About This Guide
This manual will see you through your initial contact with openSUSE®. Check out
the various parts of this manual to learn how to install, use and enjoy your system.
Installation and Setup
Guides you through the installation process and the basic conguration of your
system. Introduces YaST, the central tool for installation and conguration of your
system. Learn how to set up or modify key components of your system and how
to connect to the internet.
This part mainly addresses to users changing to Linux from other operating sys-
tems. It introduces basic Linux concepts such as the user concept, the structure
of the le system and access permissions for les and directories. An introduction
to the shell is also provided, although you hardly ever need the command line to
interact with your system nowadays.
Help and Troubleshooting
Provides an overview of where to nd help and additional documentation in case
you need more information or want to perform specic tasks with your system.
Also nd a compilation of the most frequent problems and annoyances and learn
how to solve these problems on your own.
This manual documents milestone 7 of openSUSE 12.1.
Many chapters in this manual contain links to additional documentation resources.
This includes documentation that is available on the system as well as documentation
available on the Internet.
For an overview of the documentation available for your product and the latest doc-
umentation updates, refer to http://www.novell.com/documentation/opensuse114 or
to the following section.
1 Available Documentation
We provide HTML and PDF versions of our books in dierent languages. The following
manuals for users and administrators are available on this product:
Start-Up (page 1)
Guides you step-by-step through the installation of openSUSE from DVD, or from
an ISO image, gives short introductions to the GNOME and KDE desktops including
some key applications running on it. Also gives an overview of LibreOce and its
modules for writing texts, working with spreadsheets, or creating graphics and