How to share network connections to other computers?
The primary device (the device which is connected to the Internet) does not need
any special conguration. However, you need to congure the device that is con-
nected to the local hub or machine as follows:
1. Start the dialog for conguring network connections as described in Section 25.3,
“Conguring Network Connections” (page 451). Choose the connection you
want to modify and click Edit. If you are using GNOME, switch to the IPv4
Settings tab and from the Method drop-down list, choose Shared to other com-
puters. If you are using KDE, switch to the IPv4 Address or IPv4 Address tab
and from the Method drop-down list, choose Shared. That will enable IP trafc
forwarding and run a DHCP server on the device. Conrm your changes in
2. As the DCHP server uses port 67, make sure that it is not blocked by the rewall:
On the machine sharing the connections, start YaST and select Security and
Users > Firewall. Switch to the Allowed Services category. If DCHPv4 Server
is not already shown as Allowed Service, select DCHPv4 Server from Services
to Allow and click Add. Conrm your changes in YaST.
How to provide static DNS information with automatic (DHCP, PPP, VPN) addresses?
In case a DHCP server provides invalid DNS information (and/or routes), you can
override it. Start the dialog for conguring network connections as described in
Section 25.3, “Conguring Network Connections” (page 451). Choose the connection
you want to modify and click Edit. If you are using GNOME, switch to the IPv4
Settings tab, and from the Method drop-down list, choose Automatic (DHCP) ad-
dresses only. If you are using KDE, switch to the IPv4 Address or IPv4 Address
tab, and from the Method drop-down list, choose Automatic (DHCP) addresses
only. Enter the DNS information in the DNS Servers and Search Domains elds.
From the drop-down list at the top of the tab, select Routes if you want to Ignore
automatically obtained routes. Conrm your changes.
How to make NetworkManager connect to password protected networks before a user
logs in?
Dene a system connection that can be used for such purposes. For more
information, refer to Section 25.7, “NetworkManager and Security” (page 462).
Using NetworkManager 465