Q1: I cannot log in to the web UI of the repeater. What should I do?
A1: Try the following solutions:
− If a mobile device is used, ensure that your WiFi device has connected to the repeater’s WiFi network
Tenda_EXT, and the Mobile Data (if any) function is disabled.
− If a computer is used, ensure that your computer has connected to the repeater’s WiFi network
Tenda_EXT, and your computer has set to Obtain an IP address automatically and Obtain DNS server
address automatically.
− Unplug the Ethernet cable connecting your computer to your existing router/modem.
− If re.tenda.cn does not work the first time you set up the repeater, try accessing
− Reset the repeater, and try again.
Q2: How to reset the repeater?
A2: With the PWR LED solid on, press the RESET button down using a paper clip. All LEDs blink once at the
same time, and then light off. Wait about for 40 seconds until the PWR LED lights solid on again. The repeater
is reset successfully.
Q3: The repeater cannot find the WiFi network of my router/modem. What should I do?
A3: Try the following solutions:
− Ensure that the WiFi network of your router/modem is enabled and can be detected by your WiFi device.
− Change the channel of your router/modem, and try again.
− Change the encryption type of the router/modem to WPA-PSK or WPA2-PSK, and try again.