you’ve read an item. As of this writing, news items are
permanently displayed in VoiceSupport.
Once you’ve browsed the news items, please take a
moment to register your product by clicking on the
REGISTER button on the top menu and filling out the
online form.
From time to time, a new firmware version aka “update”
of Harmony-G XT may be available. Updates usually
contain users’ feature suggestions, improvements and
bug fixes.
The DOWNLOAD tab is only used when an update is
available for your product. Depending on whether an
update is available, this may show only the “Load a sysex
file...” item or, above it, an item describing an update. If
there are several, the top item is the newest. Be sure to
read any details on update items before installing onto
your product.
If you have edited the presets on your Harmony-G XT,
you may want to back them up on your computer for
safekeeping. You can also use this tab to transfer your
presets to another Harmony-G XT.
There are two windows: Backup and Restore. Backup
loads your presets and/or setup parameters (48V on/off,
Stereo/mono etc) into a user-specified folder on your
computer and Restore sends this same data from the
computer to your Harmony-G XT.
Check Back!
The news items that VoiceSupport downloads can
benefit you and increase enjoyment and knowledge
about your product. Make sure to run the app now and
then (even without Harmony-G XT connected) to see
what’s new.
Using the VoiceSupport Application