4.24 Subscribing a Butler 1800T handset to a Butler 1010 base unit
The below procedure only applies to a Butler 1800T handset and Butler 1010 base unit!!
Press the Paging key on the base unit for 10 seconds until the Line/Charge indicator
op the base unit starts to blink quickly. The Line/Charge indicator will blink quickly for one
minute. During this minute, the base unit is in subscribing mode and you must do the
following to subscribe the handset:
• Press the key once.
• Press the OK key and select a base unit (1-4) with the keys.
• Press the OK key.
• Enter the PIN code of your base unit. Usually: 0000.
• Press OK. The Butler 1800T now searches for your DECT base unit. As soon as it finds it, you
will see the identification code of this base unit on the display.
• Press OK to confirm your selection or press ESC to cancel the subscription.
4.25 Removing subscription of a handset to a base unit
It is possible to cancel subscription of a handset to a base unit. You would do this if a
handset is damaged and has to be replaced by a new one.
Caution: You can only cancel subscription of another handset, not the handset you are using to do the
cancellation procedure.
• Press the Programming key .
• Press the Up or Down key repeatedly until ‘SETTING’ appears on the display.
• Press the Programming key .
• Press the Up or Down key repeatedly until ‘REMOVE HS’ appears on the display.
• Press the Programming key .
• ‘PIN’ appears on the display.
• Enter your 4-digit PIN code in (default PIN code is ‘0000’). Use the number keypad.
• Press the Programming key .
• ‘REMOVE HS’ appears on the display.
• Dial the number of the handset you want to remove (1 –5). Use the number keypad.
• Press the Programming key .
• ‘REMOVE HS’ appears on the display and the handset is removed
• NOT SUB’ appears on the handset removed.
4.26 Selecting a base unit
If your handset is subscribed to several base unit stations (max. 4) , you must select a base unit
because the handset can only communicate with one base unit at a time. There are two possibilities:
4.26.1 Automatic selection
If you set the handset to ‘automatic selection’, the handset will automatically choose the closest
base unit in standby.
• Press the Programming key .
• Press the Up or Down key repeatedly until ‘SETTING’ appears on the display.
• Press the Programming key .
Butler 1010
HANDL. B1010 26-03-2001 12:11 Page 65