the
hands-free system, a call in progress can be
continued using the cell phone’s own speaker
and microphone.
Certain cell phones may require confirma-
tion from the phone’s keypad when a call is
transferred from hands-free to the cell
Handling calls
Incoming calls
Press ENTER to answer a call, even if the
audio system is currently in e.g., CD or FM
Press EXIT to reject a call.
Automatic answer
This function means that incoming calls will be
answered automatically. Activate or deactivate
the function in the menu system underPhone
Call optionsAuto. answer.
Call settings
While a call is in progress, press MENU or
ENTER on the center console to access the
following functions:
Mute microphone: mute the audio sys-
tem’s microphone.
Transf call to cell: transfer the call from
hands-free to the cell phone.
Phone book: this feature enables you to
search for a stored telephone number.
On certain cell phones, the connection
is broken when the mute function is
used, which is normal. If this happens,
the hands-free system will prompt you
to reconnect.
A new call cannot be initiated while
another call is in progress.
Sound settings
Call volume
Call volume can be adjusted while a call is in
progress using the buttons in the steering
wheel keypad.
Audio system volume
When PHONE is displayed, volume for the
audio system can be adjusted in the normal
way with the audio system's VOLUME control.
In order to adjust volume during a phone call,
the audio system must be switched to one of
the other modes (FM, CD, etc).
Audio system sound can be automatically
muted when a phone call is received in
Phone Menu…
Phone settings…
Sounds and volume…Mute radio and
adjust the volume with the
/ keys on the
center console.
10 Audio
hands-free connection
Ringing volume
Go to Phone Menu…Phone settings…
Sounds and volume…Ring volume
and adjust the volume with the
/ keys on
the center console.
Ringing tones
The hands-free system’s integrated ringing
tones can be selected in Phone Menu…
Phone settings…Sounds and volume…
Ring signals…Ring signal 1, etc.
The connected cell phone’s ring tone is not
switched off when one of the hands-free
system's ringing tones is used.
If you prefer to use the connected cell phone’s
ring tone
, go to Phone Menu…Phone
Sounds and volume…Ring
Use cell phone signal
More information about registering
and connecting cell phones
A maximum of 5 cell phones can be registered
in the hands-free system. Registration only
needs to be done once for each phone. After
registration, the cell phones can then be found
in the list of registered phones. Only one cell
phone can be connected to hands-free at a
time. Phones can be unregistered in Phone
Bluetooth…Remove phone
Automatic connection
When the hands-free system is active and the
most recently connected cell phone is within
range, it is detected automatically. When the
audio system searches for the most recently
connected phone, this phone’s name appears
in the display. To manually connect a different
cell phone, press EXIT.
Manual connection
To connect a phone other than the one that
was most recently connected or to switch
between cell phones that are already regis-
tered in the hands-free system:
Put the audio system in telephone mode and
follow the instructions in the display or change
the connected cell by going into the menu sys-
tem under Phone Menu…
Connect phone or Change phone.
Phone book
In order to use the hands-free system’s phone
book (list of contacts),
PHONE must be dis-
played at the top of the center console display
and the
symbol must be visible.
The audio system stores a copy of the phone
book of each registered cell phone. The phone
book is automatically copied each time a
phone is connected. This function can be acti-
vated in Phone settings…
Sync ph book.
Searches for contacts are only made in the
phone book of the currently connected cell
If a particular cell phone does not support
copying of the phone book,
List is empty
will be displayed when copying has been
If the phone book contains information about
someone who is trying to call you, this infor-
mation will be shown in the display.
Searching for contacts
The easiest way to search for a contact in the
phone book is to press and hold any of the
buttons 2–9 in the center console (no. 8 in the
Not supported by all cell phones.
10 Audio
hands-free connection
illustration on 265. This starts a search based
on the first letter on the button that has been
The phone book can also be accessed by
pressing the navigation buttons
/ on the
center console or by pressing
/ on
the steering wheel keypad. A search can also
be made in the phone book’s search menu in
Phone book…
1.Enter the first letter of the contact’s name
and press ENTER or simply press ENTER.
2.Select the desired contact and press
ENTER to make a call to that person.
Voice mail number
The phone number to your voice mail can be
changed in the menu Phone settings…
Call options…Voice mail no.. If no number
has been stored, this menu can be accessed
by a prolonged press on button 1. Once a
phone number has been stored, press and
hold 1 to dial this number.
Call lists
Lists of calls in a particular cell phone are cop-
ied to the hands-free system each time that
phone is connected. These lists are then upda-
ted while the phone is connected. Press
ENTER to show the most recently dialed num-
bers. Other call lists can be found under
Certain cell phones display the list of the
most recently dialed numbers in reverse
Entering text
Text is entered by using the number buttons in
the center console. Press a button once to
enter the first letter on the button, twice to enter
the second letter, etc. Continue to press the
button to display other characters.
Press EXIT briefly to erase a character. Press
and hold EXIT to erase all of the characters that
have been entered. Use the
/ buttons on
the center console to navigate among the char-
1.Call register…
1.1.Last 10 missed calls
1.2.Last 10 received calls
1.3.Last 10 dialed calls
2.Call register…
2.2.Copy fr. cell phone
3.1.Change phone
3.2.Remove phone
3.3.Connect fr. cell phone
3.4.Car Bluetooth info
4.Call options…
4.1.Automatic answer
4.2.Voice mail number
5.Phone settings…
5.1.Sounds and volume…
5.1.1.Ring volume
5.1.2.Ring signals…
5.1.3.Mute radio
5.2.Synchronize phone book
10 Audio
Rear Seat Entertainment – Dual Screen (RSE)*
*Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.
The RSE system can be used at the same time
as the vehicle’s audio system.
When the rear seat passengers play a DVD,
connect an external device to the RSE AUX
connectors, etc., and listen to the audio
through the cordless headphones, the driver
and front seat passenger can still use the vehi-
cle's audio system to listen to the radio, a CD,
music stored on an MP3 player, etc.
Please also refer to the Quick Guide provided
with the RSE system for additional information.
Electrical current - ignition key
The RSE system can be activated with the igni-
tion in position I or II (see page 141 for infor-
mation on the ignition positions), or when the
engine is running. While the engine is being
started, a film or music that is currently being
played will pause momentarily and resume
playing when the engine has started.
When the RSE system has been used once
when the ignition is switched off, it will be then
be blocked for further use. RSE can be restar-
ted by turning the ignition key to position I.
Using RSE for more than approximately
10 minutes with the engine switched off may
drain the vehicle’s battery and make it diffi-
cult or impossible to start the engine.
If this occurs, a message will be displayed
on the RSE system’s screens.
Listening to a music CD
1.Insert a CD into the RSE player’s slot with
the disc’s label facing upward.
>The CD will begin to play automatically.
2.Switch on the cordless headphones and
select CH A for the left screen or CH B for
the right screen.
>This will direct the sound to the head-
3.Adjust the headphone volume by using the
thumb wheel on the headphones.
To listen through the vehicle’s audio sys-
tem speakers, press MODE on the audio
system control panel and select
on the RSE remote to route the
sound through the speakers.
Selecting a folder on the CD
1.Insert the CD in the player.
3.Use the navigation buttons (the arrow keys
surrounding the OK button on the RSE
remote control) to highlight a folder and/or
a specific track.
to select a sub-folder.
Playback alternatives
The CD can be played in several different ways.
Use the navigation buttons to select one of the
With the dialogue box displayed:
1.Press the right navigation button to access
the menu to the right..
2.Use the navigation keys to select one of the
Confirm your choice by pressing
Changing tracks on the CD
Change tracks on the CD by pressing
or . Hold the respective buttons
down for fast forward or reverse.
1.Pause and restart the CD by pressing
Stop the CD by pressing
again to eject the CD.
10 Audio
Rear Seat Entertainment – Dual Screen (RSE)*
*Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.
Home-burned CDs
CDs burned on a home computer can be
played. However, the quality of the sound may
be affected by the type of source file and for-
mat used, and by the condition of the disc.
RSE-AUX connectors and 12-volt
The three color-coded (yellow-white-red) RSE-
AUX connectors can be used to connect an
auxiliary device to the RSE system. Always fol-
low the connection instructions provided with
the auxiliary device. Devices connected to
RSE-AUX can use the RSE screens, cordless
headphones, the headphone sockets or the
vehicle’s audio system speakers.
Connecting a device to RSE-AUX
RSE-AUX connectors are located on the rear side
of the tunnel console
1.Connect the video cable from the auxiliary
device to the yellow connector.
2.Connect the left audio cable to the white
connector and the right cable to the red
3.Connect the power cable to the 12-volt
socket (if the device is designed for 12-volt
For the location of the 12-volt sockets, see
page 79.
The formats supported by the system are:
CD-DA, DVD Audio Playback,
DVD video, VCD, SVCD, Divx/
MPEG-4, WMA video, Photo cd
Kodak, Photo CD JPG
Advanced system settings
These settings can only be made when there is
no disc in the CD/DVD player.
10 Audio
Rear Seat Entertainment – Dual Screen (RSE)*
*Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.
CLoad length, floor, seatback down79.4 in. (201.8 cm)
DLoad length, cargo area44 in. (111.8 cm)
EHeight70.2 in. (178.4 cm)
FLoad height34.3 in. (87.2 cm)
GTrack, front64.3 in. (163.4 cm)
HTrack, rear63.9 (162.4 cm)
11 Specifications
PositionDimensionin. (cm)
ILoad width, floor41.8 in. (106.4 cm)
JWidth74.7 in. (189.8 cm)
KWidth incl. door mirrors83.1 in. (211.2 cm)
11 Specifications
Gross vehicle weight
7-seat, 6-cyl, FWD
7-seat, 6-cyl, AWD
7-seat, 8-cyl, AWD
5915 lbs
6080 lbs
6100 lbs
2760 kg
2770 kg
Capacity weight
7-seat models
1210 lbs550 kg
Permissible axle weight, front
7-seat, 6-cyl, FWD
7-seat, 6-cyl, AWD
7-seat, 8-cyl, AWD
2770 lbs
2880 lbs
2930 lbs
1310 kg
1330 kg
Permissible axle weight, rear
7-seat, 6-cyl, FWD
7-seat, 6-cyl, AWD
7-seat, 8-cyl, AWD
3170 lbs
3240 lbs
3240 lbs
1470 kg
1470 kg
Curb weight
All models
4560 - 4800 lbs2100 - 2150 kg
Max. roof load
220 lbs100 kg
Trailer weight, w/o brakes
1650 lbs750 kg
11 Specifications
Trailer weights, with brakes
See the table on page 158See the table on page 158
Max. tongue weight
See the table on page 158See the table on page 158
Permissible axle weight or gross vehicle weight must never be exceeded.
Front Wheel Drive
All Wheel Drive
The maximum permissible axle loads and/
or the gross vehicle weight must not be
When adding accessories, equipment, lug-
gage and other cargo to your vehicle, the
total capacity weight must not be exceeded.
11 Specifications
*Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.
Specifications and capacities
Fuel tank
21.1 US gals. (80 liters)
Octane rating: unleaded gasoline, minimum octane requirement AKI 87,
recommended rating AKI 91 or above (See also page 134)
Transmission oil
JWS 3309
7.4 US qts. (7.0 liters)
Power steering
Windshield washer reservoir
Brake fluid
Air conditioning system
1.1 US qts. (1.0 liters)
6.9 US qts. (6.5 liters)
0.63 US qts. (0.6 liters)
Front – 2.2 lb. (1 kg), Rear* 2.9 lb. (1.3 kg) R 134a (HFC134a)
3.2 6-cyl.
Volvo original coolant/antifreeze (Thermostat begins to open at 194 ° F
(90 ° C)).
7.9 US qts. (7.5 liters)
10.7 US qts. (10.2 liters)
Brake fluid
DOT 4+ boiling point >536 °F (280 °C), P/N 9437433
Power steering fluid
Volvo synthetic power steering fluid (Pentosin CHF 11S) P/N 1161529 or
equivalent 1.1 US quarts (1.0 liters)
11 Specifications
Washer fluid reservoir
Use washer fluid solvent in cold weather conditions 6.9 US quarts (6.5 lit-
Air conditioning system
Refrigerant – R134a
The transmission oil does not normally need to be changed during the service life of the vehicle. However, it may be necessary to replace the oil if the vehicle is often driven in areas of sustained
temperature extremes (hot or cold), when towing a trailer over long distances, for prolonged driving in mountainous areas, or if the vehicle is often driven short distances in temperatures under 40 °F
(5 °C).
See page 94 for volumes
11 Specifications
Rear suspension
Individual rear wheel suspension with longitu-
dinal support arms, double link arms and track
Front suspension
Spring strut suspension with integrated shock
absorbers and control arms linked to the sup-
port frame. Power-assisted rack and pinion
steering. Safety type steering column.
11 Specifications
Engine oil
Oil specifications
Engine oil must meet the minimum ILSAC
specification GF-4, API SL, or ACEA A1/B1.
Lower quality oils may not offer the same fuel
economy, engine performance, or engine pro-
Volvo recommends Castrol.
Engine designationVolume between MIN-MAX on dipstick
3.2 6-cyl. B6324S1.27 US qts (1.2 liters)7.18 US qts (6.8 liters)
V8 AWD B8444S1.3 US qts (1.2 liters)7.1 US qts. (6.7 liters)
Including filter replacement.
11 Specifications
Engine specifications
Engine designationB6324SB8444S
ft. lbs./rpm
No. of cylinders
Bore (mm/in.)
Stroke (mm/in.)
Cylinder displacement, liters
3.19 (194.7 cu in)4.41 (268.6 cu. in.)
Compression ratio
Charge air cooler (Intercooler)
Turbocharged engines employ a turbo-com-
pressor to force air into the engine inlet mani-
fold and a charge air cooler to cool the com-
pressed inlet air. The resulting increase in air
flow raises pressure in the intake manifold and
increases engine power over that developed by
the normally-aspirated engine. The charge air
cooler (which resembles a radiator) is located
between the turbo-compressor and inlet mani-
Fuel system
The engine is equipped with a multiport fuel
injection system.
11 Specifications
Electrical system
*Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.
General information
12-volt system with voltage controlled gener-
ator. Single wire system in which the chassis
and engine block are used as conductors,
grounded on the chassis.
Battery3.2 6-cyl.V8
Voltage12 V12 V
Cold start
520 A600 A
Battery3.2 6-cyl.V8
100 min120 min
If you must replace your battery, be sure to
replace it with a battery of the same cold start
capacity and reserve capacity as the original.
(See the decal on the battery).
Battery posts, terminals, and related acces-
sories contain lead and lead compounds,
chemicals known to the state of California
to cause cancer and reproductive harm.
Wash hands after handling.
High beamH7 65W–
Low beamH11 55W–
Active Bending Lights - low beam*D1S 35W
Active Bending Lights - high beam*H9
Front fog lightsH1 55W
11 Specifications
Electrical system
*Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction. neemt misbruik van zijn services uitermate serieus. U kunt hieronder aangeven waarom deze vraag ongepast is. Wij controleren de vraag en zonodig wordt deze verwijderd.
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