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Machine setting
Before you sew the actual buttonles on
the actual garment, make several
practice buttonholes on a fabric
Use interfacing on stretch fabrics.
A. Select Bh1, Draw both threads to the left under the
Insert the garment under the foot.
1. Start mark
Coreded buttonholes
(1) With the buttonhole foot raised, hook the filler cord on the spur at
the back of the buttonhole foot. Bring the ends toward you under
the buttonhole foot, clearing the front end.
Hook the filler cord into the forks on the front of the buttonhole
foot to hold them tight. Lower the needle into the garment where
the buttonhole will start and lower the foot.
(2) Sew the buttonhole according to the buttonhole sewing
instructions. Depress the foot control gently and sew the
buttonhole the same as in normal buttonhole sewing.
(3) Pull the left end of the filler cord to tightten it. Thread the end of
the cord through a darning needle, draw it to the wrong side of
the fabric andcut.
3. Spur
4. Spring holder
B. Lower the needle at the starting point. Then lower the
buttonhole foot. Sew the required length of the left side of
buttonhole and stop the machine.
C. Raise the needle to its highest position by turning the
handwheel, then BH2, 4.
Sew five bartack stitches and stop the machine.
D. Raise the needle to its highest position and select BH3, sew
the right side of buttonhole the same length as the left side
and stop the machine.
E. Raise the needle and select the BH2,4, and sew five of the
bartack stitches.
F. Raise the presser foot and draw out the
fabric, cut both needle and bobbin threads
leaving approxi mately 10cm of thread ends
Draw the needle thread to the wrong side of
the fabric by pulling the bobbin thread. Then,
knot the threads.
G. Place a pin on the rear side of the bartack
position so that you don’t need to worry
about cutting the opening with your seam
2. Seam ripper