Pagina terug
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IQ-800 Flow Chart 3
1. Introduction 4
2. Key Features 4
3. Common Sense Warnings 4
4. Accessing Display Modes 7
5. Time Mode 8
6. Dive Set Mode 10
7. Dive Plan Mode 12
8. Dive Log Mode 14
10. Dive Profile Mode 20
11. PC Transfer Mode 22
12. Time Set Mode 23
13. Dive Mode 24
14. Altitude Setting 35
15. Battery Level Icon 37
16. Battery Replacement 37
17. Units of Measurement 38
18. General Handling 38
19. Warranty 39
22. Technical Specifications 43
Selected display features
Decompression stop violation
Decompression time
Decompression depth
Date, safety stop time
Residual nitrogen bar graph
Don’t fly icon
Current time
Total dive time, current depth
Sea/Fresh water icon
Mode button (A)
Nitrox icon
Mode, log number
Ascent rate indicator
Ascent rate warning
Low battery warning
Altitude setting
Set, backlight button (C)
, NDL time, dive time
Residual Oxygen bar graph
Current dive number
Select button (B)
Surface interval, Safety Factor
Total ascent time
IQ-800 Flow Chart
A Key
B Key:Select
C Key:Set
B+C Key:
LCD all ON
B Key:Select
C Key:Set
B+C Key 5
FT/m change
B Key:Select
C Key:Set
A Key
B Key:N→…→2→1→N→…
B Key Hold
:(Fast Scrolling)N→…→2→1
B,C,E Key:invalid
C Key:Pause(Dive count stop)
Actual Size
B Key
B Key
B Key or C Key:
EL on 5s
B+C Key:Alarm audition
A Key
A Key
Deco NDL
Ascent rate warning
PO2 limited warning
OLI level warning
Safety Stop
Range OVER
A Key or B Key or C Key:EL ON 5s
E Switch
B Key:invalid
C Key 5∼6s:History Clear
Non Residual Nitrogen Residual Nitrogen
B Key
B Key
A Key
A Key
A Key
A Key
- Mode key -
- Set key -
- Select key -
B Key release
B Key hold
C Key
C Key
C Key Hold:(Fast Scrolling)N-1→…→2-1→1-1
B Key
B Key Hold
:(Fast Scrolling)1-1→2-1→…→N-1
B Key
C KeyB Key
E Switch
C Key Hold:
Set(Fast Scrolling)
1. Introduction
Congratulations on your choice of the TUSA IQ-800 Dive Computer.
The IQ-800 is a compact and sophisticated dive instrument that will
give you reliable, trouble free performance, dive after dive.
The information in this manual has been developed for your safety.
Please read and understand this manual completely before using
your new TUSA dive computer.
2. Key Features
Among the IQ-800’s key features:
Can handle both air and nitrox
User changeable FO
Visual, audible, and vibrating alarms
Safety stop function
Decompression and non-decompression dive information
Maximum depth alarm
Dive time alarm
Display backlight
User changeable battery
3. Common Sense Warnings
As is true of every piece of diving equipment, including all dive
computers, the IQ-800’s abilities are not limitless. There are certain
limitations and restrictions of which you must be aware, and certain
precautions you must take when using the IQ-800.
The IQ-800 is designed for use by certified, recreational divers
who have maintained a sufficient level of knowledge and skill
proficiency through a combination of formal training, ongoing study
and experience. It is not intended for use by persons who lack
the qualifications, and thus may not be able to identify, assess,
and manage the risks scuba diving entails. Use of the IQ-800 in
conjunction with Enriched Air Nitrox (EANx) further requires that the
diver be trained and certified for Nitrox diving.
The IQ-800 is not intended for use by commercial, military or
technical divers whose activities may take them beyond the
commonly accepted depth limits for recreational diving.
The IQ-800 is designed for use by divers breathing either normal
compressed air or Enriched Air Nitrox (EANx) mixtures whose fraction
of Oxygen falls within a range of 22 to 99 percent.
Although the IQ-800 is capable of calculating decompression stop
requirements, this ability is provided as a safety feature only, should
a diver accidentally exceed the No-Decompression Limits (NDLs).
Dives requiring mandatory stage decompression carry substantially
greater risk than dives made well within no-decompression limits.
Decompression diving is widely believed to entail substantially
greater risk of decompression illness than dives made well within
the No-Decompression Limits (NDL). The IQ-800 provides
decompression stop information solely as a contingency in case
divers accidentally exceed the No-Decompression Limits. It is not
designed or intended for use as a tool to plan or execute dives
that participants know will entail mandatory decompression.
Before using the IQ-800, it is extremely important you read the
following points as well as similar warning and caution notices
that appear throughout this manual. Failure to do so could result
in damage to or loss of equipment, serious personal injury, or
The IQ-800 is designed to be used by only one diver at a time. Divers
should not share a single IQ-800, or any dive computer, on the same
dive. Additionally, no diver should lend his or her IQ-800 to anyone else
until it calculates that no measurable residual nitrogen remains after
previous dives, and displays neither the “Desaturation Time” nor “No Fly”
indicators while in Surface Mode. Further, no diver should use his or her
IQ-800 for repetitive dives unless that same IQ-800 has accompanied
him or her on all previous dives in the same repetitive dive series.
Neither the IQ-800, nor any other dive computer presently available,
physically measures the amount of nitrogen present in body tissues, or
the rate at which this nitrogen is being absorbed or released. Instead,
the IQ-800 monitors depth and time, and uses this data to work a
mathematical formula designed to emulate how individuals in good
general health and whose physical characteristics do not place them
among those at higher risk of decompression illness are assumed
to absorb and release nitrogen from body tissues. Thus, the IQ-800
cannot compensate for factors such as age, obesity, dehydration, cold
or exertion, which experts believe place divers at greater risk of DCI. If
these, or similar factors apply to you, use the IQ-800, and any other dive
computer or dive table, with even greater caution.
Experts still know surprisingly little regarding the exact nature and causes
of decompression illness (also known as decompression sickness, DCI,
or DCS). Susceptibility to DCI may vary substantially from person to
person and from day to day. Neither the IQ-800, nor any dive computer
or table, can guarantee that you will not suffer decompression illness.
Even though you use these items correctly, you may still suffer DCI. Do
not rely on the IQ-800 as your sole means of avoiding decompression
4. Accessing Display Modes
There are some display modes that the IQ-800 enters and/or exits
automatically. For example, by taking the IQ-800 underwater, you
automatically activate its Dive Mode. Upon surfacing your IQ-800
will automatically enter Time Mode.
To access other modes, you may need to push one of the three
large buttons on the sides of the IQ-800. These are the A, B, and C
buttons. (Fig. 1)
You will find these buttons easy to use. In some instances, you may
need to press a button once and release it to achieve the desired
result. In other instances, you may need to hold the button down
until you get the result you wish. This manual will outline clearly
which procedure to follow for each mode or task.
Throughout this manual display icons that blink are shown
surrounded by gray bars.
Experts recommend divers wait at least 24 hours following any dive
before flying in an aircraft or driving to altitude. Failure to allow
sufficient surface interval before doing so may substantially
increase the risk of Decompression Illness (DCI).
Do not plan dives to depths deeper than those for which the IQ-800 is
capable of displaying an available No-Decompression Limit. Doing so
could cause you to exceed the No-Decompression Limits or limiting
PO2 of 1.6 bar, which may in turn substantially increase your risk of
decompression illness or CNS Oxygen Toxicity and can lead to serious
personal injury or death.
Figure 1
5. Time Mode
Current time: This is the current time of day.
Current date: This is the current date.
Current weekday: This is the current day of the week.
Battery indicator Icon: This displays the current battery voltage. (not
PGT (Pressure Gas in Tissue) graph: This indicates the level of
Nitrogen with nine level indicators. The greater the number of
indicators displayed, the greater the pressure of the gas.
OLI (Oxygen Limited Indicator) graph: This indicates the level of
Oxygen in the diver's body with eight level indicators.
Nitrox Icon: This Icon is ON when NITROX has been selected.
Desaturation time (DESAT): This indicates the time remaining until
the body’s internal nitrogen is desaturated. The DESAT is also
displayed if PGT occurs because of a change in the altitude rank.
Time mode is the IQ-800’s default mode. In this mode the screen
displays a minimum of the current date and time of day. Within 24
hours of surfacing from a dive, the IQ-800 will display additional
information while in Time Mode. A description of the screens is
shown below. (Fig. 2,3)
After a dive
Current Weekday
Current Time
Desaturation Time
Surface Time
Figure 2
Figure 3
Do Not Fly
Experts recommend divers wait at least 24 hours following
any dive before flying in an aircraft or driving to altitude.
Failure to allow sufficient surface interval before doing so
may substantially increase the risk of Decompression Illness
Surface time (SURF.T): This is the surface interval time after a
dive. The timer is started from when the depth shown in Dive
mode reaches 5 feet (1.4m) or less. If the depth changes back to
5 feet (1.4m) or more in less than 10 minutes, the previous dive
is continued. Surface time is continued for 48 hours. After that,
surface time is turned off.
Mode: This display shows the computer in Time mode.
Don’t Fly Icon: While the computer calculates desaturation time
this icon is displayed during Time Mode. When the computer has
finished calculating desaturation time this Icon is turned off.
Prior to a dive
The letters correspond to the buttons of the IQ-800 shown in figure 1.
A button: Press this button to move to dive set mode.
A button held for 2-3 seconds: Moves to time mode.
B button held down: Time display and backlight comes on.
C button: Turns on the backlight.
B+C button: Alarm sound or vibration test.
E button: Touch this switch and metal housing to switch to dive
Operation of buttons during Time mode
During a surface interval
A button: Press to move to dive set mode.
B button: Time display and backlight comes on.
C button: Turns on the backlight
B+C button: Activates the alarm sound or vibration test
E button: Touch this button and the metal housing to switch to dive
6. Dive Set Mode
To enter Dive Set mode from Time mode, press the A button until "D-
SET" is shown on the display.
Note: If the surface interval is less than 10 minutes the computer will
not enter this mode. The computer will switch to dive plan mode.
Use the dive set mode to set the oxygen concentration (FO
), user
safety function (SF), warning alarm sound or vibration (AL-S/AL-V),
and seawater or freshwater (Sea/Fresh) settings. (Fig. 4)
(fraction of oxygen): This displays the oxygen concentration
that is currently selected. If the FO
is set at 21%, "Air" is
Maximum depth: This displays the PO
maximum depth (when
=1.4) appropriate for the displayed FO
SF (Safety Factor): This displays the SF value set by the diver. The
larger the value, the greater the safety value.
Alarm operations: The icon will display V for vibrate, or S for sound.
Nitrox Icon: This Icon is ON when NITROX has been selected.
Sea/Fresh Icon: This shows whether the computer has been set to
fresh or salt water for depth calculations.
Mode: Displays “D-SET” when in dive set mode.
Warning Operation
PO2 Maximum Depth
Dive Set Mode
User Safety Factor
Figure 4
Operation of buttons during Dive Set mode.
Β: Press the B button to select the function you would like to modify.
C: Use this button to change the value of the selection. If held
down during the FO
selection the value will scroll rapidly in one
percent increments. The selected alarm will sound for one second
when changing the warning setting. The alarm test will not be
performed if the battery is low.
E: Touch this button and the metal housing to switch to dive mode.
The computer will enter time mode once the E button is released.
If no buttons are pushed for 2 to 3 minutes, the computer will return to
TIME mode.
7. Dive Plan Mode
To enter Dive plan mode from Time mode, press the A button until
"PLAN" is shown.
Note: This mode cannot be entered if the computer is in an out of
measurement range lock or a decompression stop violation lock. In
both instances the computer will skip to the dive log mode.
Altitude measurements are not performed in dive plan mode.
By setting the depth and surface time, the no decompression limit
(NDL) for that depth can be calculated. (Fig. 5,6)
The following information is displayed during this mode:
Surface Time: This displays the time currently elapsed since
surfacing and the total surface time needed to return to the selected
Depth: This displays the desired depth.
NDL: The no decompression limit for the selected depth, based on
surface time, is displayed. The maximum NDL that can be displayed
is 200 minutes. If the selected depth will result in a PO
greater than
1.4, the display will show bars.
: This will display the PGT (pressure gas in tissue) of nitrogen
absorbed in the diver’s body at the set surface time.
: This will indicate the level of oxygen in the body during the set
surface time.
Nitrox icon: This icon will be on when the FO
is set at 22 percent or
NDL (no decompression limit time)
Depth Setting
Depth rank
Operation of buttons during dive plan mode
A: Use this button to move to dive plan mode. If the button is held
down for 2 to 3 seconds the computer will return to time mode.
B: Press this button to select either the surface time or depth
setting. Use the C button to change the value of the setting. If the
button is held in, the value will scroll rapidly.
C: Press this button to change either the surface time value or the
depth value.
Ε: When water is detected the computer moves to dive mode.
Auto return: The display automatically returns to time mode when
no buttons are used for 2-3 minutes.
NDL (no decompression limit time)
Surface Time Setting
Figure 5
Figure 6
8. Dive Log Mode
To enter Dive log mode from Time mode, press the A button until
“LOG” is shown.
Description of the Dive Log functions
The Dive log mode records various data during a dive when the dive
depth is at least 5 feet (1.5m) and the dive time is at least 3 minutes.
Data is recorded during each successive dive, and the log data
storage capacity is about 30 hours of dive time, or up to 60 log data
entries. If the logged dive time exceeds 30 hours or the number of log
data entries exceeds 60, the oldest data is automatically deleted.
The logged data is described below. (Fig. 7,8,9)
Log number: This indicates the number of the log entry being
recorded among the recorded logs.
Dive date/Dive start time/ Dive end time: This is diving
information. Dive date is the date of the dive. Dive start time is the
time at the start of the dive. Dive end time is the time at the end of
the dive. Both Dive start time and Dive end time are displayed in 24
hour format.
PGT (Pressure Gas in Tissue) graph: This represents the level of
Nitrogen with nine level indicators at the end of the dive.
OLI (Oxygen Limited Indicator) graph: This represents the level
of the Oxygen Limit with eight level indicators at the end of the dive.
Altitude rank: This is the altitude setting used during the dive.
Nitrox icon: This Icon is ON when NITROX has been used for the
Fraction of oxygen (FO
): It displays the FO
which was used
while diving.
Dive time: This is the dive time.
Water temperature: Water temperature at maximum depth. The
measurement range is: 23-104°F (-5.0 to 40.0℃). It displays ‘Lo’
when water temperature is under 23°F (-5℃). It displays ‘Hi’ when
water temperature is over 104°F (40.0℃).
Safety Factor (SF): When the level is "0" the usual algorithm is
used for calculations. When the level is "1" or "2" the next higher
altitude rank is used for the dive calculations. The default setting is
Average depth: This is the average water depth during the dive. If
the depth is over 328 ft (99.9m), the display is ‘---’.
Maximum depth: This is the maximum depth recorded during a
dive. If the depth is over 328 ft (99m) the display is ‘---’.
Ascent rate indicator: This is the maximum ascent rate recorded
during a dive.
Sea/Fresh icon: This indicates the water setting (sea water/fresh
Display 1
Dive number
Log number
Dive date
Display 2
Ascent rate
No data
Water temperature
Maximum depth
Fraction of oxygen
Dive end time
Dive start time
Average depth
Dive time
Figure 7
Figure 8
Figure 9
Deco Icon Blinks
Ascent rate warning: If the ascent rate warning is activated it is
recorded in the log. The SLOW icon will blink when the dive log is
displayed. (Fig. 10)
Decompression stop violation: If a deco stop is violated, the
warning is stored in memory and the DECO icon blinks when the log
is displayed.
(Fig. 11)
Warning Displays: These are warnings that can occur during a
dive. For further description of these warnings see the "dive
mode" section.
Alarm Displays
Ιf the following warnings occur during dive mode they are stored in
memory and displayed.
SLOW icon blinks
Figure 10
Figure 11
OLI warning: If the OLI reaches 8 bars, the warning is stored in
memory and displayed in log mode. (Fig. 13)
OLI Bar Icon Blinks
Decompression dive warning: If the dive enters decompression,
then the warning is stored and displayed during log mode. (Fig. 14)
Deco Icon comes on
Icon Blinks
warning: The PO
icon blinks if the warning was active during
the dive. (Fig. 12)
Figure 12
Figure 13
Figure 14
Operation of buttons during Log mode
Α: Press and hold this button for 1-2 seconds to move to time
Β: Press this button to change log number.
Β: Press and hold this button to change log number using fast
C: Press this button to change the log number.
C: Press and hold this button to change log number using fast
Ε: When water is detected, the mode moves to dive mode.
Auto return: The display automatically returns to time mode when
no buttons are used for 2-3 minutes.
Out of Measurement Range warning: If the computer entered out
of range during the dive, then the event is recorded in memory and
the entire display will blink during the log mode. (Fig. 15)
All Segments Blink
Figure 15
9. Dive History Mode
The IQ-800 records the total number of dives, maximum depth, and
total accumulated dive time in HISTORY mode. (Fig. 16,17)
To enter HISTORY mode from Time mode, press the A button until
the display says “HIST”.
To clear the entire history, press and hold the C button for 5 to 6
seconds. A confirmation sound will occur once the history is reset.
Maximum Water Depth Total Number of Dives
Total Dive Time (hours)
Total Dive Time (minutes)
No Data
Bars are shown and
Figure 16
Figure 17
Description of the Dive Profile mode.
Dive profile mode provides functions for recording various data
during a dive when the dive depth is at least 5 feet (1.5m) and
the dive time is at least 3 minutes. Data is recorded during each
successive dive, and the log data storage capacity is about 30 hours
of dive time (when the profile's sampling time is set at 30 seconds),
or up to 60 log data entries. If the logged dive time exceeds 30 hours
or the number of log data entries exceeds 60, the oldest data is
automatically deleted. (See the section describing profile mode for
further description of log data and profile data.) The logged data is
described below. (Fig. 18)
10. Dive Profile Mode
Dive date: The date of the dive.
Dive time: This is the dive time.
Log number: This indicates the number of the currently displayed
profile data among all of the currently recorded data entries.
Fraction of oxygen: This shows the Mix value used while diving.
Sea/Fresh Icon: This indicates the water setting (sea water/fresh
Mode display: This shows Dive profile mode.
Battery indicator Icon: This displays the current battery voltage.
Profile depth: This indicates a maximum water depth value every
30 seconds during the dive. If depth is over 328 ft (99.9m) this
display is ‘---’.
Number of Dives
on that Date
Log Date
Maximum Depth
of Profile
Dive Time
Figure 18
Operation of buttons during Profile mode.
From TIME mode press the A button until "PROFILE" is displayed.
Auto count up dive time: The display automatically increases the
dive time.
A: Press and hold this button to stop the auto rank increment
function for profile data. The auto rank increment function will
resume when you release Button A. This setting is invalid when the
last profile data is being displayed.
Β: Press this button to change log number.
Β: Press and hold this button to change log number using fast
C: Press this button to move to PC transfer mode, when there is
no log and profile data, it moves to time set mode. But if surface
time is less than 10 minutes, the mode moves to time mode, not
PC transfer mode.
Ε: When water is detected, the mode moves to dive mode.
Auto return: The display automatically returns to time mode when
no buttons are used for 2-3 minutes.
A: Press and hold this button for 1-2 seconds to move to time
11. PC Transfer Mode
If surface time is less than 10 minutes after a dive, and there is no log
and profile data, the computer will move to Time mode. (Fig 19,20)
Description of display during PC transfer mode
Battery indicator Icon: This displays the current battery voltage.
Mode display: This shows PC transfer mode.
Operation of buttons
Α: Press this button to move to time set mode.
Β: No function
C: No function
Ε: No function
Τhe transfer mode remains active for 14-15 minutes and then
moves to time mode
Α: Press and hold this button for 1-2 seconds to move to time
The computer switches to time mode when the transmission ends.
No Data
Figure 19 Figure 20
12. Time Set Mode
Note: If surface interval time is less than 10 minutes after a dive, the
computer will not enter this mode. (Fig. 21)
Description of display during Date and Time set mode
Current time: This is the current time of day.
AM/PM Icon: This icon is shown in 12 hour format.
Current date: This shows the current year, month, and day.
Battery indicator Icon: This displays the current battery voltage.
Mode display: This shows Time set mode (T-SET).
Operation of buttons during Time set mode
From the TIME mode press and release the A button several times
until "T-SET" is shown.
Α: Press button to select mode.
Β: Press this button to select the value to change.
C: Press this button to change the value.
C: Press and hold this button to change setting the value using fast
Ε: When water is detected the mode moves to dive mode.
Auto return: The display automatically returns to Time mode when
no buttons are used for 2 to 3 minutes.
A: Press and hold this button for 1-2 seconds to move to Time
12H/24H Clock
Current Time
Current Year
Figure 21
13. Dive Mode
The IQ-800 will automatically enter dive mode when the E buttons
come in contact with water.
No Decompression
PGT graph
Description of functions during dive mode
The are several different displays and functions available in DIVE
mode including: non-decompression dive mode, decompression dive
mode, safety stop time, and out of measurement range condition. The
functions of each mode are described below.
Non-decompression mode
This is for a non-decompression (NDL) dive. (Fig. 22)
Decompression mode This is used for dives that last longer than
the NDLs. The DECO icon warning will continue until the advised
depths are reached. If you ignore the DECO warning and go straight
to the surface for longer than 10 minutes, the display will freeze and
all calculations will stop. The IQ-800 will switch automatically to TIME
mode after 48 hours have elapsed. This information is recorded in
the dive log. The IQ-800 can only switch to log, profile, or PC transfer
mode while the calculations have stopped. (Fig. 23)
Figure 22
Decompression Dive
Deco Info
Safety Stop Timer
This timer shows the recommended safety stop time while in dive
mode. If the diver descends over 32 feet (9.9m), then comes up to a
depth of 20 feet (6m), this value appears instead of NDL. Safety stop
time starts at 3 minutes and is counted down until the time is 0. The
safety stop timer disappears and NDL appears in its place once the
timer reaches zero.
The timer stops temporarily if the depth becomes equal to or more
than 26.5 feet (8.1m) during which time the counter stops temporarily,
and the NDL display appears again.
The timer is reset if the depth becomes equal to or more than 33 feet
(10 m). (Fig. 24)
If the diver doesn’t follow the safety stop information, the IQ-800
doesn’t impose any penalty.
Safety Stop Timer
Safety Stop
Figure 23
Figure 24
B button
When the user pushes and holds button B during a dive, it displays
an on demand data screen that shows the temperature, the maximum
water depth, the FO
and PO
. (Fig. 25)
On Demand Display
Water temperature
Maximum Water Depth
Out of measurement range condition
When exceeding a measurement range, the exceeded parameter
becomes '---' display and all of the displays blink. The following
situations will cause an Out of Measurement Range condition.
Case 1: The water depth exceeds 328 ft(99.9m).
Case 2: The dive time exceeds 599 minutes.
Case 3: Decompression is required at a decompression stop depth
greater than 30 meters (100 feet) .
Case 4: Decompression stop time has exceeded 99 minutes
Case 5: Total ascent time has exceeded 99 minutes
During an Out of Measurement condition the entire display blinks.
Figure 25
Figure 26
NDL (No Decompression Limit): This is the diving time possible
for a non-decompression dive at the current depth.
Current depth: This indicates the current water depth. The water
depth is measured every 1 second. If depth is over 328 feet (99.9m)
the display is ‘---’. If the depth is less than 5ft (1.4m) a "0" will be
displayed. If there is an error in the depth measurement the display
will read "Err".
Dive time: This is the current dive time. It will end at a depth of 5 ft
or less. The maximum dive time displayed is 599 minutes.
Pressure of oxygen (PO
): This indicates the PO
value at the
current depth. This value is calculated based on fraction of oxygen
and the current depth.
(Pressure Gas in Tissue) graph: This indicates the level of
Nitrogen using up to nine level indicators. The greater the number
of indicators displayed, the greater the pressure of gas in the
body's tissues. The dive becomes a decompression dive at nine
(Oxygen Limited Indicator) graph: This indicates the level
of Oxygen currently in the diver's body using up to eight level
Display description during Dive mode
Nitrox Icon: This Icon is on when NITROX has been set at 22% or
Ascent rate bar graph: The greater number of indicators
displayed, the greater the ascent rate.
Ascent rate warning: The SLOW icon and "SLOW" warning are
displayed if the ascent rate is 7 or higher.
Fresh/Sea icon: Indicates whether the computer is set to fresh or
salt water
Warning: If the PO
is 1.4 or above a warning is displayed. If
the PO2 reaches 1.6 or above the whole OLI bar graph will also
OLI Warning: If the OLI is showing 7 indicators or higher the OLI
bar graph blinks and the "OLI" warning is displayed.
Altitude level: Displays the current altitude rank being used.
Decompression stop depth (Ceiling): The decompression stop
depths are calculated according to the dive conditions and then
displayed (10-320 ft/3-99m)
Decompression stop time (DECO STOP TIME): This is the
amount of time to be spent at a decompression stop depth. A
countdown timer is shown during decompression.
Total ascent time(TOTAL): This indicates the total amount of time
required for ascent from the current depth to the surface, assuming
that all decompression stops are made.
DECO icon: This icon appears if the diver must perform
decompression prior to surfacing.
Fraction of oxygen (FO
): This icon displays the FO
which was
set for the dive.
Do not use your IQ-800 without confirming that its FO2 setting
accurately matches that of your breathing media. Failure to do so
may mean that your IQ-800 will be unable to accurately monitor your
exposure to nitrogen and oxygen, and lead to decompression illness
(DCI) or CNS Oxygen Toxicity, conditions that can cause serious
person injury or death.
Operation of buttons during Dive mode
Non-decompression (Fig. 27)
A: Turns the back light on from 4-5 seconds.
Β: When user pushes and holds button B, it displays secondary
display, showing the temperature, the dive time, the maximum
water depth, the setting FO
value and back light is on from 4-5
C: Turns the back light on from 4-5 seconds.
Ιn less than 5 feet (1.5 m) of water the IQ-800 moves to time mode.
A: The back light is on from 4-5 seconds.
Β: When user pushes and holds a button B, it displays the
temperature, the dive time, the maximum water depth, the setting
value, and the back light is on from 4-5 seconds.
C: Back light is on from 4-5 seconds.
Once the diver is less than a depth of 5 ft and after 10 minutes the
IQ-800 moves to Decompression stop violation lock if a violation
occurred during the dive. The computer can’t be used for 48 hours.
The mode will be automatically switched to time mode after 48
hours have elapsed.
Decompression dive warning: When the NDL is exceeded and
the IQ-800 changes to Decompression mode, the word DECO is
displayed. This information is recorded in the dive log.
Decompression stop violation warning: if a depth shallower
than the decompression stop depth is recorded, the DECO icon
blinks and the "DECO" warning is displayed as a decompression
stop violation warning.
Mode: the mode will display "DECO".
Warning Screens
Ascent Rate warning:
If the ascent rate is exceeded, the SLOW icon, current depth, ascent
rate bar graph, and SLOW mode icon will blink. If it is activated again
within with 10 seconds, the warning will be recorded in the log. The
ascent rate bar graph will show 7 or more indicators. (Fig. 27)
The following warning screens may appear during a dive. If a
warning appears the diver should take immediate action to correct the
NDL warning: If the NDL decreases to less than 3 minutes, the diver
is alerted by the NDL icon and the NDL time blinking for 6 seconds.
The sound or warning vibration will operate for three seconds.
(Fig. 28)
Figure 27
Figure 28
Decompression stop violation warning:
When current depth is shallower than the indicated decompression
stop depth, the IQ-800 will alert the diver with the display and the
alarm. If the diver returns to the indicated water depth, the warning
display stops blinking. This information is recorded in the dive log.
(Fig. 29)
Decompression stop violation warning
The DECO information and
the DECO icon will blink
continuously. The warning
will operate twice for three
warning: The PO
warning has two levels. (Fig. 30)
a. PO
equals 1.4 or 1.5: The current depth, PO
icon, PO
and PO
indicator blinks for 15 seconds.
b. PO
equals 1.6 or more: The current depth, PO
icon, PO
indicator, and OLI bar graph (8 indictors) blinks continuously.
In both cases the sound or vibration warning will operate twice for
three seconds each time.
Figure 29
Figure 30
Oxygen Limit Indicator warning:
When the OLI graph reaches 7 or 8 bars, the IQ-800 responds with
a flashing display and the alarm. There are two types of warnings, as
described below. (Fig. 31)
a. 7 bars displayed: The OLI bar graph will blink for 15
b. 8 bars displayed: The OLI bar graph will blink continuously.
This information is recorded in the dive log.
The warning sound or vibration will operate twice for three seconds
each time the warning is active.
OLI warning
Decompression dive warning: If the NDL is 0 and a decompression
dive is entered, the diver is alerted with a warning, followed by the
decompression information display. Once the dive becomes a deco
dive the PGT bar graph, DECO icon, and “DECO” indicator blink for
15 seconds. The sound or vibrating alarm will operate twice for three
seconds. The information is recorded in the log. (Fig. 32)
Figure 31
Figure 32
Decompression stop violation lock and Out of Measurement
range lock
In this mode the computer is locked until 48 hours have elapsed.
The IQ-800 won't move to dive plan or dive set mode.
Α: Use this button to switch modes
C: This button works normally in selected mode
Β: This button works normally in selected mode
Ε: Water detection button: no function.
Out of Measurement range warning: If the computer enters this
warning mode, all of the display segments will blink as shown below.
The sound or vibrating alarm will operate twice for three seconds.
The warning is recorded in the log. (Fig. 33)
An IQ-800 displaying an “Out of Range” warning is incapable of
displaying other critical information such as depth, time, ascent rate,
, OLI, and deco stop violations, and required decompression
stops. You should not under any circumstances use an IQ-800
in such a way that would cause the Out of Range Warning to be
displayed. Under such conditions, the risk of serious personal
injury or death would be substantial.
Figure 33
Safety Stop warning: There are two types of safety stop warnings.
The diver is alerted to the start of the safety stop by a blinking stop
icon and SAFE indicator. If the safety stop has started and the depth
becomes less than 5 feet (1.4m), the remaining stop time will also
The warning is not recorded in the log.
(Fig. 34)
Figure 34
Altitude setting:The IQ-800 automatically measures and calculates
the current location's altitude and displays the corresponding altitude
rank. The relation between altitude rank levels and altitudes are
shown below. A new altitude measurement and calculation is made
once every ten minutes. (Fig. 35)
Altitude rank Altitude range
0 0-2952 feet (0-900m)
1 1968-5904ft (600-1800m)
2 4920-8528ft (1500-2600m)
3 7544-19680ft (2300-6000m)
Err Over 19680ft (over 6000m)
When the altitude is over 19680 feet (6000 meters), the display will
blink while showing the altitude rank and ‘Err icons and the dive
computer will not function until the altitude drops to a lower level
(under 19680 feet (6000 meters)). The calculations of PGT, OLI and
desaturation time are stopped when altitude is over 19680 feet (6000
meters), and ‘Err is displayed; however surface time continues to be
counted. When the altitude is less than 19680 feet (6000 meters),
the display shown before reaching that altitude is displayed again.
The same displays and processing occur if the altitude cannot be
measured for any reason.
Altitude measurements are made during all modes except Dive and
PC transfer mode. The computer will display the current altitude
setting icon in Time Mode and Plan Mode (In Dive Log mode the rank
of the dive is displayed.)
14. Altitude Setting
The IQ-800 is not intended for use at altitudes above 19680 ft
(6000 m). Diving at high altitudes carries an increased risk of
decompression sickness.
Figure 35
If the Altitude exceeds 19680 feet (6000 meters), the display shown
below will appear. (Fig. 37)
Α change in the altitude rank will cause PGT graph to be displayed
and desaturation time to be performed even if the PGT graph was
not previously active.
Never touch the water detection switch (E) or expose it to moisture
when on an airplane or in any other environment where air
pressure can change quickly.
When the PGT graph is high (7 or 8 bars), a change in the altitude
rank may cause the ninth level indicator to appear. To prevent this,
never use the dive computer when going to high-altitude locations,
since it will disable dive mode as a safety precaution. Normal
function of the dive computer will be restored when PGT graph
drops to 8 bars or less.
A difference of one-minute may occur between when the PGT graph
is turned off and when desaturation time is turned off.
altitude rank
Below are the Altitude Setting Icons for the rank of 0,1,2,3. If the
altitude exceeds 19680 feet, the icon will blink and the Err icon will be
displayed. (Fig. 36)
Altitude Setting
Figure 36
Figure 37
16. Battery Replacement
The IQ-800 uses one CR2032 3v battery.
In order to replace the battery, remove the clear cover with a coin
by unscrewing it in the “open” direction indicated by an arrow on
the cover. Remove the battery and inspect the compartment for
signs of corrosion or water. If you find signs of corrosion, return
the computer to your authorized TUSA dealer.
Replace the old battery with a new one, taking care that the
polarity is correct. Failure to do so may result in the computer
losing its calibration. Inspect and lubricate the battery
compartment cover O-ring with a thin film of silicone grease before
replacing it.
Screw the cover back in place in the direction indicated on the
cover. Do not over tighten.
Please note that the warranty does not cover damage to the
computer due to improper battery replacement.
15. Battery Level Icon
Battery level readings (BLD) are performed in all modes with the
exception of dive mode and PC transfer mode.
There are two BLD levels. If the voltage of the battery drops
between 2.9 and 2.8 volts, the first BLD will be activated and the
low battery icon will blink. If the voltage drops before 2.8 volts,
the second BLD will activate and the low battery icon will remain
on. If either BLD level is detected, the computer will not enter dive
mode. The sound/vibration alarm test will not work when the low
battery icon is blinking or on.
18. General Handling
Do not store the computer in hot and/or humid environments. The
pressure transducer is sensitive to both heat and humidity. If
impaired, it may cause display of incorrect altitude or depth data.
The IQ-800’s Liquid Crystal Display may darken if left in a hot
environment (such as on a car’s dashboard). It will return to normal
once allowed to cool; however, extensive exposure to heat may
shorten LCD life.
Other than for battery replacement, following the procedures outlined
in this manual, the IQ-800 is not to be disassembled by anyone other
than TUSA or its authorized dealers. Unauthorized disassembly will
violate the warranty.
If the IQ-800 does not appear to be functioning properly, in any
manner, do not use it to dive. Return it to your authorized TUSA
dealer for repair.
Rinse the IQ-800 thoroughly in fresh water following every dive.
Do not use cleansers, chemicals, or solvents to clean the IQ-800.
Use a soft cloth to gently wipe dirt or water stains from the screen.
Store the IQ-800 in a clean, dry location. After diving, wipe the
computer dry and store it in a location separate from other damp
17. Units of Measurement
You can change the units of measurement for water depth and
temperature of the IQ-800.
In Dive Set mode press and hold down both the B and C button for
six or more seconds. The computer will beep once to tell you that the
system has changed.
Always verify the units of measure are correct before starting to
19. Warranty
Two Year Limited Warranty
TUSA warrants that TUSA Scuba dive computers purchased from
authorized TUSA Scuba dealers shall be free from defects in
materials and workmanship under normal sport, skin and scuba
diving use and with proper maintenance and care for a period of two
(2) years from date of original purchase. Under this limited warranty,
TUSA will either repair or replace, at its sole option, any original
equipment or parts that fail to perform as intended. When this limited
warranty is in force, it covers the cost of necessary replacement
parts. Labor and shipping charges are not included and must be paid
by you.
You must save the original purchase receipt as proof of purchase.
This limited warranty applies only to the original purchaser and is not
transferable. TUSA makes no warranty or representation regarding
the performance of any products used in conjunction with TUSA’s
This Limited warranty applies only to dive computers sold through
authorized TUSA Scuba dealers.
This limited warranty shall be void if the computer has been misused,
abused, altered, neglected, lost, or changed. The warranty applies
only to normal sport, skin, or scuba diving use.
This limited warranty shall be void if the product has been modified,
or if repairs are performed by anyone other than an authorized TUSA
Equipment in question should be returned, prepaid, to your
authorized TUSA dealer, or TUSA, along with proof of purchase.
This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have
other rights which vary state to state.
If you have any questions concerning the Two (2) Year Limited
Warranty please address them to:
Customer Relations
2380 Mira Mar Ave
Long Beach, CA 90815
Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty
lasts or do not allow exclusion of incidental or consequential
damages, so the following limitations may not apply to you.
Tusa expressly limits any and all dive computer warranties,
expressed or implied, to the two year term as set forth above. All
remedies are waived unless claim is made within the applicable
twenty-four (24) month period.
Your remedies are limited to those contained therein and are in lieu of
all other remedies, whether based on breach of warranty or contract,
negligence, strict product liability or other tort. TUSA specifically
disclaims liability for any consequential, special or indirect damages
arising out of the use of your dive computer.
Alarm Cause Warning
Ascent Rate Violation
The ascent rate bar
graph is 7 or more.
Sound: Warning
sounds for 3 seconds
Vibration: active for 3
Transition to deco
Exceeding the NDL
Warning sounds twice
for three seconds
Vibration is active
twice for three
Transition to deco
stop violation
The current depth is
shallower than the
deco stop depth
Transition to out of
measurement range
1. Depth exceeds 330
ft (99.9m)
2. Dive time exceeds
599 minutes
3. Deco stop depth
exceeds 99ft (30m)
4. Deco stop time
exceeds 99 minutes
5. Total ascent time
exceeds 99 minutes
OLI warning 1. OLI increases to 7
2. OLI is 8
PO2 warning 1. PO2 increases to
2. PO2 is 1.6
NDL warning When NDL is less
than 3 minutes
Alarm sounds for 3
Vibration is active for
3 seconds.
Safety Stop warning 1 When the safety stop
timer begins 3 minute
Safety Stop warning 2 When a depth of 1.4m
is measured when
there is still safety
stop time remaining.
20. Alarm Table
Alarm Cause Warning
Ft/m Selection When changing the
unit of measure
Confirmation sound
History Clear When clearing the
Confirmation sound
Dive Mode prohibition
When the E button
is active during the
following conditions:
1. An altitude reading
2. During an out
of measurement
range lock and
decompression stop
violation lock
3. During a low
battery reading
4. When the PGT
reaches 9 level
indicators due to an
altitude change or
USF change.
Constant warning
sound. The alarm
will continue until the
E button is no longer
21. Air default function.
The FO
setting will return to AIR after 12 to 13 hours unless the
computer is in a dive or a lock mode.
Once in a lock condition the computer will remain that way for 48
hours. After the lock condition has passed the FO
is set to AIR.
If a dive is recorded in the log with a time of 3 minutes or more, the
will return to AIR after 10 minutes of surface time, except in a
locked condition. If the dive time was less than 3 minutes, the FO
will not return to AIR after 10 minutes of surface time.
If 12 to 13 hours after the FO
setting change elapses during a dive,
the FO
will return to AIR regardless of whether the dive was more or
less than three minutes.
22. Technical Specifications
(1) Accuracy
Time: average monthly variance ±30 seconds
Depth: ±3%+2ft (±3%+0.5m)
Temperature : ±4°F (±2.0℃)
(2) Measurement range
Depth: 0.0-328ft (0.0-99.9m)
Dive time: 0-599 minutes
Altitude: 0-19680ft (0-6000m)
Altitude measurement interval of 10 minutes
(It excludes dive mode, time set mode, PC transfer mode.)
Temperature: 23104°F (-5+40℃)
Measurement interval: 1 minute (during dive mode)
(3) Operating temperature
Operating temperature: 23104°F (-5+40℃)
(At cold temperature, the display will be somewhat dim)
(4) NITROX setting
: 21-99%, setting step: 1%
(5) waterproof range
The waterproof range: to 328ft (99.9m)
(6) Battery life
Battery life: about 2.5 years (uses one CR2032 battery) under
conditions as follows:
The computer is used for 50 one-hour dives in a year, with the
backlighting active for 10 seconds a day and with the alarm sounding
for 10 seconds per a dive.
Date Purchased:
IQ-800 Serial Number:
Zip Code:
Owners Information

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