Section 1: Introduction
Registering VoicePro
There are two methods for registering your VoicePro:
• Online: visit www.tc-helicon.com/VoicePro and click
Product Registration in the left hand column.
• Mail: complete and return the registration card included
with your product
If you run into technical challenges, TC-Helicon will be
more than happy to help. There are a number of sources
for product support. We've prioritized them below according
to the speed at which you will access the help information.
1.Help Button: VoicePro has an integrated context
sensitive help system. You can access the help system
from any tab in VoicePro by clicking the Help Button.
More information about VoicePro Help is covered in
Section 2: Getting Started.
2.Manual: The manual for VoicePro is extensive. It's a
good source of application information and in depth
answers for common questions.
3.On-Line: visit www.tcsupport.tc to search and ask for
answers on up to date questions about VoicePro.
4.Phone: International: +45 8742 7000 | USA & Canada:
805 373 1828