Programmable parameters
When the door intercom adapter has been connected, the door opener can be activated from
every extension. Authorisation to activate the door opener can be individually switched on or off.
To switch the door opener authorisation on or off
1. Pick up the handset of extension
2. Dial the program code number
19999 .
3. Dial the code number for the desi-
red doorbell authorisation status
according to the table below. For ex.
403 , to deactivate the door opener
authorised for extension 23.
4. Replace the handset.
You hear the telephone system’s dial tone.
You hear an acknowledgement signal.
As confirmation you hear an acknowledge-
ment signal.
Extension 3 is no longer authorised to
open the door. Dialling the door opener
code number 6 the door opener will not
be activated. You hear a busy tone.
The programming is finished.
Extension 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 all
Door opener authorisation On 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 490
Door opener authorisation Off 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 400