Central Nervous System
Toxicity Toxicity caused by oxygen. Can cause a variety of
neurological symptoms. The most important of which is an
epileptic-like convulsion which can cause a diver to drown.
CNS% Central Nervous System toxicity limit fraction. Also note
Oxygen Limit Fraction
Compartment See “Tissue group”.
DAN Divers Alert Network.
DCI Abbreviation for decompression illness.
Decompression Time spent at a decompression stop or range before
surfacing, to allow absorbed nitrogen to escape naturally
from tissues.
Decompression range On a decompression stop dive the depth range, between
the fl oor and ceiling, within which a diver must stop for
some time during ascent.
Decompression illness Any of a variety of maladies resulting either directly or
indirectly from the formation of nitrogen bubbles in tissues
or body fl uids, as a result of inadequately controlled
decompression. Commonly called “bends” or “DCI”.