1. ❑ Mr. ❑ Mrs. ❑ Miss. ❑ Ms. First name: ________________ Last name: ______________________
2. Address: ____________________________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________ Postcode:__________________
3. Country: _____________________________________________________________________________
4. Email address:________________________________________________________________________
5. Date of Purchase:________________ Product name:_______________________ Size:_____________
Please indicate if you do not wish to remain on our mailing list (X)
and if you are happy to be contacted by email
Rogamos lo indique aquí (X)
si no desea figurar en nuestra lista de correo, o aquí
si desea ser contactado por
correo electrónico.
Veuillez indiquer ici (X)
si vous ne souhaitez pas rester sur notre liste de fichier d'adresses électroniques
Bitte kreuzen Sie hier (X)
an, wenn Sie von uns weiterhin per E-Mail kontaktiert werden wollen und hier
Sie nicht mehr in unserer Adressenliste geführt werden wollen.
Indique aqui (X)
se não desejar permanecer na nossa mailing list e aqui
se desejar ser contactado por email.
Geeft u hier alstublieft aan indien u niet langer op onze verzendlijst vermeld wilt zijn (X)
en hier indien u ermee
instemt om via email gecontacteerd te worden
Vogliate indicare qui (X)
se non desiderate far parte della nostra lista clienti e qui
se desiderate essere contattati
via e-mail.
GUARANTEE REGISTRATION - Return within 10 days of purchase. Please take the
time to complete all guarantee information. No information provided will be sold or
distributed to soliciting organisations. This information will only be used internally by
Aero Products International Ltd., for our own research although we may use it to
inform you of any special offers.
REGISTRO DE LA GARANTIA - Envie dentro de 10 dias despues de la compra.
Rogamos se tome el tiempo necesario para completar toda la información referente a
la garantía y nos la envíe en el plazo de 10 días. La información facilitada no será
vendida o distribuida a ninguna organización que lo solicite. Esta información será
solo usada internamente por Aero Products International Ltd., para su propia
investigación, aunque podemos usarla para informale acerca de ofertas especiales.
ENREGISTREMENT DE GARANTIE - Postez dans les 10 jours qui suivent l'achat.
Veuillez prendre le temps de renseigner le bon de garantie et de nous le retourner
sous 10 jours. Aucune information fournie ne sera vendue ou distribuée à des
organismes de démarchage. Ces informations seront seulement utilisées de façon
interne par Aero Products International Ltd., pour nos propres recherches, même si
nous pouvons les utiliser pour vous informer de toutes les nouvelles offres.
GARANTIEANMELDUNG - Innerhal von 10 Tagen nach Kaufdatum einsenden. Bitte
füllen Sie alle Garantie-Informationen vollständig aus und senden Sie diese innerhalb
von 10 Tagen an uns zurück. Ihre personenbezogenen Daten werden in keinem Fall
an außenstehende Dritte weitergegeben. Wir nutzen Ihre Daten ausschließlich für
den internen Gebrauch der Aero Products International GmbH und für die
Unterbreitung weiterer Angebote.
REGISTRO DE LA GARANTIA - Devolver no prazo de 10 dias a contar da compra.
Preencha todas as informações da garantia e devolva-a no prazo de 10 dias.
Nenhuma informação fornecida será vendida ou distribuída a outras organizações.
Estas informações só serão utilizadas internamente pela Aero Products International
Ltd., para pesquisa, embora as possamos utilizar para lhe dar a conhecer alguma
oferta especial.
GARANTIE REGISTRATIE - Binnen 10 dagen na aankoop retourneren. Neemt u
alstublieft de tijd om de garantie in te vullen en deze binnen 10 dagen naar ons terug
te sturen. De verstrekte informatie zal niet aan andere organisaties doorverkocht of
gedistribueerd worden. Deze informatie zal alleen door Aero Products International
Ltd., gebruikt worden voor ons eigen onderzoek en om u op de hoogte te houden van
speciale aanbiedingen.
REGISTRAZION DE LA GARANZIA - Rispedire entro 10 dieci giorni dall'acquisto.
Vogliate fornire tutte le informazioni richieste dalla garanzia ed inviarla entro 10 giorni.
Nessuna delle informazioni fornite sarà venduta o divulgata ad organizzazioni che ne
facciano richiesta. Tali informazioni resteranno esclusivamente ad uso interno della
Aero Products International Ltd., a scopo di ricerca, ma potranno essere utilizzate per
informare la clientela di eventuali offerte speciali.
6. Place of purchase
a. ❑
Retail store please specify ____________
b. ❑
Catalogue please specify ____________
c. ❑
Website please specify ____________
d. ❑
TV please specify ____________
e. ❑
Other please specify ____________
7. How did you first hear about the AeroBed
a. ❑
In store
b. ❑
c. ❑
d. ❑
e. ❑
Other please specify ____________
8. What were the most important influences on your
a. ❑
Product features
b. ❑
c. ❑
Convenience of use
d. ❑
Quality and durability
e. ❑
f. ❑
Product packaging
g. ❑
h. ❑
In store DVD/display
i. ❑
j. ❑
Value for money
k. ❑
Reputable brand
l. ❑
Prior experience with an aero
Received as a gift
n. ❑
Recommendation of a friend
o. ❑
Special offer
p. ❑
Health reasons
9. How will you use this product?
a. ❑
At home - for guests
b. ❑
Children’s sleepovers
c. ❑
e. ❑
f. ❑
As a permanent bed
g. ❑
Other please specify ____________
10. Do you currently own any other Aero
a. ❑
Yes please specify ____________
b. ❑
11. What is your gender?
a. ❑
b. ❑
12. Which age group do you belong to?
a. ❑
b. ❑
c. ❑
d. ❑
e. ❑
f. ❑
g. ❑
h. ❑
i. ❑
j. ❑
k. ❑
13. Which category best describes you?
a. ❑
b. ❑
Employed please specify ____________
c. ❑
Full-time parent
d. ❑
e. ❑
14. If you have dependents which age group do
they belong to?
a. ❑
b. ❑
c. ❑
d. ❑
15. Which description best describes your living
a. ❑
With parents
b. ❑
Shared house
c. ❑
d. ❑
e. ❑
✂ ✂
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