50tolino Manual
There are four widely used methods for identification: the Adobe ID, the tolino reg-
istration, the “Apple world” and the “Amazon model”. While Apple and Amazon use
their own proprietary processes, the Adobe ID and the tolino world are open to many
As long as you stay in the tolino world, access protection is very conveniently regulat-
ed for you. After purchasing a book, it is available in the tolino cloud and is automat-
ically transfered to your tolino during synchronization. Only in the case of DRM-pro-
tected books (these are only a few) do you initially receive a so-called ACSM file in
the cloud, for which you need an Adobe ID in order to be able to load the book onto
tolino in EPUB format. If you have stored such an Adobe ID on your tolino, you will not
notice any difference to the “normal” process, as the device automatically takes care
of all the necessary steps after tapping the e-book in your library. However, ACSM
files have a built-in expiration date. In most cases, they are only valid for 24 hours,
so you should have opened a newly purchased book at least once within this period
of time, otherwise the EPUB file cannot be loaded anymore. If such a case occurs,
please contact the customer service of the e-book shop.
You will also need the Adobe ID if you want to borrow e-books from your library. (See
Section 5.5, “Borrowing e-books”).
It is possible to register multiple devices or software installations (usually five) with
your Adobe ID.
4.5 Creating an Adobe ID
The most convenient way is to create an Adobe ID on your computer.
1. Enter the URL, www.adobe.com. This will take you to the Adobe home page.
Once there, click on Sign In. If the URL has changed in the meantime, use “Adobe
ID” to search for the page.
2. On the sign-in page, click on the Get an Adobe ID link.
3. Complete the form that displays, and click on Sign up.
4. This will take you to your newly created Adobe account. For verification, Adobe
sends you an email with a link that you must click.
You are now the owner of an Adobe ID, and you must enter both details in your tolino
if you want to read DRM-protected e-books.
1. Open the menu on your tolino and tap on My accounts.