Over view - B ab y unit
1Light sensor
2Camer a
3Infr ared LEDs
5POWER L ED light
6 ON/ OFF switc h
7Speak er
8Ant enna
9Po wer jack
10 Slots for wall
11 P AIR /R E S ET key
• The paren t unit
and baby u nit
pro vided ar e
alre ady pa ired .
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
© 2022 VT ech Communications, Inc. All rights r eserved. 09 /22.
P an and Tilt
Video Baby Monitor
1 Conne ct the b ab y monit or
W ha t’s in the box
4 St a tus check
Onc e you power on both
your baby uni t and pa rent
unit, your pare nt unit
disp lays ima ges fro m the
baby unit, an d the LINK
LED light tu rns on .
3 P ositioning the b ab y monit or
Quick start guide
T echnical specica tions
The Back ground N oise sound file was cr eated b y Caroline F ord, and is used under the Cr eative Commons lic ense.
The S tream Noise sound file was cr eated b y Car oline For d, and is used under the Crea tive Commons lic ense.
The Crick ets A t Night sound file was cr eated b y Mik e K oenig, and is used under the C reativ e Commons license.
The H eart Beat sound file was crea ted by Zarabadeu, and is used under the Cr eativ e Commons license.
Th e app li ed n am ep la te is l oc ate d at t he b ot tom o f th e
ba by uni t ’s b as e.
Wh en u sin g you r eq ui pm en t, bas ic s afe t y pre c aut io ns
sh oul d al ways b e fol low ed to r ed uce t he r is k of fir e,
electric shock and injury , including the f ollowing :
1 . Follow all warnings and instructions marked on the
2. Adult setup is required.
3. C AUTI ON : Do n ot i nst al l the b aby u ni t at a he ig ht
ab ove 2 me tre s.
4. Th is p ro du ct i s int en de d as a n aid . It i s not a s ub st itu te fo r
responsible and proper adult supervision and s hould not
be u se d as su ch .
5. T hi s pro du c t is no t int en de d for u se a s a me di ca l mo nit or.
6. Do n ot us e th is p rod uc t ne ar w ate r, for exam pl e, n ea r
to a ba th, s in k, s wi mm in g po ol o r sh ower.
7. CAUTION: Use only the battery pro vided. There
may be a risk of explosion if a wrong type of battery
is used for the parent unit. The batt ery canno t be
subjected to high or low extreme temperatur e and
low air pressur e at high altitude during use, st orage
or tr ansportation. Disposal of battery into fir e or a ho t
oven, or mechanically crushing or cutting or the batt ery
can result in an e xplosion. Leaving the battery in an
extremely high t emperature surr ounding envir onment
can result in an e xplosion or the leakage of flammable
liquid of gas. Batt ery subject ed to extr emely low air
pressur e may result in an e xplosion or the leakage
of flammable liquid or gas. Dispose of used battery
accor ding to the instructions.
8. Use only the power adap tors included with this
product. Incorrect power adapt or polarity or voltage
can seriously damage the product.
Pow er adaptor inf ormation:
Pare nt u ni t out pu t: 5 V DC 1 A
VTech T elecommunicati ons L td.
Mod el: V T05EUK0 5100
Baby unit output: 5V D C 1 A
VT ech T elecommunications Ltd.
Model: V T05EUK0510 0
Rechargeable ba ttery in formation:
Zhuhai Great P ow er E nergy Co., L td.
Li-ion battery , 3.6 V , 2600mAh, 9 .36Wh;
Model: ICR18650-2.6Ah- 3.6V - 1S1P
9. The power adapto rs are intended to be correctly
oriented in a vertical or floor mount position. The
prongs are not designed to hold the plug in place if it
is plugged into a ceiling, under-the-table or cabinet
10. For pluggable equipment, the socket-outlet should
be installed near the equipment and should be easily
11 . Unplug this product from the wall outlet before cleaning.
Do not use liquid or aerosol cleaners. Use a damp cloth
for cleaning.
12 . Do not cut off the power adaptor s to replace them
with other plugs, as this causes a hazardous situation.
13. Do not allow anything to rest on the power cords. Do
not install this product where the cords may be walked
on or crimped.
14 . This product should be operated only from the type
of power source indicated on the marking label. If you
are not sure of the type of power supply in your home,
consult your dealer or local power company.
15 . Do not overload wall outlets or use an extension cord.
16 . Do not place this product on an unstable table, shelf,
stand or other unstable surfaces.
1 7. This product should not be placed in any area where
proper ventilation is not provided. Slots and openings
in the back or bottom of this product are provided for
ventilation. To protect them from overheating, these
openings must not be blocked by placing the product
on a soft surface such as a bed, sofa or rug. This product
should never be placed near or over a radiator or heat
18 . Never push objects of any kind into this product
through the slots because they may touch dangerous
voltage points or create a short circuit. Never spill liquid
of any kind on the product.
19. To reduce the risk of electric shock, do not
disassemble this product, but take it to an authorized
service facility. Opening or removing parts of the
product other than specified access doors may
expose you to dangerous voltages or other risks.
Incorrect reassembling can cause electric shock
when the product is subsequently used.
20. You should test the sound reception every time you
turn on the units or move one of the components.
21 . Periodically examine all components for damage.
22 . The re i s a ver y l ow ris k of p riv ac y lo ss wh en u si ng
certain electronic devices, such as bab y monitors,
cordless t elephones, etc. T o prote c t your p ri vac y,
ma ke su re t he p ro du ct h as n ever b ee n u se d bef or e
pu rc ha se , re set t he b aby m on ito r pe ri od ic al ly by
pow eri ng o ff a nd t he n po wer in g on t he un it s, a nd
pow er of f t he b aby mo ni to r if you w il l no t use i t fo r
some time.
23 . The s ma ll p ar t s of th is m on ito r ca n be sw al lowe d
by ba bie s or s ma ll c hi ld re n. Ke ep t he se p ar t s out o f
reach of childr en.
24. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do
not play with the product.
25 . The product is not intended for use by persons
(including children) with reduced physical, sensory
or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and
knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or
instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person
responsible for their safety.
1 . Use and store the product at a temperature between
C an d 40
C .
2. Do not expose the product to extreme cold, heat
or direct sunlight. Do not put the product close to a
heating source.
3. M is ha nd li ng b at te rie s ca n ca us e bu rn, fi re o r
explosion hazards.
4. Batteries should not be exposed to excessive heat such
as bright sunshine or fire.
5. Warning — Str angulation Hazard—
Chi ld re n have S TR AN GLE D in co rd s.
Kee p th is co rd o ut of t he re ac h of
ch il dre n (mo re th an 0 .9m away). D o not
rem ove th is t ag .
6. Never place the baby unit(s) inside the baby’s crib or
playpen. Never cover the baby unit(s) or parent unit
with anything such as a towel or a blanket.
7. Other electronic products may cause interference
with your baby monitor. Try installing your baby
monitor as far away from these electronic devices
as possible: wireless routers, radios, cellular
telephones, intercoms, room monitors, televisions,
personal computers, kitchen appliances and
cordless telephones.
Import ant safety ins tructions
Frequency control Crystal controlled PLL synthesizer
Transmit frequency Baby unit: 2405 - 2475 MHz
Paren t unit : 240 5 - 2475 MHz
Channels 32
LC D 5” Colo ur LCD
( WQVG A 48 0x 27 2 pixe l)
Nominal effective range Actual operating range may vary according to environmental
conditions at the time of use.
Power requirements Paren t unit : 3 .6V , 260 0 mA h, 9 .3 6Wh Li-i on ba t ter y
Ba by unit p ower p ower ad apto r: O utp ut: 5 V D C @ 1 A
Paren t unit p ower p ower a dapto r: O utp ut : 5V D C @ 1 A
• The default volume of your parent unit
is level 3, and the maximum volume
is level 5. If you experience feedba ck
from your baby monitor while
- Make sur e your baby unit and parent unit
are mor e than 1 metr e apart, OR
- T urn do wn the volume of your par ent unit .
• To avoid in terfer ence fr om other electronic de vices,
place your baby monit or at least 1 metr e awa y
from de vices such as wir eless r outers, micr owav es,
mobile phones and computers.
The b aby unit ’s P OWER LED
light turns on.
Quick start guide
• Th e rec har ge abl e bat te r y in t he pa rent u nit i s bui lt-in.
• Use only the power ad aptor s supplied with this product.
• Ma ke sure t he ba by mon itor i s not co nn ec ted to a e le ct roni ca lly-co ntro lle d el ec tri c out let.
• Co nn ec t the p ower a dap tor s in a ver t ica l or flo or m ount p osi tio n onl y . The p ower ad apto r pro ngs a re
not de sig ne d to ho ld th e weig ht of ba by mon itor, so do not co nne c t the m to any ce ili ng, un de r - the -
tab le, or c abi net o utl et s. O the r wi se, the p ower a da ptor m ay not pro pe rly co nne c t to the o utl ets .
• Make sure the parent unit, the baby unit and the power adap tor cords are out of reach of children.
> 1m
< 1m
• Keep the baby unit out of the reach of you r baby. Never place or mount the baby unit inside the
baby’s crib or playpen.
< 1m
> 1m
x 2 x 2
Charge the parent unit battery
When you have connected and tu rne d the pa rent un it on, th e bat ter y w ill be c harg ed
• Be fore us in g the b aby mo nito r for th e fir st ti me, c ha rge th e pa rent u nit b at ter y fo r 1 2 hou rs . Wh en
the p are nt uni t bat te r y is f ully c ha rge d, th e bat te r y ico n be com es so li d .
• It takes longer to charge the battery when the parent unit is turned on. To shorten the charging time,
turn the parent unit off while charging.
• Th e stan dby ti me var ies d ep en din g on th e se nsi tivi t y level yo u set, your a ct ual u se an d th e age of
th e b a tt e ry .
The battery icon indica tes the batt ery status ( see the f ollowing table ).
Ba tter y indica t ors Ba tter y st a tus Action
The sc ree n di spl ays .
The light fl ash es .
The b attery has very little
power and c an on ly be used
for a short time.
without interruption
30 minutes).
The battery icon becomes
solid .
The battery is fully charged. To keep the battery charged, connect
the u nit to AC power when in use.
Conne ct the b ab y monit or ( cont’d )
2 P ower on or off the bab y monitor
Slide the ON/OFF switch to po wer
your bab y unit on or off.
Press and hold PO WER to po wer on or off
your par ent unit .
Press and hold
P arent unit icons
menu Sub-menu
• Adj ust th e pare nt unit ’s LCD brightne ss.
/ Pla y /Stop lullaby
• Se lec t on e of the sooth ing so unds , or
white noise.
• Se lec t on e of the five me lod ies .
• Pla y all melodies.
• Set t ime r to stop pl aying the s ele cte d
mel ody o r soothi ng soun d.
VO X (V oice Activ ated Alert) Settings
VOX sound se nsi tivi ty l evel
• Y ou c an adj ust VOX sensit ivit y
levels to ac tivate th e pare nt unit
when t he ba by unit dete ct s
soun ds that exce eds t he vox
sensitivit y level set ting. Se e
Sou nd se nsit ivit y a nd so und
activation section.
Main menu icons
menu Sub-menu
VO X (V oice Activ ated Alert) Settings ( continued)
/ T ur n on/ off sound activ ation
• Set so und a cti vation on o r off.
• Whe n it is o n, and t he ba by unit doe s
not dete ct so und, th e pare nt unit
scre en stays of f to save power . Once
a soun d is dete cte d, the p arent un it
scre en an d spe aker auto mati cally t urn
on, an d you will be a ble to se e and
hea r your baby . The pa rent uni t will
turn of f ag ain af ter 5 0 seco nds of n o
sound det ection.
• Whe n the p arent u nit scre en i s off a nd
it rece ives ale r ts , for examp le, link l ost
bet wee n pare nt unit a nd ba by unit, or
bat ter y i s low , the pa rent uni t scre en
and sp ea ker will t urn on for 10 se con ds.
Alert T one Se ttings
• Se t the p are nt unit to b ee p whe n the
bat te r y is low.
• Se t the p are nt unit to b ee p whe n the li nk
bet we en th e pare nt uni t and t he ba by
unit i s los t.
• Se t the co nfir mati on ton e on or of f wh en
sel ec tin g an opt ion in t he me nu s.
menu Sub-menu
T emperature
• T urn on/ off tem peratu re ale r t tone.
• Set t he pa rent unit to b ee p w hene v er
the roo m temp eratu re detec ted by
the b aby unit fall s out side of th e set
tem perat ure ra nge.
• Set t he min imum te mpe rature.
• Set t he ma ximu m temp erature.
• Set te mpe rature di spl ay in Fahrenhe it
(o F) or Cels ius (o C).
Baby Uni t Settings
Baby unit speaker v olume
• Adj ust th e baby unit ’s
speaker v olume.
• Zo om i n .
Basic opera tion - P arent unit
Over view - P arent unit
23- level s oun d in dic ator
3 Bat te r y LED li ght
4LINK L ED ligh t
Adjust par ent unit v olume
Press VOL - / VOL + to adjust y our paren t
unit speaker v olume.
1. Press to enter the menu.
2. Press or to sele ct , the n press
to confirm.
3. Press or to choo se eith er 1 X or
2X, depending on how ma ny times
you want to zoom in, th en pre ss to
T alk to y our bab y unit
Press and hold T ALK and speak to your
parent unit. Y our v oice is transmitt ed to
the baby unit. R elease T ALK when finished
talking to hear y our bab y again.
Press and hold
T urn off the scr een
Press /POWE R to put the monitor display
to sleep. The scr een will be swit ched off , and
you will still hear sounds from the baby unit .
• Pres s any key on th e pa rent u nit to t urn th e
scre en o n ag ain .
Use the menu
Press to enter the menu, choose a menu it em, or sav e a setting. Y ou
can use the par ent unit for advanc ed settings or operations, such as
to play or stop the baby unit lullaby , or to adjust the bab y unit sound
sensitivity .
While in the menu:
• Press or to scroll among the menu options.
• Press to sele ct a n item, o r to save a set ting .
• Press or to scro ll am ong th e sub- men us,
or to adj ust a se t ting .
• Press to retu rn to the previ ous m enu o ptions
without changing the cur rent s etting.
• Press / TA L K to ret urn to live vid eo.
Short press
5Arr ow keys
8 LCD of f/POWER key
9VOL - / VOL +
10 Po wer jack
12 Speaker