BB 4000
e PIN?
BB 4000
enter PIN
2.7 Entering and modifying the PIN time –
energy-saving function
If the cycle computer, which is in sleep mode
with the PIN function active (PIN not equal to
0000), is not awakened over a certain period
of time, it can only be reactivated by entering
your PIN. This period of time (PIN time) can
be entered or modified in the "New PIN
time?" window: After you have pressed the
SET button, you will be requested to enter
your PIN. After making a correct entry, you
will be transferred to "PIN TIME", where you
can enter up to 240 min. The factory setting
is 60 min. In sleep mode, only the time will be
displayed until the PIN time elapses. After the
PIN time elapses, the time display will also be
faded out. If the PIN time is set to "0", this
energy-saving function is deactivated and the
time will be permanently displayed.
2.6 Entering and modifying the PIN – anti-theft protection
You can protect your cycle computer against foreign access
with a PIN. Activation of the cycle computer is only possible in
this case if the PIN is entered correctly. After adjusting the time
and date, the user is transferred to the "Change PIN?" window.
You can enter your own PIN here and subsequently modify it if
necessary. If you do not wish to use any PIN, press the MODE
button. Otherwise, after pressing the SET button, you will be
asked to enter the former PIN (the factory setting is "0000"). In
order to do this, press the MODE button until the appropriate
digit appears and subsequently jump to the next position by
pressing the SET button. The PIN is controlled. If the PIN has
been incorrectly entered, "Wrong PIN" appears for approx. 3
seconds and you will be requested to make a new entry. If the
PIN is correct, enter a new PIN of your choice as described
above. After confirming the last position by pressing the SET
button, the PIN must be re-entered. If repetition of the PIN is
incorrect, you will be returned to the "Change PIN?" window. If
you wish to dispense with safeguarding your cycle computer
with a PIN, reset the PIN to "0000".
Please note your personal PIN on page 2, so that you can have
it available if appropriate.