“Adding or Editing Connections” (page 453). Click the NetworkManager icon and
select the newly congured connection to activate it.
To switch off all network connections, both wired and wireless, right-click the icon
and uncheck Enable Networking.
25.5.2 Managing Wireless Network
GNOME NetworkManager lists a number of available visible wireless networks. To
extend the list, click More Networks. The signal strength of each network is also shown
in the menu. Encrypted wireless networks are marked with a lock icon.
Procedure 25.4:
Connecting to a Wireless Network
To connect to a wireless network, click the NetworkManager icon and choose an
entry from the list of available wireless networks.
If the network is encrypted, a dialog opens. It shows the type of encryption the net-
work uses (Wireless Security) and holds a number of input elds according to the
respective encryption and authentication settings. Enter the appropriate credentials.
To connect to a network that does not broadcast its service set identier (SSID or
ESSID), and therefore cannot be detected automatically, click the NetworkManager
icon and choose Network Settings > Wireless > Other.
In the dialog that opens, enter the connection details and click Connect.
To disable wireless networking, click the icon and click the OFF button next to
Wireless. This can be useful if you are on a plane or in any other environment where
wireless networking is not allowed.
A wireless network that has been chosen explicitly will remain connected as long as
possible. If a network cable is plugged in during that time, any connections that have
been set to Connect Automatically will be connected, while the wireless connection
remains up.
Using NetworkManager 459