If you want to enable export, press properties button to configure it. Review the
· Profile: Select already created profile or create at least one to start using video
frame export. There are two types of profiles: file export profile and FTP export
profile. Use manage button to create edit or delete those profiles
· File Name Template: Each frame will be saved into file, this template string will
be used for formatting filename. Please make sure that it will be unique by
adding it's time in milliseconds (ms) or random unique string ( $(Ms) or
$(Unique) format tags
7. Click Manage.
8. The “Profiles” window appears. Review the settings:
· Profiles: Edit or delete already created profiles in this list by pressing
corresponding buttons.
· Create: Use Create button to choose where do you want to export video
frames (File Export Profile or FTP Server Export Profile)
o FTP Server Export Profile
Fill the fields below with FTP access data to allow SecurView Pro to
connect and save frames there. Then click Apply.