Table of contents
3Installation instructions VRC 470f 0020124645_00
8.5.4 Reading the status of the circulation pump ......32
8.5.5 Defining the day for executing the
anti-legionella function ...........................................32
8.5.6 Defining the time for executing the anti-
legionella function ....................................................32
8.5.7 Defining the offset for charging the
domestic hot water cylinder ..................................32
8.5.8 Defining the run-on time for the cylinder
charge pump ..............................................................32
8.5.9 Activating parallel charging (domestic hot
water cylinder and mixing circuit) ........................33
8.5.10 Setting the relay output for the cylinder
charge pump and circulation pump .....................33
8.6 System configuration: Solar ...................................33
8.6.1 Reading the value of the SP2 cylinder sensor ..33
8.6.2 Reading the value of the solar gain sensor .......33
8.6.3 Reading the status of the solar pump .................33
8.6.4 Reading the value of the TD1 sensor ...................33
8.6.5 Reading the value of the TD2 sensor ..................34
8.6.6 Reading the status of the multi relay ..................34
8.6.7 Reading the runtime of the solar pump ..............34
8.6.8 Resetting the runtime measurement of the
solar pump ..................................................................34
8.6.9 Activating the solar pump on temperature
difference control .....................................................34
8.6.10 Defining the priority for charging the
domestic hot water cylinder ..................................34
8.6.11 Setting the flow volume of the solar circuit ......34
8.6.12 Defining the multi relay setting ............................34
8.6.13 Activating the solar pump kick ..............................34
8.6.14 Setting the solar circuit protection ......................35
8.6.15 Defining the maximum temperature for the
solar cylinder .............................................................35
8.6.16 Defining the on temperature difference
value for solar charging ..........................................35
8.6.17 Defining the off temperature difference
value for solar charging ..........................................35
8.6.18 Defining the on temperature difference
value for second difference control .....................35
8.6.19 Defining the off temperature difference
value for second difference control .....................36
8.7 Radio communication system configuration ......36
8.7.1 Checking radio communication between
controller and radio receiver unit .........................36
8.7.2 Checking radio communication between
outside temperature sensor/transmitter and
radio receiver unit ....................................................36
8.7.3 Commissioning a replacement radio controller
(teach-in) .....................................................................36
8.8 Selecting the expansion module for sensor/
actuator test ..............................................................36
8.9 Activating the screed drying function ................36
8.10 Changing the code for Installer level ...................37
8.11 Operator level functions .........................................37
9 Handing over to the operator .............................38
10 Fault detection and elimination .........................39
10.1 Error messages .........................................................39
10.2 List of errors ............................................................. 40
10.3 Restoring factory settings ..................................... 40
11 Replacing components ...........................................41
11.1 Recording radio controller settings .......................41
11.2 Replacing the radio receiver unit ..........................41
11.2.1 Removing the faulty radio receiver unit .............41
11.2.2 Fitting the new radio receiver unit ........................41
11.3 Replacing the outside temperature sensor/
transmitter .................................................................42
11.3.1 Removing the faulty outside temperature
sensor/transmitter ....................................................42
11.3.2 Activating and fitting the new outside
temperature sensor/transmitter .......................... 44
11.4 Replacing the radio controller .............................. 44
11.4.1 Removing the faulty radio controller .................. 44
11.4.2 Fitting the new radio controller ........................... 45
11.4.3 Radio receiver unit: starting teach-in ................. 45
11.4.4 Radio controller: activating teach-in ................... 45
11.4.5 Radio controller: restoring recorded settings... 45
12 Warranty and customer service........................ 46
12.1 Vaillant warranty ...................................................... 46
12.2 Vaillant Service ......................................................... 46
13 Decommissioning ....................................................47
13.1 Decommissioning the controller ...........................47
13.2 Decommissioning the outside temperature
sensor/transmitter .................................................... 47
13.3 Decommissioning the radio receiver unit ...........47
13.4 Recycling and disposing of the controller,
radio receiver unit and outside temperature
sensor/transmitter ................................................... 48
13.4.1 Devices ....................................................................... 48
13.4.2 Packaging ................................................................... 48
13.4.3 Batteries ..................................................................... 48
14 Technical data ......................................................... 49
14.1 VRC 470f controller ................................................ 49
14.2 Radio receiver unit .................................................. 49
14.3 Outside temperature sensor/transmitter ........... 49
15 Glossary .................................................................... 50
Index ......................................................................................52