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Jan. 23. 2004 [SX7k/8k] ORN-009
Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,
pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection
against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can
radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may
cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference
will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or
television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is
encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
-- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
-- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
-- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
-- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
===== Notes =====================================
1. The contents of this manual are subject to change without notice.
2. Uniwell cannot be held responsible if other products, which are not approved by Uniwell, are used
for options or expendable supplies.
Refer to the separate User's manual for the specifications, installation, display and screen layout.
1. FUNCTION KEY LIST................................................................................................................... 1
2. CLERK OPERATIONS .................................................................................................................. 3
2-1. Clerk systems........................................................................................................................................ 3
2-2. Signing on a clerk ................................................................................................................................. 3
a) Using hard clerk keys........................................................................................................................................ 3
b) Using secret clerk codes.................................................................................................................................... 3
c) Using clerk card ................................................................................................................................................ 4
d) Using iButton.................................................................................................................................................... 4
2-3. Signing off a clerk................................................................................................................................. 4
2-4. Assign HARD CLERK keys in X key position [SF-21.C] ................................................................... 4
2-5. Clerk log-on/off - time and attendance operation ................................................................................. 5
2-6. Clerk training mode .............................................................................................................................. 7
3. PLU SALES OPERATIONS........................................................................................................... 8
3-1. PLU registration.................................................................................................................................... 8
a) Hard PLU keys / Scanner .................................................................................................................................. 8
b) Coded PLUs...................................................................................................................................................... 8
3-2. Look up PLU keys ................................................................................................................................ 8
3-3. PLU multiplication................................................................................................................................ 9
a) Hard PLU keys / Scanner .................................................................................................................................. 9
b) Coded PLUs...................................................................................................................................................... 9
c) Look up PLUs ................................................................................................................................................... 9
d) 4-digit multiplication [Flash firmware only]................................................................................................... 10
3-4. Manual price entry .............................................................................................................................. 11
a) Hard PLU keys / Scanner ................................................................................................................................ 11
b) Coded PLUs.................................................................................................................................................... 12
c) Look up PLUs ................................................................................................................................................. 12
3-5. Prices................................................................................................................................................... 13
a) How to change price levels.............................................................................................................................. 13
b) How to change price within each level............................................................................................................ 13
3-6. PLU modifiers (half / double, small / large, or programmable value) ................................................ 14
3-7. PLU menu levels................................................................................................................................. 15
3-8. Price inquiry (display only)................................................................................................................. 16
3-9. Single item .......................................................................................................................................... 16
3-10. Complimentary PLUs ......................................................................................................................... 17
3-11. Coupon PLUs...................................................................................................................................... 18
3-12. Special PLUs....................................................................................................................................... 19
3-13. Cooking instructions ........................................................................................................................... 22
a) By linking them directly to specified PLUs in programming (SP-122 PLUs: COOK = 1~20) ....................... 22
b) By pressing a COOKING 1 ~ 64 keys (SP-122 PLUs: COOK = 0)................................................................ 22
c) Cooking instruction group 1 is listed by pressing COOKING MESSAGE key (SP-122 PLUs: COOK = 0).. 23
d) Manual cooking message entry by pressing MANUAL COOKING key........................................................ 23
3-14. Condiments ......................................................................................................................................... 24
a) Condiment entry from the condiment group [PF-05.A=NO]........................................................................... 24
b) Independent condiment PLU entry [PF-05.A=YES]....................................................................................... 25
3-15. Category Change................................................................................................................................. 27
3-16. Automatic link PLUs (expanded Look Up PLU function).................................................................. 29
a) Chained up to 40 PLUs [SF-20.E=YES, PF-04.F=YES]................................................................................. 29
b) One link PLU (unchained) [SF-20.E=NO, PF-04.F=YES] ............................................................................. 31
3-17. Set menu - Course (expanded Look Up PLU function) ...................................................................... 32
3-18. Topping (expanded Look Up PLU function) ...................................................................................... 36
a) Selectable topping lists - by pressing one of Look Up PLU keys.................................................................... 36
b) Pre-programmed topping list - automatic topping list..................................................................................... 37
3-19. Take out / Eat in system with Combo menu (expanded Look Up PLU function)............................... 38
a) Eat in/Take out operation ................................................................................................................................ 39
b) Eat in/Take out operation with Price Level Shift ............................................................................................ 39
c) Eat in/Take out operation with Combo Menu ................................................................................................. 41
d) Mode selection for take-out system................................................................................................................. 42
e) Kitchen Printer for take-out and delivery items............................................................................................... 43
f) Automatic tax shift in take-out system ............................................................................................................ 44
h) Grouped PLU report used as Eat in/Take out/Delivery sales report................................................................ 47
3-20. Mix & Match....................................................................................................................................... 49
a) Programming Contents.................................................................................................................................... 49
b) Operation Samples .......................................................................................................................................... 50
c) Mix & Match Report....................................................................................................................................... 57
d) Operational Restrictions.................................................................................................................................. 59
4. OTHER FUNCTIONS................................................................................................................... 60
4-1. No sale ................................................................................................................................................ 60
4-2. Item correction (CR) ........................................................................................................................... 61
4-3. Void .................................................................................................................................................... 62
4-4. Refund................................................................................................................................................. 63
4-5. Media Refund...................................................................................................................................... 64
4-6. Non-add number (Message Entry) ...................................................................................................... 65
4-7. Tip....................................................................................................................................................... 66
4-8. Amount discount................................................................................................................................. 67
a) Preset amount discount.................................................................................................................................... 67
b) Manual amount discount ................................................................................................................................. 67
4-9. Adjustments ........................................................................................................................................ 68
4-10. Percentages ......................................................................................................................................... 69
a) Preset percentage on subtotal .......................................................................................................................... 69
b) Manual percentage on subtotal........................................................................................................................ 69
c) Item discount / add-on charge ......................................................................................................................... 69
4-11. Repeat transaction............................................................................................................................... 70
4-12. Media (Total) to finalize transaction................................................................................................... 70
a) Tendering (Closing methods) .......................................................................................................................... 71
b) Preset tender.................................................................................................................................................... 71
c) Special media .................................................................................................................................................. 72
d) Media multiplication....................................................................................................................................... 73
e) Pre-payment (partial payment) media for track operation ............................................................................... 74
f) Card payment................................................................................................................................................... 75
f) National (Local) currency symbol print........................................................................................................... 77
4-13. Euro currency...................................................................................................................................... 78
4-14. Foreign currency ................................................................................................................................. 79
4-15. Paid out ............................................................................................................................................... 80
4-16. Deposit................................................................................................................................................ 81
a) Deposit in ........................................................................................................................................................ 81
b) Deposit out...................................................................................................................................................... 82
4-17. Persons................................................................................................................................................ 83
4-18. Track systems (Billing systems) ......................................................................................................... 85
a) Characteristics................................................................................................................................................. 85
b) Operation Sequence --- same for both bill and table number systems............................................................. 86
c) Split Bill - Item Transfer [SF-37.E=NO]......................................................................................................... 91
d) Track Transfer................................................................................................................................................. 93
e) Clerk Track Transfer ....................................................................................................................................... 93
f) Floating Track................................................................................................................................................ 101
4-19. Seat number assignment.................................................................................................................... 103
a) Seat assignment - assigning seat numbers to each person ............................................................................. 103
b) Seat change - changing seat numbers on registered items............................................................................. 104
c) Seat transfer - splitting seats to another transaction....................................................................................... 105
d) Notes............................................................................................................................................................. 108
4-20. Tax system ........................................................................................................................................ 109
a) Tax System Outline....................................................................................................................................... 109
b) Automatic Tax Exemption --- only for add-on tax items calculated by add-on tax method.......................... 111
b) Manual Tax Exemption --- only for add-on tax items calculated by add-on tax method .............................. 112
c) Tax Shift --- for add-on tax system and VAT system.................................................................................... 114
d) Program Options ........................................................................................................................................... 116
4-21. Ticket system .................................................................................................................................... 117
4-22. Customer file..................................................................................................................................... 119
a) Customer file addition during registration [SF-109.G=NO].......................................................................... 120
b) Broadcast customer file [SF-87.A=YES]...................................................................................................... 121
c) Customer file pick-up methods during registration ....................................................................................... 121
d) Picked up customer file cancellation during registration............................................................................... 124
e) Picked up customer file checking during registration.................................................................................... 124
f) Limitations for customer file function ........................................................................................................... 124
g) Customer name printed in header.................................................................................................................. 125
h) Customer file search by customer name........................................................................................................ 125
4-23. Server number................................................................................................................................... 126
4-24. Room system..................................................................................................................................... 127
4-25. Loyalty system.................................................................................................................................. 127
4-26. Cash declaration................................................................................................................................ 128
4-27. Automatic order number [Flash firmware only] ............................................................................... 129
4-28. Labor cost [Flash firmware only]...................................................................................................... 130
a) Programming Contents.................................................................................................................................. 130
b) Setup ............................................................................................................................................................. 135
c) X/Z-20 Labor Cost Report ............................................................................................................................ 136
d) Labor Cost Report Sample............................................................................................................................ 137
4-29. Scale function [Flash firmware only]................................................................................................ 142
a) Programming Contents.................................................................................................................................. 142
b) Registration of Scalable Items....................................................................................................................... 144
c) Registration of Scalable Items with Tare Weight Entry ................................................................................ 146
d) Print/Display of Scalable Item Registration .................................................................................................. 148
e) Refund of Scalable Item Registration............................................................................................................ 149
4-30. Customer Invoice .............................................................................................................................. 150
4-31. Track Name....................................................................................................................................... 150
4-32. Table Plan ......................................................................................................................................... 150
4-33. Piece Count System .......................................................................................................................... 150
4-34. Proforma Invoice Function ............................................................................................................... 150
4-35. Add Value to Smart Card Function................................................................................................... 150
5. PRINT FUNCTION ..................................................................................................................... 151
5-1. Types of printer................................................................................................................................. 151
5-2. Flexible receipt printing .................................................................................................................... 151
5-3. Graphic logo...................................................................................................................................... 151
5-4. Receipt on/off.................................................................................................................................... 151
5-5. Direct sales print ............................................................................................................................... 152
5-6. Media prints the signature line.......................................................................................................... 152
5-7. Buffer print system............................................................................................................................ 153
5-8. Subtotal bills ..................................................................................................................................... 153
5-9. Final checkout bills ........................................................................................................................... 153
5-10. KP server / Receipt server................................................................................................................. 153
5-11. Order (kitchen) printer ...................................................................................................................... 154
5-12. Slip printer ........................................................................................................................................ 155
5-13. Cheque printing by slip printer TP-620............................................................................................. 155
6. COMMUNICATION................................................................................................................... 158
7. REPORTING................................................................................................................................ 159
7-1. X/Z reports........................................................................................................................................ 159
7-2. Electronic Journal Function (EJF) .................................................................................................... 160
7-3. FTP Communication and UDP Streaming ........................................................................................160
7-4. Program Dump Reports .................................................................................................................... 160
7-5. Report List ........................................................................................................................................ 161
7-6. IRC Report List................................................................................................................................. 162
8. WARNING MESSAGE ............................................................................................................... 163
Page Function Key Remarks
69 %1 - 3
Enters a percentage rate for mark-up or mark-down of an item or the
subtotal amount depending on the programming. [SF-28~30]
0, 00, 000, 1-9, [ . ] Ten-keys for entry of numeric values.
ACCOUNT # Enters account number automatically by swiping the bank card.
Gives a fixed percentage discount/surcharge on specific items. [PF-
3.E,D] Note that adjustment does not affect PLU sales memory
which is shown on the reports.
Assorted reports (up to five reports programmed by SP-170) can be
issued in X, Z1/P, Z2 position with this key.
85 BILL # Assigns a bill number to a track or used to pick up the track.
Allows you to select information for printing. Normally it is used to
print a receipt for a recent transaction under the receipt off.
Cancels any information that is entered by ten-key or function key
and clears error conditions.
3 CLERK (CLERK (ID)) Signs on a clerk by entering CLERK (ID).
Used for a clerk to take over the pending tracks used by another clerk
who has finished his job.
Shows the open track list immediately after the clerk sign-on
17 COMPLIMENTARY Allows you to sell PLUs at zero prices.
22 COOKING 1 - 64 Enters a cooking message after a KP item entry.
Enters a cooking message followed by number or lists up to 8
cooking messages after a KP item entry. [SF-21.F]
61 CR (CORRECTION) Corrects entered items in a transaction.
119 CUSTOMER FILE Adds/picks up a customer file.
Prints German invoice for German restaurant declaration.
[SF-88.H], SP-112
38 DELIVERY Used in Take Out system.
81 DEPOSIT Enters a deposit amount.
81 DEPOSIT USED Uses a previous deposit as part of the final payment.
Subtracts a preset amount or manually entered amount from the
subtotal of a sale.
38 EAT IN Used in Take Out system.
ENTER Used to fix the selection.
3 HARD CLERK 1 - 16 Signs on a clerk on or off without the clerk code entry.
8 HARD PLU 1 - 165 Registers a PLU with the preset price directly.
JOURNAL PAPER FEED Advances the journal paper.
154 KP REDIRECT Allows a manual redirection of KP data to its backup kitchen printer.
Enters the area where the customers are seated at or selects from the
location list [SF-19.G]. It is printed on KP and receipt.
5 LOG ON Records clerk log on time and date.
5 LOG OFF Records clerk log off time and date.
8 LOOK UP PLU 1 - 165 Shows a list of up to 40 associated PLUs.
MACRO KEY 1 - 10 Up to 5s0 function keys may be placed in a single MACRO key.
A maximum of 20 characters of the cooking message can be entered
manually. [SF-65.C]
15 MENU SHIFT 1 - 5
Changes the Hard PLU key layout. PLUs must be assigned to Hard
PLU keys by using SP-111 PLU menu. [SF-20.H, 24.G]
14 MODIFIER 1, 2 Shifts to 2nd price, 3rd price.
85 N.B./STORAGE Stores a transaction temporarily.
60 NO SALE Opens the drawer for no sale operations.
65 NONADD# Used to enter a message manually. (X key can also be used.)
PAGE UP, PAGE DOWN Moves a cursor by a page on the screen.
Records an amount of money withdrawn from the cash drawer when
no customer transaction has taken place. Eight forms of paid-out are
Enters the number of customers in a group. Eight different types can
be selected.
- Used for manual code-entry PLU registrations. Press this key after
entering the PLU code.
- Repeats the previous item registered.
71 PRESET TENDER 1 - 5 Automatically tenders a preset amount.
10,16 PRICE
- Manually overrides the price of a code-entry PLU.
- Shows the price of a PLU without selling it.
12 PRICE SHIFT 1, 2, 3 Shifts to price level 1, level 2, level 3.
RECEIPT OFF Toggles between receipt issue (on) and not issue (off).
RECEIPT PAPER FEED Advances the receipt paper.
63 REFUND Refunds previously sold items.
70 REPEAT TRANSACTION Registers the PLUs sold in the last sale.
127 ROOM Used for Room system. [SF-58.H]
- Moves a cursor on the screen.
- Adjusts the contrast of the display providing no clerk is signed on.
103 SEAT # Assigns a seat number to the transaction.
154 SEND Sends all KP items to KP during a transaction without closing.
126 SERVER Used to enter a server number.
32 SET MENU OPT 1, OPT 2 Offers 4th menu, 5th menu.
153 SHORT BUFFER PRINT Prints categories.
155 SLIP PRINT Print bills on the slip printer.
72 SPECIAL MEDIA Shows a media list to select.
91 SPLIT BILL Used to transfer the selected item to the new transaction.
Displays the total amount of the sale before finalizing. It is printed
or not printed depending on programming.
85 TABLE #
Assigns a table number to a track and accesses tracks by calling up a
38 TAKE OUT Used in Take Out system.
114 TAX 1 - 4 SHIFT
- Add-on tax system: used to change the tax status.
- VAT system: used to shift VAT 1 item to VAT 3 and VAT 2 item
to VAT 4.
(only for add-on tax system)
Used at the end of a transaction to exempt the whole transaction
from a particular tax rate selecting by TAX SHIFT key.
66 TIP Enters a tip amount.
TTL 1 - 7
TTL 10 - 19
[SF-84.H], [TTL9: MF-01.D]
62 VOID Voids items in a transaction.
X Used for a multiplication. Also used to enter a message manually.
2-1. Clerk systems
ECR is used under one of the following clerk systems (programmed by your Uniwell reseller before delivery);
Interrupt system
Allows clerks to interrupt one another during the middle of sale so that several customers may be handled
at the same time on the same terminal. Individual clerk keys (maximum 16) can be assigned to the
keyboard for single touch sign-on operation.
Floating interrupt system
Same as above but also allows clerks to serve the same customer from any terminal in the network.
For example, sign on at one terminal and register a lemonade, log off.
Sign on another terminal at the other end of the bar and register a lager then sign off.
Normal clerk system - Or 'non-interrupt' or 'non-floating' clerk system.
Clerk sign-on is compulsory at the start of each sale. A clerk must finalize or store their sale and sign off
before another clerk can sign on.
2-2. Signing on a clerk
A clerk must be signed on before starting a sale. Check that the control key is turned to R position. There are
two standard methods by which you can sign on a clerk:
a) Using hard clerk keys
Up to 16 clerks can have their own personal key. To sign on a clerk simply press one of the HARD
CLERK keys, the name of the clerk will be displayed at the top of the screen. The clerk is now signed on
and it is possible to register items.
When using an interrupt system, if another HARD CLERK key is pressed when a clerk is already signed
on, then that first clerk will be signed off and his transaction is stored. The clerks may be set so that after a
certain period of time the clerk is automatically signed off by [SF-17.E-A].
b) Using secret clerk codes
By using the secret clerk codes it is possible to use up to 255 clerks.
1. Enter the secret clerk code.
2. Press CLERK (ID) key.
The clerk is signed onto the machine. If CLERK (ID) key is pressed again, the clerk is signed off.
c) Using clerk card
To use this option ECR must have a card reader fitted and be specially programmed to recognize the cards
by SP-104 and [SF-76.G].
To sign on a clerk using a card, swipe the card through the reader with the magnetic stripe facing down and
to the front.
d) Using iButton
For this system ECR must have an iButton reader fitted and be programmed to recognize the clerk iButtons
by SP-117 and [SF-76.C].
To sign on a clerk using an iButton, touch the iButton to the iButton reader.
2-3. Signing off a clerk
A clerk is automatically signed off:
- When a clerk finalizes a transaction by Media/NB closing in the clerk interrupt system [SF-113.H=NO].
- When a clerk is interrupted by another clerk (only in the clerk interrupt system).
- When a clerk stores a transaction to a bill or a table (see track systems).
- When the clerk timeout period is reached (programmable).
- By pressing CLERK (ID) key, which stores any transaction.
- If using a magnetic card, the clerk can be signed off by any of the above methods but NOT by swiping the card
- When using a non-magnetic iButton, the clerk can sign off by touching the iButton reader with an iButton.
- When using a magnetic iButton, the clerk can sign off by removing the iButton.
Note: Under the non clerk interrupt system, a clerk stays on all the time when clerk time-out is not set.
2-4. Assign HARD CLERK keys in X key position [SF-21.C]
In case there's clerk shift, it may be necessary to change HARD CLERK keys on ECRs. Normally,
programming is restricted to SP key position, however, changing HARD CLERK keys can be done in X key
position if permitted in programming [SF-21.C].
When an IRC system (several terminals connected) is in use, assigning HARD CLERK keys in X key position
on one ECR automatically sends this information to all the other terminals even if they are in use at that time.
This automatic broadcast function can be switched on or off in programming [SF-56.E].
Assigning HARD CLERK keys in X key position:
1. Turn the control key to X position.
2. Sign on a clerk.
3. Select Program functions.
4. Select X-103 Hard Clerks.
5. Select a clerk from the list.
6. Press HARD CLERK key on which you wish to assign that clerk to.
7. Press CLEAR or select another clerk.
2-5. Clerk log-on/off - time and attendance operation
Each clerk should log on to record the beginning of his/her labor hours when he/she starts to work. Also, they
should log off to record the end of their labor hours at the end of a working day. In order to use this function,
"ATTENDANCE" memory should be secured by SP-112 Maximums program.
By log-on and log-off operations, clerk's attendance date and time and labor hours are memorized in ECR.
These are printed on the clerk attendance report (#19).
Note: Some clerks are not allowed to register sales but must LOG-ON and LOG-OFF to calculate labor cost.
Sales are registered accidentally by the clerk who is not allowed the registrations. This causes balancing
problems. This is avoided by Clerk flag [CF-2.G] "REGISTRATION PROHIBITED".
Log-On Operation
1. Turn the control key to R position.
2. Sign on a clerk.
3. WARNING 98 "clerk log-on compulsory" is displayed with one second buzzer under [SF-89.B, CF-2.A =
YES] condition.
4. Enter job code if required.
If [SF-76.A] = YES, a job code MUST be entered, if [SF-76.B] = YES, the job code entered must match one
of the clerk's set job codes.
5. Press LOG ON key.
Receipt Sample
* Your *
Thank You
16/10/2000 10:00
log-on message and job code if entered
log-on date and time
6. In order to continue the registration, sign on a clerk.
Log-Off Operation
1. Turn the control key to R position.
2. Sign on a clerk.
3. Press LOG OFF key.
Receipt Sample
16/10/2000 17:00
7-6. IRC Report List
Full Sequential
X / Z1
X / Z2
X / Z1
X / Z2
X / Z1
X / Z2
Auto Full Transaction
8801 8802
Full Transaction
8803 8804
Grand Total 1 Z2 only
Deposit Balance
Cash In Drawer 1
Cash In Drawer 2
Hourly Major Group
Clerk ([SF-25.H=NO])
8811 8815
Clerk Track X only
X-8817 X-8818
Clerk Attendance
8821 8822
All Major Groups
8831 8832
Coupon PLU
8835 8836
PLU Total
8837 8838
Special PLU
8839 8840
8841 8842
Grouped PLU
8847 8848
PLU Time
Mix & Match
8869 8870
Customer File
8873 8874
Track Total X only
Server Track X only
Assorted 1 (SP-170)
Assorted 2 (SP-170)
Assorted 3 (SP-170)

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