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Fabrics Threads Needle Size
Light weight Crepe de Chine, Voile, Fine silk 9 or 11
Lawn, Organdy, Georgette, Fine cotton
Tricot Fine synthetic
Fine cotton covered polyester
Medium weight Linens, Cotton, Piqué, Serge, 50 Silk 11 or 14
Double Knits, Percale 50 to 80 Cotton
50 to 60
Cotton covered polyester
Heavy weight Denim, Tweed, Gabardine, 50 Silk 14 or 16
Coating, Drapery and 40 to 50 Cotton
upholstery fabricie 40 to 50
Cotton covered polyester
• In general, fine threads and needles are used for sewing thin fabrics ,and thicker threads and needles are used for sewing heavy fabrics.
Always test thread and needle size on a small piece of fabric which will be used for actual sewing.
• Use the same thread for needle and bobbin.
• When sewing very fine fabrics, sew over a piece of paper to prevent yarn distortion.