Neve r p ush obj ects of any ki nd i nto thi s p rodu ct
thro ugh the sl ots bec ause th ey m ay touc h
dang ero us v olt age poi nts or crea te a sh ort cir cui t.
Neve r s pill li quid of any ki nd o n t he p rod uct.
To reduce the risk of electric shock, do not
disassemble this product, but take it to an
authorized service facility. Opening or removing
parts of the product other than specified access
doors may expose you to dangerous voltages
or other risks. Incorrect reassembling can cause
electric shock when the product is subsequently
You should test the sound reception every
time you turn on the units or move one of the
Peri odi call y e xami ne all com pone nts for da mage .
Be aware of possible loss of privacy while using
public airwaves. Conversations may be picked
up by other nursery monitors, cordless phones,
scanners, etc.
Children should be supervised to ensure that
they do not play with the product.
The product is not intended for use by persons
(including children) with reduced physical,
sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of
experience and knowledge, unless they have
been given supervision or instruction concerning
use of the appliance by a person responsible for
their safety.
Use and store the product at a temperature
between 32
F and 104
Do not expose the product to extreme
cold, heat or direct sunlight. Do not put the
product close to a heating source.
Make sure the baby unit(s) and the adapter
cord(s) are always out of reach of the baby,
at least 3 feet away from the baby or crib, to
avoid a possible strangulation hazard.
Never place the baby unit(s) inside the
baby’s crib or playpen. Never cover the baby
unit(s) with anything such as a towel or a
Other electronic products may cause
interference with your baby monitor. Try
installing your baby monitor as far away
from these electronic devices as possible:
wireless routers, radios, cellular telephones,
intercoms, room monitors, televisions,
personal computers, kitchen appliances and
cordless telephones.
Precautions for users of implanted cardiac
Cardiac pacemakers (applies only to digital cordless
Wire les s Te chn olog y R esea rch , LL C ( WTR) , a n
inde pen dent re sear ch enti ty, led a mult idi scip lin ary
eval uat ion of the int erfe ren ce b etw een portab le
wire les s de vices an d im pla nted ca rdia c p acem ake rs.
Supp ort ed b y t he U .S. Foo d a nd D rug Adm ini stra tio n,
WTR rec omme nds to phy sici ans tha t:
Pacemaker patients
Should keep wire le ss d evic es at least six inches
from the pacemaker.
Should NOT place wire le ss d evic es directly over
the pacemaker, such as in a breast pocket, when
it is turned ON.
WTR’s evaluation did not identify any risk to
bystanders with pacemakers from other persons
using wire les s d evic es.
Electromagnetic fields (EMF)
This VTech product complies with all standards
regarding electromagnetic fields (EMF). If handled
properly and according to the instructions in this
user’s manual, the product is safe to be used based
on scientific evidence available today.
seal on the lithium-ion battery indicates
that VTech Communications, Inc. is voluntarily
participating in an industry program to collect and
recycle these batteries at the end of their useful
lives, when taken out of service within the United
States and Canada.
program provides a convenient
alternative to placing used lithium-ion batteries into
the trash or municipal waste, which may be illegal in
your area.
VTech’s participation in RBRC
makes it easy for
you to drop off the spent battery at local retailers
participating in the RBRC
program or at authorized
VTech product service centers. Please call
1 (800) 8 BATTERY
for information on Li-ion
battery recycling and disposal bans/restrictions in
your area. VTech’s involvement in this program is
part of its commitment to protecting our environment
and conserving natural resources.
and 1 (8 0 0) 8 BATT ERY
are registered trademarks of t he
Rechargeable Battery Recycling
FCC and IC regulations
FCC Part 15
This equipment has been tested and found
to comply with the requirements for a Class
B digital device under Part 15 of the Federal
Communications Commission (FCC) rules. These
requirements are intended to provide reasonable
protection against harmful interference in a
residential installation. This equipment generates,
uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and,
if not installed and used in accordance with the
instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio
communications. However, there is no guarantee
that interference will not occur in a particular
installation. If this equipment does cause harmful
interference to radio or television reception, which
can be determined by turning the equipment off
and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct
the interference by one or more of the following
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment
and receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a
circuit different from that to which the receiver is
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV
technician for help.
WARNING: Changes or modifications to this
equipment not expressly approved by the party
responsible for compliance could void the user’s
authority to operate the equipment.
Thi s dev ic e co mp lie s wit h Par t 15 of the FCC r ule s.
Op erat io n is s ubj ec t to t he fol low ing t wo c on di ti ons :
(1 ) thi s devi c e may not c aus e har mfu l inter feren ce,
and ( 2 ) th is d evi ce mu st ac c ept a ny inter feren ce
rec ei ved, i nc lud in g inter feren ce t hat m ay cau se
und es ire d op erat io n.
To ensure safety of users, the FCC has established
criteria for the amount of radio frequency energy
that can be safely absorbed by a user or bystander
according to the intended usage of the product. This
product has been tested and found to comply with
the FCC criteria. The baby unit shall be installed
and used such that parts of all persons’ body are
maintained at a distance of approximately 8 in (20
cm) or more.
This Class B digital apparatus complies with
Canadian requirement:
Industry Canada
This de vice compl ies wit h Indus try Canada li cence-
e x empt RS S stand ard(s).
Operati on is s ubject to the followi ng two conditi ons:
(1) thi s devic e may n ot caus e harmf ul inte rferenc e,
and (2) this d evice m ust acc ept any interf erence,
includi ng inte rferenc e that may cau se unde sired
operati on.
The ter m ‘’IC: ‘’ befo re the certific ation/r egistra tion
number only si gnifies that th e Indus try Can ada
technic al spec ificatio ns were met.
Th is p ro duc t m eet s t he a pp lic a bl e I n du str y C ana d a
te chn i ca l s p ec ific a ti ons .
RF radiation exposure statement
The baby unit complies with FCC RF radiation
exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled
environment. The baby unit should be installed and
operated with a minimum distance of 8 in (20 cm)
between the baby unit and all persons’ body. Use of
other accessories may not ensure compliance with
FCC RF exposure guidelines. This transmitter must
not be co-located or operating in conjunction with
any other antenna or transmitter. This equipment
complies also with Industry Canada RSS-102 with
respect to Canada’s Health Code 6 for Exposure of
Humans to RF Fields.
For cETL compliance only
Me sure s de sé curité im por t ante s
Lor squ e vou s uti lis ez votr e app are il, vou s devr iez
touj our s su ivr e cer tai nes m esu res d e pré cau ti on
de ba se afi n de r éd uire l es r isq ue s d’in ce nd ie,
d’élec tr oc ut io n et de b les su res c or por ell es, d on t
ceu x qu i sui vent :
Obse rve z to ute s le s i nstr uct ions et mis es en
gard e i nscr ite s su r l ’app are il.
L’in sta llat ion par un adu lte est re quis e.
Ce p rod uit a é té c onç u po ur être un
disp osi tif d’a ppoi nt seul eme nt. Il n’es t p as l e
remp lac emen t d ’une su perv isi on r esp onsa ble
et a déq uate pa r un ad ulte et ne dev rait pa s êt re
util isé com me tell e.
Ce p rod uit n’e st p as conç u p our êtr e ut ili sé e n
tant qu e mo nit eur méd ical .
N’ut ili sez pas cet ap pare il près de l’e au ni d e
tout e a utre so urce d’ humi dit é, p ar exem ple , pr ès
d’un e b aign oir e, c uve à l ess ive, év ier de cuis ine ,
dans un sou s-s ol h umi de n i p rès d’u ne p isc ine,
dans un sou sso l hu mid e ou un e do uch e.
N’ut ili sez que les ad apta teu rs i ncl us a vec ce
prod uit . L’ uti lisa tio n d’ un adap tat eur don t la
pola rit é ou la ten sio n se rai t in adé quat e r isqu e
d’en dom mage r s érie use ment le pro dui t et me ttre
votr e s écur ité en pér il.
Ada pt at eur d e l’u ni té du b éb é : S or tie : 5 V CC 1 A
PRIS E D E CO URA NT, la pris e d e co ura nt d oit
être in stal lée prè s d u pr odu it, afin d’a ssu rer une
acce ssi bili té sécu rit aire à la p ris e de co uran t.
Lors qu’ ils son t br anc hés dan s un e p rise de
cour ant , le s a dapt ate urs sec teur on t ét é c onçu s
pour êt re o rie ntés co rrec tem ent, so it à la
vert ica le o u a u pl anc her. Le s br och es n ’on t pa s
été con çues po ur s upp orte r l e po ids du blo c
d’al ime ntat ion et le main ten ir e n p lace si cel uic i
est bra nché da ns u ne pris e a u pl afo nd, sou s un e
tabl e o u da ns un m eub le.
Débr anc hez ce prod uit de la pris e d e co ura nt
avan t d e pr océ der au nett oya ge. N’u tili sez pas
de n ett oyan ts en a éro sols . U tili sez un chi ffon
humi de pour le net toy er.
Ne coupez pas les cordons d’alimentation pour
remplacer les fiches, car ceci peut présenter un
danger potentiel.
Ne laissez aucun objet reposer ni appuyer sur
le cordon d’alimentation. N’installez pas cet
appareil dans un endroit où l’on risque d’écraser
le cordon d’alimentation ou de le piétiner.
Ne faites fonctionner cet appareil qu’avec le
type d’alimentation indiqué sur l’étiquette. Si
vous ne connaissez pas le type d’alimentation
que vous possédez à votre domicile, consultez
votre marchand ou votre compagnie locale
Ne surchargez pas les prises de courant
murales ni les rallonges électriques.
Ne placez pas cet appareil sur un chariot,
meuble, trépied, support de montage ni table
Les trous et ouvertures du boîtier, situés à
l’arrière de l’appareil ou sous celui-ci, servent à
aérer l’appareil. Pour l’empêcher de surchauffer,
ne bloquez sous aucun prétexte ces ouvertures
et n’empêchez pas l’aération adéquate de
l’appareil en le plaçant sur un lit, divan, tapis ou
toute autre surface similaire. De même, ne le
positionnez pas à proximité ni au-dessus d’une
source de chaleur ou d’un calorifère. De plus,
ne placez pas l’appareil dans un endroit avant
de vous assurer qu’il y ait une bonne circulation
N’enfoncez jamais d’objets à travers les
ouvertures de cet appareil, car ils pourraient
entrer en contact avec des points de tension
dangereux ou causer des courts-circuits qui
peuvent dégénérer en incendies ou en risques
d’électrocution. Ne renversez jamais de liquide
dans ce produit.
Afin de réduire les risques d’électrocution, ne
démontez pas cet appareil, mais apportez-le
dans un centre de service autorisé. L’ouverture
du boîtier ou le retrait de toutes pièces que
contient cet appareil, à l’exception de l’accès
autorisé à certaines portes ou ouvertures,
risque de vous exposer à des points de tension
dangereux ou d’autres dangers. Un remontage
incorrect peut par la suite présenter des risques
Vous devriez tester la réception chaque fois que
vous mettez l’appareil en fonction.
Examinez les composantes afin de vérifier si
celles-ci ne sont pas endommagées.
Soyez avisé de la perte de la confidentialité
lorsque vous utilisez les ondes publiques. Les
conversations peuvent être entendues par
d’autres moniteurs de bébé, des téléphones
sans fil, des scanneurs, etc.
Les enfants devraient être supervisés afin
de vous assurer qu’ils ne jouent pas avec
Le produit n’est pas conçu pour être utilisé
par des personnes (incluant des enfants) aux
capacités physiques, sensorielles ou mentales
réduites ou qui manquent d’expérience et de
connaissances, à moins qu’on leur ait donné
suffisamment de supervision ou d’instructions
relativement à l’utilisation de l’appareil par une
personne responsable de leur sécurité.
Mises en garde
Utilisez et entreposez le produit à une
température entre 0˚ C (32˚F) et 40˚C (104˚ F).
N’exposez pas cet appareil à des froids ou des
chaleurs extrêmes , ainsi qu’à la lumière directe
du soleil. Ne l’installez pas près d’une source de
chauffage .
Assurez-vous que le moniteur et le cordon
de l’adaptateur sont toujours hors de por tée
des enfants , à au moins 1 mètre (3 pieds) de
l’enfant ou du berceau, pour éviter tout risque
de strangulation.
Ne jamais placer le moniteur à l’intérieur du
berceau ou du parc de bébé. Ne jamais couvr ir
le moniteur ou l’unité (s) por tative a vec un
ar ticle tel une ser viette ou une couverture.
D’autres équipements électroniques peuvent
produire des interférences sur votre moniteur
vidéo et audio . T entez d’installer votre moniteur
vidéo ou audio à l’écar t des appareils
électroniques tels que des routeurs sans fil,
radios, téléphones cellulaires , interphones,
moniteurs, téléphones, ordinateurs personnels ,
électroménagers et téléphones sans fil.
Stimulateurs cardiaques implantés dans
Les simulateurs cardiaques (ne s’applique qu’aux
dispositifs numériques sans fil) :
L ’organisme ‘Wireless T echnology Research, LLC
(WTR)’, une firme de recherche indépendante,
a mené une évaluation pluridisciplinaire des
interférences entre les téléphones sans fil por tatifs
et les stimulateurs cardiaques implantés dans
l’organisme. Appuyée par l’Administration des
aliments et drogues (FD A) des États-Unis, la firme
WTR recommande aux médecins:
Avis aux détenteurs de stimulateurs cardiaques
V ous devriez maintenir les dispositifs sans fil à
au moins six pouces du simulateur cardiaque.
Ils ne doivent P AS placer le téléphone sans fil
directement sur le stimulateur cardiaque, tel que
dans une poche de chemise, lorsque celui-ci est
en marche.
L ’étude eff ectuée par l’organisme WRS n’a
pas identifié de risque pour les détenteurs de
simulateurs cardiaques causés par les gens qui
utilisent dispositifs sans fil à proximité de ceux-ci.
Champs électromagnétiques (EMF)
Ce produit de VT ech est conforme à toutes
les normes se rappor tant aux champs
électromagnétiques (EMF) standard. Si vous le
manipulez correctement en suivant les instructions
de ce guide, son utilisation sera sécuritaire pendant
de nombreuses années, selon les meilleures
évidences scientifiques dont nous disposons
Limited warranty
What does this limited warranty cover?
The m anu fac tur er of t his V T ech Pr od uc t warr ant s
to th e hol de r of a vali d pro of of p urc ha se
( “ C ons ume r ” or “ yo u” ) th at th e Prod uc t an d
all ac c es sor ies p rovi de d in t he sa le s pac kag e
( “ Pro du c t ” ) are fre e fro m def ec ts in m ater ial a nd
work ma ns hip, pur su ant t o the f oll owin g ter ms
and c on di ti ons , whe n ins ta lle d an d use d nor ma lly
and i n ac cor da nc e wi th t he Pro duc t o per ati ng
ins tr uc ti ons . Thi s li mite d warr ant y ex te nd s on ly to
the C on sum er for Pr od uc ts p urc ha sed a nd u sed i n
the U nit ed St ate s of Am eri ca a nd Ca nad a.
What will VTech do if the Product is not free
from defects in materials and workmanship
during the limited warranty period (“Materially
Defective Product”)?
During the limited warranty period, VTech’s
authorized service representative will repair
or replace at VTech’s option, without charge,
a Materially Defective Product. If we repair
the Product, we may use new or refurbished
replacement parts. If we choose to replace the
Product, we may replace it with a new or refurbished
Product of the same or similar design. We will
retain defective parts, modules, or equipment.
Repair or replacement of the Product, at VTech’s
option, is your exclusive remedy. VTech will return
the repaired or replacement Products to you in
working condition. You should expect the repair or
replacement to take approximately 30 days.
How long is the limited warranty period?
The limited warranty period for the Product extends
for ONE (1) YEAR from the date of purchase. If
VTech repairs or replaces a Materially Defective
Product under the terms of this limited warranty,
this limited warranty also applies to the repaired
or replacement Product for a period of either (a)
90 days from the date the repaired or replacement
Product is shipped to you or (b) the time remaining
on the original one-year warranty; whichever is
What is not covered by this limited warranty?
This limited warranty does not cover:
1. Product that has been subjected to misuse,
accident, shipping or other physical damage,
improper installation, abnormal operation or
handling, neglect, inundation, fire, water or other
liquid intrusion; or
2. Product that has been damaged due to repair,
alteration or modification by anyone other than an
authorized service representative of VTech; or
3. Pro duct to the ex tent th at the problem experi enced
is caus ed by s ignal c onditio ns, net work re liabili ty,
or cabl e or an tenna s ystems; or
4. Product to the extent that the problem is caused
by use with non-VTech accessories; or
5. P ro duc t wh os e wa rra nt y/ qu al ity s ti ck er s, pr od uc t
se ria l nu mb er pl at es o r ele ct ro ni c se ria l nu mb er s
ha ve be en r em ove d, a lt er ed or r en de re d i ll eg ib le ; o r
6. Product purchased, used, serviced, or shipped for
repair from outside the United States of America
or Canada, or used for commercial or institutional
purposes (including but not limited to Products
used for rental purposes); or
7. Product returned without a valid proof of purchase
(see item 2 on t he nex t pa ge ); or
8. Charges for installation or set up, adjustment of
customer controls, and installation or repair of
systems outside the unit.
How do you get warranty service?
T o ob tai n warr ant y s er v ic e in t he USA , pl eas e vi sit
our we bsi te at w w w. v tec hph on es.c om o r
ca ll 1 ( 8 00 ) 5 95 - 9 5 1 1. In Canad a, g o to
w w w. v te ch ca nad a.c om o r cal l 1 ( 80 0 ) 2 67 - 7377 .
NOTE: Before calling for service, please review the
user’s manual - a check of the Product’s controls
and features may save you a service call.
Except as provided by applicable law, you assume
the risk of loss or damage during transit and
transportation and are responsible for delivery
or handling charges incurred in the transport of
the Product(s) to the service location. VTech
will return repaired or replaced Product under
this limited warranty. Transportation, delivery or
handling charges are prepaid. VTech assumes no
risk for damage or loss of the Product in transit.
If the Product failure is not covered by this limited
warranty, or proof of purchase does not meet the
terms of this limited warranty, VTech will notify you
and will request that you authorize the cost of repair
prior to any further repair activity. You must pay
for the cost of repair and return shipping costs for
the repair of Products that are not covered by this
limited warranty.
What must you return with the Product to get
warranty service?
Return the entire original package and
contents including the Product to the VTech
service location along with a description of the
malfunction or difficulty; and
Include a “valid proof of purchase” (sales receipt)
identifying the Product purchased (Product
model) and the date of purchase or receipt; and
Provide your name, complete and correct mailing
address, and telephone number.
Other limitations
This warranty is the complete and exclusive
agreement between you and VTech. It supersedes
all other written or oral communications related to this
Product. VTech provides no other warranties for this
Product. The warranty exclusively describes all of
VTech’s responsibilities regarding the Product. There
are no other express warranties. No one is authorized
to make modifications to this limited warranty and you
should not rely on any such modification.
State/Provincial Law Rights: This warranty gives you
specific legal rights, and you may also have other
rights, which vary from state to state or province to
Limitations: Implied warranties, including those of
fitness for a particular purpose and merchantability
(an unwritten warranty that the Product is fit for
ordinary use) are limited to one year from the date
of purchase. Some states/provinces do not allow
limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts,
so the above limitation may not apply to you. In no
event shall VTech be liable for any indirect, special,
incidental, consequential, or similar damages
(including, but not limited to lost profits or revenue,
inability to use the Product or other associated
equipment, the cost of substitute equipment, and
claims by third parties) resulting from the use of this
Product. Some states/provinces do not allow the
exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential
damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may
not apply to you.
Please retain your original sales receipt as proof
of purchase.
Technical specifications
Crystal controlled PLL synthesizer
2406 - 2475 MHz
Channels 24
Maximum power allowed by FCC
and IC. Actual operating range may
vary according to environmental
conditions at the time of use.
Output: 5V DC @ 1 A
Cr ed it s:
The B ac kgrou nd No ise s oun d fi le wa s c re ate d by Car ol in e
For d, an d is u se d un der t he C rea ti ve Co mm on s li ce ns e.
The Strea m Nois e soun d file was create d by Caro li ne Ford ,
and i s us ed u nd er t he Cr eat ive C om mo ns l ic en se.
The Cric kets At N ight sound fi le was created by Mike Koenig ,
and i s us ed u nd er t he Cr eat ive C om mo ns l ic en se.
The H ear t B ea t s ou nd fil e w as cr eate d by Zar ab ad eu, an d
is u se d und er t he C rea ti ve Co mmo ns l ic en se.
Specif ica tions are subj ect to chan ge w itho ut notice .
© 20 1 6 VT ec h Co mm un ic at io ns , In c.
Al l ri gh ts r es er ve d. 06/1 6. V M300 _CIB_ V3
Document order numbe r: 9 1 -01 004 1-030 - 1 00