only be used when a contract with a professional
emergency call service is in place that ensures
there is always help available from a person on the
emergency number entered.
Use the acknowledged emergency call if you are
using the emergency call function when the phone
is being used for personal purposes. After the con-
nection is established, the phone expects that the
other end presses the "5" key. This prevents a con-
nection to an answering machine or voice service
being accepted as a successful emergency call.
If at least one emergency number is entered in the
configuration and the emergency key is enabled,
the phone initiates an emergency call when the
emergency key is pressed for 2 seconds or so.
The phone then sounds an alarm tone and (if acti-
vated) sends an SMS with an individually configu-
rable text to the (up to 5) emergency number(s)
Next, the telephone will call the first of the saved
emergency numbers. If the call is accepted, the Er-
gophone (only when the emergency call is con-
firmed) requests the called party to press the "5" key
on the phone at the other end. If the called party
presses this key, the connection stays up until ei-
ther you or the called party hangs up. If the called
party does not press the "5" key within 60 seconds,