Ventilation 216
whiplash protection 43
Security code 279
Air quality 205
Camera unit 414
Climate control 201
Radar unit 405
connection and entertainment 32
Sensus Navigation
Road Sign Information 314
Service position 653
Service programme 592
Categories 132
contextual 130
Resetting 131
Side airbag 56
Side Impact Protection System 56, 57
SIM card 534
SIPS (Side Impact Protection Sys-
tem) 56, 57
Skidding 460
Ski hatch 588
slippery driving conditions 460
Snow chains 569
Software updates 35
Soot filter 467
Sound experience 497
spare wheel 567
manage 568
Speed camera information 314
activate/deactivate 315
Speed limiter 317
activate 318
automatic 320
deactivate 319
Limitations 320
stored speed 352
temporary deactivation 320
Speed ratings, tyres 554
Spin control 289
trailer 482
Stability and traction control system 289
sport mode 290, 291
Symbols and messages 292
Stains 638, 640, 641, 642, 643
car function 451
deactivate 453
Driving 451
Limitations 453
Starting the engine 422
after collision 58
Start the car 422
Steering assistance at risk of collision 362
Steering force, speed related 288
Steering force level, see Steering force 288
Steering lock 197
Steering wheel 197, 198
heating 216, 217
keypad 197
paddle 197
steering wheel adjustment 198
Steering wheel paddles 440
location 658
Stone chips and scratches 651, 652
Stop/start function 451
Storage spaces 578
glovebox 583
Sun visor 585
tunnel console 579
Stored speed 352