Hostname: Choose any name you like.
Proceed with Next.
Set the Operating Mode to Ad-hoc.
Choose a Network Name (ESSID). This can be any name, but it has to be used on
every computer in the ad-hoc network.
Select an Authentication Mode for your network. Which mode is suitable, depends
on your WLAN card's driver and the ability of the other devices in the network.
If you have chosen to set the Authentication Mode to No Encryption, nish the
conguration by clicking Next. Conrm the message about this potential security
risk and leave the Overview tab showing the newly congured WLAN card with
If you haven chosen any of the other authentication modes, proceed with Proce-
dure 24.2, “Entering the Encryption Details” (page 439).
If you do not have smpppd installed, YaST asks you to do so.
Congure the other WLAN cards in the network accordingly, using the same
Network Name (ESSID), the same Authentication Mode but different IP addresses.
24.5.4 Setting Additional Conguration
Usually there is no need to change the precongured settings when conguring your
WLAN card. However, if you need detailed conguration of your WLAN connection,
YaST allows you to tweak the following settings:
The specication of a channel on which the WLAN station should work. This is
only needed in Ad-hoc and Master modes. In Managed mode, the card automatically
searches the available channels for access points.
442 Reference