The baby unit has infrared LEDs that allow you to see your baby clearly at night or in a dark
room. When the baby unit being vie wed detects low light levels, the infrared LEDs are switched
on automatically. The images from the bab y unit are in black and whit e, and appears on the
• It is no rma l if you se e a sh or t w hite g la re on you r pa rent u nit s cre en a s th e ba by unit i s ad apti ng to t he d ark
environmen t.
• Whe n th e infr are d LED s are o n, th e im age s are i n bl ac k an d whi te. Th is is n or mal .
• Depending on the surroundings and other interfering factors, like lightings, objects, colors and
backgrounds, the display resolution may vary. Adjust the baby unit’s angle or place the baby unit at a
higher level to prevent glare and blurry display.
To keep this product working well and looking good, follow these guidelines:
• Avoid putting it near heating appliances and devices that generate electrical noise (for example, motors or
fluorescent lamps).
• DO NOT expose it to direct sunlight or moisture.
• Avoid dropping the product or treating it roughly.
• Clean with a soft cloth.
• DO NOT immerse the parent unit and the baby unit in water and do not clean them under the tap.
• DO NOT use cleaning spray or liquid cleaners.
• Make sure the baby unit and parent unit are dry before you connect them to the mains again.
When you are not going to use the baby monitor for some time, store the parent unit, the baby unit and the
adapters in a cool and dry place.
Below are the questions most frequently asked about the baby monitor.
Why does the baby
monitor no t respond
T ry the following (in the or der listed) f or common cur e:
1. Disconnect the power to the baby units and the parent unit.
2 . Wait a few sec on ds before connecting power back to the baby units and the parent unit.
3. Turn on the baby units and the parent unit.
4. Wait for the parent unit to synchronize with the baby units. Allow up to one minute for
this to take place.
Why don’t the
power -on light of the
baby unit and parent unit
go on when I switch on
the units?
Perhaps the parent unit is not connected to the power . Insert the applianc e plug into the
parent unit and put the adapt er in a w all socket. Then, slide the ON/OFF to switch on
the parent unit and to establish connection with the baby unit.
Perhaps the baby unit is not connect ed to the power . Insert the appliance plug into the
baby unit and put the adap ter in a wall socket. Then, slide the ON/OFF switch t o ON to
switch on the bab y unit and to establish connection with the parent unit .
Why doesn’t my parent
unit charge while
connected to AC power?
Make sur e the power is not contr olled by a wall swit ch. If it does, mak e sure the
contr olled switch is on.
Why is my screen in black
and white? The screen is in black and white during night-time or in a dark room when the night
vision featur e is activated. This is normal.
Why do I get glare or
blurry displa y on my
screen when viewing my
baby at night?
During night-time or in a dark room, the surr oundings and other int erfering factors,
like lightings, objects, colors and back grounds may affect the image quality on your
parent unit screen. Adjust the bab y unit’s angle or place the bab y unit a t a higher lev el to
prev ent glar e and blurry display .
Why does the baby
monitor pr oduce a
high-pitched noise?
The parent unit and baby units may be too close to each other .
• Move the par ent unit awa y fr om the baby units until the noise stops; OR
• Turn down the v olume of your parent unit .
Why does the parent unit
beep? The bab y units may be out of range. Mov e the parent unit closer to the baby units (but
not less than 3 f eet or 1 metre ).
The parent unit may not hav e enough charge for the parent unit to perform normally .
Charge the ba ttery in the par ent unit f or up t o 11 hours.
The tempera ture of your baby’s r oom may be too high or too low.
Why don’t I hear a sound/
Why can’t I hear my bab y
The parent unit speaker volume ma y be t oo low. Pr ess VOL to increase the volume, or
use the paren t unit menu to change sound sensitivity lev el to the highest le vel (lev el 5).
Why can’t I establish a
connection? Wh y is the
connection lost e very no w
and then? Wh y are ther e
sound interruptions ?
The baby units may be out of range. M ove the parent unit closer to the baby units (but
not less than 3 f eet or 1 metre ).
Other electr onic and wireless pr oducts may cause interfer ence with your baby monitor .
T ry installing your baby monitor as far away from these devices as possible.
If y ou power on only one baby unit, your par ent unit ma y display and the POWER LED
light flashes. Switch to the baby unit you have powered on via menu .
Fre quentl y asked questions
Night vision
General product care
St ora ge
P arent unit o ver view
1 POWE R LE D li ght
• On in gre en wh en th e pare nt unit i s
powered o n and l inke d to the ba by
• Flashe s whe n the li nk to the b aby unit
bei ng viewe d is los t.
• Pr ess and hold to talk to th e selected
baby unit.
3Arrow keys an d VOL / VO L
• Press to inc reas e the p arent un it
speaker v olume.
• While in a m en u, pres s to scrol l up,
or to ente r an item’s sub -m enu .
• While z ooming, press and hold to
mov e the z oomed image upw ard.
• Press to dec rea se the p are nt unit
speaker v olume.
• While in a s ubm enu, p ress to sc roll
down .
• While z ooming, press and hold to
mov e the z oomed image do wnwar d.
• While in a m en u, pres s to cho ose th e
nex t ite m on the l ef t.
• While z ooming, press and hold to
mov e the z oomed image leftward.
• While in a m en u, pres s to cho ose th e
nex t ite m on the r ight.
• While z ooming, press and hold to
mov e the z oomed image righ tward.
• Press to enter o r exit the m en u.
• While in a s ub- men u, pres s to cho ose
an item , or save a set ti ng.
6Bat ter y in dicato r
• On i n red wh en th e bat te r y is c harg ing .
• Flashe s whe n the b at ter y is l ow.
7Visual sound indicators
The vi sual s ound i ndi cator s can s how the
soun d level dete cte d by the ba by unit.
Soun d level d etec ted by th e ba by unit
One to t hree g ree n light s ind icate a
mod erate sou nd level d etec ted by
the b aby unit.
Addit ion al red l ight s indi cate a hig her
soun d level dete cte d by the ba by unit
( e.g. bab y crying loudly).
8 Zoom/ back
• Press to zoom in or o ut whil e viewi ng
• Press to return to t he previo us sc ree n.
9LCD displa y
10 Speaker
11 Stand
12 ON/ OFF switch
• S lide to t urn on o r off t he pa rent un it.
13 Power ja ck
The dim mode is to help you sa ve the par ent unit po wer . Y our par ent unit displa y will dim
automatically after 10 minutes of inactivity , in which ther e is neither k ey pressed nor alert
rec eived from the baby unit.
• Whi le th e sc ree n is d im me d, any keyp res s or al er t m es sa ge wi ll tr igg er t he sc re en to re tur n to th e
pre set b rig htne ss l evel. Af t er 10 m inu tes of i nac ti vit y , it wil l dim a ga in .
Dim mode
Sta tus icons
Connection status
• or displays when
strong si gnal strength i s
detec te d bet wee n the b aby
unit an d the p are nt unit.
• or or displays when
mod erate or l ow signa l stre ngth
is dete cte d bet we en th e baby
unit an d the p are nt unit.
• disp lays whe n the li nk
bet wee n the b aby unit a nd
the p arent un it is lo st.
Current v iew status
• Disp lays when a l ulla by is
• Disp lays when t he cu rrent
ima ge on th e pa rent uni t has
zoomed in.
Night vision
• Disp lays when t he nig ht visi on
feature i s on .
V olume off
• Disp lays when t he pa rent un it
spe aker i s turn ed of f.
Real-time temperature
• Disp lays the re al-time
temp eratu re dete cte d by the
baby unit in Fahrenheit (o F) or
Cels ius (o C) (e. g . 57
oF or 14
P arent unit ic ons
Main menu icons
Battery status
• anim ates
when t he bat ter y is c ha rging .
• disp lays soli d whe n the
bat ter y is ful ly ch arge d.
• disp lays whe n the b at ter y
is lo w and needs charging.
Speaker volume
• Disp lays the p arent un it
spe aker volu me level wh ile
Main menu icons
• Yo u can sel ec t, play , o r stop a
lullaby .
Bright nes s
• Yo u can change the brightnes s of
the p arent un it scre en .
LCD sc ree n off t ime r
• Y ou can set a spe cifi c time to
turn the sc ree n off.
VO X sensiti vit y
• With t his featu re, you can
cho ose to hear s ound s from the
baby unit all th e time, or to h ear
sound s that exceed a ce r tain
level. Y o u can u se the pa rent
unit t o adjust the micr ophone
sensi tivit y of your baby unit.
The high er th e sensi tivit y level,
the mo re sensit ive the baby
unit is in d etec ting so unds for
transmitting to the parent u nit.
Sound-ac tiva ted screen
• When th e ba by unit dete ct s no
soun d, the p arent u nit sc ree n
stays off to s ave power . Once a
soun d is dete cte d, th e pare nt unit
scre en tu rns on a utomat ica lly . It
will th en tu rn of f aga in af ter 5 0
seco nds of n o soun d dete cti on.
Mount the b ab y unit on dr y w all ( optional)
Use a pencil t o mark two holes in parallel.
Make sur e they ar e the same distance apart
as the wall mount holes on the bab y unit.
• Check for reception s trength and camera
angle befor e drilling the holes.
Items to pur chase
Y ou will need to purchase the
following it ems separately to moun t
your baby unit:
2 screws
2 anchors
• The types of screws and anchors
you need depend on the
composition of the wall.
Adjust the camera angle.
Drill two holes in the wall.
If y ou drill the holes into a stud, go t o
step 3.
If y ou drill the holes into an object o ther
than a stud, insert the wall anchors into
the holes. T ap gently on the ends with a
hammer un til the w all anchors are flush
with the wall.
Insert the scr ews into the holes and
tighten the scr ews until only 1/ 4 inch
of the screws ar e exposed.
Align the wall mount holes on the
baby unit with the screw s on the wall.
Slide the bab y unit do wn until it locks
into place.
Please ret ain this booklet with your sales receip t as
proof of the da te of pur chase.
Customer Servic e
Please call our C onsumer Services Department on
03306 780149 (from UK) or +44 3306 780149
(outside UK) and a servic e represen tative will be
happy to help you.
Cust omer ser vice and product w arranty
The crossed-out wheelie bin symbols on products and ba tteries, or on their respectiv e
packaging, indicates the y must not be disposed of in domestic waste as they c ontain
substances that can be damaging to the en vironment and human health.
The chemical symbols Hg, Cd or Pb, where marked, indicat e that the ba ttery con tains
more than the specified value o f mercury (Hg), c admium (Cd) or lead (Pn) set out in Battery
Directiv e (2006/66/E C).
The solid bar indicat es that the pr oduct w as placed on the market after 13th August, 2005.
Help pro tect the envir onment b y disposing of y our product or batteries r esponsibly .
Disposal of ba tteries and product
This product is in tended for use within Eur ope and UK.
This equipment complies with the essential r equirements to EU’ s Radio Equipment
Directiv e (2014/53/EU) and the UK’s Radio R egulations 2017 on radio syst ems and
telecommunication equipmen t.
Vtech T elecommunica tions Ltd. her eby declar es that
this Video M onitor VM320 is in compliance with the essential r equirements and other
relev ant pro visions of EU’ s Radio Equipment Dir ective (2014/53/EU) and UK’s R adio
Equipment Regulations 2017 .
The Declaration of Conformity for the VM320 is a vailable from
www. vtechbab ycare. com.
Declara tion of C onformity
T e mperature
• Y o u can t urn on t he tem pe rature
ale r t tone so t hat th e pare nt
unit b eep s whe never the ro om
temp eratu re dete cte d by the
baby unit fa lls o utsi de of th e
des ired te mpe rature ra nge.
Y ou can choose in Fahr enheit (oF)
or C elsius (o C) as the temper ature
format displayed, or set the
maximum/minimum temper ature
limit for alerts.
The maximum limit is between
25o C and 39o C. The default
maximum limit is 29o C . The
minimum limit is between 10o C
and 24 o C. The default minimum
limit is 14o C.
W arning icons and messages
/N o Link t o
The selected baby unit is out
of rang e or is t urn ed of f.
/Bat te r y low at
Paren t Unit
The battery is em pt y an d
needs to be recharged.
/T emperature
too high
/T emperature
too lo w
The te mp eratu re dete c ted by
the b aby uni t is hig he r /lower
tha n the d esi red te mp erat ure
alert range.
The p are nt unit i s se arch in g
for ba by unit s.
The p are nt unit i s con ne cte d
to AC power .
This warranty is valid for the UK and Eire only . For products purchased outside
the UK and Eire, please contact your local distributor or place of purchase.
YEAR Thank you for choosing this quality product from VT ech.
We hope it will bring many hours of entertainment,
imaginative pla y and learning.
1. The product detailed abov e is covered by a one y ear warranty from the date of purchase,
against any defects in materials or workmanship .
2. The product may be returned to the place of purchase. Alternatively the product can be
returned to VT ech Electronics Europe plc (see address below), with proof of purchase,
without proof of purchase no replacement will be provided.
3. VT ech Electronics Europe plc will examine the product and if it is found to be def ective
due to faulty materials or workmanship, will replace the product at their discretion.
4. If the product covered by this warr anty is damaged due to misuse, modification or
unauthorised repair, or because of f aulty batteries, battery discharge or incorrect
electrical connections, then this warranty becomes void.
5. This warranty is personal to the original purchaser and is not transf erable.
6. Breakages to the LCD screen are not covered by the warr anty .
7. Returns to VT ech Electronics Europe plc should include a cheque or postal order for
£1.50 towards the cost of return postage and packaging.
8. Products returned to VT ech Electronics Europe plc, should be addressed as follows and
packed carefully to a void damage in transit (Please do not include batteries or adaptor).
Please include details of the fault together with your name and address .
9. T o keep an online record of your w arranty , please register your product online at www . anty
Vtech Electronics EU PLC, c/o XPO Logistics, Warehouse 350, Cat & Fiddle Lane, West
Hallam, DE7 6HE
Visit www
to r egister y our VT ech pr oduct
By joining the VT ech Club y ou can also enter competitions, find
out about news and events, seek expert advice for par ents and
let y our kids play fun learning games and activities.
Manufactur er: VT ech T elecommunica tions Ltd.
23/F ., T ai Ping Industrial Centr e, Block 1, 57 Ting k ok Road, T ai Po, H ong Kong.
Importer: VT ech Electr onics Europe plc
Napier C ourt, Abingdon Scienc e Park, Abingdon, Oxon, O X14 3YT , U.K.
1Pair hole
• Y ou r baby uni ts an d pare nt unit
provide d are al read y pai red .
2POWE R LE D li ght
• On whe n the b aby unit is t urne d on
and is p aire d to the p are nt unit.
• Flashe s whe n the b aby unit is n ot
bei ng viewe d;
or whe n the l ink to th e pare nt unit i s
lo st.
5Infrared L ED s
6Light se nso r
7 ON/ OFF switch
• Slide to t urn on o r of f the b aby unit.
9Power ja ck
10 Wall mount holes
Bab y unit o verview
Using the b ab y monit or ( C ont’d )
Temperature alert tone
You can turn o n the te mpe rature al er t to ne so th at the p arent un it will e mit a n ale r t tone if
the de tec ted tem pe rature is o ut of rang e.
1 . Press when the parent unit is i nac tive.
2. Press or to choose , then press .
3. Press or to choose , then press or .
4. Press or to choose o r , then press to confirm your selection.
Temperature format
You can cho ose to di splay th e temp eratu re in Fahren hei t (o F) or Cels ius (o C).
1 . Press when the parent unit is i nac tive.
2. Press or to choose , then press .
3. Press or to choose , then press or .
4. Press or to choose or , then press to confirm your selection.