Note: the Time/date information is only available for MIN/MAX temperature data, and will be changed
to default time after the reset operation
• Change LCD contrast, time zone, Time Reception ON/OFF, 12/24 hour display, hour, year, month,
day, °C/°F and weather forecasting icon sensitivity units in setting modes
Note: in 24hr time display mode, the day is set by using the IN key. In 12hr time display mode, the
month is set by using the IN key
OUT key (Outdoor)
• Used to toggle between the current / minimum / maximum outdoor temperature
• Press for around 3 seconds to reset the outdoor maximum and minimum temperature records (will
reset all temperatures to current level of the relative transmitter being reset - each transmitter’s data
must be reset separately)
Note: the time/date information of MIN/MAX data will be reset to default time as well.
• Change minute, month, day in setting modes
Note: in 24hr time display mode, the month is set by using the OUT key. In 12hr time display mode,
the day is set by using the OUT key
CH key (Channel)
• Toggle between the outdoor Temperature Transmitters 1, 2 and 3 (if more than 1 transmitter is used)
• Exit manual setting mode