• This baby monitor is intended as an aid. It is not a substitute for proper adult supervision, and should not be used as such.
T est your baby monitor
You may test the baby monitor before initial use, and at regular times thereafter.
• For hearing protection, make sure the par ent unit is
more than 3 feet (1 meter) away from b oth b aby units. I f
you hear any high-pitched noise, m ove the pa ren t uni t
furthe r until the noise stops. You can also press VOL on
the parent unit to reduce the noise.
1 . Make sure you r baby unit a nd pa rent un it are on .
2. The pa rent un it dis plays im age s from th e baby un it.
• Spe ak towards t he mic rop hon e of the ba by unit. Y ou will he ar th e soun d at the p arent u nit.
3. If you h ave two baby uni ts, v iew th e ima ge from o ne of th em by switc hing c am eras vi a
men u. Th en, re pe at step 2 .
• Whe n the parent unit displays No link to Camera, an d the P OWER LED lig ht fla sh es, m ove the p are nt
uni t clo se r to the b aby un it s (obse r ve the m in imu m dis tan ce of 3 fe et / 1 m eter) . Y ou ca n al so ch e ck if
the b aby un it is c onn ec te d to a li ve power s oc ket an d swi tch ed o n.
• I ncrease the speaker volume of the parent unit if you cannot hear the sounds transmitted from the baby units.
Positioning the baby monitor
• Keep the baby unit out of the reach of your baby. Never place or mount the baby unit inside the baby’s crib or playpen.
• To av oid interfer ence from other electronic de vices, place
your baby monitor far away from devic es such as wir eless
routers, micr owav es, cell phones and computers.
1 . Place th e baby un its m ore th an 3 feet ( 1 mete r)
away from your baby .
2. A djus t the a ngle of t he ba by unit ca mera to a im at
you r b a by.
3. Pl ace the p are nt unit m ore tha n 3 feet ( 1 mete r)
away from the ba by units .
• The default volume of your parent unit is level 3, and the
maximum volume is level 5. If you experience high-pitched
screeching noise from your baby monitor while positioning:
- Make sur e y our baby units and paren t unit are mor e than
3 feet (1 me ter) apart, OR
- T urn down the volume of y our par ent unit.
Operating range
The operating range of the baby monitor is up to 10 00 feet ( 30 0 me ter s) outdoors or 160 feet
(50 meter s) indoors. The actual operating range may vary depending on the environmental
conditions and other interferences such as walls, doors and other obstructions.
Power on or off the baby unit
• Slid e the O N /O F F sw itch to ON to turn on the baby unit. The POWER LED light turns on.
• Slid e the O N /O F F sw itch to O FF to turn off the baby unit. The POWER LED light turns off.
Power on or off the parent unit
• Slid e the O N /O F F sw itch to ON to turn on the parent unit. The screen and the POWER LED
light turns on.
• Slid e the O N /O F F sw itch to O FF to turn off the parent unit. The screen and the PO WER
LED light turns off.
Adjust par ent unit speak er volume
• Press VOL / VOL on the parent unit t o adjust the speak er volume.
Adjust L CD brightness
You can change the brightness of the parent unit screen from Level 1 to Level 5 . The LCD
bright nes s is pres et to Leve l 3 .
1 . Press when the parent unit is idle.
2. Press or to choose , then press .
3. Press or to choose the desired level of brightness, then press to confirm your selection.
Monitoring mode
for V M2251 - 2 only
Ev e r y tim e the pa rent un it is tu rne d on, it d ispl ays a baby unit i n SING LE- C AM m od e. If the re
are mo re t wo baby unit s in your s ystem , you can a lso mo nitor you r baby in PAT R O L mode.
SINGLE-CAM The sc ree n disp lays im age of a si ngle b aby unit i n full sc ree n.
PAT R O L A sing le ca m view th at trans itio ns to a different baby unit every 10 seconds.
T o switc h from S ING LE- C AM to P A TROL mo de:
1 . Press when the parent unit is idle.
2. Press or to choose , then press or to ope n the s ubm enu .
3. Pre ss or to sele ct to enter P A TROL mode to alt ernately view the image fr om one
baby unit t o the next one in e very 10 seconds.
T o switc h from PA TROL to SING LE- C AM mode:
1 . Press when the parent unit is idle.
2. Press or to choose , then press or to ope n the s ubm enu .
3. Pre ss or to s elect a camera number to ent er SINGLE-CAM mode.
• If on e or m ore p air ed b aby uni ts a re powe re d of f or di sco nn ec te d dur ing p atr oll ing , the p ar ent u nit
will ke e p sea rc hin g unti l it s powe r ha s run o ut or a b aby un it is c onn ec te d on ce ag ai n.
1 Pair hole
• Y o ur ba by units a nd p arent un it
provide d are al read y pai red .
2 POWE R LE D li ght
• On wh en th e baby uni t is turn ed o n
and is p aire d to the p are nt unit.
• Flash es whe n the b aby unit i s not
bei ng viewe d;
or whe n the l ink to th e pare nt unit i s
lo st.
3 Microphone
4 Camera
5 Infrared L ED s
6 Light se nso r
ON/ OFF switch
• Slid e to turn o n or of f the b aby unit.
8 Speaker
9 Power j a ck
10 Wall mount holes
• The rechargeable battery is pre-inst all ed i n your p are nt uni t.
• Use only the power adapters supplied with this product.
• Make s ure t he ba by mo nito r is not c on ne cte d to th e swi tch c ontr oll ed e le ct ri c out let.
• Con ne ct t he p ower ad apt er s in a ver tica l or fl oo r mou nt po sit ion o nly. The ad apte r s’ pr ong s are n ot
des ign ed t o hol d th e weig ht of ba by mo nito r , so do n ot con ne c t the m to any ce il ing , und er- th e-tab le,
or ca bi net o utl et s. O th er w ise, t he a da pter s may n ot pro pe rly co nn ec t to th e out let s .
• Make sure the parent unit, the baby unit and the power adapt\er cords are out of reach of children.
Connect the baby monitor
Charge the parent unit battery
When you have connected and tu rne d on th e parent unit, the b at ter y wi ll be c harg ed
automatically. The battery icon indicates the battery status (see the following table).
• The parent unit battery is fully charged after 11 hours of continuous charging.
• It takes longer to charge the battery when the parent unit is turned on. To shorten the charging time,
turn the parent unit off while charging.
• The s tan dby ti me va rie s de pe nd ing o n th e volu me leve l you set a nd you r ac tu al u se.
Ba tter y indica tors Ba tter y st a tus Action
The screen displays Batte r y
low at Parent U nit. The
or light flashes.
The b attery has very little
charge and may be used
for only a short time.
without interruption
(about 30 minutes).
The battery icon becomes
solid .
The battery is fully
To keep the battery charged,
connect it to AC power when
not in use.
User’s manual
VM2251- 2
Video Monitor
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1 set for VM2251
2 sets for VM2251 -2
Screen off timer
You can set t he sc ree n off t ime for t he pa rent un it whe n the re is no key pres s for a spe ci fic tim e inter va l.
Whe n the sc ree n is tu rne d off, you can sti ll he ar sou nd fro m the b aby unit.
1 . Press when the parent unit is idle.
2. Press or to choose , then press or to ope n the s ubm enu .
3. Press or to choose the desired t ime p erio d to autom atic ally t urn of f scre en
( / - 5 min ./ - 3 0 mi n. / - 6 0m i n .) , then press to co nfirm you r selectio n.
Adjust the sound sensi tivity of the baby unit
You can c hoo se to hea r soun ds fro m the b aby unit al l the ti me, or to h ear so und s that exce ed
a cer tai n level. Y ou ca n use th e pa rent uni t to adju st th e mic roph one se ns itivit y of your baby
unit. The h ighe r the s ens itivi t y level, th e more se nsi tive the b aby unit is i n dete cti ng sou nds fo r
trans mit ti ng to th e pare nt unit. Th e VO X sen siti vit y level i s prese t to the hig hes t level (L eve l 5 ).
Lev el 5 Lev el 4 Lev el 3 Lev el 2 Lev el 1
Highest VO X
sensitivity le vel
High VO X
sensitivity le vel
Medium V OX
sensitivity le vel
Lo w VOX
sensitivity le vel
Lowest VOX
sensitivity le vel
The parent
unit speaker is
constantly on,
and you will
hear all sounds
backgr ound
noises) f r om
your baby’s
The parent
unit speaker
turns on for
soft babbling
and louder
sounds from
your baby . It
remains quiet
when your
baby sleeps
soundly .
The parent
unit speaker
turns on for
loud babbling
and louder
sounds from
your baby . It
remains quiet
when your
baby makes
soft sounds.
The parent unit
speaker turns
on for crying
and louder
sounds from
your baby . It
remains quiet
when your
baby makes
soft sounds.
The parent
unit speaker
turns on for
loud crying
or scr eeching
sounds from
your baby . It
remains quiet
when your
baby makes
soft sounds.
1 . Press when the parent unit is idle.
2. Press or to choose , then press or to op en th e subm enu .
3. Press or to choose the desired se nsi tivit y level, then press to confi rm your se lec tio n.
• If th e scre e n is of f, and th e set ting of s oun d-a ct ivate d sc ree n is ON , t he n LCD scr ee n wil l be tu rn ed o n
automatically when V OX sensitivit y is triggered.
• If you want t o use a so un d ma ch ine o r whi te no ise m ac hi ne for n atu ral w hite n oi se whi le u sin g th is ba by
mon ito r to ch ec k on you r ba by , you can:
- Lower t he vol ume of yo ur so und m ac hi ne o r whit e noi se m ac hin e; or
- Lowe r the s en sit ivi t y leve l of your b aby mo nito r to me di um (l evel 3) o r be low. Defau lt leve l is th e hi ghe st l evel.
T urn on or off the sound activ ation
Whe n soun d ac tivatio n is on, a s lon g as no s ound i s dete cte d withi n 50 se cond s, th e pare nt unit
scre en wil l turn of f au tomat ica lly to save power .
Whe n your baby uni t dete ct s a soun d, whi ch excee ds th e sel ec ted se nsi tivit y level, the sou nd
act ivatio n trigg er s the p are nt unit sc ree n to turn o n autom atica lly . Wh en no s ound i s dete cte d
withi n 50 sec ond s, the s cre en wil l be of f ag ain .
1 . Press when the parent unit is idle.
2. Press or to choose , then press or to ope n the su bme nu .
3. Press or to c hoose or , then press to c onfir m your sel ec tion .
• If th e sou nd se ns iti vit y i s set to t he hi gh est l evel, t he p are nt un it sc ree n may re ma in o n cont inu ou sly
even though sound activati on is o n. T hi s de pe nds o n wh eth er t he ba by uni t dete c ts a ny sou nds .
Y o u can zoo m in whi le view ing im ag es from t he ba by unit.
• Press to zoom in. Press again to zoom out.
• Press , , or to mov e the z oomed image dow nward, upwar d, left ward or rightward.
T alk
You can use th e TA L K f unc tio n of the parent unit to comfor t your b aby .
Press and hold TALK on the p are nt unit.
1 . Speak towards the microphone on the parent unit. Your voice is broadcast to the baby unit.
2. Release the TALK key to stop the broadcast.
Monitor the temperature
Y o ur ba by unit mo nitor s the te mpe rature of your b aby’s ro om with i ts b uilt-in temp eratu re
sens or . If th e detec te d temp eratu re is out of th e pres et temp erat ure rang e, the pa rent un it
will di spl ay an ale r t mes sag e.
Se t t e mp e rat u re ra ng e
You can set the desired mini mum a nd ma ximu m room te mp erature a ler t range s.
1 . Press when the parent unit is idle.
2. Press or to choose , then press .
3. Press or to choose , then press .
4. Press or to choose or , then press .
5. Press or to choose the desired minim um or m axi mum temperature, then press to
confirm your selection.
Temperature alert tone
You can turn o n the te mpe rature al er t to ne so th at the p arent un it will e mit a n ale r t tone if t he
detec te d temp eratu re is out of ran ge.
1 . Press when the parent unit is idle.
2. Press or to choose , then press .
3. Press or to choose , then press .
4. Press or to choose or , then press to confirm your selection.
Temperature format
You can cho ose to di splay th e temp eratu re in Fahren hei t (
F) or Cel sius (
1 . Press when the parent unit is idle.
2. Press or to choose , then press .
3. Press or to choose , then press .
4. Press or to choose or , then press to confirm your selection.
Conne ct and charge the ba tter y
W ha t’s in the box
Before use
Using the bab y monit or
Bab y unit o verview
Using the bab y monit or (Con’t )
Frequency control Crystal controlled PLL synthesizer
Transmit frequency Baby unit: 2407 . 5 - 2475 MHz
Parent unit: 2407 . 5 - 2475 MHz
Channels 21
LC D 2. 4” Co lo r LCD
(QV GA 320 x 240 pi xel )
Nominal effective range Maximum power allowed by FCC and IC. Actual operating range
may vary according to environmental conditions at the time of use.
Power requirements Parent unit: 3.6V Ni-MH battery
Baby unit power adapter: Output: 6V DC @ 400 mA
Parent unit power adapter: Output: 6V DC @ 400 mA
T echnical spe cifica tions
Specifications ar e subject to change without notice.
© 2018 VTech Communications, Inc.
All rights reserved. 11 / 1 8. V M2 251-X_C IB _V 4
Document order number: 9 1-01 0824-050-100
P arent unit o verview
1 POWE R LE D li ght
• Gre en wh en th e pa rent is p owered
• Flash es gre en wh en no l ink to
cam era .
2 TA L K
• Press and hold to talk to th e selected
baby unit.
3ft (1m)
3ft (1m)
3ft (1m)
3ft (1m)
3ft (1m)