Use the soother
Power the soother on or off
Sli de th e on /of f swi tch o n the r ig ht-ha nd
sid e of th e soot her to on o r of f .
Make sure the soother is on bef ore using other
features .
Play a lullaby
The soother has five lullabies f or you to
comf or t your bab y .
1. Hush Little Baby
2. Brahms’ Lullaby
3. Rock a Bye Baby
4. Twinkle Twinkle
Little Star
5. Minuet in G, Bach
Press to star t playin g lulla bie s.
Press to ski p to the n ext l ulla by .
Whil e a lull aby is pl aying, pr ess agai n to
stop t he lul laby .
The soother will play the lullabies contin uously
unless you manually stop the lullabies or turn on
the auto-off timer feature .
Whe n a lul laby e nd s, th e so oth er aut omat ic al ly
sk ips t o the n ex t lul laby. Afte r the s oot he r plays
the fi f th l ull aby, it rest ar ts p layi ng fr om t he fir st
lul laby ag ai n.
Play a soothing sound
The soother has five soothing sounds f or you
to comf or t your bab y .
1. White noise
2. Stream
3. Crickets
4. Vacuum cleaner
5. Heartbeat
Press to s tar t p laying so oth ing so und s.
Press to ski p to the n ext s oot hing
soun d.
Whil e a soot hin g soun d is pl aying,
pres s agai n to stop t he so othi ng so und.
The s oo th er wi ll p la y th e so oth in g so und s
con ti n uou sl y un les s y ou m an ua ll y s to p th e s oo th in g
sou nd s or tu rn on th e au to- of f ti mer f eat ure .
The soother will repeat the same soothing sound
again and again unless you skip to the other
soothing sounds.
Adjust the speaker volume
Press vol - or vol+ at any t ime.
The soother beeps to notify you when the speak er
volume is already at the highest or lo west setting
while adjusting.
Turn the auto-off timer on or off
While the soother is pla ying a lullaby or
soothing sound, the auto-off timer f eature
helps you automatically stop the lullabies or
soothing sounds after pla ying f or 60 minutes.
Whil e a lull aby or so othi ng sou nd is
playin g, pres s to turn on t he auto - of f
tim er feature.
The so oth er will s tar t c oun ting d own
60 mi nutes . The auto - o f f tim er lig ht
ind ic ator on t he lef t- hand s ide o f the
soot her tur ns on.
After 60 minutes, the soother will
automatically stop any lullab y or soothing
sound. The auto - of f t imer feat ure and t he
cor resp on ding l ight i ndi cato r will t urn of f.
Y ou can only turn on the auto-off timer feature
when the soother is playing a lullab y or soothing
The auto-off timer feature will not po wer off the
soother after the 60-minute countdown.
Y ou can press again to turn off the auto-off
timer feature during the 60-minute countdo wn.
If you manually stop the lullabies or soothing
sounds while the auto-off timer is counting down,
the auto-off timer will turn off.
Turn the dimmable soft-glow
night light on or off
When t he so othe r is on, pr ess repeated ly
to cho ose fr om th e bel ow nig ht lig ht opt ion s :
T urn th e nig ht lig ht on in d im li ght mo de, or
T urn th e nig ht lig ht on in b rig ht lig ht mo de,
T urn th e nig ht lig ht of f.
The nig ht ligh t w ill aut oma tica lly s witch off aft er 15
min ute s.
General product care
T o keep this soother working well and looking good,
follo w these guidelines:
A v oid putting the soother near heating appliances
and devices that gener ate electrical noise (for
example , motors or fluorescent lamps).
A v oid dropping the soother or treating it roughly .
DO NO T e xpose the soother to direct sunlight or
DO NO T use the soother in the rain, or handle it
with wet hands.
Clean with a soft cloth.
DO NO T immerse the soother in water and do not
clean it under the tap .
DO NO T use cleaning spra y or liquid cleaners.
Make sure the soother is dry before y ou connect it
to the any pow er sources.
Fr eq ue nt ly as ke d que st io ns
Below are the questions most frequently asked
about the soo the r . If you cannot find the answer to
your question, please contact Consumer Services
on 01235 546810.
The soother
does not play
sounds. /
The night light
does not turn
Make s ure t he so oth er is
tur ned o n.
Make s ure t he bat te r y ha s
eno ug h ch arg e. Con ne ct
the s oot her t o USB p ower i f
nec es sar y .
Why does the
status light
indicator flash?
The s oot her b at ter y i s low a nd
nee ds c har gi ng. C onn ec t th e
soo the r to USB p ower to c ha rg e
the b at ter y.
When I press
to turn on
the aut o-off
timer , the
soother beeps .
The light
indicat or
doesn’t turn on.
The au to - of f t ime r featu re is n ot
tur ned o n.
Make s ure you press when
the s oot her i s pl ayin g a lull aby
or so oth ing s ou nd.
Why doesn’t
my computer
detect the
soother when
they are
connected via
USB cable?
The US B po r t on t he s oot her
is for c ha rgi ng o nly. It doe s not
sup po r t da ta tr an sfer.
I mp o r ta n t sa f e ty i n s t r u c t i o n s
When us ing yo ur e qui pme nt, bas ic safe ty pre caut ion s
shou ld alw ays be fol lowe d t o re duc e t he r isk of fire ,
elec tri c s hock an d in jur y, incl udi ng the fol low ing:
Follow all warnings and instructions marked on
the product.
Adult setup is required.
Do not use this product near water. For
examp le, d o not u se it n ex t to a bath tub, wash
bowl, kitchen sink, laundry tub or swimming
pool, or in a wet basement or shower.
CAUTI O N: Us e onl y th e bat ter ie s ind ic ate d in
thi s ma nual . The re may be a r is k of exp lo sio n if
a wro ng t yp e of bat t er y is u se d for t he pr od uc t.
Use o nly t he s up pli ed re c harg ea ble b at ter y.
Do no t dis po se o f bat ter ies i n a fire. T hey may
expl od e.
Do n ot pla ce t his pr oduc t o n an un sta ble tab le,
shel f, sta nd o r o ther un sta ble sur fac es.
This product should not be placed in any area
where proper ventilation is not provided. Slots
and openings in the back or bottom of this
product are provided for ventilation. To protect
them from overheating, these openings must
not be blocked by placing the product on a soft
surface such as a bed, sofa or rug. This product
should never be placed near or over a rad iato r
or heat register.
Neve r p ush obj ect s of an y k ind int o t his pro duc t
thro ugh th e sl ots be caus e t hey may to uch
dang ero us volt age po ints or cre ate a shor t c irc uit.
Neve r s pil l li qui d o f an y k ind on the pro duc t.
To reduce the risk of electric shock, do not
disassemble this product, but take it to an
authorised service facility. Opening or removing
parts of the product other than specified access
doors may expose you to dangerous voltages
or other risks. Incorrect reassembling can cause
electric shock when the product is subsequently
Peri odi cal ly e xam ine all co mpon ent s f or d ama ge.
Children should be supervised to ensure that
they do not play with the product.
The product is not intended for use by persons
(including children) with reduced physical,
sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of
experience and knowledge, unless they have
been given supervision or instruction concerning
use of the appliance by a person responsible for
their safety.
Use and store the product at a temperature
between 0o C and 4 0o C.
Do not expose the product to extreme
cold, heat or direct sunlight. Do not put the
product close to a heating source.
Make sure the pro du ct a nd t he US B ca ble
are always out of reach of the baby, at least
1 metr e away from the baby or cot , to avoid
a possible strangulation hazard.
Never place the soother in, or attach the
soother to, the baby’s cot or playpen. Never
cover the pro du ct with anything such as a
towel or a blanket.
Customer service and
product warranty
Plea se ret ai n thi s bo ok let w it h your s ale s rec ei pt as
pro of of t he d ate of pu rc has e.
Cus tom er S e r vic e
Plea se c all o ur Co nsu mer S er v ic es De par tme nt o n
01 23 5 5 46 81 0 (fro m UK ) or + 44 1235 5 46 81 0
(ou ts id e UK ) an d a ser vic e re pre sen tat ive wi ll be
hap py to he lp you .
This warranty is valid for the UK and Eire only. For products purchased outside
the UK and Eire, please contact your local distributor or place of purchase.
YEAR Thank you for choosing this quality product from VT ech.
We hope it will bring many hours of enter tainment,
imaginative pla y and learning.
1. The product detailed above is cov ered b y a one year warranty from the date of purchase,
against any defects in materials or workmanship .
2. The product ma y be returned to the place of purchase. Alter natively the product can be
returned to VT ech Electronics Europe plc (see address below), with proof of purchase,
without proof of purchase no replacement will be provided.
3. VT ech Electronics Europe plc will examine the product and if it is found to be defective
due to faulty materials or workmanship, will replace the product at their discretion.
4. If the product covered by this warranty is damaged due to misuse , modification or
unauthorised repair, or because of faulty batteries, battery discharge or incorrect
electrical connections, then this warranty becomes void.
5. This w arranty is personal to the original purchaser and is not transferab le.
6. Breakages to the LCD screen are not covered b y the warranty .
7. Returns to VT ech Electronics Europe plc should include a cheque or postal order for
£1.50 towards the cost of return postage and packaging.
8. Products returned to VT ech Electronics Europe plc, should be addressed as f ollows and
packed carefully to av oid damage in transit (Please do not include batteries or adaptor).
Please include details of the fault together with your name and address .
9. T o keep an online record of your warranty , please register your product online at www. anty
Vtech Electronics EU PLC, c/o XPO Logistics, Warehouse 350, Cat & Fiddle Lane, West
Hallam, DE7 6HE
to register your VT ech product
By joining the VT ech Club you can also enter competitions, find
out about news and events, seek expert advice for parents and
let your kids play fun learning games and activities.
Technical specifications
Bui lt- in re ch arg ea ble 75 0m AH
Ni - MH bat t er y
Char gi ng vi a USB t o co mpu ter or
power a dap tor
Cr ed it s:
The B ac kgrou nd No ise s ou nd fi le wa s cr eat ed by C aro li ne
For d, an d is u se d un der t he C rea ti ve Co mm on s li ce ns e.
The S tream N ois e so un d fil e was c rea ted b y Car oli ne
For d, an d is u se d un der t he C rea ti ve Co mm on s li ce ns e.
The C ric kets At N ig ht so un d fil e was c re ate d by Mi ke
Koen ig , and i s us ed u nd er t he Cr eat ive C om mo ns l ic en se.
The 2 01 2 1 230 _vac uum.c le ane r .working.01 sou nd fi le
was c rea ted b y do br oi de, a nd is u se d un de r th e Cre ati ve
Co mm on s lic en se.
The H ear tb eat 5s ec In t so un d file w as c rea ted by
Be nb on ca n, an d is u se d un de r th e Cre ati ve Co mm on s
li ce nse .
Disposal of batteries and
The c ro sse d - out w hee li e bin
sym bol s on p rod uc t s and b at teri es,
or on t he ir res pe ct ive pa ck agi ng,
ind ic ate s they m ust n ot be d is po sed
of in d om est ic wa ste a s they c on tai n
sub st an ces t hat c an b e da mag ing to
the e nvir on ment a nd hu ma n heal th .
The c he mi cal s ymb ol s Hg , Cd or
Pb, wher e mar ked, i ndi c ate th at
the b at ter y c on tai ns m ore t han t he
sp ec ifi ed val ue of m erc ur y ( H g) ,
cad mi um ( Cd ) or l ead ( Pn ) set ou t in
Bat ter y Dir ec ti ve (2 0 06 / 66 / EC ) .
The s oli d bar i nd ic ates t hat t he
pro du ct wa s pl ace d on t he m arket
af ter 13th Aug us t, 20 0 5.
Hel p pro tec t th e envi ron men t by
dis p osi ng of your p rod uc t or ba t teri es
res po nsi bl y .
Declaration of Conformity
This product is intended for use within Europe .
This equipment compiles with the essential
requirements for the Radio Equipment and
T elecommunications T erminal Equipment Directive
Vtech T elecommunications Ltd. hereby declares that
this Myla the Monke y P or table Soother ST1000 is
in compliance with the essential requirements and
other relev ant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC .
The Declaration of Conf ormity for the ST1000 is
av ailable from http://www
Specific atio ns a re subj ect t o ch ang e without not ice .
© 20 1 7 V Te ch T ele co mm unic at io n s Lt d.
Al l ri gh ts r es er ve d. 04/1 7 . ST 1000_UK _CIB_ V 1