z Overheat detection to protect rechargeable batteries from over-charging
z Minus delta voltage (-dV) detection for charge termination
z Damaged batteries detection
z Discharge mode (first discharging and then charging) to remove memory effect of
rechargeable batteries
z Refreshing old rechargeable batteries by discharging/ charging cycles
z Test function to check the capacities of rechargeable batteries
z Different Charging/ Discharging functions can be launched independently and
simultaneously to each rechargeable battery in the compartments
z Various display modes during charging/ discharging – the charging current (in mA),
time elapsed (in hh:mm), the terminal voltage (in V) and accumulated capacities (in
mAh or Ah)
1. Charging unit
2. Transformer
3. Instruction Manual
There are three easy-to-use function keys and four number keys in the charging unit: