Using the baby monitor
Powering the baby unit on or off
Slide the switc h on th e baby uni t to ON
to power on. The power light turns on.
Slide the switc h on th e baby uni t to OFF
to power off . The power light turns off.
Po wer ing th e p are nt uni t o n o r o ff
Press and ho ld to power on the parent
unit. The screen turns on.
Press and ho ld again to power off the
parent unit. The screen turns off.
Turn the parent unit screen on
or off
You can turn the parent unit screen on or off
without turning the parent unit off. You can still
hear sound from the baby unit.
Press and ho ld on the top of t he parent
unit to turn t he sc reen of f.
Press any key on the p arent un it to turn o n
the s cree n again.
Adjust the speaker volume
For pa re nt unit:
Press + or - on the parent unit at any tim e
when v iewing i mages.
When the pa rent unit spea ker vo lume is se t t o z ero,
ap pear s on t he screen a nd the li ght turns on.
For ba by unit:
The ba by unit s peaker volum e deter mines
the lu llaby volu me and t alk back vol ume
tran smit te d from pare nt unit .
Press - /
+ on th e baby uni t to adjus t the
spe aker volume.
Play lullabies
You can pla y lullabies on the baby unit to
comf or t your bab y . T here are 5 lu llab ies to
cho ose fro m. The s elec ted lu llaby pl ays
repe atedl y for appr oximatel y 20 minu tes.
Pla y l ull abi es usi ng bab y u nit co ntr ol k eys
Press /
on th e baby uni t to play lull abie s.
It st ar ts playi ng lull abie s for 1 0 m inutes.
Press on th e baby uni t to switc h to the
other l ulla bies.
Press /
again to s top t he lull aby .
P la y lu ll ab ies u si ng p are nt u ni t co nt ro l ke ys
Press on the p arent uni t play lull abie s.
Press on the pare nt unit to sw itch to t he
other l ulla bies.
Press again to st op the l ulla by .
When the lullaby stops, press /
again to replay .
Play lullabies using par ent unit m enu
If Play all i s sele cte d, the fi ve lullab ies
play one af ter t he othe r repeate dly fo r
app roximatel y 20 minu tes.
Press when the parent unit is idl e.
Press or to scr oll to LU LL ABY .
Press or to scr oll to your d esire d
lull aby or Play all .
Press or to scr oll to Play or S top.
Press to confirm your selection.
Press to confirm your selection.
Lull aby pl aybac k is p ause d whe n the p arent
uni t is ta lki ng to t he baby u nit . Lul laby p layba ck
res umes w hen t he par ent un it fin is hes us ing t he
T AL K featur e.
Set the language
You can select the language to be used in all
screen displays.
Press when the parent unit is idl e.
Press or to choose Langu ag e , then
press .
Press or to choose your des ired
lang uage, then press to confirm your
Adjust LCD brightness
You can change the brightness of the parent
unit screen from Level 1 to Level 5 . The LCD
brig htne ss is p reset to L evel 3 .
Press when the parent unit is idl e.
P r e ss o r t o c ho o s e L C D, t he n pr e s s .
Pr ess a gain to ch oos e Brig htne ss.
Press or to choose the desired level
of brightness, then press to confirm
your selection.
Turn the dim mode on or off
The d im mod e is pre set to on to he lp you save
the par ent uni t power . W henever the par ent
unit h as bee n lef t idl e for 1 0 m inutes w hile t he
scr een is st ill o n, the sc reen w ill be d imme d
autom atic ally to s ave power .
Press when the parent unit is idl e.
Press or to choose LCD , then press
Press or to choose Dim M od e , then
press .
Press or to choose On or O f f , then
press to confirm your selection.
Whe n the s cre en is d imm ed, a ny key press o r
aler t mes sag e will t ri gge r the s cre en to ret urn to
the p rese t bri ght nes s level. Af ter 10 minu tes of
id le, it wi ll be d imm ed ag ain.
Adjust the sound sensitivity of
the baby unit
You can choose to hear sounds from the baby
unit all the time, or to hear sounds that exceed
a certain level. You can use the parent unit to
adjust the microphone sensitivity of your baby
unit fr om Lowe st to Hi ghe st . The higher the
sensitivity level, the more sensitive the baby
unit is in detecting sounds for transmitting to
the parent unit. The so und se nsit ivi ty l evel is
prese t to High est .
Sou nd se nsit ivit y ta ble f or re fer enc e
Lev el
Highest The parent unit speaker is constantly
on, and you will hear all sounds
(including background noises) from
your bab y’s room.
High The parent unit speaker turns on for
soft babbling and louder sounds from
your bab y . It remains quiet when your
baby sleeps soundly .
Medium The parent unit speaker turns on
for loud bab bling and louder sounds
from your bab y . It remains quiet when
your bab y makes soft sounds.
Low The parent unit speaker turns on for
crying and louder sounds from your
baby . It remains quiet when your
baby mak es soft sounds.
Lowest The parent unit speaker turns on for
loud crying or screeching sounds
from your bab y . It remains quiet when
your bab y makes soft sounds.
Press when the parent unit is idl e.
Press or to choose Sens itivi ty, then
press .
Press or to choose the desired
sensitivity level, then press to confirm
your selection.
You can adjust the baby unit placement to
improve the sound detection.
Turn the sound activation on or
When s ound ac ti vation i s on, as lo ng as no
soun d is dete cted w ith in 50 se con ds, th e
parent u nit sc reen w ill tur n of f automat ica lly to
save power .
When your baby uni t detec ts a so und, the
sound activation triggers the parent unit screen
to turn o n automatically. When n o soun d is
detec ted wi thi n 50 sec ond s, the s cree n will
turn of f ag ain.
Press when the parent unit is idl e.
Press or to choose Sound - ac tivat ed
Scr ee n, then press .
Press or to choose On or Off , then
press to confirm your selection. The
scr een retur ns to mai n menu.
If th e sou nd se nsi tiv it y is s et to Hig he st , the
pare nt uni t sc reen m ay rema in on c ont inu ous ly
even th oug h sou nd ac tivat io n is on.
You can zoom in or out while viewing images
from baby unit.
Press to zoom in.
Press and ho ld , , or to move the
zoomed image upward, downward, leftward
or rightward correspondingly.
Press again to zoom out.
You ca n use the T ALK function of th e pa rent
uni t t o comfo r t y our bab y .
Press and hold on the p arent uni t. The
light turn s on.
Speak towards the microphone ( ) on the
parent unit. Your voice is broadcast to the
baby unit.
Release the key to stop the broadcast.
The light goes of f.
Set alert tone
Low battery tone
You can set the parent unit to beep when the
parent unit operates in low battery conditions.
Press when the parent unit is idl e.
Press or to choose Ale rt T o ne, then
press .
Press again to choose Low Battery
Press or to choose On or Off , then
press to confirm your selection.
No link alert
Yo u c an set th e p aren t u nit to bee p w he n t he lin k
be twe en the pa ren t un it and the ba by unit is lo st.
Press when the parent unit is idl e.
Press or to choose Ale rt T o ne, then
press .
Press or to choose No Link Alert , then
press .
Press or to choose On or Off , then
press to confirm your selection.
Sound alert
Y ou ca n tu rn o n th e so un d al er t fe at ur e s o th at t he
p a re nt u ni t be ep s an d dis pla y s So un d det ecte d
at C AM # w hen ev er th e ba by u ni t de te ct s so un ds .
Press when the parent unit is idl e.
Press or to choose Ale rt T o ne, then
press to select.
Press or to choose Sound alert , then
press .
Press or to choose On or Off , then
press to confirm your selection.
Mo ni to r the t em pe rat ur e
Y our baby unit monitors the temperature of
your baby’ s room with its built-in temperatu re
sensor . If the detected temperature i s outside
the preset temperature range , the parent unit
will display the alert message.
Se t temp er ature r ang e
You can set the desired roo m temper ature
aler t r ange. The minimum temperature can be
set between 52 o F (11 o C ) and 69 o F (20 o C) .
The maximum temperature can be set
between 70 o F (21 o C) and 86 o F (30 o C) .
Press when the parent unit is idl e.
Press or to choose Temp er atur e , then
press .
Press or to choose Minimum or
Ma ximu m, then press .
Press or to choose the desired
mini mum or ma xi mum temperature, then
press to confirm your selection.
Temperature alert tone
You can turn o n the tem perat ure aler t to ne so
that t he parent u nit wi ll emi t an aler t to ne if th e
detec ted tem perat ure is ou t of rang e.
Press when the parent unit is idl e.
Press or to choose Temp er atur e , then
press .
Press or to choose Alert T o ne, then
press .
Press or to choose On or Off , then
press to confirm your selection.
Temperature format
You can cho ose to d isp lay the tem peratur e in
Fahrenhe it (o F) or Cels ius (o C ).
Press when the parent unit is idl e.
Press or to choose Temp er atur e , then
press .
Press or to choose Format , then press
Press or to choose Fahr enh eit or
Cels ius, then press to confirm your
T urn on or off the vibration
Y ou c an tur n on the v ibrat ion fe ature so th at
the par ent uni t vibr ates whe n it rec eives any of
Low ba tt er y ton e, No link a ler t, Soun d ale r t
or T em pe ratu re al er t ton e af ter turni ng on
the re spe ct ive aler t ton es.
Press when the parent unit is idl e.
Press or to choose Vibr atio n , then
press .
Press or to choose On or Off .
Press to confirm your selection.
Rename the baby unit
You can renam e the ba by unit . Onc e the ba by
unit i s renam ed, it s new name to geth er wit h
the ba by unit nu mber (1 ) will ap pear i n the
sub - menu of b elow o ptio ns :
Sens iti vit y • Rena me •
T em peratur e • Pair/ Unpa ir •
Press when the parent unit is idl e.
Pr ess or to ch oos e R ename, the n p res s
Pr ess to cho ose t he baby un it.
Press or to choose the d esire d name
for the b aby unit , then press to
confirm your selection.
Night vision
The baby unit has infrared LEDs that allow you
to see your baby clearly at night or in a dark
room. When the baby unit being view ed
detects low light levels, the infrared LEDs are
switched on automatically. The images from
this baby unit is in b lack and white, and
appears on screen.
It is norma l if you see a shor t whi te glare on your
parent uni t screen as the ba by unit is adaptin g to
the dar k environme nt.
Whe n the i nfrar ed LED s are on, t he im age i s in
bla ck an d whi te. Thi s is no rma l due to ex ter nal
lig ht so urc es.
Dependi ng on t he surr ounding s and ot her
interfe ring fa ctors, like li ghtings, object s, colo urs
and bac kground s, the display resolut ion may vary.
Adjust the bab y unit’ s angle or plac e the b aby uni t
at a hi gher le vel to prevent glare a nd blur ry disp lay.
General product care
To keep this product working well and looking good,
follow these guidelines:
Av oid p ut tin g it n ear he at ing app lia nc es an d dev ic es
th at ge ne rat e elec tri cal n oise (f or ex amp le , mot or s or
flu ore sc en t l am ps).
DO NOT expose it to direct sunlight or moisture.
Avoid dropping the product or treating it roughly.
Clean with a soft cloth.
DO NOT immerse the parent unit and the baby
unit in water and do not clean them under the tap.
DO NOT use cleaning spray or liquid cleaners.
Make sure the baby unit and parent unit are dry
before you connect them to the mains again.
When you are not going to use the baby monitor for
some time, remove the rechargeable battery from
the parent unit. Store the parent unit, the baby unit
and the ada ptor s in a cool and dry place.
Fr eq ue nt ly as ked qu est io ns
Below are the questions most frequently asked
about the baby monitor.
Why does the
baby monitor
not respond
T r y the follo wing (in the order
listed) for a common cure:
1. D isconn ect the power to t he
baby unit and th e pa rent unit.
2. R emove the batt eries in t he
pare nt uni t. T hen instal l th e
batt eries agai n.
3. W ait a few second s b efor e
conn ecting pow er b ack to the
baby unit and th e pa rent unit.
4. T urn on the baby u nit a nd t he
pare nt uni t.
5. W ait for the parent unit to
syn chro ni se with the baby unit.
Allo w up t o on e mi nute f or t his
to t ake pl ace.
Why doesn’t
the power-on
light of the
baby unit and
parent unit
go on when I
switch on the
P erhaps the parent unit is not
connected to the mains. Inser t
the appliance plug into the parent
unit and put the adaptor in a wall
sock et. Then press and hold
to switch on the parent unit and
to establish connection with the
baby unit.
P erhaps the baby unit is not
connected to the mains. Connect
the baby unit to the mains . Then
set the ON/OFF switch to ON
to switch on the bab y unit and
to establish connection with the
parent unit.
Why doesn’t
my parent unit
charge while
connected to
AC po wer?
Make sure the po wer is not
controlled by a w all switch.
Make sure the battery is correctly
installed in your parent unit.
Y ou ma y hav e used the batter y
for a long time . Replace a new
battery .
Why is m y
screen in
blac k and
The screen is in blac k and white
during night-time or in a dark
room. This is nor mal due to
external light sources.
Why do I get
glare or blurry
display on m y
screen when
viewing m y
baby at night?
During night-time or in a dark
room, the surroundings and other
interfering f actors, like lightings,
objects, colours and bac kgrounds
may aff ect the image quality on
your parent unit screen. Adjust
the baby unit’ s angle or place
the baby unit at a higher le vel to
prev ent glare and blurry display .
Why does the
baby monitor
produce a
The parent uni t an d bab y unit ma y
be t oo clo se t o ea ch oth er .
Mo v e th e paren t unit a wa y
from the b ab y un it unt il t he
nois e stop s; OR
T urn do wn the v olume of y our
pare nt uni t.
light on the
baby unit
flashes and
the parent unit
displays .
The baby unit is unpaired from
the parent unit. Follo w the steps
to pair the baby unit. Make sure
both parent unit and baby unit are
on before pairing.
Pres s whe n the p arent
uni t is id le.
Press or to choose
Pair/U np air CAM, then press
Press aga in to choose
Pair CA M.
Press or to choose an
emp ty baby unit slot, then
press . The parent unit
screen displays Press and
hold th e pai r but to n at th e
CAM fo r 5 se con ds un til t he
powe r in dic ato r flas he s..
Immediately press and hold
on t he bot to m of th e
baby u nit w ith a n arrow
poi nted o bj ect s uc h as a
pen ci l. The LED light flashes
When pa iring i s succe ssful, the
screen display s the view of newly
paired baby uni t. The LED li ght
on the new bab y unit remai ns on.
If pairing fails, the screen
displays Pairing failed . Try the
pairing process again.
Why does the
parent unit
The baby unit ma y be out of
range. Move the parent unit
closer to the baby unit (b ut not
less than 3 feet).
If the parent unit is powered
by the pro vided battery , it may
not hav e enough charge for the
parent unit to perform normally .
Charge the battery in the parent
unit for up to 3 hours .
The temperature of your bab y’ s
room may be too high or too lo w .
Why does the
parent unit
Y ou ma y hav e set the sound
sensitivity lev el to Highest when
the sound aler t (and vibration)
feature are turned on. The parent
unit notifies you of all sounds
including background noise with
beeps (or vibrations). Adjust the
sound sensitivity to a lower le vel.
Why does
the parent
unit react too
quickly to
other sounds?
The baby unit also pic ks up other
sounds than those of your bab y .
Adjust the sensitivity lev el to a
lower le vel or low er the parent
unit speaker v olume.
Why don’t I
hear a sound/
Why can’t I
hear my bab y
The parent unit speaker v olume
may be too lo w or off. Press + to
increase the volume .
Y ou ma y hav e set a low sound
sensitivity lev el. See Adjust the
sound sensitivity of the baby
unit to set to a higher lev el.
Why can’t I
establish a
Why is the
lost ev er y now
and then?
Why are
there sound
The baby unit ma y be out of
range. Move the parent unit
closer to the baby unit
(o bser ve the m inim um di st anc e
of 1 met re / 3 fe et) .
Other electronic products may
cause interference with y our baby
monitor . T ry installing your baby
monitor as far a way from these
electronic devices as possib le.
Important safety
When using you r equip ment, b asic s afet y preca utions
shou ld alw ays be f ollowe d to reduce the r isk of fi re,
elec tric s hock and injur y, i ncludin g the foll owin g:
Follow all warnings and instructions marked on
the product.
Adult setup is required.
This product is intended as an aid. It is not
a substitute for responsible and proper adult
supervision and should not be used as such.
This product is not intended for use as a medical
Do not use this product near water. For example,
do not use it next to a bath tub, wash bowl,
kitchen sink, laundry tub or swimming pool, or in
a wet basement or shower.
CAUTION: Use only the batteries indicated in
this manual. There may be a risk of explosion
if a wrong type of battery is used for the parent
unit. Use only the supplied rechargeable battery.
Use only the ada ptor s included with this
product. Incorrect ada ptor polarity or voltage can
seriously damage the product.
Baby unit power ada ptor: O utput: 5V DC 1A
Parent unit power ada ptor : Output: 5V DC 1 A.
The power ada ptor s are intended to be correctly
oriented in a vertical or floor mount position. The
prongs are not designed to hold the plug in place
if it is plugged into a ceiling, under-the-table or
cabinet outlet.
For pluggable equipment, the socket-outlet shall
be installed near the equipment and shall be
easily accessible.
Unplug this product from the wall outlet before
cleaning. Do not use liquid or aerosol cleaners.
Use a damp cloth for cleaning.
Unplug the power cords before replacing
Do not cut off the power ada ptor s to replace
them with other plugs, as this causes a
hazardous situation.
Do not allow anything to rest on the power cords.
Do not install this product where the cords may
be walked on or crimped.
This product should be operated only from the
type of power source indicated on the marking
label. If you are not sure of the type of power
supply in your home, consult your dealer or local
power company.
Do not overload wall outlets or use an extension
Do n ot pla ce t his produc t on an uns table tabl e,
shel f, sta nd o r ot her un stab le surf aces.
This product should not be placed in any area
where proper ventilation is not provided. Slots
and openings in the back or bottom of this
product are provided for ventilation. To protect
them from overheating, these openings must
not be blocked by placing the product on a soft
surface such as a bed, sofa or rug. This product
should never be placed near or over a radiator or
heat register.
Neve r push obj ects of an y ki nd into this prod uct
thro ugh th e sl ots becaus e th ey may touch
dang erous volt age points or create a shor t ci rcui t.
Neve r spil l li quid of an y ki nd on t he pro duct .
To r educe the risk of el ectr ic shoc k, do not
disa ssembl e th is p roduct , bu t take it to an
auth orised serv ice fa cility. Openi ng or removin g
part s of t he p rodu ct oth er t han spe cified
acce ss doo rs m ay e xpose you to dang erous
volt ages o r ot her risks. Inc orrect reasse mbli ng
can cause elec tric shock whe n the p roduct is
subs equent ly u sed.
You should test the sound reception every
time you turn on the units or move one of the
Peri odical ly e xami ne all com ponents for d amag e.
Be aware of possible loss of privacy while using
public airwaves. Conversations may be picked
up by other nursery monitors, cordless phones,
scanners, etc.
Children should be supervised to ensure that
they do not play with the product.
The product is not intended for use by persons
(including children) with reduced physical,
sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of
experience and knowledge, unless they have
been given supervision or instruction concerning
use of the appliance by a person responsible for
their safety.
Use and store the product at a temperature
between 0o C and 3 9o C.
Do not expose the product to extreme cold, heat
or direct sunlight. Do not put the product close to
a heating source.
Batteri es shou ld not be expo sed to e xcessiv e
heat su ch as b right s unshine or fire.
Make su re the baby un it and the adaptor cord(s)
are alw ays out of rea ch of t he baby, at lea st
3 feet away fr om the baby or cot, to avoid a
possibl e stran gulatio n hazar d.
Neve r plac e th e ba by uni t in side th e baby ’s cot or
play pen. N ever cov er the bab y unit or par ent unit
with anyth ing such as a towe l or a blanke t.
Other electronic produ cts may cause
interference wit h your baby monito r. Try
installing your baby monitor as fa r away from
these electronic devices as possib le: wireless
routers, radios, mob ile phones, intercoms,
room monitors, t elevisions, person al
computers, kitch en appliances and cordless
Customer service and
product warranty
Plea se ret ain t his b oo klet w ith yo ur sa les re ce ipt as
pro of of th e date o f purc ha se.
Cus tom er S er vi ce
Plea se ca ll our C on sume r Ser v ice s Dep ar tm ent o n
01 23 5 54 681 0 (fr om UK ) or + 44 1235 5 46 81 0
(ou tsi de U K) a nd a ser vi ce re pres ent ative w ill b e
hap py to he lp you.
This warranty is valid for the UK and Eire only. For products purchased outside
the UK and Eire, please contact your local distributor or place of purchase.
YEAR Thank you for choosing this quality product from VT ech.
We hope it will bring many hours of enter tainment,
imaginative pla y and learning.
1. The product detailed abov e is covered by a one year warranty from the date of purchase,
against any defects in materials or workmanship .
2. The product ma y be retur ned to the place of purchase. Alternatively the product can be
returned to VT ech Electronics Europe plc (see address below), with proof of purchase,
without proof of purchase no replacement will be provided.
3. VT ech Electronics Europe plc will examine the product and if it is found to be defective
due to faulty materials or workmanship, will replace the product at their discretion.
4. If the product covered by this warranty is damaged due to misuse, modification or
unauthorised repair, or because of faulty batteries, battery discharge or incorrect
electrical connections, then this warranty becomes void.
5. This w arranty is personal to the original purchaser and is not transferab le.
6. Breakages to the LCD screen are not covered by the w arranty .
7. Returns to VT ech Electronics Europe plc should include a cheque or postal order for
£1.50 towards the cost of return postage and packaging.
8. Products retur ned to VT ech Electronics Europe plc, should be addressed as f ollows and
packed carefully to avoid damage in transit (Please do not include batteries or adaptor).
Please include details of the fault together with your name and address .
9. T o keep an online record of your warranty , please register your product online at www. anty
Vtech Electronics EU PLC, c/o XPO Logistics, Warehouse 350, Cat & Fiddle Lane, West
Hallam, DE7 6HE
to register your VT ech product
By joining the VT ech Club you can also enter competitions, find
out about news and events, seek expert advice for parents and
let your kids play fun learning games and activities.
Technical specifications
Crystal controlled PLL synthesizer
Baby unit: 2406 - 2475 MHz
Parent unit: 2406 - 2475 MHz
Channels 24
LCD 4.3 ” Co lour LCD
(WQVGA 48 0x 272 p ixel )
Actual operating range may
vary according to environmental
conditions at the time of use.
Parent unit bat ter y :
3.7V Li-polymer battery
BYD SCD5 30 - 4
Baby unit power ada ptor :
EU: Tenpao S006AKV0500100
UK: Tenpao S006AKB0500100
Input: 100-240VAC, 50/60Hz,
200mA, Output: 5VDC, 1000mA
Parent unit power ada ptor:
EU: Tenpao S006MV0500100
UK: Tenpao S006MB0500100
Input: 100-240VAC, 50/60Hz,
300mA, Output: 5VDC, 1000mA
For pluggable equipment, the
socket-outlet (power adaptor) shall
be installed near the equipment and
shall be easily accessible.
Cr edi ts:
The B ackg round No ise so un d fi le was cr eate d by C aro lin e
For d, an d is us ed u nde r the C rea tive C om mon s li ce nse.
The Stream Noi se so un d fil e was cre ate d by Ca rol ine Ford ,
and i s us ed un de r the C reat ive C om mon s li cen se.
The Cric kets At N ig ht so und fil e w as cr eate d by M ike Koe nig ,
and i s us ed un de r the C reat ive C om mon s li cen se.
The Hear t Bea t s ou nd file was c rea ted by Z ar aba deu, and is
use d un der t he C reat ive C omm on s lic en se.
Disposal of batteries and
The c ros sed - ou t whe elie b in sym bo ls
on pr odu ct s and b at teri es, or o n the ir
res pec ti ve pac kagi ng, in di cate s they
mus t not be d is pos ed of i n dom est ic
wast e as th ey con tai n sub sta nce s
tha t can b e dam agin g to th e
envi ronm ent a nd hum an he alt h.
The c hem ic al sym bo ls Hg , Cd or
Pb, wher e marke d, in dic ate t hat
the b at ter y co nta ins m ore t han t he
sp eci fie d value o f merc ur y ( Hg ) ,
cad miu m (C d) o r lead ( Pn ) set ou t in
Bat ter y D ire ct ive ( 20 06 / 6 6 / EC ) .
The s oli d bar in di cate s that t he
pro duc t was p lac ed o n the m arket
af ter 13th Aug ust , 20 05.
Hel p prot ect t he env iro nme nt by
dis po sin g of your pr od uc t or bat ter ies
res pon si bly.
Declaration of Conformity
This product is intended for use within Europe .
This equipment compiles with the essential
requirements for the Radio Equipment and
T elecommunications T erminal Equipment Directive
Vtech T elecommunications Ltd. hereby declares
that this Digital Audio Bab y Monitor BM4200 is in
compliance with the essential requirements and
other relev ant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC .
The Declaration of Conf or mity for the BM4200 is
av ailable from http://www tte-directive.
Specific atio ns a re s ubject t o cha nge without no tice .
20 1 6 f or VT ec h T el ec om mu ni cat io ns , In c.
Al l rig ht s re se rv ed . 03/1 6. BM 4200_UK_CI B _ V 1 .0