Overdrive (some models only)
Shift to overdrive at 40 mph (65 km/h) and disengage it when speed drops below 35 mph (55 km/h) or
vehicle encounters hilly terrain. The overdrive can be engaged in 4th gear only.
No extra operation of clutch or throttle pedal is normally necessary. Engagement is facilitated if the
accelerator pedal position is maintained steady.
When disengaging, depressing the clutch pedal slightly makes a smooth transfer.
The overdrive should be used after the engine has reached normal operating temperature (minimum time
is five minutes) and the vehicle is being operated on relatively level roads.
Downshifting to a lower gear will automatically disengage the overdrive.
Reversing inhibitor
Lift the ring to enter the reverse gear.
The ring locking mechanism prevents reverse gear from being engaged unintentionally.
pg. 34 Automatic transmission
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