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Technical Diving
Software for
User Manual
 
1.1 Model Uwatec ZH16-ADT DD ...................................................................2
1.2 Trimix ........................................................................................................2
1.3 10 tanks ...................................................................................................2
1.4 Minimum and Maximum Operating Depth ................................................3
1.5 PDIS for both N2 and He ...........................................................................3
1.6 Oxygen Toxicity Units (OTUs) .....................................................................3
1.7 Ascent speed ............................................................................................3
 
 
3.1 Logbook....................................................................................................5
 
4.1 Enabling Trimix - See 4.2 ...........................................................................6
4.2 Tank settings .............................................................................................7
4.3 OTU ..........................................................................................................9
4.4 Trimix version info ....................................................................................10
4.5 Additional information on the Tec SW ......................................................10
4.6 Galileo Tec SW limits ...............................................................................11
  
 
When breathing compressed air or EAN Nitrox during a dive, the diver accepts a certain level of risk.
When breathing a Trimix gas or other mix gases during a dive, the risk level increases.
We have used all relevant data and the most recent hyperbaric research on Trimix diving to bring the
risk level of our Trimix algorithm to the lowest possible acceptable level. Nevertheless, we can in
no way guarantee that breathing Nitrox, Trimix, mixed gases or compressed air during a dive using
our Trimix algorithm will eliminate or prevent the risk of serious injury or death from decompression
sickness, oxygen toxicity or some other inherent risk.
The Trimix diver using our Trimix algorithm on our dive computers should be aware of the risk level
and be willing to accept that personal risk and bear the full legal responsibility of such risks. If the
diver is not willing to accept those risks, including serious injury or death, then he or she should not
dive with our Trimix software.
Never risk your life on only one source of information. Eventually, every computer has the potential
to fail, so do not depend exclusively upon it and always have a plan for how to handle failures. Use a
second computer or carry backup tables and depth/time instrumentation. If you make riskier dives,
obtain the proper training from a recognized agency to gain the requisite technical skills and experience
needed for this type of diving. Computer technology is never a substitute for knowledge and training.
General info
This user manual describes the settings and differences of the Galileo technical software
version (herein referred to as “Tec SW”) compared to the main Galileo user manual.
Galileo Tec SW has been developed for experienced divers, whereas the standard original
software included on your Galileo at the time of purchase has all the features that are needed
for safe recreational diving.
Added menus, warnings and features of the Tec SW may add complexity to your
You should be trained and properly certied by a recognized agency in technical diving
before using Tec SW. Decompression diving, diving with high oxygen percentage blends,
multi gas diving and mixed gas diving all require skills and demand know-how that only
specic training and education can provide. A dive computer is an electronic instrument that
cannot make decisions for you and can not take all parameters into account while diving.
In technical diving a dive computer is not the primary instrument to follow during the dive.
Before the dive you must make a plan and during the dive follow it. If your plan and the
computer show different schedules, follow the more conservative one.
If you decide to revert to using Galileo standard software after installing Tec SW, you may return to
SW version 1.7 or higher. Downloading an earlier (lower number) versions will use the Galieo memory
differently and your dive computer will not operate correctly and may lock up.
Diving has many inherent risks. Even if you follow the instructions of this manual in a careful
manner, it is still possible that you may be seriously injured or die from decompression sickness,
oxygen toxicity or some other inherent risk of scuba with Nitrox, Trimix, mixed gases, or compressed
air. Unless you are fully aware of these risks and are willing to personally accept and assume
responsibility for those risks, do not use Tec SW.
Both this Trimix model and trimix diving are developed for healthy, physically t, advanced
divers. You should have regular medical check-ups with a specialized physician, conrming
your physical aptitude for diving. This is even more important for technical diving.
Patience is a very important characteristic to maintain when conducting complex dives. It is
necessary to build your personal depth limit and decompression amount based on your real
diving experience and then increase little by little as you gain experience.
Tec SW is not designed for commercial diving. Special procedures such as surface supplied
gas, heated suit, decompressing in a chamber or bell and long, high workload dives may cause
algorithm to calculate incorrectly or even disturb the operation of the Galileo dive computer.
Never dive without a backup instrument. It is imperative to always have backup instruments
for depth, time and tank pressure, as well as a dive table with you while diving.
Plan your dives in advance and cross check your plan with another commercial planner program or
table. Your dive plan should always include reserve gas amounts sufcient to handle emergencies
and/or delays. Always make bail out tables for the dive.
Technical diving is not for everyone. Decompression diving, especially with Helium mixes, will
always have a higher inherent potential for an accident which could lead to permanent injury
and death. The risk may be higher due to differences in an individual’s physical condition,
environmental conditions, human errors, etc. If you are not willing to take the risk, don’t dive!
Tec SW can be downloaded to any Galileo
computer like a normal software update. To
obtain the Trimix update please contact your
Authorized SCUBAPRO UWATEC dealer or
see our web site at .
Tec SW upgrade will only enable the
algorithmuseforHelium. If you have
a Galileo Terraor Luna without PMG
of multiple tanks. The PMG upgrade
1. Differences between the
Standard Galileo SW and
Tec SW
1.1 Model Uwatec ZH16-ADT DD
For years Uwatec has successfully used
the Bühlmann ZHL-8ADT model for
recreational and nitrox computers. For our
Trimix version, the algorithm ZHL-16 has
been used as the basis. This widely used
and referenced algorithm for technical
diving has been modied for middle
compartments, becoming the version DD.
Uwatec uses MB levels like gradient factors
are used in the original ZHL-16 to adjust
the model to be more conservative. The
standard MB level setting is 3.
Our experience in adaptive algorithm
development has also been integrated into
the Trimix version in order to customize it
for individual divers and their dive plans.
Uwatec recommends using the workload
feature when making technical dives and
also the Heart Rate feature. When the dive
goes as planned there is no effect to the
decompression schedule. However, when
workload is high more decompression time
will be required.
Figure 2 - Workload effect on dive prole. Low
Adaptive algorithm additionally incorporates
into the calculation the water temperature,
workload and micro bubble formation.
1.2 Trimix
Tec SW uses standard technical diving gas
mix markings: Oxygen%/Helium%.
For example a mix containing 18% of
oxygen and 40% of helium is shown as
1.3 10 tanks
In technical diving, especially with Trimix
blends, the decompression efciency
becomes extremely important. Gas mixes
with high helium content and low oxygen
content are not well suited for decompression.
For example, where two decompression
mixes are in most cases enough when air or
nitrox is used as a bottom gas, in the case of
trimix the optimal off gassing requires more
decompression mixes.
The order in which gases are used is not
restricted according to oxygen content as
in our standard Galileo software. The PMG
will sort and suggest the use of the gases
according to given Absolute Minimum
Depth (AMD) and Maximum Operating
Depth (MOD) values. The diver may also
switch the mixes manually as described in
the main Galileo manual.
It is possible to manually select a gas while
diving which may have unsuitable high or
low oxygen content or narcotic effect for
that depth. The gas selection is not limited
by the computer due to possible emergency
situations that may arise. Selecting the
improper gas may result in serious injury or
1.4 Minimum and Maximum
Operating Depth
Absolute Minimum Depth (AMD) and
Maximum Operating Depth (MOD) are
calculated from the oxygen content in the
mix. The ppO2 that is given by the user is
divided by the oxygen fraction. The result
will be pressure, which is converted to
depth. The maximum MOD is valid for all
gases, while the minimum AMD is only
applicable to a gas mix where the oxygen
fraction is less than air.
example Trimix 21/10. The reason is
1.5 PDIS for both N2 and He
Prole Dependent Intermediate Stop (PDIS),
as described in the main manual, has been
extended to both Nitrogen and Helium
gases. The optimal off gassing depth will be
indicated when PDIS is enabled. PDI stops
are not obligatory, but will potentially assist
in reducing possible bubble formation.
1.6 Oxygen Toxicity Units (OTUs)
During long decompression dives, the
diver’s body will be loaded with high
oxygen concentrations for a longer period
of time. There are two limits that need to
be monitored; the Central Nervous System
(CNS) clock (described in main manual)
and the Oxygen Toxicity Units OTUs.
For OTU credits and limits the NOAA values
are used.
1.7 Ascent speed
The optimal ascent rate is fast enough to
prevent further compartment saturation, but
slow enough to prevent bubble formation
in tissues. When making decompression
dives with mixed gases this becomes
an important factor. Galileo allows faster
ascent at greater depths and slower ascent
at shallower depth (see Ascent Speed
Alarm Limits). Be aware that the alarm limit
only indicates ascents which are too fast
and not optimal.
Maximum allowed ascent speed has been
reduced compared to the standard Galileo
SW. Standard SW ascent speed is used
when Trimix is disabled. When TMx setting
is enabled the slower ascent speeds are
taken in use.
2. Diving with the Galileo
Tec SW
Warning: Before performing Trimix dives
with the Galileo you should practice no-stop
recreational diving to become accustomed
to the interface and functions of the diving
Galileo Tec SW has some screen differences
on the diving displays when compared to
the standard Galileo software.
On the main display screen the gas content
eld shows the O2/He format for each gas
when Tec SW is enabled.
While diving, when pressing long the 
button, the gas summary is shown. The
second column shows the pressure when
transmitters are used. The transmitter
communicates the pressure signal only
from the actively used gas. When the gas is
not used within 5 minutes, the transmitter
goes to a power save mode and Galileo
shows “--” in the pressure eld.
Galileo will however remain active
when pressurized, even when gas is
The third column shows the content of the
gas in format O2/He in case of Trimix or
xxx% if the gas is nitrox or pure oxygen.
Short press , the prole display is
shown. The dark color indicates the part
that is done and the dashed line shows the
ascent prole. Normally predicted gas
changes are shown on ascent prole, but in
the Tec SW there can be additional steps
depending on gas mix enabling (Tank x, on/
off). The following screen shows the tissue
saturation at that point.
The tissue saturation screen shows 16 bars
where the standard Galileo SW had 8 bars.
When the previously shown dive proceeds
to the ascent phase the decompression is
still increasing, as seen from the table
information on the right side. The fast
compartments begin off gassing and the
effect is shown in the saturation bar
diagram below.
When off gassing the compartment color
changes from black to gray. Each bar is
divided into Helium and Nitrogen in this
phase, if Trimix is used during the dive.
3. After the dive
3.1 Logbook
After selecting a dive from the log list, the
rst page shows a summary of the dive.
The content of the gas is shown differently
from the standard SW. By pressing the >>
the proles (with temperature and HR) are
shown, which are similar to the standard
SW. By pressing >> the next page is
In this page the OTU information is shown
for this dive. By pressing >> the next page
with MB levels are shown, also similar to
standard SW. By pressing >> the tank
information is shown.
All the gases that have been switched on
(see: Tank setting) are listed on separate
pages. By pressing >> the last page
identifying warnings from the dive are
In case OTU values for the dive have been
exceeded, the alarm is shown in the list.
The AMD/MOD violations are shown as well.
4. Settings:
The diagram shown on the previous page
highlights the features that have changed
when comparing the Tec SW to the
standard Galileo SW.
4.1 Enabling Trimix - See 4.2
By selecting  -> Dive settings, you
can scroll with up or down buttons to Trimix
selection. By pressing  you go to the
following selection.
With + or buttons you may switch
between on (enable) or off (disable). By
selecting On, you enable Helium at Tank
settings and allow Helium to be used in
“off” reduces the complexity in the
4.2 Tank settings
By pressing long the left button at main
display (shortcut) or selecting  ->
O2 settings (), you can change
the content of the tanks. When the gray
cursor is highlighting the Tx, you may scroll
between the tanks with +/- buttons. The
>> button selects the current tank to be
thesurface.When you have setmore
than one tank, you may change Gas
during the dive manually, or when
When the cursor highlights the O2 part, you
may edit the Oxygen percentage of the mix
with the + or – buttons. The possible range
for the O2 setting is shown at the bottom
of the screen with black background. By
pressing >> you select the current value
and proceed to the Helium fraction.
To ensure an adequate supply of
oxygen to the body,the gasused at
mix or one of the decompression
gases), as is required for Tank 1.
Minimum Depth would be given at
Heavy work while at the surface or at shallow
depths while breathing with less than
21% oxygen fraction may cause a loss of
consciousness and lead to drowning.
When the cursor highlights the Helium part,
you may edit the Helium fraction of the mix
with the + or – buttons. The possible range
for the Helium setting is shown at the
bottom of the screen with black
background. By pressing >> you select the
current value and proceed to ppO2 setting.
The Galileo calculates the maximum
Helium reduces the narcotic effect of the mix,
but doesn’t remove it. At great depths Helium
also may cause an effect called “Helium
tremors”, or HPNS (High Pressure Nervous
When the pp02max value is highlighted,
you may edit the maximum partial pressure
value of oxygen with the + or buttons. The
possible range for the ppO2max setting is
shown at the bottom of the screen with
black background. By pressing >> you
select the current value and proceed to
ppO2min value.
Note: You may set the maximum allowed
ppO2 level at  -> Dive settings ->
High ppO2 settings may cause sudden loss
of consciousness (general seizure induced by
oxygen toxicity) and lead to drowning. Turning
the ppO2 alarm off is dangerous. Use of Trimix
with lower oxygen fractions will lead to lower
ppO2 at depth.
When the pp02 value is highlighted, you
may edit the minimum partial pressure
value of oxygen mix with the + or buttons.
The possible range for the ppO2min setting
is shown at the bottom of the screen
with black background. By pressing >>
you select the current value and save the
modication for that tank.
By selecting a lower value for the
ppO2min you may get Absolute
in the screen below. However, we
recommend always using at least
0.21 bar as the minimum to prevent
pressure is lower and leads to lower
Altitude diving with hypoxic mixes requires
proper acclimatization. Adaptation to lower ppO2
levels is a slow process requiring your body to
produce more red blood cells. The adaptation
time is personal and cannot be directly
calculated. Desaturation due to pressure drop
when arriving at altitude is another factor (see
main manual: altitude levels)
When the tank number is highlighted
(T2..T10), you may scroll between the tanks
with + or - buttons. The >> button selects
the current tank to be modied.
When the on/off eld is highlighted by the
gray curser, you may scroll between enable/
disable for that tank with + or - buttons.
When On is set, the further settings for
that gas will change from gray to black. By
pressing >> the gas can be edited.
With Tanks 2..10 the minimum Oxygen
fraction is 8%.
Warning: Low Oxygen fraction settings may
allow greater MOD values. The dive computer
cannot evaluate your skills, experience or
condition to dive the MOD which is showing.
Dive only at depths which your certification
4.3 OTU
By selecting  -> Dive settings, you
can scroll with up or down buttons to OTU
settings selection. By pressing  you
go to following selection.
By pressing up or down you may select
between OTU information, OTU reset time
or Clear OTUs. By pressing  at OTU
information you go to following display.
On the OTU display screen you will see the
current OTU related information:
1. OTUs from the last dive
2. OTUs from the dives today and the
maximum allowed value
3. OTUs allowed for tomorrow (current
4. Total OTU dose during the mission
(series of diving days)
5. Exposure (how many days diving has
occurred during this mission)
6. Interval (how many days have passed
since the last dive day)
at midnight (00:00) to the next day
By pressing  you will return to OTU
By pressing  at OTU reset time you
will get to following screen.
By pressing + or you may select OTU
reset interval from 2 to 30 days.
For example if you select 7 days, the OTU
value and limits will be reset after 7 days
without diving.
Even a short dive which may not
greatly inuence the OTU value will
continue calculating OTUs until the
By pressing  when Clear OTUs is
highlighted you will manually clear your
OTU counters.
This screen will show that the OTUs have
been reset. By pressing  you will get to
OTU settings.
4.4 Trimix version info
The version of the Galileo can be checked
under the  -> Other settings ->
Device information.
When updating the Galileo Tec SW the only
changing information will be in the eld: SW
version: x.x. Where original downloaded
standard software versions are in range 1.0
to 4.0 the Tec SW versions will start from 5.0.
4.5 Additional information on the
Tec SW
The Tec SW supports only a coded HR
belt. The coding reduces spurious heart
rate readings during diving. A coded belt
can be recognized from the word: Coded,
printed after the model name Polar Heart
Rate belts.
4.6 Galileo Tec SW limits
Limit Value Note
Maximum depth limit before Galileo
changes to Gauge mode
155 m / 508 ft Alarm about the change at 150m /
492 ft
Maximum dive time Not limited Battery capacity limited. However,
not suited for surface supplied or
bell diving.
Maximum logged dive time 24h of profile for one dive
Decompression stop calculated
75 m / 246 ft PDI stops are calculated deeper
than 75m / 246 ft
5. SmartTRAK (PC Interface)
After updating the Galileo with Tec SW the
older versions of SmartTRAK are no longer
able to properly communicate with your
Galileo. Download the latest release of the
SmartTRAK from .
SmartTRAK has it’s own user manual and
help functions, which you will receive when
downloading the latest version.
6. Glossary:
AMD Absolute Minimum Depth.
The Depth where a mix can
begin to be used based on its
Oxygen Content.
Hypoxic Gas mix containing less
oxygen than air.
MOD Maximum Operating Depth.
Depths where the mix can
be used based on its Oxygen
National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration
OTU Oxygen Toxicity Unit, used for
estimating allowed oxygen
exposure against pulmonary
PDIS Prole Dependent Intermediate
PMG Predictive Multi Gas.
ppO2 Partial Pressure of Oxygen.
TAT Total Ascent Time.
Tec SW Technical Diving Software for
Galileo series.
Trimix Gas mix containing Oxygen,
Nitrogen and Helium. Marked
as Oxygen/Helium %.
P/N 06.203.180

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